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Everything posted by Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ

  1. You dont need to. that is the download link above all "PKM_The_Great_Canyon.rar" .
  2. Probaby is the localcoords i set on the chars causes it. i have chars at localcoord 426.66,320.66 (so they dont look big at HD resolution) Edit: http://orig06.deviantart.net/eedb/f/2015/087/e/9/mugen022_by_excahm-d8ni88o.png http://orig00.deviantart.net/8c63/f/2015/087/4/e/mugen023_by_excahm-d8ni8av.png http://orig11.deviantart.net/d8c3/f/2015/087/3/c/mugen026_by_excahm-d8ni8eo.png ok my bad set the localcoors back to normal and works fine -.- sorry thx for sharing man
  3. uh, has something odd. when i do this move: This happens:
  4. You could also go here (Genesis Forum which host my stuff) http://tier-1.us/index.php?action=downloads;sa=view;down=38 And click on avobe "PKM_The_Great_Canyon.rar"
  5. >All Hard task. but heres like 200 of them however no screenshots, https://mfi.re/folder/japqszkcvgiei/Exshadow_stages
  6. le-Bumb bumb again! did another sprite of my OC but this time wearing a Slifer Red Uniform (Since totally love Yugioh 5Ds <3) the shoes took them from already made sprite just resize them down and fixed some pixels. This time used more anti-alias than before but again didnt aim total source accurate. I feel like making more of these XD
  7. except for the red spikes around the floor which looks off imo this looks neat
  8. [PREVIEW] [LINK] SFF: Sendspace.com Source Thread: Mugen Fighters Guild.com Char: Ryon´s Onedrive. >Characters >Others [iNFO] -Extract the files inside Dampir´s Patch and place them to remplace the ones inside Ryon´s Demitri Folder. -To Eable the Palettes just open the char DEF and remove the "[Palette Keymap]" from it.
  9. Thats a issue of Mugen 1.0 and WInmugen if i recall so not really.
  10. [PREVIEW] Video: [LINK] http://excahm.tier-1.us/ >Pokemon [iNFO] Type = Custom MUgen 1.0 or Higher. Secondary DEF for Mugen 1.0 Widescreen. Superjump = Yes [THANKS] T A_Person for the Rips.
  11. Thanks! also for those who uses Widescreen i did a small mistake. [stageInfo] zoffset = 465 autoturn = 0 <<<<<<<Turn this value to 1 or else your chars wont Auto-Turn to the foe. resetBG = 0 localcoord = 850,480 xscale = 1 yscale = 1
  12. If i recall you need to have an account and be log-in to watch videos at NicoNico. Wrong?
  13. Dunno why but iam almost expecting Rock with MB gameplay from the screens.
  14. [PREVIEW] Video: [LINK] http://excahm.tier-1.us/ >Excahm´s Box [iNFO] -Winmugen and Mugen 1.0 Compartible. -Secondary DEF file for Mugen 1.0 Widescreen. -Superjump: Yes [THANKS] To Exshadow for the Rain tile. To Yzan for the original concept and help.
  15. My sprite looks so cute <3 btw i recall you having more sprites than this =/ or you want to focus this thread to more recent sprites?
  16. not bad at 1st view buuut well download
  17. This totally x100 since Pokemon Silver I liked how now can use Ice and Water moves better since uses is Attack not is Sp.Attack now plus can use Dragon Dance. BUT overall is mostly because how he looks, hes a friggin 7 foot+ tall blue colored lizard that can throw punches XD
  18. Thanks all! (late reply due business :P) @Ghost Killer Nice! i like the face more now and yeah agree the shirt with no outline and the tone adjusment at the skirt lines looks better the only part i see odd is the leg with no highlight but well the source is akward i mean see sprite 1 has light on her leg while sprite 2 doesnr -.- i wonder whats the idea. wanna try another with a few fixes later
  19. ^thx bro! 1- Iam aware, just dont like to use too much anti-alias (no outlines) on my sprites (notable on most of my sprites). 2- 5 tones? i count 4 tones unleast the character size affect this (since Akira seems to be a large male and didnt DL the males sprites at all)? like the girls from DBFC i saw just had 4. 3- Well kinda? i mean the characters that are of that size does have big eyes just to kinda make them look cute: Could probably say the head of my isnt big enoght for the eyes maybe. 4- Sure, i didnt went full accurate so yeah try if you have a chance/want. wanna see what you do :) thx thx thx
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