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Lillie's 音MADs

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Posts posted by Lillie's 音MADs

  1. Even with how simple they can be at times, I must throughly agree, I love kirbey's work. I really don't know anything about kaijus aside from some tippets here and there, but seeing his creations has made me legitmately want to check out the likes of Ultraman and such.

  2. Been thinking about this one alot, if there's really anyone I'd want in MUGEN right now, it's Satou Matsuzaka - the girl in my icon - from Happy Sugar Life. I'm not very good at all when it comes to spriting, but really, the moment I'd get better at it, or somehow obtain fitting sprites, I'd make her myself. She's one of my favorite characters in anime in general and over the course of the series, there's quite some material that could work out for a moveset, which I've basically already fully constructed in my head.

  3. I do understand you point - hence my upvote on your post - but I wasn't trying to insult you to begin with. If my post came off as doing so, I'm sorry. Please do not sort me off as one falling into one of the shitty aspects of this comunity - I was being civil from the start. I don't hate you and I have no reason to. 

    Consider this topic settled.

  4. I feel that you should get a better understanding of Cookie☆ before you go insulting it like that, just saying. Have you seen the effort put into those? Spend some time on NND looking at BBs.

  5. As a heads up, please do not add my Sattin AI patch just yet. I will take care to adjust it to fit the newest update and then report back.


    Gotta say though, this update, while making one super much better, also came with the side effect of, well - completly removing the eerieness from Sattin, if you ask me. I was never scared of her, but the weird screeching background noise in some of her supers was a great touch, made them much more unsettling. Now that's replaced by generic horror music. Much less effective if you ask me.

  6. On 3/29/2021 at 9:06 PM, DRag_N_DRop said:

    By anychance do you do AI patches for Weak Characters like some KOF or Weird Bootlegged Characters?

    I do certainly have an intrest in the latter, there were a few in that folder i have for all chars I want to have patches of sometime. If there's anyone you want to suggest, I can certainly take a look, though again, I'm easily distracted, so it might take me a while to get around to them. KOF is something I just...can't really get into fgameplay wise when it comes to mugen. Trust me, I tried, there was this Segata Sanshiro I wanted to patch but I hated how fucking precise you had to be with his inputs and I've seen that stuff a lot when it comes to KOF chars.


    I must also say - I'm gennerally a fan of lower tiers to begin with. The strength of my patches is usually all over the place, but I do prefer them, even if I don't make a patch purposefully weaker to reach them. When I design these, gennerally, I want tohe char to play well with what it is good at, but still use at least 95% of their kit, unless a move is just striaght up awful. Again, if you got anything, feel free to suggest a char and I'll take a look sometime.

  7. 8 new patches released.


    Chimerius by kirbey

    Devil Daimajin by googoo64

    Dixie Kong by A.T.

    Hildegard by YoyoCollao

    Koichi Pose by EX Falcion

    Mario by Michael J (refered to as Mario Hispania in the file, as the was the name of the OG def aswell)

    Raco by kozeni

    Sonic by Claymizer (V2)





    These have all been in the backlog for a while. Like, fuck, been a bit, huh. I'm just kinda sloppy with releases or using this website at all, really. As of recent, I feel my track record has improved, however.


    Go grab them at the usual link. Feel free to drop feedback as always and please tell me if I happen to forget a file again.

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