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Invincible Ace Project


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so would you consider char suggestions? like ones that use guns or swords or both? Cause i got a few that haven't been mentioned yet. as much as i don't like ff8 I think squall would fit the bill here being he has a gunblade i got more but i have to think of them. Just a thought since you said dante and alucard.


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Boss No#1-Fabian

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Fabian Puppet

- super armor

- cannot be toppled

- extra life

- some unblockable moves

- instant death technique (when fabian starts to rev up the chainsaw whilst laughing his arse off better move.)

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- can run, jump and evade attacks.

- after 5 hits fabian will start to real back.

- flash bangs do not work against fabian

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The house of puppets part 2-fabian stage

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New vampire technique

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the vamp characters with the exception of dampir types can now sprout wings to attack or glide.


I dont mind suggestions. But like you I do not like FF8 or the FF series to begin with .

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yeah thats pretty much tits right there, clown with a chainsaw , u cant get much more badass than that


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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Hmm Fabian is really awesome in the stage. Very good blended. When he is smaller it would cause more horror as the big size give me feeling that there is something dangerous because of the size. But if the size is less the face which is very well made is then more expressed, fearing a clown is generally the face. While Chaque should be bigger because it reminds of an Ax Horror thing where the protagonist is huge.

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or scarier... uggghhhhh god i hate clowns.

great work.

haha, me too actually.

I have a question about Fabian. Will he include a custom death animation for when he defeats his opponents with his instant death technique?

there are custom death animations for pretty much everything, being shot, being slashed, being killed with a chainsaw.

Hmm Fabian is really awesome in the stage. Very good blended. When he is smaller it would cause more horror as the big size give me feeling that there is something dangerous

because of the size. But if the size is less the face which is very well made is then more expressed, fearing a clown is generally the face.

While Chaque should be bigger because it reminds of an Ax Horror thing where the protagonist is huge.

-I didnt really wan't fabian small. He was always designed to be a life sized puppet like the other ones in the stage.

-jaque is a ghost/ghoul and was a ordinary man in his former life thats why his size is relative to that of a normal person.

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Loving this concept my friend, just on the aesthetic side of things, i think Fabian pants should be somewhat more unique, maybe a different color, more harlequin-pierrot looking? would help the concept of maniacal Joker. Just a comment, kudos for this work hope we get to play it soon

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