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Everything posted by gui0007

  1. Wow, another FC char coming? I can't wait! :D
  2. Tiiiiime to test!! Looks really promising Ryon! Congrats for this great release and keep it up! :)
  3. N.E.S.T.S vs. Those Who From The Past! Awesome match Haniki! And this Evil Ash is so dope!
  4. EPISODE 64 Requested by MugenSam99 Requests are OPEN again! If you want to made it, tell me. ENJOY!!
  5. EPISODE 63 Rolento wants a true victory against Maki! ENJOY!
  6. Original Topic [Preview] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hz0KssYCFyo [Author's Info] Only minor stuff, and also an intro with Rajaa's Maki from SFA3U. A patch is included for that Maki here. Hopefully that's everything, I have to get started on Project B. Download
  7. No problem bro. I tested her out and she's great! May i could made a video with her next days. :P
  8. A Waku Waku 7 style Heart Aino!! :D That's really awesome! Thanks for share! Edit: Here is a alternative link - http://www.mediafire.com/download/tca733ofa2g7ool/heart_wkwk.zip
  9. Nice concept in this one Sunaryo! Congrats for the release!
  10. Original Topic [Preview] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQl4Y0uOcaA [Author Info] Hello! Few time ago i decided to update Kairi only when the new spritesheet is done. I dont know when the new sprites will be done so, i decided to release this uddate that includes: - Some new effects (includind new projectile animation for Shinki Hatsudou) - New FX for Shouki Hatsudou ripped from TVC by Shinzankuro and converted to Hi res by Nestor - THANKS GUYS!!! - Some gameplay improvemnts - New animatons for stand medium kick, strong kick, and air medium kick - New Hyper portrait - Fixed the infinte combo - Compatible with Add004 lifebars - New small portrait by Hades - And some other stuff NOTES: - Still missing adjust hit boxes (i`ll do it whe the new sprites are done because i`m lazy); - Shouki Hatsudou looks strange in some 1.1 stages because the size of the sprites. - I`m still working on Zero Download
  11. But the Brazilian government doesn't care about that. :(
  12. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! http://www.ign.com/articles/2015/01/09/nintendo-officially-leaves-brazil As a Brazilian, i'm very sad!
  13. Two K' clones fight? Awesome! Please Haniki, made more battles of K' clones! ^^
  14. Next week i made a video with the Shin Mode too. Really awesome! :D
  15. Thanks Ishiro, i appreciate that. :)
  16. Great O.Iori Addi! Thanks for share here!
  17. And i made a video with this awesome Evil Ryu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXyMXiPPJfY
  18. EPISODE 60 "My Own Worst Enemy", a homenage to the great WizzyWhipitWonderful, with a duel that inspire him for made the CPS2 beat of the same name! ENJOY!
  19. [ORIGINAL TOPIC] http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/street-fighter-alpha-1-screenpack-1-1-updated--164313.0.html [sCREEN / VIDEO] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KKZWscfavw [AUTHOR INFO] My take on a Street Fighter Alpha 1 Screenpack for Mugen 1.1 640x480. It has the SFA Lifebar that was originally made by Leonheart edited by me to work in 640x480. The only thing missing now is the intro. It's not too accurate since I used fonts from other games and such. I didn't make those fonts by the way, I got them from some full game that I don't remember at the moment. Anyway, just put the folder in the data folder and edit the Mugen.cfg. Enjoy. [DOWNLOAD] http://www.mediafire.com/download/hpx4u8xmjkrd7qg/StreetFighterAlpha.zip
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