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Everything posted by helltoast

  1. THE GHOSTS CAN TELEPORT, FUCK. I remember that one, they always got me 'cause the game was so buggy.
  2. I actually like how the low-res sprites look in 1280X720. I was a sucker for GG 'double'-res a while ago, but now I just like them blocky. I CAN'T BE ALONE IN THIS!? Meh. I'll just add both .SFF files so everyone can enjoy the spack. Thanks for the idea.
  3. Funny, my first games were River Raid and Enduro. My favorites, though, were Mr. Postman and Keystone Kapers. Adventure scared the shit out of me for some reason.
  4. You're no fun, I love 'em big-ass pixels. OK, I might start re-working the sprites when I'm done with the screenpack. I'll probably leave both .SFF's though, so the player can choose the one he likes the most. BTW, I could post a list with all the changes from the original, but I think I'm the only one with OCD here, so...
  5. I'm a nuke collector & manufacturer. You have a problem with that fucker? I'LL BLOW. YOUR. SHIT. Speaking of which, I'd LOVE to warehouse Siegfried's LGMO, the latest version is my wet dream.
  6. Tried the smaller ones and it looked... odd. Too much unused space. Went with the 'HD' ones. I'm the only one enjoying the over sized pixels ;_; Anyway, everything's going smoothly so far, had to make a few changes (Mugen can't mirror everything SVC does) but overall the screenpack is a carbon copy of the original.
  7. The whole idea behind MFFA is sharing, if you have something 'rare' you should just post it. I'm sure some people would be interested by a 'black market', but putting a price on a bunch of numbers is just stupid.
  8. Sentinel was 'S'entinel tier before the nerf, now he's just slow.
  9. I wonder why Japan has this thing for cheap Touhou edits. They always end up awesome, though.
  10. UPDATE: Can't decide between these, normal or wide? Keep in mind this is a 1280X720 screenpack.
  11. I really don't mind fighting anyone, even abusers when online, I just can't stand Justice from GG (PSX) and Gold Sol. Never saw an AI spam an overpowered move that much.
  12. Thanks :D I won't try to pull that here though, it's fun to troll the Guild because they get pissed too easily, haha. I'm actually an old-timer at MFFA, Ryon might still remember me. Anyway, I'm pretty much finished with the select screen, looking great except for the small portraits. I had to set the resolution to .25 to accommodate both hi-res and low-res characters. Took me hours to get the oddly-placed cells working. Screw you Playmore.
  13. I remember I got into Mugen back in 2006, wanted to create a fighting game starring (Millions) Knives, Sephiroth, Ganondorf and Kratos together with a friend, too bad none of us could code for shit. During one of my many visits to the now defunct Hyrule Legends forums I came across a video showing a poorly sprited Link fighting an equally shitty Sephiroth (Gulthor's), I demanded to know what wizardry was that. I was completely addicted to it few weeks later. My first screenpack was Mugen Tournament 3 by Dr4ch1R, I used tracks from the Trigun soundtrack for whatever reason, haha. I was a couple years late, many characters were offline by then, tried a compilation .torrent but most files were outdated (DOSMugen, wat?). I did have tons of fun with some rarities such as Cyber Akuma though, felt like a boss having Holy Ken in my attire. Thanks to him I was determined to make the 'rarest' roster known to man, started working on my Youtube 'connections' but most people were assholes, my Google-fu was terrible as well. In short all I had was determination. Then I stumbled on eSnips. Warehousing, you say? Nightmare Broly SSJ3, God Orochi, Riot Ryu, God Ken, AOAO's Sol, JoJo's Order Sol, even my holy grail, Lord Ryu, YOU SAY!? It was like cocaine, but better. In fact, I started 'creating' (as in, editing) characters because of Gulthor's Nightmare Broly; through days of trial and error I managed to make the damn thing stick to its SSJ5 transformation. I supposed that's why I turned into such a sucker for OHKO characters. Ahhh, my first 'real' creation, Muteki's Justice edit, Goddess Justice. She was supposed to be a stagger-less, very combo-able 'Dark' Justice with a 666 'aura' floating in the back, but down the road I realized she'd be at the mercy of Boss God Orochi and other cheaper characters (and that I sucked at Fireworks). 'NO!', I said to myself, 'she HAS to be the strongest, screw gameplay, let's delete the hitboxes and spam [lifeadd]!' I actually did put a lot of effort into that mess, learned a lot from it. I might revisit the original project someday. In 2008 I came up with an invincibility code that took four years to be cracked by null debuggers, it still works though. Nowadays I'm the guy behind one of the cheapest characters ever, GiĻ…gas, my little precious. I know it's petty, but I'm actually proud of this monstrosity. However, out of everything the Mugen community has ever produced, I believe we'll NEVER forget all the drama caused by 'unauthorized' edits and the Guild going 'anarchist'. Just thinking about Laxxe makes me giggle.
  14. Sorry, no can do, I've optimized every sprite to fit the HD resolution. Hey, it wasn't a Nazi thread until someone got butthurt. You just mention Hitler and they get twitchy, Jesus.
  15. Since this place gets more traffic than MI nowadays (and I'm forever banned from the sacred realms of MFG), here it is. I've been working on a 0.9:1 1280X720 SNK VS Capcom (SVC:Chaos) screenpack for Mugen1.0. Gotta go slow though, it's a pain to mimic every single sprite to a pixel degree. I mean it when I say 0.9:1. Comments?
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