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Liberty Prime

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Everything posted by Liberty Prime

  1. [Preview] [Download] http://www.mediafire...6sgn3gp39pq0v53 [Comments] According to the MUGEN Wiki, this apparently inspired lots of people to make god characters. Please try not to attack too much with this character because sometimes it will forget that it's the human player and will randomly attack. Please note this character also regens health.
  2. Please note that the characters I would like to post I will post via my mediafire in order to try and not leech from other people. This is the character gloria. and this is Zetracenie. NOTE: All the characters I upload will be hyperlinked via image (like in the collections of this forum.), so please do not think I forgot to add the link.
  3. not sure. I refrained from posting Zatrecenie since Magio T. Margatroid has posted it in the edits section.
  4. I'm guessing that Zatracenie isn't on this forum. If it isn't, I'm willing to share the character. EDIT: Bollocks! Magio T. Margatroid beat me to it!
  5. Okay. EDIT: I try to save animation set 1 for Orochi Marisa, but it comes up with some particles from animation set 6000. EDIT2: I had to change the top slider on the animations tab to the character sprites instead of the particle sprites. I have the image file here, Orochi Marisa NOTE: The image is hyperlinked.
  6. YES! AN OFFICIAL COLLECTION FOR EDITS. and... stuff. . avi Also, how does one make the animations with [whatever-program-you-people-use-and-stuff.exe]
  7. W-reimu. After it says "fight!", you don't last a millisecond. It's like the character "F1".
  8. All of us should know IE! It's the first browser anyone actually got (unless they got browser choice and went for another web browser.)
  9. Shooting star (some marisa) : This marisa is a wierd edit. she spams projectiles, along with not being able to be space bar'd (this is good, which means Player 1 and 2's health can be raised but not shooting star's.) although she does regain full health but goes back to the health that it originally was 2 second later.
  10. Would this be in video gallery? Just wondering.
  11. Don't forget he fucks up mugen when he fights himself (Latest version of Chuck Norris only).
  12. Ronald McDonald (In MUGEN named Donald McDonald) = Sometimes rapidly regens health. Edit: Forgot about Chuck Norris! Very cheap! Also, if you put him against himself he will crash MUGEN. hurr hurr hurr.
  13. I use Comodo Dragon (Antivirus vendor variant of the Google Chrome web browser) Please don't flame browser users for using a different web browser to you, as this thread was not for starting a flame war. Thanks, -Merdecake.
  14. am I the only one that noticed that the buttons on the video codecs are looking simple like windows 8 (not saying that the youtube layouts are being simple)?
  15. A character that controls itself after randomly pressing attack buttons (god orochi did that a few times.)
  16. Youtube when it was founded: A small loving community Some ages later: Google became asshats and bought it MOAR AGES LATER: The apocalypse of the internet (mainly youtube, seeing as the layout is always changing)
  17. You should play the game or at least see some gameplay of the games, they were fun, and so was Sgt. Cortez's phrase in TS: Future Perfect. "It's time to split!"
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