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Mugen Infantry WTF?

Drunk Ryu

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Where did you guys hear someone was targeting Mugen websites? 'Cause that sounds stupid, I never knew someone who had a grudge against an engine. You do know most of the time those are false positives, right? Besides, this isn't the first time 'someone attacks' MI, their ads are a bitch and carry malware every now and then.


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on a side note my theory is. if one link or so carried on a site is infected with a virus (which can happen to ANYFILE on the internet, after a period of time it becomes decrypted and a virus forms on it, ESPECIALLY EXE files) So if one link or many are infected it may go off as a warning this site is infected with a virus when its not the site but rather the files it has.

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...or it could be just that somebody had a virus on his PC, didn't know, made a char for mugen, released infected zip on their forum, google tracked down where the viruses are coming from and blocked them? I dunno, everything is possible.

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Which reminds me! 2 SF2_Ryu's that are in our database have virus' on them. Not the Fido SF2_Ryu. Also, IMT's InfinityBatman has a virus as well.

Do you know what other files have viruses such as the files in the "Collections" section namely DBZ?

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