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So im Fighting Mediafire

Lord Batros

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so im disputing the claim of copyright infringement with mediafire, but im sure its going to be an oh well fuck u, like it was with 4shared, but here's whats happened so far ..........

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Thank you for contacting MediaFire.

This account has received multiple DMCA Take Down Notices and has been suspended due to a Terms of Service violations.

When MediaFire suspended your file(s) due to our receipt of a DMCA Take Down Notice, we sent you an email notification. Within this notification are instructions on how to file a Counterclaim. Please follow those instructions to begin the Counterclaim process.

The Counterclaim process must be completed before this account is restored.

We appreciate you bringing this to our attention.



| MediaFire | Abuse Department |

10/05/2012 21:42 - wrote:

Ticket submitted:

Ticket type: Abuse

First Name: Brock

Last Name: Sutton


In regards to: I would like to report a Terms of Service violation.

Description from user:

id like to know in what way shape or form did i do ANYTHING to violate a Term of service, the only thing that is on my Entire Mediafire account is mugen characters Which is a Form a Fan ART it dosnt violate anyone's copy right laws i do not make a dime on these characters & id also like to know what person pretending to be part of a company that would see it as a copyright violation contacted u about MY personal Mediafire , i dont use this for business or anything like that, i want answers Yesterday & dosnt involve a out of the rules book response also how come i was never notified of said possible infringement?

OS/Browser: Windows / Chrome 22.0.1229.79


Country Code: US


could u please tell me when the supposed email was sent to me, because this is the 1st time i have ever gotten an email from mediafire , the only way i found out my account was suspended was when i tried to sign in, so i was never notified by mediafire at all , i would have gladly removed any file that was causing a problem, but its hard for that to happen when i was never notified that something was wrong , sounds like to me someone on mediafire's end didn't do there job & said they did

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Messages were sent on the following dates (YYYY-MM-DD format):

2012-03-01( Never Got ANY of these BTW)



Please check your spam folder to ensure the messages were not sent there. Also note that a counterclaim will only work if the claim made against your files was false; if your files did contain the copyrighted content that was reported the account will remain closed.

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ok 1st off, sorry Charlie , your just doing your job,sorry i got surley, its just that the only thing i have in my Mediafire account is Mugen characters


that's it & all major companies that know there characters are used , know that it exist & considers it Fan art so long as no one makes money off of it & i dont,


also when the files were reported, was it investigated that it came from a claim of someone who would even have the power to say it was in violation? or was just a button pushed & that was good enough? i mean anyone can claim to be from Marvel,Capcom,SNK ect,ect, was a phone call made to said person to verify that they are who they say they are? instead of just a person who holds a grudge against me & is claiming to be from a company & also how come even if this isnt enough to prove i did no intentional wrong doing ,why cant the files that have been marked as wrong simply be Deleted & my other files that have received no such issues be re instated ? like i said i didnt intentionally host Anything that was a rules violation to mediafire & have shown links to prove ive done no wrong doing other than having someone simply claim to be someone there not, to get me in trouble

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My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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yeah im sure there going to screw me even though i showed them proof of what my files are & asked a VERY valid question about who reported me & what was there proof " oh yeah im from capcom & that file named ryu is ours take it down please, no problem mr capcom" .. assholes


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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they did it based on a filename rather than the contents.

More than likely this. Mediafire has been cracking down on everything that can be a considered copyright infringement, especially after the whole MegaUpload debacle.

So, I've skimmed over the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy

What you've been doing so far is good, although

I wouldn't use that as good evidence, it only really mentions SNK Playmore and Capcom.


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1st, Thanks everyone for the support, oh & 2nd..................


Thanks for the apology Joseph. I understand your frustration, but the way the law is right now we're required to remove content if we receive a properly formatted DMCA complaint. However, if you contact us to say the claim is false, we can restore your files if we believe they weren't in violation. Based on the content of the files and your explanation of the situation I agree that this claim was false, so your account has been restored.

Unfortunately, two of the files were suspended so long ago that they no longer exist in our system. You're free to re-upload them if you want, but we no longer have the data required to bring them back.. While frustrating, these days you have to keep tabs on your online content, and let us know right away if you think someone has filed a false claim against you. If we catch it soon enough we can restore everything, and sometimes even prevent the account from being closed in the first place.


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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Great Job, Brock!

Mediafire examined your objections in very great depth. You have proved to them that any Mugen content is strictly a form of FANART.

-Mugen is NOT A COMMERCIAL game , never meant to be one.

-Mugen is a freeware, customizable 2D Fighting Game Engine and it is always FREE.

-Noone gains any profit of Mugen files (chars, addons, screenpacks,etc).

They are absolutey FREE and the ONLY man who receives praise is the author, rightfully so.

Post from Christian Svensson (Corporate Officer/Senior Vice-President) in Capcom Forums:


"I look at Mugen as I look at other fan created projects. It's passionate, creative people doing cool things (as long as it's not for profit of course). :)

It has it's upsides and downsides as far as impact on our properties, but I think in aggreate it's a far more positive thing for Capcom than a negative impact. "

In coclusion, the companys may find any Mugen content (ex. edited mugen chars) inspiring and get ideas to boost the 2D Fighter games reputation and provide official games with advanced gameplay and high fun factor to ensure better sales and high replay value.

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He didn't even had to call a lawyer or anything, just simple logic

Awesome! Great going bro!

HaHa, well my wife is a trained paralegal , so i guess it rubbed off on me, i just know that theres no Guilt,without Proof & there was no proof what so ever i was doing anything wrong

Great Job, Brock!

Mediafire examined your objections in very great depth. You have proved to them that any Mugen content is strictly a form of FANART.

-Mugen is NOT A COMMERCIAL game , never meant to be one.

-Mugen is a freeware, customizable 2D Fighting Game Engine and it is always FREE.

-Noone gains any profit of Mugen files (chars, addons, screenpacks,etc).

They are absolutey FREE and the ONLY man who receives praise is the author, rightfully so.

Post from Christian Svensson (Corporate Officer/Senior Vice-President) in Capcom Forums:


"I look at Mugen as I look at other fan created projects. It's passionate, creative people doing cool things (as long as it's not for profit of course). :)

It has it's upsides and downsides as far as impact on our properties, but I think in aggreate it's a far more positive thing for Capcom than a negative impact. "

In coclusion, the companys may find any Mugen content (ex. edited mugen chars) inspiring and get ideas to boost the 2D Fighter games reputation and provide official games with advanced gameplay and high fun factor to ensure better sales and high replay value.

Everything u said there was true & Thank You

Great news Zombie and good thing that your all files are still there(except two).

lol Thanks & yeah i have no idea what 2 are gone lol


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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1st, Thanks everyone for the support, oh & 2nd..................


Thanks for the apology Joseph. I understand your frustration, but the way the law is right now we're required to remove content if we receive a properly formatted DMCA complaint. However, if you contact us to say the claim is false, we can restore your files if we believe they weren't in violation. Based on the content of the files and your explanation of the situation I agree that this claim was false, so your account has been restored.

Unfortunately, two of the files were suspended so long ago that they no longer exist in our system. You're free to re-upload them if you want, but we no longer have the data required to bring them back.. While frustrating, these days you have to keep tabs on your online content, and let us know right away if you think someone has filed a false claim against you. If we catch it soon enough we can restore everything, and sometimes even prevent the account from being closed in the first place.

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