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Everything posted by Darklight

  1. already pre order m copy iam sure if they chose to add more characters it would be setup for dlc content as they did with the first xenoverse.
  2. well he have a transformation by chance to give him that spider look?
  3. they almost do look the same but you can barely see they are slightly different but not by much
  4. what was the point of this? has nothing to do with mugen
  5. wouldnt really say its a rare ideal simple because its a female version now i your talking about what you have plan for moves then that would be diffrent you cant really tell its a female
  6. some time ago someone was working on a ghostbuster character for mugen does anyone know if they ever finished it or maybe released it as a beta
  7. wouldnt mind having that either
  8. Ever thought of making punk man if I remember your mostly into bosses
  9. I realize that I think it's the ghost woman or something I am still looking for it I think it's private but you could ask as soon as I find the video I'll post it
  10. Your missing one character you should list it even tho its private who knows you might get it from someone ill have to look on youtube for it again
  11. I never heard of this fighting game until now honestly I wouldn't say it's the worse tho I seen games that would make you cringe
  12. meaning nobody wants to make them
  13. Can you make a media fire link or a alternative then mega plz
  14. he not the only one who made sprites of that character you know there was another
  15. Well this wasn't expected not sure why I seen this now but in any case I may not always be the most cheerful or the most social person on here and can come off as a total dick. But you have help me out majorly a lot when it come to mugen and although we had talk here and there a few times I do consider you a pretty good guy although I do wish we could play together on xbox since we may never play mugen together until they fix the muiltplayer of mugen I hardly come on here much as I use too. And my facebook isnt very reliable to reach me at but you could always message me at any time if you wish to talk or on xboxlive gamer tag darkblood66669.
  16. fire drop or drop box are the best since they don't really care what you upload so no need for copyright notices You forgot zippershare Uploaded.net The rest you can find here http://thetechreader.com/tech/15-top-free-file-hosting-sites-2015-reviews-and-ratings/
  17. i just lol at reading this comment more then i should
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