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My First Stage ever (MFFA).


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This is just the first look, its gonna look better when im done with it..

There still lots of work on it, im intending to add animations everywhere in the stage and more colors.

All the sprites made by me & its a Hires stage.

What im going or trying to do is:

Make the first Gate look better.

Add more fonts.

Add more sprites.

Add another Gate opening.

add many other stuff, ill keep adding until im satisfied lol.

This is before the door gets opened.

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After the door opened..., at this point after like 10 seconds of animation im going to add a spark coming from the down side and it will cut the second door into half, then you will see the actual background.

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As you can see there is nothing in the left side & the right side of my stage yet, but im intending to make some good stuff for both sides, i know how to code now (i cant believe that im saying that hehe).

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This is the Height of this stage.

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Not that bad for my first stage ever?.., anyway its like a little humble gift for "MFFA" i wanted to be exclusively in this place thats why you see all these sigs in the stage.



Scene # 2: "Little happy things": WE WILL HAVE OUR REVENGE...

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um it looks very plain and dull. it looks nice but like theres no life to it.

uhh, DipShitz McGee, you saw these initial points of his post, right?:

This is just the first look

There still lots of work on it, im intending to add animations everywhere in the stage and more colors.

What im going or trying to do is:

Make the first Gate look better.

Add more fonts.

Add more sprites.

Add another Gate opening.

add many other stuff, ill keep adding until im satisfied lol.

if so, then take a second & realize tha igjit-gery you just let spew outta your mouthpiece is pretty much invalid, null and void. it's a W-I-P, duh. save all that til AFTER it's complete, not beforehand, especially when it's stated that improvements are plan'd to be made. no venom intended here, just statin' tha obvious my dude.

Sou, it looks kool so far, & it seems you got some great things plan'd. knock it out bruh. Posted Image


Kord Elite Kommander of the RSA

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lol for a first stage it's many times better than my first

and better then mine too, lol.

^ Stop white knighting the damn thread and let people post their opinions.

I second that.


you need to align the yellow stripped part and the lower part of the floor, they aren't in the same angle

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^ Stop white knighting the damn thread and let people post their opinions.

I second that.

who's bein' a white knight? i'm just postin' my opinion, as y'all just stated. folks've had opinions about others' opinions as well, it's not tha 1st time, i'm sure it won't be tha last.

now come play some Jacks with me, i just bought a new set! smells like new plasti-steel.....


Kord Elite Kommander of the RSA

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@LightFlare: Thanks Elder & also i wanna thank you & thank the other elder "Ninja" for your advices about coding, you will be my beta tester.

@Yuyustars: im gonna release soon but i need to finish all thoughts in my head for my stage.


@Excham: Thanks bro, i cant post a video for now sorry but LightFare will do when i send him the stage.


@Vibrant: Thanks lol..its gonna get better when im done with it.


@Leo: Thanks bro, appreciated.


@Da Ninja: Thank you so much bro, i really appreciate your opinion, its motivating


@O llusionista: Thanks for your feedback, its been useful, im trying to fix that thing.


@Raremew: Thanks, its getting better i guess...

Here is a few changes in my stage:

the texture of that font changes 4 or 5 times and it repeats itsef frequently with a smooth way, and as you can see in the first picture, there is something like a thunder hits the font 3 or 4 times realy fast and that happen everytime a new texture show up.

Sorry the picture are a lil bit bury.

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In the right side we have A thunder God "raiden", i made a small animation for the thunder you see in his hand, its glowing....

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In the left side we have Shinakuma...im still thinking what kind of animation i would make for him....

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Anyway there still much work to do for this stage, hope you like the changes.



Scene # 2: "Little happy things": WE WILL HAVE OUR REVENGE...

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@Excahm: Good idea bro. O llusionista: what makes it worse is those pictures, they're not so clean. Im newbie to these stuff, i dont know how to fix the colorloss...but im .gonna try to find some tuts.



Scene # 2: "Little happy things": WE WILL HAVE OUR REVENGE...

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there's alot of "debris" in the MFFA poster on the back but im sure thats from using that font + indexing. Not sure if it's the floor sprite or the Where Caring Is Sharing sprite,but theres left over pink that isnt indexed(noticeable at the bottom left corner). I see one other flaw but its so minor,no one in game would pay attention, or care. Loving the backwall and floor though,keep it up!

If you want my released works, go here.

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@Genesis: You're right about everything you said and im aware of it, thats just another copy of my stage, i was trying to fix the colorloss..thanks. One more thing, i wanted that poster to have that much of debris because i have some plans for it. @Ryon: Hmm what about the floor, fence & the roof!!, i was thinking about something else for that background; im gonna post it later but that doesnt mean i dont like the current stage that im working on at this moment, on the contrary i love it lol maybe because im the one whos making it...anyway, the most important thing to me now is to make something correct and clean because as you know im still learning how to code and then i have many ideas that you would like to see...



Scene # 2: "Little happy things": WE WILL HAVE OUR REVENGE...

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