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The Roleplay Paradise Redux: Fortis Novum Mundum

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Magnum Alexandria and Elizabeth Bathory

Location: Magical Northern Kingdom of Verve - Elysia Inn


When he heard Idealis saying that they have killed him, Magnum shook his head and looked back at her.



Magnum: Dead? No, he isn't dead. He's alive but he left the army and Heaven as well. Said he was a disgrace to the family and all that, also blaming me for the fall of the Alexandria.


Lize: *snaps out* Wait, but doesn't defeated means killed?


Magnum: He wanted to kill us both, but we would never do something of the sort.


Then, he looked at the window for a moment. The snow fell through the night sky, as if they were lights replacing the stars.


Magnum: It has been a long time since I last heard of him... I wonder how Estro is doing actually.


He heard Idealis asking him about Seraph. Magnum's face closed and he sighed.



Magnum: Now you got to a point which I don't comment with everyone. So, let's keep it a secret.


Lize: A-Alright, we're listening.


Magnum: How should I put it... he's... lonely.


Lize: Lonely?

Magnum: We work in good terms... but Sir Seraph's cold. He's pretty much emotionless sometimes. It's one of the reasons why he is lonely.


Lize: He doesn't sound so lonely whenever Agni's near.


Magnum: That's kind of an obsession that I can only describe as "unhealthy". It's not like Agni doesn't love him. He does a lot, but not in the same amount as Seraph.


Lize: So, you're saying that Agni's his comfort pillar?


Magnum: Basically, yeah, that's pretty much about it. You do see how he changed when we separated. They know each other for a longer time than I do know both, so I guess their friendship did evolve to a brotherhood... only thing is that he's really crazy about it. I tried to be friendly with him, but he gave me the cold shoulder. That's why I'm always on the edge to try that again. Even though he's trying to be friendly with me, I don't know if I should respond that way too.


Lize: Then why did you defend him? If he's so cold to refute your friendliness, then-


Magnum: Well, in a way or another, he's my friend too. He's just... hard to understand sometimes.


Upon hearing the stories, Elizabeth came to her own conclusion, which differed a little from what Idealis could've possibly thought.



Lize: (... I can't doubt him. I can't believe that Agni would be so horrible... I don't know him much, but I do know he wouldn't do such a thing. After all, Victoria herself said he's the love of her life because of how kind he is.)


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6 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Magnum Alexandria and Elizabeth Bathory

Location: Magical Northern Kingdom of Verve - Elysia Inn


When he heard Idealis saying that they have killed him, Magnum shook his head and looked back at her.



Magnum: Dead? No, he isn't dead. He's alive but he left the army and Heaven as well. Said he was a disgrace to the family and all that, also blaming me for the fall of the Alexandria.


Lize: *snaps out* Wait, but doesn't defeated means killed?


Magnum: He wanted to kill us both, but we would never do something of the sort.


Then, he looked at the window for a moment. The snow fell through the night sky, as if they were lights replacing the stars.


Magnum: It has been a long time since I last heard of him... I wonder how Estro is doing actually.


He heard Idealis asking him about Seraph. Magnum's face closed and he sighed.



Magnum: Now you got to a point which I don't comment with everyone. So, let's keep it a secret.


Lize: A-Alright, we're listening.


Magnum: How should I put it... he's... lonely.


Lize: Lonely?

Magnum: We work in good terms... but Sir Seraph's cold. He's pretty much emotionless sometimes. It's one of the reasons why he is lonely.


Lize: He doesn't sound so lonely whenever Agni's near.


Magnum: That's kind of an obsession that I can only describe as "unhealthy". It's not like Agni doesn't love him. He does a lot, but not in the same amount as Seraph.


Lize: So, you're saying that Agni's his comfort pillar?


Magnum: Basically, yeah, that's pretty much about it. You do see how he changed when we separated. They know each other for a longer time than I do know both, so I guess their friendship did evolve to a brotherhood... only thing is that he's really crazy about it. I tried to be friendly with him, but he gave me the cold shoulder. That's why I'm always on the edge to try that again. Even though he's trying to be friendly with me, I don't know if I should respond that way too.


Lize: Then why did you defend him? If he's so cold to refute your friendliness, then-


Magnum: Well, in a way or another, he's my friend too. He's just... hard to understand sometimes.


Upon hearing the stories, Elizabeth came to her own conclusion, which differed a little from what Idealis could've possibly thought.



Lize: (... I can't doubt him. I can't believe that Agni would be so horrible... I don't know him much, but I do know he wouldn't do such a thing. After all, Victoria herself said he's the love of her life because of how kind he is.)


Idealis let out a sigh, though it was hard to tell if it was one of relief, exhaustion, or annoyance.



Idealis: So, let me get this straight...your brother came to kill the both of you, but you both managed to fight him off, causing him to leave this..."army" and "Heaven" out of apparent humiliation. And you're obviously not worried about him hunting you both down when you're both unaware and avenging his honor, so I guess that's of no concern for any of us, right?



Idealis: And then it turns out that Seraph, the guy that's one of the coldest in "Heaven" and the least open, is actually really clingy to Agni for some unknown reason. Are you sure that loneliness is the problem here? I imagine he could've easily found someone else more...mmm...fitting, for lack of a better term, to be a sort of brother to him. And don't get me started on how everyone else around him is...pretty much the same way, just on a hopefully somewhat lesser scale.


She stopped for a moment and sent a judging glance at Elizabeth before continuing.



Idealis: It just doesn't make sense to me no matter how I try to piece it together. Even factoring in how long they've been together, it's still hard for me to believe that they just had a normal friendship that expanded into a brotherly bond. This guy sounds like he would slay an entire army just to get to Agni if they stood in his way. 


Frustrated, she groaned and fell upon her bed, gazing up at the ceiling.




Idealis: (They call themselves angels, but are they really deserving of that title? It sounds more like the place is run by a bunch of gifted people with personal problems...someone needs to have a talk with the gods in charge up there. And then the possibility of a manipulator among us being a future problem...Iago would be so useful right now...) 


Suddenly, three bright flashes occurred outside of the window, accompanied by shattering sounds for each one, causing Idealis to shoot up and look outside of the window.



Idealis: These witches are taking their fights way too-


She quickly slid off of the bed and hid behind it as a person dressed in thick clothing slammed against the window back-first and fell down, the window somehow remaining undamaged, but a loud sound coming from the impact. Outside, a group of people surrounding the fight in an arc could be seen and heard cheering, someone else standing in front of the arc proudly, possibly waiting for the person that was just thrown away to get up.

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Location: Bluna Walter Mansion



Daiane: Oh, are you all done?


Yui: Yep! Hina did her thing and now she can use water.


Dean: Nice! Which style she's using?


Hinamori: The Sea Serpent.


Dean: The same one as mine huh? Then I might as well give you some tips then...


Hinamori: T-There's no need to...


Dean: Oh please I insist. Knowing how to shot water doesn't mean you're good at it.


Hinamori: Like I said...There's no nee-


Dean: You're going to kick ass after these lesson...Alright...first...


Daiane: Hina, you're authorized to prove her wrong. You got one move.


Hinamori: Right.


Dean: Wait, what?


Hinamori: Oh violent torrent...SPLASH!!!


   Suddenly, four torrents of water rain down on Dean, making her hit the ground.



Dean: Ooofm...I guess I deserve that one...


Daiane: As I imagined...when you contract a spirit, you gain you gain the knowledge necessary to cast those spells.


Hinamori: Yes. I just need a bit more of pratice to get used to it.


Yui: Then I guess it's back to Darkflare's place.


Daiane: That's the Warrior's Hangout right? That's a bit far away, so why don't you sleep here by for the night.


Yui: Won't we be in the way?


Dean: This is a freaking big mansion, of course not!


Daiane: Your friend Hugh was so sleepy I allowed him to one of our guest rooms for the night.


Joyce: Why not? I'm up for it.


Yui: Alright then. We'll take on the offer. Hina, can you give me your phone for a moment? I'm phoning Ludger to tell everyone we found a place we're staying for free.


Hinamori: Okay then...


Daiane: If you want something to eat, just give it a call.


Yui: Alrighty!!!


   Moments later, they were taken to their rooms.


Location: Elysia Inn


   Jude and Yomi heard the loud sound. While it didn't bother Jude much since he was reading a book and was merely thrown out of focus, Yomi let an annoyed growl since she's a light sleeper.



Yomi: C'mon...I was almost having a dream...If this keeps happening...We're going to have a problem...


Jude: Seems like some things will never change from city to city...


((Now, for a sidestory, not subplot))




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9 hours ago, A person said:


Muireann: Threat has been neutralized by Shadow Wolf. Awaiting further orders...


Her voice could be heard gaining inflection for a moment.


Good work. You have served your team well. The people of the slums owes you a debt of gratitude. You should be proud. Hmm...by the sound of your voice you seem a bit..."tired." I can't have my "precious" Murieann getting..."overworked". There are Cyber Knights patrolling near by. I'll have them escort you back to base where you can get some rest. Please wait with Shadow Wolf and Type K until their arrival.

9 hours ago, DuckMannnn said:


15K stands still for a brief moment, then contacts Shadow Wolf.


15K: Threat has been neutraliz- ...Detecting abnormal activities in 15K's OS chip. This one will enter maintenance mode when this one returns to the headquarters.


Then, he noticed a slight difference in Murieann's tone. He glared at her in order to analyze her vitals.



15K: Detecting unusual wavelengths in Murieann's voice. Fatigue is presumably the cause. 15K recommends Murieann to repair the equipments then abstain from working and rest for approximately 24 hours in order to reach peak physical, mental and spiritual condition.


(So my hunch paid off. He no doubt evil...but was it undead? Perhaps it's evil intent was enough...)


Shadow wolf jumps down and approaches the others...



Looks like we got'em. I'm not sure what this thing was, but it certainly had no intention on leaving any survivors. It melted your shield like a hot knife through butter, Murieann. And almost did the same to you WHOLE BODY, Type K. That's why I'm not taking any chances...


Shadow Wolf walks over to the stone creature. He places a round flat object on each of the creature's 3 segments and begins walking away and talking...




It's always strange to see them float even though they turn to stone. You would thing that being petrified would cause it to fall...well...like a rock. Guess that's just another wonder of this crazy world, eh? Anyway...I suggest you guys follow me. Unless you wanna leave hear in pieces...those round objects aren't Christmas ornaments. But they WILL light up in a few seconds...if you catch my drift..


Shadow Wolf motions to the 3 objects he placed on the creature...once he and the others are far away, he will detonate 3 bombs placed on the creature. His intent is to blast the statued beast into small pieces...



Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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11 minutes ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Good work. You have served your team well. The people of the slums owes you a debt of gratitude. You should be proud. Hmm...by the sound of your voice you seem a bit..."tired." I can't have my "precious" Murieann getting..."overworked". There are Cyber Knights patrolling near by. I'll have them escort you back to base where you can get some rest. Please wait with Shadow Wolf and Type K until their arrival.


Muireann: Under...stood...will await...escort...


13 minutes ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


(So my hunch paid off. He no doubt evil...but was it undead? Perhaps it's evil intent was enough...)


Shadow wolf jumps down and approaches the others...



Looks like we got'em. I'm not sure what this thing was, but it certainly had no intention on leaving any survivors. It melted your shield like a hot knife through butter, Murieann. And almost did the same to you WHOLE BODY, Type K. That's why I'm not taking any chances...


Shadow Wolf walks over to the stone creature. He places a round flat object on each of the creature's 3 segments and begins walking away and talking...




It's always strange to see them float even though they turn to stone. You would thing that being petrified would cause it to fall...well...like a rock. Guess that's just another wonder of this crazy world, eh? Anyway...I suggest you guys follow me. Unless you wanna leave hear in pieces...those round objects aren't Christmas ornaments. But they WILL light up in a few seconds...if you catch my drift..


Shadow Wolf motions to the 3 objects he placed on the creature...once he and the others are far away, he will detonate 3 bombs placed on the creature. His intent is to blast the statued beast into small pieces...


Muireann: I...shall seek repairs...when I...return...


The explosion was quite sizable and caused a small shockwave to travel through the area, one far more powerful than it should have been. The explosion itself also caused several windows on buildings and cars around to shatter.

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9 hours ago, A person said:

The girl at the front counter smiled at the big man despite his rather menacing appearance.



???: There sure was! You wouldn't happen to be with them, would you?


Enkidu: Yes I am with them, but I only came here to visit them, if that's okay.

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Though he hasn't reached his destination, Robo-Ky could note the explosion.






"Was that really an explosion? What the hell are they doing in that place?"





The robot's head detaches from it's body as the torso and the lower body begin to head in a different location. The head's top opens up to reveal rotors which it uses to fly.



"Make a quick pass and map the lay out as you do. Don't head too deep. I hate to leave things incomplete, but we'll have to settle with just knowing their first line of defense."

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48 minutes ago, A person said:


Muireann: Under...stood...will await...escort...



Muireann: I...shall seek repairs...when I...return...


The explosion was quite sizable and caused a small shockwave to travel through the area, one far more powerful than it should have been. The explosion itself also caused several windows on buildings and cars around to shatter.


With the statue shattered to pieces, along with a few windows... Shadow Wolf waits with Murieann until her escort arrives...



You look beat Murieann. With all that's going on you gotta be at your best or you may not see tomorrow. You've seen quite a bit of action today. I'm used to looking at the world through a scope while hiding in the shadows, but you still have blood on your weapon from that kid. Yeah...I know about him. I was told you impaled him...and continued to fight with him still dangling from your weapon. The beserk demon as well.  My heart can be cold, but you are scary...even to ME at times. I'm glad we're on the same side. 


Shadow Wolf attempts to put Murieann at ease as she awaits her escort. On the outside he appears to be at ease, but the ever ready veteran watches Murieann closely. He knows that her mind is not stable and she is teetering on the edge of her own...."self control"...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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On 10/15/2017 at 10:46 PM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


With the statue shattered to pieces, along with a few windows... Shadow Wolf waits with Murieann until her escort arrives...



You look beat Murieann. With all that's going on you gotta be at your best or you may not see tomorrow. You've seen quite a bit of action today. I'm used to looking at the world through a scope while hiding in the shadows, but you still have blood on your weapon from that kid. Yeah...I know about him. I was told you impaled him...and continued to fight with him still dangling from your weapon. The beserk demon as well.  My heart can be cold, but you are scary...even to ME at times. I'm glad we're on the same side. 


Shadow Wolf attempts to put Murieann at ease as she awaits her escort. On the outside he appears to be at ease, but the ever ready veteran watches Murieann closely. He knows that her mind is not stable and she is teetering on the edge of her own...."self control"...

The visor on her head slid back into the headband, signalling that she was close to resting, or possibly something else.



Muireann: ...


Suddenly, the arms of the creature came flying out from the smoke left behind by the explosion, trails of smoke coming from behind them. One was headed right for Shadow Wolf's back, whilst the other was flying right at Muireann's back, both with the bladed part at the front, making them almost like spears flying through the air.

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15K immediately spots the 2 arms flying straight at his allies. He realizes he can only save one of them and has to choose right away.



15K: Behind!


He then dives at Murieann, who is closer to him, attempting to bring her on the ground in order to avoid the deadly projectile.


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On 10/18/2017 at 12:22 PM, A person said:

The visor on her head slid back into the headband, signalling that she was close to resting, or possibly something else.



Muireann: ...


Suddenly, the arms of the creature came flying out from the smoke left behind by the explosion, trails of smoke coming from behind them. One was headed right for Shadow Wolf's back, whilst the other was flying right at Muireann's back, both with the bladed part at the front, making them almost like spears flying through the air.


On 10/18/2017 at 8:49 PM, DuckMannnn said:

15K immediately spots the 2 arms flying straight at his allies. He realizes he can only save one of them and has to choose right away.



15K: Behind!


He then dives at Murieann, who is closer to him, attempting to bring her on the ground in order to avoid the deadly projectile.

Just as the arms came close to the unsuspecting two shadows came from both sides...





Hearing the explosion, the Knights rushed to the scene. Seeing the Carnage they immediately jumped into action. They aimed at the arms of the beast. If successful, they would use their plasma swords to seaver the glowing bladed hands from the creatures arms. 2 more Knights landed jumped down from the roof. With shields and plasma swords ready, they stood guarding Shadow Wolf, Type K and Murieann...prepared for whatever the dark beast had left.





Shadow sees Type K dive at Murieann.  He instinctively swivels his body turning backwards as he leaps to a rooftop while channeling energy into his gun ...





Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Flare continue to watch Robo-Ky's sights as he notes an interesting detail.



"That's quite a lot of heat signatures in one spot. That's about where that sound came from as well so that.must be all the nearby guards that came to check it out."



"Mission aborted. If you stay any longer, I'll definitely lose you. Come back home."





The head proceeded to turn around and leave, beginning to call back his body parts to reassemble on the way out.

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Somewhere in Candor City


???: (This city is larger than any city I have ever seen. With that being said, it makes it hard for me to locate him)


???: (It was pretty hard to sense, but the portal that dragged us to this place had a power that seems fit for this place.)


???: (Well, i'm sure I'll find more answers soon enough. For now, I think a break is much needed.)

(The girl sits down at a nearby bench)

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On 10/15/2017 at 9:49 PM, Sinjik said:


Enkidu: Yes I am with them, but I only came here to visit them, if that's okay.


???: I don't know how they feel about it, but as long as you're with them, it's fine! Just try not to wake up any other customers, okay?


Meanwhile, outside of the inn, a figure stood close to the door, looking into the building. They were ignoring the fighting going on close by.



???: (A group of people not from this world...it seems that they actually managed to bring in the cavalry they wanted after all, then. I guess the time is right, anyhow...now, for me to gather my own cavalry.)


The mysterious figure proceeded to walk off, whistling quietly as the snow crunched beneath them.


CANDOR CITY: Northwestern Slums


On 10/18/2017 at 7:49 PM, DuckMannnn said:

15K immediately spots the 2 arms flying straight at his allies. He realizes he can only save one of them and has to choose right away.



15K: Behind!


He then dives at Murieann, who is closer to him, attempting to bring her on the ground in order to avoid the deadly projectile.


Muireann would find herself being pushed to the ground by 15K, the woman taking a rather heavy fall as the arm narrowly missed her. She grunted as she hit the ground.



Muireann: Explaination for 15K's action required.

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15K points at the arm that sliced through an abandoned electrical pole and landed on a wall, leaving a huge crack on it. The pole falls on the ground and makes a loud "bang" noise before 15K explained himself to Murieann.


15K: 15K believes that sustaining a few bruises caused by falling down would be a more logical option than getting dismembered, disemboweled or decapitated.


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Upon confirming that nothing was chasing down Robo-Ky's retreat, Flare leaned back in his chair and began to think.


The meeting didn't provide much information as he had hoped. His attempt at recon ended up a bust due to the abundance of guards just near the entrance and he had no way of getting around it without risking lives.


A direct assault was out of the question as while he knew where their leaders were, there were too many of them and the distance was too long to even get cloae before wiping out.


The idea of using their reinforcements against then came to mind. If they just sent a group just to check that explosion with enough noise in one area they would certainly bring a lot of them to that area, allowing another group to slip by with less resistance. Of course, anyone doing said noise would have to have a death wish and he was certain everyone wanted to live.


Alternatively, the plan could be adapted to multiple attacks from different angles. In doing so, their forces would spread out a lot making it easier to thin them out. Of course, that would mean having smaller groups each of them.not being able to support themselves as well.


Regardless of what he could come up with, he would still need to discuss it with the others, perhaps they had a better plan to go with.


Flare proceeded to exit out of the control room and proceed to his own personal quarters.

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Meanwhile LightFlare had resided to his room. He was contemplating the recent events...




(Just what in the heck is going on? I come back and my neighborhood is a war zone. People dying...and they were summoned here against their will. And here I am just sitting on a bed worried about myself. I've lived on the road for months at a time. I should've bother Darkflare with this... but I need to rest. I'll need my strength for the days ahead. I know we're in for a huge confrontation. )


LightFlare leans back and turns on the TV...


(Basic cable...well at least I can watch the news...)

He tries to relax his mind as he flicks threw the channels in search of anything in the news...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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4 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:




???: I don't know how they feel about it, but as long as you're with them, it's fine! Just try not to wake up any other customers, okay?



Enkidu: Do not worry, I will make sure to be as quiet as possible.

(Enkidu starts walking toward the rooms, and then makes a sudden stop)


Enkidu: (Now, who's room is who's? I suppose a guess wouldn't hurt)

(Enkidu knocks lightly but noticeably on Idealis door)

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As the night lingered on, there was another who was still awake. The bounty hunter known as Shrike watched the entrance to the slums from afar. It was the area where her targets were and she watched it carefully waiting for the perfect opportunity. As a former elite sharpshooter she was no stranger to waiting for long periods of time for that perfect shot. But she knew the perfect shot was never going to come from her position. Her target was deep within what was practically a fortress and it would be impossible for her to infiltrate it alone. There was the transmission from earlier. There was something...unusual about it. The thought of finding these "terrorists" was in her mind, perhaps they knew what was really going on and if so... had similar goals. She was looking around with her binoculars one last time for the night. She spotted the Robo-Ky coming back from the slums keeping her eye on him to track down where he was headed.


"It seems he's headed for that large building there...."


Once he was out of sight, Shrike looked around again spotting the girl in the bench.


"Young lady, it isn't safe to be out here alone so late. You should be heading home..."


For now, she would look around the girl trying to spot anyone she could be waiting for or anyone that could be dangerous.

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CANDOR CITY: Northwestern Slums

On 10/23/2017 at 4:23 AM, DuckMannnn said:

15K points at the arm that sliced through an abandoned electrical pole and landed on a wall, leaving a huge crack on it. The pole falls on the ground and makes a loud "bang" noise before 15K explained himself to Murieann.


15K: 15K believes that sustaining a few bruises caused by falling down would be a more logical option than getting dismembered, disemboweled or decapitated.

Muireann examined the situation, the arm beginning to hover back towards what looked to be the creature's torso. Her visor slid back out.



Muireann: Altruism of 15K is...appreciated...


She turned her attention to the torso and arm that was lleft of the creature; it appeared that its legs were blown off in the explosion, yet it still refused to die.




On 10/23/2017 at 8:21 PM, Sinjik said:


Enkidu: Do not worry, I will make sure to be as quiet as possible.

(Enkidu starts walking toward the rooms, and then makes a sudden stop)


Enkidu: (Now, who's room is who's? I suppose a guess wouldn't hurt)

(Enkidu knocks lightly but noticeably on Idealis door)

Idealis turned hear head towards the door as the sound of knuckles being rapped upon it echoed through the room, the suspicious girl raising an eyebrow.



Idealis: Eh? Who's there?

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3 hours ago, A person said:

Idealis turned hear head towards the door as the sound of knuckles being rapped upon it echoed through the room, the suspicious girl raising an eyebrow.



Idealis: Eh? Who's there?


Enkidu: It's me, Enkidu. May I have a moment to speak with you all?

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10 hours ago, Sinjik said:


Enkidu: It's me, Enkidu. May I have a moment to speak with you all?

This was definitely a cause for concern.



Idealis: Umm...sure, I guess? 


She got up from her hiding spot and, still keeping an ear out for any strange noises from the window, proceeded to walk over to the door and open it slightly, just enough to allow her to peer out at him.



Idealis: Soooo...how did you know where we were and why do you want to talk?

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On 10/23/2017 at 5:23 AM, DuckMannnn said:

15K points at the arm that sliced through an abandoned electrical pole and landed on a wall, leaving a huge crack on it. The pole falls on the ground and makes a loud "bang" noise before 15K explained himself to Murieann.


15K: 15K believes that sustaining a few bruises caused by falling down would be a more logical option than getting dismembered, disemboweled or decapitated.




The shadows came into view as the sliced at the arms. Although they were swift in their attack, they were only able to successfully slice one arm separating it's glowing bladed hand from it's grotesque arm. They look behind them and instinctively quickly dash to the far left and far right of the creature. Meanwhile, Shadow Wolf had successfully leaped onto the roof of a nearby building. With the his energy charged into his gun, he quickly aims his rifle at the body of the creature...




This thing won't quit! Take this...POWER SHOT!


Shadow Wolf fires his Power Shot, a concentrated blast from his rifle. If the shot hits the intended target directly, it will cause damge based on the amount of turns the move is charged. If it's blocked it will cause the target to be in a "stunned" state momentarily unable to defend or retaliate. 




On 10/26/2017 at 3:46 PM, A person said:

Muireann examined the situation, the arm beginning to hover back towards what looked to be the creature's torso. Her visor slid back out.



Muireann: Altruism of 15K is...appreciated...


She turned her attention to the torso and arm that was lleft of the creature; it appeared that its legs were blown off in the explosion, yet it still refused to die.


As Shadow Wolf fires the other 2 Cyber Knights dash to the side of Murieann, as if to protect her. One stops and stands near Murieann and Type K. The other continues by Type K pointing at Type K with his blade then pointing at the torso of the creature as he followed the previous knight that ran to the far left of the creature. His motions suggest a flanking maneuver.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Lucent Vermillion and Fuindor Akaikage

Location: ??? - Mysterious Ruins


Floor: 1st Lower Floor - Road to the Catacombs


BGM: The Bridge People no Longer Cross (Touhou Chireiden: Subterranean Animism)


As they went to the lower levels, the place was entirely dark. They could hear steps and strange noises, making it noticeable that the monsters were there.



Fuindor: Crap, I was so distracted with you guys that monsters managed to get through. I need to clean this mess right now or the temple will be destroyed.


Soon, glowing orbs appeared in thin air, revealing the big amount of creatures in the area thanks to their light.



Fuindor: Whoa, there are more guys than I imagined...


Floor: 2nd Upper Floor - Trial Room #2


BGM: Worldend_dominator still playing


Lucent reached the other room. Unlike the previous one, there was nothing in the area. Everything seemed quiet...



Lucent: This silence... gives the layout away.


He stepped on a random tile as it went down. Soon, spikes were shot from left and right.



Lucent: (A trap maze... its deactivation lies on the other side...)


You have incited my wrath. I shall kill you with all methods at my disposal.


Lucent: ... Gods. Unreasonable and egotistical... wishing for death with every word.


Lucent: I'll destroy you... just like the rest...


He began to walk carefully between the tiles. Lucent tried to figure a pattern with them.


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Location: The Slums


    The sudden explosion called the attention of Julius and Seila. They were fighting each other for a while, but such even was enough to make them stop.



Julius: What?


Seila: Seems like there's always something happening in this place.


Julius: More like interesting things started happening today. It's possible that this place won't be safe for us anymore in the near future...These Knights won't go very far.


Julius: So...How about considering my offer now? I'm sure you don't want to get caught by your former allies right now.


    Seila silently sheathes her swords, considering her options.



Seila: ...Very well...But as soon as your problems are done with, I'm leaving.


Julius: Thanks for understanding...Now then, shall we go to the place you're staying?


Seila: Why mine?


Julius: A certain someone knows by this point where I live. It's a complicated story...I'll pack my things back at my home first, then we go to yours.


Seila: Right...


   Meanwhile, Lorence and Reeta had finally arrived at the slums, they could increase the pace now that they weren't jumping from building to building.



Reeta: We're probably too late for the show after that huge cloud of smoke though.


Lorence: The distress signal isn't gone yet...It's not over yet.


Reeta: Is that so? Sigh...


Lorence: I know you're a bit tired mentally after that chance meeting with your former companions...


Reeta: I'm not...Let's keep going. I'm just not really a fan of fighting to be honest...


Lorence: Are you really sure? You don't want to get distracted by such thoughts.


Reeta: We'll see about that. We psychics are known for our impecable focus.


    She went on ahead, Lorence simply smirked and followed after her.




1 hour ago, Agni Blackheart said:

As they went to the lower levels, the place was entirely dark. They could hear steps and strange noises, making it noticeable that the monsters were there.



Fuindor: Crap, I was so distracted with you guys that monsters managed to get through. I need to clean this mess right now or the temple will be destroyed.


Soon, glowing orbs appeared in thin air, revealing the big amount of creatures in the area thanks to their light.



Fuindor: Whoa, there are more guys than I imagined...


    Darius started to speak with tone of sarcasm.



Darius: Oh, I'm sorry if we distracted you from your precious job. Let's make it up for you by helping to take out the trash!




   Suddenly, he threw his falchion to the mob in front of him, creating an explosion which also send his weapon back to him.



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