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Cvs Taki( Soul Calibur ) Public Beta 1 By Super Dragon

Lord Batros

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its a 1st public Beta guys, not a 100% completed character, take it easy k lol


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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out of all the characters to have yet been made he had to do her which was already made before what a waste of talent

dude... who cares who made the char first... i know there is lots of chars that have been made millon of times, but somepeople make chars better than then the other chars that bros put ou.


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your outlook on things is dumb darklight thats like saying oh no one should make nightmare cause agent waffle did.... but his nightmare was crap so his should be the only one to exist? i don't think so. or I should quit my laharl wip because one exists BUT ITS SHIT. so no


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your outlook on things is dumb darklight thats like saying oh no one should make nightmare cause agent waffle did.... but his nightmare was crap so his should be the only one to exist? i don't think so. or I should quit my laharl wip because one exists BUT ITS SHIT. so no

and this is any better? i didnt say that but i was hoping to see a character that was never made yet not something that has already been done the first taki wasnt bad and i agree nightmare needs to be way more better not even fit to even be called a character other then the model its self is nice
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your outlook on things is dumb darklight thats like saying oh no one should make nightmare cause agent waffle did.... but his nightmare was crap so his should be the only one to exist? i don't think so. or I should quit my laharl wip because one exists BUT ITS SHIT. so no

A bit judgmental...but your point is valid.


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oh i wasn't in anyway saying this was a good character rofl. i was just saying idc if multiple versions of a char are made if the previous one is crap.

and yet you seem to forget the first one was decent at least i thought so this one does not plays nothing like she does in the game and before anyone stops me by saying well shes a beta this is true which means it leaves alot to improve upon but i rather see nightmare get redone if anything else and yes i do care you might not but there is no point in making something over again if it wasnt crap in the first place.as far as multiple versions which someone not saying this character but in generalspeaking when someone makes more then 10 copys of the character then it gets annoying dont matter if its good or not adding supers hypers specials pallets or minor fixes such as sound and fx does not make it any more diffrent then what it was before such as all the kof edits wouldnt you like to see something diffrent that wasnt made before i know i would and iam sure i aint alone in that area either
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and yet you seem to forget the first one was decent at least i thought so this one does not plays nothing like she does in the game and before anyone stops me by saying well shes a beta this is true which means it leaves alot to improve upon but i rather see nightmare get redone if anything else and yes i do care you might not but there is no point in making something over again if it wasnt crap in the first place.as far as multiple versions which someone not saying this character but in generalspeaking when someone makes more then 10 copys of the character then it gets annoying dont matter if its good or not adding supers hypers specials pallets or minor fixes such as sound and fx does not make it any more diffrent then what it was before such as all the kof edits wouldnt you like to see something diffrent that wasnt made before i know i would and iam sure i aint alone in that area either

yes the first version was super decent, but this one... meh because its not finshed.


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A bit judgmental...but your point is valid.

cant argue with an .....fact :=D:

& ive said it once and ill say it again for the last time..... 1st PUBLIC BETA ............... :fuckyea:


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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