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Everything posted by helltoast

  1. http://www.mediafire.com/?2tcpubfl3erkqfj :D
  2. I'm constantly looking into this thread but rarely post. Where's your god now?
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHi_AgnN5mQ Heh.
  4. There's one here but they're mostly in this session. You'll have to register through, I'd mirror them myself but there's over a dozen.
  5. Meh, Sol cheats, it doesn't count. He's still a bitch to go down, though. There's also Flowagirl's Broli, marancv's God M. Bison and fxm508's Omega Rugal. The latter has a special place in my heart.
  6. I'm pretty sure nobody's gonna help you because that involves heavy coding, you better start looking for tuts on character creation. You also posted this in the wrong session, BTW.
  7. Funny, Mugen1.0 bugs if there's accented characters in the name, displayname or author field. Anyway, here's the fixed version: http://www.mediafire.com/?4g6e7ccdu51vp8r
  8. I'm not sure this is what you guys are looking for, but there's lots of R@CE45's patches over here..
  9. He's BFF with Siegfried, why am I not surprised? Anyway, there's two 'similar' ones here and here.
  10. So, this thing is an edit of an edit, the coding is a mess. I managed to get it working on Mugen1.0 but for some reason he can't be killed. You can still F1 or even beat him by time over, though. ...enjoy? http://www.mediafire.com/?dj2qfmvq1itm9pr
  11. There's obliviously something wrong with [sTATEDEF 1650], you need to fix the errors in the .CNS. Then again, I'm pretty sure you don't know jack about what I'm saying so just send me a link to the character and I'll see what I can do.
  12. I'd think so too, OPIRUS and vegetasan's versions play nothing like CvS characters, not to mention the sprites are obliviously KoF-stylized.
  13. God Rugal (Noel) God Rugal (OPIRUS) God Rugal (vegetasan3654) I'm not sure whether this was warehouse'd already, but here it is. I also didn't know where to put it, so why not [ OTHER ]? Noel's version was the first one, a swap of Jin's God Rugal (CVS) using sprites by Teutos. Then, OPIRUS released his edited version which has minor sprite tweaks and plays like a KOF character. Finally, vegetasan3654 improved on OPIRUS' by adding a few things, including an AI.
  14. A pointy object to the head. I'm not sure you'd consider that an insult, though.
  15. If Alucard (Hellsing) dies I'm gonna rake your shit, dude's immortal >:(
  16. You won't be visiting MI for a while then. Just checked the forums, they don't seem to be aware/care that Google is blocking the website. I don't know, nobody posts there anymore, not even the admins. They might as well just shut the whole thing down. This is your chance Ryon.
  17. Where did you guys hear someone was targeting Mugen websites? 'Cause that sounds stupid, I never knew someone who had a grudge against an engine. You do know most of the time those are false positives, right? Besides, this isn't the first time 'someone attacks' MI, their ads are a bitch and carry malware every now and then.
  18. I'm bisexual, your homosex jokes have no effect on me :D
  19. I've been waiting for P4A conversions, specially Yosuke. I just like him, even though he's retarded. Do you plan to make it accurate?
  20. Some people are dicks for no reason, I should know. You can either ignore their bullshit or get on their level; the bear traps are actually a good idea if you want to send a message. Shitting on their yard and digging various holes during the night without been seen should be effective, too. I know I sound crazy, but don't ever fuck with my cats man.
  21. You should set bear traps with candy for bait if they have kids. Maybe put one in their doorstep. Just saiyan'
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