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TDX's Request Thread: 2K20 Edition



Boy, oh, boy, it has been a loooooong while, hasn't it? Been busy IRL and been doing some things over at MFG for the better part of a good couple of years now, but I'm back now just wondering how so much has changed and with some missing stuff I could help in locating.

Current Requests:
1. AI Patch for DivineWolf's Rock Howard

2. A version of Yuri Sakazaki with her stance from KOF XIII and XIV? I am aware that an edit of that is in KOF Wing, but I want to know if that exists outside the game's parameters.

3. This Orochi stage edit named "Joya Yasakani no Magatama":

4. Forest of Green stage from SVC with these weather transitions:

5. This edit of the Sky Noah stage, by the looks of it?

6. Fa8ble by Saphira

7. This stage:


8. This stage:


9. Safa Ahmed by Mambojambo


10. NESTS Kula. Was she ever released, or is she still a private edit lost to the annals of time?


11. Alpha EVE by A-KUE

12. Black Rock Shooter Project MUGEN Screenpack (Both links posted here are dead)

Completed Requests:
- AI Patch for Kohaku's Ryougi Shiki by sw
- Ruth by JuanABL
- Kana-Chan by Miyabi & DHQ
- Rainbow Moon Night by Manny Lingle
- Fallen Seraph by MOTVN
- RedMoon by MadlaX

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12 answers to this question

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9 hours ago, TotalDramaXtremist said:

Boy, oh, boy, it has been a loooooong while, hasn't it? Been busy IRL and been doing some things over at MFG for the better part of a good couple of years now, but I'm back now just wondering how so much has changed and with some missing stuff I could help in locating.

Current Requests:
1. AI Patch for DivineWolf's Rock Howard

2. AI Patch for Kohaku's Ryougi Shiki by sw

3. A version of Yuri Sakazaki with her stance from KOF XIII and XIV? I am aware that an edit of that is in KOF Wing, but I want to know if that exists outside the game's parameters.
4. This Leona edit on the right:
STAGES HI RES - Página 11 2gtzx9y
5. The character on the left:
STAGES HI RES - Página 12 KRVnDps
6. Black Rock Shooter:
STAGES HI RES - Página 12 JR2HqsD

7. This Orochi stage edit named "Joya Yasakani no Magatama":

8. Forest of Green stage from SVC with these weather transitions:

9. This edit of the Sky Noah stage, by the looks of it?
10. Rainbow Moon Night:
11. Fallen Seraph:

12. RedMoon:

STAGES HI RES - Página 16 Mugen001_zps8ce0e575

Completed Requests:
None ATM.

ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”--Hey, How's It Goin TotalDramaXtremist! Great To See Ya Again, Yo! I Was Searching For Some Of Your Requests And I Found The Character For (#5.) The Character On The Left With Purple Hair Is Named Kana-Chan! There's Two Versions Of Her That Was Made By The Authors (Miyabi) & (DHQ) You Can Find Her On MFFA By Looking At The Touhou Project Collection! Here's The Collection Thread And Just In Case The Sources For Quick Viewing! Enjoy And Have Fun, Yo! (o^.^)-b



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ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”--Hey, How's It Goin TotalDramaXtremist! It's Me Again! LOL! Just To Let You Know That I Found The Rainbow Moon Stage By Manny Lingle For Your (#10) Request! You Can Find It Here On MFFA Under This Topic And Here's The Source For Quick Viewing! Enjoy And Have Fun, Yo! (o^.^)-b


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ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”--Hey, How's It Goin TotalDramaXtremist! Yo...It's Me On The Hustle Yet Again! LOL! Just To Let You Know That I Found The Red Moon Stage By MadlaX For Your (#12) Request! You Can Find It Here On MFFA Under This Topic And Here's The Source For Quick Viewing! Enjoy And Have Fun, Yo! (o^.^)-b


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5 hours ago, Cook4251 said:

I think i have an ai patch for Kohaku's Ryougi Shiki in my old Thread called "Some Pots Styled AI Patches" by SW.

I checked. It's not there, unfortunately, despite there being other patches for some of Kohaku's characters.

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that brs isn't even a real character. i swapped kfm's standing animation with a .gif i found on pixiv and "released" it as an april fool's joke some 7 years ago. feels like my past's come back to haunt me just by looking at it, lol.

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