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ideas for victory quotes

Magical Klara

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"Aww snap Aww snap come to our macoroni party and we'll take a nap" "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!" "Powers back...powers back.... powersback... powersback........Oh shit" "Too bad that didn't kill me" "HA ME WIN, ME NO NEED ENGIRISH TO BEAT YOU!!!" "Hmm yea... look at that shit over there... oh wait its you." "Up the butt charizard!"


-play gaem, gaem iz kul

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IF Princess Molestia (Spoof of Princess Molestia) was in MUGEN I guess your body wasn't ready, That was some good molest...I mean fighting. Oh, over so quickly. Excuse me, I left Applejack in the dungeon again. Royal duty calls. Now is when I break out the crops and flogs.

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"HA WIN DID NO NEED ENGRISH YOU ME BEAT!!!" Trust me, I've read tons of this stuff.

"Up the butt charizard!"

"I'm real f*cking annoying Charizard! Don't you think so Craptain Falcon?" :=D:

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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"Wow, I can fill a pool up with all the blood you lost." "Hey buddy, you okay? I'll just come check on you later." "Well you got what was coming to you." "You okay?.............Oh sh*t." "Do you ever shut up?!" "Your screaming makes me want to kill you. Actually, that's not a bad idea. Be right back. Don't go anywhere." "Don't worry I'll get you help.....eventually."

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"I Think I just crushed all your major organs, but don't worry though, you'll be dead within a few minutes "I think you'd be better off if you were dead!" "That was the single stupidest thing I have ever seen" "You're worse than Josh Frame, and that's saying ALOT!!" "You will weep beautiful tears of crimson" "That wasn't a battle...that was just stupid!" "Stop trying to fight destiny, It's a match you cannot win, alot like this one" "You are a failure! The sooner you realize that, the sooner we can all get on with our lives" "Don't worry, we have all night for a thourough beating" "Another truly outragous victory!" "My strikes penetrate flesh, crush bone, rend organs and strike yor very soul" "That was the most innane thing EVER!"

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Patrick Star

"NO! THIS IS PATRICK! I'm not a Krusty Krab."

"Who're you calling a pinhead?!?"


"I make bad look so good!"

"I am Megamind, incredibly handsome criminal genius and master of all villainy!"

"Being bad is the one thing I'm good at."

"If I was the bad boy, then I was going to be the baddest boy of them all!"

Non-character specific

"You call yourself a soldier?"

"Now there's one for the blooper reel!"

"It's the end of that chapter!"

"I just told you a bedtime story and put you to sleep!"

"I told you old boy, you can't touch this!"

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"You have not watched me and my aura... well..."


Pharaoh Man

"Pharaoh Shot is my strongest weapon to burn anyone..."



"Oh whoah! now you're watching my knock colors now!"



"Weee! I must being getting stronger with my drawings!"



"Good job, Typhlosion! You've learned a lession to that guy!"



"I've defeated you? well... that's new for me!"



"A Candid Friend never hurts people... you did it... so you're not a good friend..."



"That's all, you folk!"


Blizzard Buffalo

"Defense is like ice, you fortifying it... then more you make it hard to broke..."

In the shadows, I see you...


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"Nap Time!"

"I grow tired of these unworthy adversaries"

"My rage will burn you to bloody ashes!"

"Killing is Killing wether done for duty, profit or fun, and that was alot of fun!"

"You arent worthy of being beaten by one so magnificent as I...but I will anyway"

"I find your lack of skill... disturbing!"

"Try again in your next life!"

"That fight was truly, truly, truly outragous!"

"Fortunately for you, you'll be dead in a few minutes...unfortunately for you I'm a necrophile and you're damn sexy!"

"That was quite a ridiculous display!"

"So, were you actualy trying to fight back?"

"If you keep studying hard and practicing every day, one day you might actually be a challenge to me"

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"I had you fooled there didnt I? Time to die."

"That Foolish move got you killed...great talking to dead people..."

"Spamming the same moves will get you nowhere"

"Everyone LOOK! I found a quarter" :D


"Give me all your tacos!mwhahaha"

"Careful now we dont want to go across the 4th wall now."

"Oh GOD! ITS the 4TH WALL!!! ahhhhhh!!!"


 "Your so Naive-"

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Just remember, mutilation is the highest form of flatery"

"I have broken you, now get down on yours knees, slave!"

"That couldn't have been a fight, it was over so damn quickly"

"Interesting, was that ridiculous display, what you call fighting?!"

"After this, I'm going to beat up some old people, they're alot more lively than you!!"


"Welcome to looser-ville occupation: You""

"Perhaps, fighting games are to much for you! You should try minecraft!"

"Now that your not strugling, It's MOLESTING TIME, you sexy bitch!"- I have fallen in love with princess molestia

"And another total maste of life leaves this world, And leaves a big mess!!"

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"Those as weak as you deserve to be burned to ash" “Trash like you will be swept away in the storm of chaos!” “Let eternal night consume you and sleep” “Those as weak as you have no rights” “Good luck on your trip…to the afterworld” “In this world the strong rule and the weak are trampled underfoot” “Welcome to your doom” “You continued existence is an affront to nature”

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"Geez, what's with all these people and their mean victory quotes?"

"Haha! You were awesome to fight!"

"No! No! I didn't mean to hurt you that bad, seriously!"

"Please don't cry out in pain, it'll make me feel so guilty!"

"I hope to fight you again some time!"

"I feel ready for anything! Give it your best shot, world!"

"Ack! Super sorry!"

"Don't give up! Maybe you'll beat me next time!"

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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"Humanity is a disease, I'm the cure"

"Jesus hates you and so do I"


"Nowhere to run baby, nowhere to hide!"

"I shall stomp on all whome opose me, and in all of my stomping, I shall show no mercy...Amen"

"Look at me when I'm hitting you!"

"Mercy!? You don't deserve mercy!!!"

"Kick you once, kick you twice, next time I won't be so nice!"

"After this you'll be eating everything through a straw!"

"When you get to hell and see the devil, Tell him I say hello"

"Your end is nigh!"

"Wow, That SERIOUSLY looks like it hurts"

"What's black and blue and red all over, you are, stupid!"

"It's Hammer Time!"

"Prepare your rear fortifications for a massive breach!"

"I like the way you die"

"You have the right to remain silent, maily because I'm tired of hearing you talk!"

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"I know I'm not perfect, but I'm so close it scares me!"

"Here is your free ticket to the afterlife"

"You are nothing but trash, and like all trash you belong in a dumpster"

"I'm not going to say your're weak, I'm just going to think it realy, REALY Hard!"

"Should I even be taking you seriously?"

"*Sigh* Yet another victory, I guess"

"It's loosers like you that make fighting games so boring!"

"You style is sloppy, you are an idiot, and on top of that you are ugly, what made you think you could challenge me?!"

"What are you, some kind of clown, or something?"

"I must break you"

"You deserve a break today, so I'm gonna break you in several places"

"I'm above insults and talking trash, but you realy suck!"

"Words can never hurt you, but thankfully I have plenty of sticks and stones!"

"Beating you almost makes me feel guilty... almost!"

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Non-character specific

"When those with courage hold a Chaos Emerald, THEY WILL ALWAYS HAVE THE POWER TO CLAIM VICTORY!"

"Sorry, I can't lose to you. Come back when you're a little...MMMMM...stronger!"

"This was the part where you lose, didn't you real the script?!?"

"Can't you see I'm a little busy here?!?"

"Now, where are Lord MUGENome and his Four Evil Kings?!?"



"Do you know who else could beat you that bad? MY MOM!"

"Take me to your leader!"

(to revived previous villains) "It's back to the afterlife for you!"

(to brainwashed heroes) "Now, let me finish the unbrainwashing process."

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