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[WiiU/3DS/NS] Super Smash Bros

~❤Flanya Scarlet❤

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http://www.ign.com/articles/2005/11/16/smash-bros-revolution-director-revealed As far as i know about ssb4, Namco Bandai & Project Sora are working with nintendo to finish SSB4 so we might be seeing Pac-man, Tekken, DBZ, or Klonoa characters in SSB4 as far as the name no info has been released but due to Wii U having so many games with the "U" at the end It has also been said that MANY characters we're excluded SSBB from meaning some of the forgotten characters from melee characters we're supposedly still going to be in SSBB but due to time constraints they we're cut from the game the main programmer for SSBB Masahiro Sakurai has neglected to say who those characters we're, he also says the he had many more ideas for ssbb. Now back to SSB4. SSB4 is also going to be for 3DS saying to have some connection with the Wii U version about making something of your own. That is all of the imformation i have on SSB4 but to include extra here is a few characters i would like to see in SSB4. Welll People We All Hope And Pray This Game Comes out Soon Its Also For the 3DS Too Theres Many People Who Are Gonna Be in it Some Come Back Some dont Some are new haha Heres A List............ *Klonoa *Pac-Man *Mewtwo *Silver *Pichu Bros *Bandana Waddle Dee There Have Been Rumors Snake And Sonic Are Gonna Be removed ALTHOUGH WE DONT KNOW THAT Also MK Is Gonna Be redone Which Means ME MIGHT not be Top Tier Anymore As Far As the 3DS one Goes Online Play Wise we dont know How Its Gonna Playout I Hope Theres NO LAG But Make no promises.............. Also What Techs Do you Wanna See in this one As for me *Pivots *Edge Grabbing *Dacus *Air Dodge THIS MUST BE IN IT OR ELSE I WILL CRY Welll Those are some Tell Please Me What you Guys Think of this And what your Thoughts are on this I KNOW ITS NOT OUT YET BUT I WANNA KNOW What Do you Expect from this.......... Release Date: Somewhere in The Early 2013 MAYBE JAN OR Early Feb

http://prntscr.com/qxqslb < My Sig Since I cant use Image Atm


http://anime2013freak.blog.fc2.com Please Visit it Guys ^^ I Update Matches Post pics etc

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Yeah ik But Theres gotta be SOME info on it I mean Character wise Or Something For now its A Testing Game but This is Merly A What is your Opinon Game Once its done I Can Add in more info for you............

http://prntscr.com/qxqslb < My Sig Since I cant use Image Atm


http://anime2013freak.blog.fc2.com Please Visit it Guys ^^ I Update Matches Post pics etc

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You...can air dodge :/

Nintendo said they were going to limit the amount of 3rd-party characters in the roster, or just not include any (yes!).

Interesting fact #1: Mewtwo was supposed to be in EVERY Smash Bros. game so far...yes, even Brawl!

Interesting fact #2: Roy was supposed to be in Brawl, but they replaced him with Fucktard.

Interesting fact #3: Brawl is what the original Smash Bros. was supposed to be like (minus Meowth as a character).

Interesting fact #4: Plusle and Minun were supposed to be in brawl.


FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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Interesting Fact #6: Ness' PK Starstorm was supposed to be used in the original (please refer to #3) Interesting Fact #7: The online in Brawl was supposed to be GOOD! Interesting Fact #8: You posted the wrong IGN article up there. The new director is the guy who directed the Tales Of games.

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Interesting Fact #6: Ness' PK Starstorm was supposed to be used in the original (please refer to #3)

Even the voice clips are there!

Same can be said for Mewtwo in Brawl. His coding is still in there, along with an actual voicepack.

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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*Pichu Bros

*Bandana Waddle Dee

There Have Been Rumors Snake And Sonic Are Gonna Be removed ALTHOUGH WE DONT KNOW THAT


*Edge Grabbing



Pichu bros... Sounds like they would be broken/top tier. I LIKE IT

pac-man... ehh

Mewtwo.. Maybe a different moveset.

Silver... from sonic 06? meh..

bandana waddle dee.. He's most likely out of this list that is going to be in the next ssb.

Sonic and snake are both good characters... nintendo shouldn't remove them...

what is dacus

and pivots..


-play gaem, gaem iz kul

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Ahhhh Neo Dacus Is like A Sliding and Press UP AND A move You can do this With Link Snake EASY WITH SONIC and Marth And Wolf ETC......... Pivots can be done with MK..........And Pit I Think............

http://prntscr.com/qxqslb < My Sig Since I cant use Image Atm


http://anime2013freak.blog.fc2.com Please Visit it Guys ^^ I Update Matches Post pics etc

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You...can air dodge :/

Nintendo said they were going to limit the amount of 3rd-party characters in the roster, or just not include any (yes!).

Interesting fact #1: Mewtwo was supposed to be in EVERY Smash Bros. game so far...yes, even Brawl!

Interesting fact #2: Roy was supposed to be in Brawl, but they replaced him with Fucktard.

Interesting fact #3: Brawl is what the original Smash Bros. was supposed to be like (minus Meowth as a character).

Interesting fact #4: Plusle and Minun were supposed to be in brawl.


These are true, cuz i've seen them in the data.

Interesting Fact #6: Ness' PK Starstorm was supposed to be used in the original (please refer to #3)

Interesting Fact #7: The online in Brawl was supposed to be GOOD!

Interesting Fact #8: You posted the wrong IGN article up there. The new director is the guy who directed the Tales Of games.

You forgot 2

Interesting Fact #9: Dr.Mario was going to be a costume like Warioland/Warioware costumes for Wario.

Interesting Fact #10:Final smashes content was cut down. Marioforhead sig has the beta Kirby final smash. Posted Image

it was supposed to got into a cinematic scene for each characters final smash, you know... Like the E3 lying video, how it showed link do a badass charge/chase, every hit Link did made the opponent move slightly to the right then smash. Not some crappy cyclops beam then cut em up!


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These are true, cuz i've seen them in the data.

You forgot 2

Interesting Fact #9: Dr.Mario was going to be a costume like Warioland/Warioware costumes for Wario.

Interesting Fact #10:Final smashes content was cut down. Marioforhead sig has the beta Kirby final smash. Posted Image

it was supposed to got into a cinematic scene for each characters final smash, you know... Like the E3 lying video, how it showed link do a badass charge/chase, every hit Link did made the opponent move slightly to the right then smash. Not some crappy cyclops beam then cut em up!

Kanbei! you forgot one more fact! battle damage, yes... battle damage... you know ripped clothes and damaged armor!

Proof here!

at 6:30! he talks about battle damage! its true it was left in the game, but only Metaknight and Captain Falcon are the only ones presenting the damaged armor texture.

Where you can download my old MUGEN stuff

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