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Everything posted by Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ

  1. 1-Chinese Food or Italian Food? 2-Why Remzy? 3-Light or Darkness? 4-Why Dragons are so OP at anything? 5-Clear Mind (skills) or Burning Soul (Power)? 6-You gona reap my soul?
  2. REVIVE AGAIN!! Trying other poses: Another sprite of my OC done YAY with some slighty fanservice ala Neptunia Style. May have some details off but is close to the style but for most i think ima fix the proportions a bit later I have others to finish but ima do another character before continue dunno another OC or a anime Character who knows.
  3. Secondary DEF files for 640x480 & 320x240 (non-Widescreen) resolutions if someone is interested: Click: "Here"
  4. I thin the "VS" logo is too big and cover too much of the aparently "background animation (is animated?)" dunno maybe a 75% scale could looks better IMO asides from that is looing really nice and simple.
  5. Thanks for the comments~ @Gui Bison really needed that cold-down~
  6. Oh this is likely. 800 slots+ HD with Widescreen localcoord(?) and seems to not gona end up over 200MB
  7. [PREVIEW] Video: [LINK] Mediafire.com My Other stuff: Excahm´s Mugen Blog [iNFO] -Mugen 1.0 or Higher. -Secondary DEF file for Mugen 1.0/1.1 Widescreen. -Superjump = Mid. [THANKS] -To my fav Goddess <3
  8. >Party Hard LOL loved that season~ Thanks for the coments
  9. Wanted to do another Neptunia Stage so went for the easy Lowee Snowfield.
  10. [PREVIEW] Video: [LINK] Tier1´s Hosting Server.Ex [iNFO] -Mugen 1.0 or Higher. -Secondary Def for Mugen 1.0/1.1 Widescreen. -Superjump = Yes. NOTE: This isnt a Mugen 1.1 stage however recomend using OpenGL Mode at Mugen 1.1 so the stage display correctly since looks really bad at 1.0 or system mode due massive colorloss honestly (did what i could to fix it sorry) [THANKS] To GLB for the clouds. To A_Person for the rips. To Garchompmatt for the BGM.
  11. To fael. 1- Favorite mech? 2- How much fanservice is enoght in anime? 3- Why Ronaldinho isnt playing at Brasil? 4- We rock? 5- Why we cant win always?
  12. New lifebars? (HD <3)I like them...But kinda the name text is slighty big doesnt (IMO)? or you havent made the fonts for it? Witherway looks so clean.
  13. Changed the Fog transparency from Addalpha to sub and looks kinda interesting...Like Black fog.
  14. 1- Why Miku? 2- From 1 to 10 how cool "Heroic Champion - Excalibur" Design look? 3- What crossover game would you like to see someday? 4- Whats the meaning of existence? 5- What happened to the old 2012 silent pokemon trainer Fael? 6- You love me? :D 7- A crossover movie of Sengoku Basara, Hokuto No Ken and Jojo´s Bizarre Adventure would be awesome or stupid?
  15. *slaps you* The background is nice but the fence/railing even with the same colors doesn´t blend well (semi-realistic BG +cartoony/anime fence) also thats one strong hud color O_o
  16. Well....went didnt had nothing to do so tried to start doing my own Custom thumbnail for Youtube (just my YGO stuff atm) For non-friend duels: For Friends Duels (yes we do some RP while playing at times):
  17. Somebody would take a request from excham plz?
  18. Oh well, i tried V: Quicky for a stage BG character (yes same OC again <3) ima edit more the outfit i guess but for now i just recolor and add more colors (has 4 tones per color now and some shading fix)
  19. Dijamos que no habemos muchos usuarios de habla español. (creo que en el tiempo que tengo aqui solo e conocido 4) pero bueno podriamos intentar comentar mas seguido
  20. [PREVIEW] [LINK] Source Thread: Mugen Team Mexico.com [COMMENT] Stage made for Mugen 1.0 at 1280x720 only HOWEVER i made some small tweaks and fixes to the DEF and made a secondary DEF for 640x480 so if you want the stage for HD and also 640x480 just download it from here instead: Sendspace.com
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