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ideas for victory quotes

Magical Klara

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To fight for what you believe in is honorable. To fight for what someone else believes in is the American way... way to true for comfort

"Give me your valuables, or your life, either is worth a fortune to me"

"You am but ants to one such as I"

"And may the death of the world be a part of you"

"Double your pleasure, double your DOOM!!!"

"Well that was an enjoyable diversion"

"Be reborn in the flames of anger"

"Weep in your despsair, Because you will NEVER defeat me!!!"

"Don't bring that weak as shit in MY HOUSE"


"You are a weak, pathetic fool"

"I am perfection incarnate!!"

"This match's outcome was decided long before you challenged me or I mercilessly beat you down"

"It's sad that the human brain is so fragile, by now your probably a blithering idiot who needs a diaper change"

"To call that a fight was a gross exageration"

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Raoh vs anyone:


  • "I, Raoh, do not desire glory nor fame. What I desire is victory in battle!"
  • "Even the gods will quake in fear before my fists."
  • "If you can't break my bones and reduce myself to dust then all you can expect is death."
  • "Return to the heavens!"
  • "Failure is unthinkable!!"




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Hmm guess I could give it a shot


"Done already? But I thought this was just a warm-up."

"Pity, we could've been great friends, if only you weren't such a weakling."

"If I knew you were so weak I would've been using my pinky finger."

"Well that's done... Huh? wheres the Dimensional Interval?"

"My own Grandmother beat me when I was only a kid, you're just... urgh."

"Who taught you how to fight? A rock?"

"The definition of you is nothing but a speck of dust."

"Sorry I must be going, please do not fall for me... oh wait."

"You lack focus, come back whe- SQUIRREL!"

"Haha...... *sigh*, what are you doing with your life instead of losing all the time?"

"Losing is not a Hobby, go re-evaluate yourself!"


Will think of more later.

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"You couldn't fight your way out of a wet paper bag!"

"Anyone as frail as you shouldn't even be suffered to live"

"I will clense this world of the weak, starting with you!"

"Cowards like you die a thousand deaths before you actually die which happens...now"

"When I first laid eyes on you I thought you weren't much of a fighter, now I know it's true"

"My shoes got dirty kicking your ass, LICK THEM CLEAN NOW!!!!"

"Fortunately, killing is one of those things that gets easier the more you do it"

"Kicking the crap out of you was a waste of my time"

"I will grind your soul to dust"

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"What kind of anime have you been watching? No action, that's what."

"When Gotham is ashes, you have my permission to die."

"Interrupt my walk with a random encounter? That would be painful...for you."

"I was wondering what would break first, your spirit or your body."

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"Um I think I broke it."

"I am surprised that you still have the will to fight me."

"I smell a barbeque... oh it's just you."

"No matter how much you train, the world will continue to spin as me being the strongest."

"Hey man, you okay? You don't look so good."

"Thanks for playing with me mister but I prefer playing with people that are at my skill level."

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"Your pain is my pleasure"


"Your head shall be rent from your shoulders"

"Sleep Now, Forevermore"

"I will kick your boing-loins repeatedly"

"Just remember that having a face is a privelige, Not a right"

"I will make sushi out of your entrails"

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"Give up NOW.  While I'm still in the mood to let you."

"Even a turd would look better than how you look right now..."

"Next time?  NEXT TIME??!!  There isn't going to be a next time!"

"I'm the night manager of the hotel de fuck.  Lookie there it's check out time!"

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