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ideas for victory quotes

Magical Klara

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"Sometimes we lament. But now it is too late..."

"The fate... it can not be altered!.."

"Is that your last word? Perish!"


"Negligible fool... How dare you try to win!"

"Can you see... my fake tears?"

"Cry... Maybe, someone will hear your laments".

"Your dead body is no longer seductive".

"Too much pathos".

"These are shallow dreams..."

"No escape from the abyss! AAAARGH!!!"

"The time has come... to bless you with pain".

"You have abandoned the planet. It is time to feel the compassion of the merciful Orochi... against you".

I am too narcisstic. Forgive me. My rep is < -100. Feeling unique.

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"My milkshake brings all boys to the yard and they're like:its better than yours" "Still waters overcome raging torrents" "omfg 56kb/s SEEEEEEEEEEEEEED"

"no u" "Id still tap that" "You know im doing this for your own good" "Shiki can kill servants" "You are now a public toilet." "You cant beat me single handedly!hahahha Get it?Cause i ripped your other one of?Why must i explain these things every time,dammit" "You can't be me,im a rockstar.im rhymin on a top of a cop car.im a rebel and my 44 pops far" "*Song lyrics*" "Im turning this software into hardware"


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"How many times must I beat you to make you learn that you just can't win against me!?"

[75-99% Health]: "All I see in you is little effort."

[26-74% Health]: "You've put some effort, but I was expecting just a bit more."

[11-25% Health]: "You was close... VERY close... but I still win."

[1-10% Health]: "*Pant**Pant* That was... fantastic... you may have lost... but boy did you have me on edge..! We must train and fight harder next time."

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  • 3 weeks later...

"I will not eat you. I am going to offer you as a sacrifice to Mu!"

"Bless me bagpipes!"


Twilight Sparkle

"I'll forgive you for expecting any sparkling vampires here."

[vs Magic Man] "I got the magic of friendship. It's stronger than your Magic Card."

[vs Clown Man] "Sorry, you aren't the Element of Laughter."

[vs a rushed spriteswap] "This is even worse than The Return of Harmony's events."

[vs Envy] "Queen Chrysalis all over again"


Pharaoh Man

[vs Discord] "When they steal my weapon, I punch them in the face"

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For Goku

vs random "That was fun, lets spar again"

vs Superman " You should tell screwattack to get off your nuts, here ya go, its doomsday skull you know the guy that beat u into a death coma hehehe"

vs Ryu " If that hadoki thing was suppose to be a kamahamaha it needs work

vs spider-man " So your spider sense isn't that great huh"

vs galactus " You were strong, I want to fight you again"

vs Rock Lee " Your taijutsu was amazing and your 8 gates thing reminds me of the kio ken technique

vs batman " Emperor pilaf could have beat you"

vs Naruto " Who told you to wear my gi and steal my fans"


if Cayne was created

vs random " I fucked you up for speaking out of turn"

vs Ryon "Bow down weakling, I now rule this plane of existance........... and you."

vs Laharl " Your smart ass mouth just got educated mwahahahaha"

vs Lord M " Your lordship ends here punk"

vs Zombie Brock " 1 to da head, now you know he dead, get it I made a zombie/rap pun"

vs Ryouuci " I dont know how to spell or pronouce your name, but you may be my chamber maid, will call you "Do tricks" Crackle,crackle

vs Lightflare " We had a good fight my friend, I'll even fistbump whats left of your hand"

vs Alp "Looks like my beats left more of a impact............ To your face, I spits hot fire!"

vs GarchompMatt "Perhaps you shoulda ate a rare candy before challenging a true master"


Your powerless against my genjutsu, The Reign of Kreation will consume you.........

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If I created a character of my own...... "Seriously? Is that best you can do?" "Meh, I expected better from you." "Next time, think twice, no, THRICE, before you go off trying to knock me out!" "Why can't we all just get along?" "Train harder, dude, or just quit entirely." "See that? Now that's how you win fights!"

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Batman = "...cuz."


Ironman = "YyYeahHh I'm drunk! I hafta work (hic) and live with a hyper senior citizen on steroids, a giant green violent special-ed student and a LARPER who playzzz too much damn Skyrim. I need a drink!"


Goku: "Really? REALLY?! Don't you know who the <BLEEP!> I AM?!?!"


"Are you trying to do that marriage thing with me, because I already have a wife. Sorry, I prefer women, but if I did like men, Vegeta would be my first choice. He's handsome. (Vegeta: *YOU ALL WILL DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEE*!!!!!!!!"




Akuma: "Look at you, like your mother. Face down, in the dirt, in front of a man who is disgusted. That reminds me, Happy Birthday."


Ryu: "I'mma beat your ugly ass till you look cute!"


Monkey D. Garp = "...so like I was saying, they were all like "No Garp don't hit her, she's pregnant!" But I was all like *KA-BLOW*!!! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ...............What? What?"


Deadpool: "What? What you lookin at? I always bring my dolls with me. I don't feel comfortable without my Polly Pocket, what, you crazy or somethin?"


Spiderman: "Did you know male spiders mate using their forelegs? So, knowing that, I've been smacking the hell out of you with pee-pee hands. Beeeewwwaaaaarrrreeee the peepee haaaannnnnddddssss."


Naruto: "Ninja, please."


Raphael: "Yeah, a five foot, talkin, turtle. Yeah, I know I ain't cute. Yeah, keep talkin, get stabbed again."


Deadpool (to odd fingered characters): "Maybe it's the Lysol and Nyquil talking, but I am so turned on by you right now."


M. Bison: "Even a drunkard will hump a pig if you put make-up and a dress on it. Why, oh, why must I always have to clean up the results of a desperate man's alley-way romp? (CRNCHH!)"


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Peacock: "Seriously? Get outta town before I have my pals and I beat ya down some more!" Ermac: "You were no match for us. Now we must go." Cody Travers: "I broke out of jail for this? Man, get lost." K9999: "That's what you deserve for crossing paths with me!"
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[if Power Rangers theme song was used] "Remember guys, when that song plays someone's going to explode."

[any Mane 6 pony] "Dear Princess Celestia, I just fought an epic battle!"

"Don't just rely on brute strength. I dealt with you as a walking puzzle."

"You couldn't possibly have defeated even Glass Joe."

"As I explained earlier, I'm the main character. You however, can just go right ahead and die."

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"Where did you learn to fight? Capcom?" "Darkstalkers? That sounds like a group of racist rapists. .." "Shocking you lost? More like shocking you're still alive..." "You're from snk playmore you say? More like playless ass!" "You're a bigger failure than the neo geo x. Think about that for a mintue..."

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