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Everything posted by gui0007

  1. Version A Version B Original Topic Another great Ninja Masters stage made by Kyoman. And he planned to made more NM stages. :) Have 1.1 Zoom and works in Winmugen too. Animated? Yes.
  2. Awesome vids Dartz! :D I'll follow for sure. Keep it coming bro!
  3. Click in the author name to download. PLAYER SELECT Bang Calnarsa Harman Ottoh Jail Lance All chars by AnkokuNaitou || Harman by ChairmanKaga Pachet Spenoza Tiria AnkokuNaitou Pyrovivi AnkokuNaitou Pyrovivi Taruse NOT MUGENIZED YET Guston Seena STAGE SELECT Stages by Zion Stages by Navana Stages by Right Stuff Stages by Cenobite 53 Forest Stage by Span Calnarsa's Sunset and Tiria's Sunset (NSFW) by Luiz Chuck_Hikaryo Pier Stage by O Ilusionista Tiria and Patchet Stages by Agnibyte (Both missing) OTHER STUFF Sound Rips by Electrocaid AI Patches for Bang and Harman by NS
  4. Version A Version B Original Topic Made by Kyoman. Really a good stage. Have 1.1 Zoom and works in Winmugen too. Animated? Yes.
  5. NICE! Thanks for the update. :D don't say sorry okay. ;)
  6. No prob and thanks. :) 04/09/2015: 04/09/2015:
  7. Click in the author name to download. If you have any MUGEN material related to Battle Master, you're free to post in this topic. PLAYER SELECT SYON - Brown || CHAN - Brown || RANMARU - Nyankiryu / Sugio || ALTIA - Kiske Otoko ZENO - Dark Nekrobat NOT MUGENIZED YET CHARACTER LIST: BODY, JIAN, WATTS AND WOLVAN STAGE SELECT Stages by Cenobite53 Stages by Tamez Stages by Kurai Naito Altia Stage by Luiz Chuck_Hikaryo Hosted stages in Mugen-O-Rama OTHER STUFF Soundrip by Electrocaid
  8. It's just because of the broken images. But if you'll fix the images well Ryoucchi, so it doesn't needed to remade the collection. Well, i starting the Battle Master collection. I'll finish in few hours.
  9. Two more! 04/08/2015: 04/09/2015: My next step is to remade all the vs. series collections (XvSF, MSHvSF, MvC and MvC2), the Art Of Fighting series, and also made a Battle Master and a Battle Tycoon: Flash Hiders SFX collection too.
  10. Damn, i'll ready to post this one. XD Testing him out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRzHQWCzcYo At last a good Armadon for MUGEN, better than Cesar Sombra's spriteswap for sure.
  11. Hey, welcome to MFFA ヤモリX! :D Glad to see you here my friend.
  12. Hoho, sweet videos Ryutaro! I'll follow for sure. :)
  13. Oh hi, and welcome to MFFA bro. :) Next time if you want to made a request, doing here. And you find two great screenpacks with a lot of slots and here. ;)
  14. Haha, the old and great PaoDeMugen. :) One of the first Mugen forums that i visit a time ago.
  15. Hmmm, oh hey! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wkt1TqNRyDE This is really brilliant! Nice work fellas! :D
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