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The Roleplay Paradise Redux: Fortis Novum Mundum

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Team 2


15 hours ago, Mister Fael said:


Joyce: You did great.


   Joyce also raised her hand to return the gesture.


Penelope: YEAH!


Their hands clasped against each other, the high five sending resonating waves through the very heavens themselves. At least, that's what Penelope wished would happen.

14 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

All of them returned to the teams' waiting lobby as their pause time still ensued and the arena was being currently cleaned. The Offense Team were in commemorating spirits.



13P: YEAH!! We did it!!


5T: Indeed we did. Honestly, I've never expected a trick like this coming from you, 13P.


13P: If I never played dirty, we would've lost. I had to do it.


5T: Yeah, but the same trick won't work twice in a row, so scrap it away for this next round, got it?


13P: Alright, I won't do it. After all, I doubt everyone approves what I did back there.


Penelope: Yeah, I thought this was supposed to be a simulation, not a game where you can cheat!



Penelope: Because, trust me, if I knew we could do that...I would've done it at the beginning, hehe! I'm all for dirty tricks, so let's see if we can use 'em again to win!


Despite what she said, once 5T started to go over the plans, she did listen intently.


14 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


5T: Now Emilia. She's someone who you can't afford to doubt. I find it hard to outmatch her on logic and that transformation of hers is definitely more trouble than what I have thought at first. We haven't seen much of what she can do, but this will be the opportunity we'll need to get glimpses of her true skill. I was going to put someone else, but you're her target, Joyce. I think you're able to handle her well, transformed or not.

Following up on what 5T said, Penelope let out a sigh.



Penelope: You should be reeeeeeeally careful with her, Joyce...she's got a ton of tricks up her sleeve, both in transformation and out of it! You've already seen some of what she can do, but that's hardly even scratching the surface!


14 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


5T: Ludger's multitude of weapons gives him an array of advantage since he can take both close and long range. He was only eliminated out of luck, since Light's plan messed up with him. However, I doubt he's going to let this be his impression for us. We need someone that can cover those issues. Penelope, I suppose you have an array of magic at your disposal, so we'll need them to hold Ludger at all costs.


Penelope: You got it, boss!

14 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


13P: So what do you all think? Do you guys agree with your targets?

Penelope ran down the list of targets for everyone in her head, and then recalled a huge issue.



Penelope: Umm...what about the whole "defending the maid" thing? Are we just gonna leave her out in the open? She probably can't fight; she's only good for cleaning stuff!


Team 2


Emilia shrugged as she made her way back to her team, exiting her transformation along the way.



Emilia: You win some, you lose some. That is the nature of battle.


11 hours ago, DuckMannnn said:


Kirimuri: I think... for the next round, we should adapt a plan to the team instead of doing the other way around.

Emilia flipped some hair out from in front of her face.



Emilia: Agreed, but we should not let this defeat demotivate us. This is, as Rokurou stated, meant to be a friendly battle, so do not let this defeat dampen your spirits, or else we may have an even worse situation going into the next round. Now...


The gears in Emilia's head began to spin. After observing as much of her opponents and allies as she possibly could, she was able to at least roughly determine what target each attacker should deal with.



Emilia: We are changing positions, so I hope that you all at least know which positions are viable and which are vulnerable. If not, take this time to study the entirety of the area while you still can. I do not want a repeat of the last round.





Emilia: And I do not want anyone to attempt planting themselves behind enemy lines again. 


She looked at Kirimuri, as if directing her statement at him.



Emilia: Since we are now Offense, our goal will be to retrieve the hostage and take her back to our own area successfully. Though going in as one group would allow us to take out a majority of them and capture the maid with minimal casualties, it would also allow them room to attempt a counter-strike via the other side we entered from. Along with this, stealth attacks are out of the question as time will be against us, so a few staying behind to incapacitate the defenders who manage to get around us will also not be viable. Therefore, I devise that we put our abilities to work. We can still exit the attacking side as one group, but as we move closer to the center of the arena, I propose that we split into two groups. Group one, moving in from the left side of the area, will consist of Lightflare, Ludger, Rokurou, and Hugh. Group two, moving in from the right side of the area, will consist of Etomo, Agni, Kirimuri, and me. Ludger shall use his Squall Shot ability to cover the area in gunfire, preventing the defenders from attacking right away. If you happen to encounter a water wall, Lightflare should be able to destroy it with his slew of abilities. Once the gunfire ceases, they should be distracted enough to attempt to focus upon the left side, and that is where Hugh and Rokurou will come into play, along with Ludger and Lightflare providing cover fire for them. In group two, Kirimuri will use a baton to throw up a smokescreen to obscure view of us, but also alert them to our presence, possibly causing them to either advance towards it or launch a spray of ranged attacks towards it, allowing me to deflect their attacks or, if I am transformed, which I most likely will be, reflect them back at them to send them back, allowing us to advance once more. From here, Etomo shall take the lead with Agni, both fending off those defenders who were not distracted by the approach of group one whilst Kirimuri uses his cloak to move in and quickly steal the maid as both groups converge upon the defending area. Meanwhile, I shall aid in the efforts of fending off the defenders with the others. Should the maid not be on the right side, Lightflare should advance and attempt to capture the maid whilst Ludger, Rokurou, and Hugh fend off the defenders who attempt to stop him. Once the maid is in our possession, we should once again form a group to lower the chances of the one who captured her being eliminated and quickly advance back towards our area, Ludger, Kirimuri, Lightflare, and Agni once again providing the necessary cover fire to fend off any remaining defenders.


Emilia took a deep breath.



Emilia: Phew...and there is still more that must be said. Should the need arise, we must also determine who should target whom.



Emilia: Now, as you may be aware, their side consists of mostly strategy-oriented fighters who attempt to read their opponents before deciding upon an action. The only one I know is not so capable of fast-thinking would be Ryuko, but what she lacks in intelligence she makes up for in sheer ferocity. 


She glanced at Lightflare.



Emilia: Light. Your ferocity in battle maybe be matched by her own, but you also seem to be able to think quickly when necessary. Therefore, I believe that you may be best fit for taking her down, so I will leave eliminating her to you.


She then glanced at Agni.



Emilia: Agni, judging by your looks, you have a variety of skills under your belt and can play multiple roles if necessary, making you the perfect candidate for dealing with 5T. His "Pod" acts like another person, so having the ability to change skills depending on the situation would be very useful against him as neither him nor his "Pod" would know what to expect next.


Next, she glanced at Ludger.



Emilia: Your prowess in combat has not escaped my notice, Ludger, so I believe that you may be best for dealing with Penelope. She may be skilled with swords and magic, but your control over a multitude of weapons would no doubt overwhelm her.


She moved onto Rokurou.



Emilia: You brandish that sword as if it were an extension of yourself, Rokurou, and I have no doubt that Hinamori would be an easy target for you. She seems to have a control over magical abilities primarily, but most likely cannot handle herself in close combat, so your ability should dominate hers without any issue.


Her attention shifted to Kirimuri.



Emilia: Kirimuri, your natural affinity with stealth could be quite useful against 13P. As he is similar to 5T in that he, too, has a "Pod", you must take great caution in battling with him, but I have no doubt that you will be able to easily disorient him and eliminate him.


Next in her sights was Etomo.



Emilia: Your skills with the martial arts are astounding, and you seem to be capable of overpowering a foe extremely quickly, so I will leave Joyce to you. She is a skilled sword user and is capable of using magic, but I am certain that if you manage to charge her down and force her into defending, she will be no match for you.


Lastly, she focused on Hugh.



Emilia: Hugh, your quick wits and versatility will be of great use against Byakuya. He seems to be a clever one, but I am certain that you will be able to outmatch him in a battle of wits and strength. 


She took another deep breath.



Emilia: And finally, I shall be the one to handle Yui. She seems to have a grasp on both the magical arts and swordplay, so she would be a perfect opponent for me to test myself against. Remember, though: this is for the case that our plans fall through. Capturing the maid should be our sole priority. Now...are there any objections? I would like to hear all that everyone has to say so that we can perfect our plans and come out victorious. 

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Music: Because it's the right path


Team 2




On 06/01/2018 at 12:40 AM, Agni Blackheart said:


13P: So what do you all think? Do you guys agree with your targets?



Leaf: The question is, will we be able to pick them?


Joyce: Since they'll have a plan this time around, I'm almost sure they'll be doing the picking...And with Lightflare being able to sense our locations, it's only a matter of time before our counters reaches us.


Hinamori: Hmmm...


12 hours ago, A person said:



Penelope: Umm...what about the whole "defending the maid" thing? Are we just gonna leave her out in the open? She probably can't fight; she's only good for cleaning stuff!



Joyce: Well, since everyone is most certainly going to go all out in this round, it's better to hide her in a place where she's safe from our attacks and make sure they don't take a step in the defense room. Since I'm in Valiant Knight Mode, I'll leave the heavy magic with Hina.


Hinamori: Agreed...We'll have to stay outside.


Ryuko: What's with the distant look?


Hinamori: Well...I can use my ability to communicate with spirits to tell me where they are...but in a place like this, I would have to raise my aura and attract more spirits...But that would increase the risk of one of the spirits possessing one of you. In order to reduce the risk, I would have to isolate myself from the group...but that's out of the question.


Leaf: I don't see much problem. I mean, I'm already controlling Master Yui's body. Also, aren't 5T and 13P robots? We can communicate with each other if we use their pod thingies, so unless "Poltergeist" is a thing, it should be fine.


Hinamori: Well...It seems like we can expect good ideas from you compared to your Master.


Leaf: You think so? I thought you would know something like this...I just said what I saw on Master's memories.


Hinamori: I just let my hesitation get the better of me...But not any longer, we'll use this tactic.


Joyce: That's great news!


Hinamori: Alright, we'll split into two teams again, one guarding the right entrance and the other guarding the left. If one sees an enemy, don't shoot on sight yet, observe their movements and report anything unusual to me and wait for my orders. I'll be in charge of locating enemies out of sight.


Ryuko: Understood, Oh great commander!


Hinamori: My team will head for the Right Entrance, Joyce, you stay with the remaining teammates and guard the Left Entrance.


Joyce: Alright.


Hinamori: Of course, if possible, try picking your targets based on 5T's insight. Oh, and one more thing: No ambushes, you know just who is the guy that will warn the others of your presence.


Leaf: Roger that! So, for an recap on the teams.


Left Entrance: Joyce, Penelope, Ryuko and Byakuya

Right Entrance: Hinamori, Yui(Leaf), 5T and 13P



Joyce: Does anyone have anything else to say? If not, we should get to our positions and move the maid to this spot.





Hinamori: I have one more thing...Here.



    Hinamori gives Joyce her knife.



Joyce: What? You'll need this.


Hinamori: No more than you do. You need to work with something you excel at. Remember what Penelope said.


12 hours ago, A person said:



Penelope: You should be reeeeeeeally careful with her, Joyce...she's got a ton of tricks up her sleeve, both in transformation and out of it! You've already seen some of what she can do, but that's hardly even scratching the surface!



Joyce: Well...you have a point there...Alright then, I'll accept it.


Hinamori: Make sure to put a teleport mark on it, this is going to be your weapon alone until the round is over.


Joyce: Got it!




Team 1




   Hugh, Ludger and Etomo payed attention to Emilia's briefing, making sure to not miss anything.


12 hours ago, A person said:



Emilia: Your prowess in combat has not escaped my notice, Ludger, so I believe that you may be best for dealing with Penelope. She may be skilled with swords and magic, but your control over a multitude of weapons would no doubt overwhelm her.



Ludger: Okay, I'll see what I can do.


12 hours ago, A person said:

Next in her sights was Etomo.



Emilia: Your skills with the martial arts are astounding, and you seem to be capable of overpowering a foe extremely quickly, so I will leave Joyce to you. She is a skilled sword user and is capable of using magic, but I am certain that if you manage to charge her down and force her into defending, she will be no match for you.



Etomo: Sure! I'm certain I can reach her much like I almost did with Hinamori. And with a more organized team this time around, I'm sure I'll be able to fight her without interruptions.


12 hours ago, A person said:



Emilia: Hugh, your quick wits and versatility will be of great use against Byakuya. He seems to be a clever one, but I am certain that you will be able to outmatch him in a battle of wits and strength. 



Hugh: Now we're talking. I'll make sure Spider Man won't last long.


Hugh: Okay then, time for me to again, give some insight on my friends in the other team.


Ludger: What is it?


Hugh: You see, Right now, Yui's body is being controlled by the spirit of her holy sword.


Ludger: Wait, that can happen?


Hugh: Yes, and from what I heard, she's way more skilled with a sword than Yui will ever be, so trying to eliminate her, or him early isn't going to work this time around.


Hugh: But, since a sword can't wield itself, she can't use her light magic and is overall slower, so Emilia can still target her.


Etomo: That's good to hear. Anything else?


Hugh: Hina will surely use her earth magic this round since it's a more reliable defensive tool.


Ludger: That's where I enter, right?


Hugh: You got it. I'm sure she'll see a squall shot coming, but we can still use it to keep her busy. If my guess is correct, she'll use a big spell to try and scramble our team to give her teammates a chance to pick a target that gives them the advantage, and we can't let that happen.


Etomo: I'd say that's a good guess, if she can target us from a safe distance, then she's in a perfect position to do just that.


Hugh: Let's see...I guess that's all from me.







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Arena Trial 001: Waiting Lobby


The plan seemed to be good enough for them to hold the maid until the time limit would run out.



5T: If I can say one last thing is: don't follow the plan to a T.


13P: Wait, what? That doesn't make sense.


5T: Don't be confident that the targets I assigned will be exactly the same for their side. I have my point of view towards the others and it's different from anyone else's. I'm sure each of us will be targeted by someone different than I have imagined, so you need to be ready for any sort of surprise.


13P: I see. Well, then I guess that's it for the plan. 5T, leave your Pod ready for any necessary communication, got it?


5T: Yeah, but let's not risk them too much. Because they're our advantage, the other team will target the Pods first and then us.


Meawhile, the other team had their own plan. Rokurou is going after Hinamori while Agni's target is 5T. They all seemed to agree with it.



Rokurou: Got it. This time, I'm not falling behind.


Agni: ... Understood. I'll do my best.


Rokurou: (Kid's still salty about the loss. That, or the fact he was eliminated too quickly.)


Agni: Why are you staring at me like that?


Rokurou: Nothing. Anyway, I don't have any insights to add. What about you, Agni?


Agni: ...? An insight?


Rokurou: Yeah. You seem to be smart, so maybe you have a plan or something.


Agni: ... No, I don't have anything.


Rokurou: (Well, aren't you a bad liar?)


Agni: *sigh* What is it now?

Rokurou: Nothing.





Melina: ... OK, I understood. The next time I decide to leave, I will suggest it first.


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21 hours ago, A person said:

Team 2

Her attention shifted to Kirimuri.



Emilia: Kirimuri, your natural affinity with stealth could be quite useful against 13P. As he is similar to 5T in that he, too, has a "Pod", you must take great caution in battling with him, but I have no doubt that you will be able to easily disorient him and eliminate him.



Kirimuri: I'll try to deal with him. And the Pod. I didn't get a chance to use certain tactics during the last round.



Kirimuri: ...I wonder if a smoke bullet can take down his Pod?


Kirimuri said as he pulled out his revolver, loaded with ammunition.


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On 1/6/2018 at 10:41 AM, A person said:


Emilia: Light. Your ferocity in battle maybe be matched by her own, but you also seem to be able to think quickly when necessary. Therefore, I believe that you may be best fit for taking her down, so I will leave eliminating her to you.



Roger that. I'm sure it was going to happen either way...


LightFlare meditates on the plan as he waits.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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3 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Melina: ... OK, I understood. The next time I decide to leave, I will suggest it first.


"For all our sake's, I really hope you do."


He headed back to the console controls as he oversaw the clean up and preparation for the next round



"The reckless actions the offensive team had in this round would have made it very difficult for me to keep them healed in actual combat. Hopefully they learned their lesson and will prove it to us in the next round. I must say, this simulation certainly has its benefits."

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Team 1

15 hours ago, Mister Fael said:


Hugh: You see, Right now, Yui's body is being controlled by the spirit of her holy sword.


Ludger: Wait, that can happen?


Hugh: Yes, and from what I heard, she's way more skilled with a sword than Yui will ever be, so trying to eliminate her, or him early isn't going to work this time around.


Hugh: But, since a sword can't wield itself, she can't use her light magic and is overall slower, so Emilia can still target her.


15 hours ago, Mister Fael said:


Hugh: Hina will surely use her earth magic this round since it's a more reliable defensive tool.


Ludger: That's where I enter, right?


Hugh: You got it. I'm sure she'll see a squall shot coming, but we can still use it to keep her busy. If my guess is correct, she'll use a big spell to try and scramble our team to give her teammates a chance to pick a target that gives them the advantage, and we can't let that happen.

Emilia nodded as she took in the information.



Emilia: This knowledge will certainly prove useful in the coming battle. Thank you, Hugh. 



Emilia: I should also present some information on Penelope in turn. She is primarily a defensive fighter, so she can aid her team in establishing a nigh impenetrable field using her arcane arts. The downside is that she has to be completely focused on it, and if she has to perform any action, bar talking or looking around, the barrier will be dropped. Attacking the barrier also seems to harm her, so perhaps she can be eliminated in that fashion if she manages to put it up before engaging an enemy. She is also lacking in swordplay because of this, so trying to stay close to her should be more than enough to throw her off.


She cleared her throat.



Emilia: Now, since our plans are firmly established, we should use this remaining time to study the area and find possible positions they can adopt and use as vantage points as we did not do so previously.


From her vantage point in the offensive area, Emilia tried to spot out potential blind spots from a distance, beginning to take into consideration possible assaults the defensive team could deliver.


Team 2


7 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Arena Trial 001: Waiting Lobby


The plan seemed to be good enough for them to hold the maid until the time limit would run out.



5T: If I can say one last thing is: don't follow the plan to a T.


13P: Wait, what? That doesn't make sense.


5T: Don't be confident that the targets I assigned will be exactly the same for their side. I have my point of view towards the others and it's different from anyone else's. I'm sure each of us will be targeted by someone different than I have imagined, so you need to be ready for any sort of surprise.


Penelope: As long as everyone's protecting the princess, we should be fine! That, and I do have some tricks up my sleeve to make sure we win, but I think I'll only need a barrier to capture a win! Buuuut, if it doesn't work out, then I'm ready for whatever!


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Tapping a few commands, Flare sets up communications in the waiting rooms.



"Break time's over. Report to the arena immediately for the second round. Anyone that doesn't arrive in the next 2 minutes, well...I don't think your teammates will appreciate starting the next round with less than a full team."

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9 minutes ago, Darkflare said:

Tapping a few commands, Flare sets up communications in the waiting rooms.



"Break time's over. Report to the arena immediately for the second round. Anyone that doesn't arrive in the next 2 minutes, well...I don't think your teammates will appreciate starting the next round with less than a full team."

(Byakuya stretched a bit)


Byakuya: Well, better hop right to it. 

(Byakuya heads to the arena)

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1 hour ago, Darkflare said:

Tapping a few commands, Flare sets up communications in the waiting rooms.



"Break time's over. Report to the arena immediately for the second round. Anyone that doesn't arrive in the next 2 minutes, well...I don't think your teammates will appreciate starting the next round with less than a full team."



(Time to get started...)


LightFlare heads to the arena...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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13 hours ago, Darkflare said:

Tapping a few commands, Flare sets up communications in the waiting rooms.



"Break time's over. Report to the arena immediately for the second round. Anyone that doesn't arrive in the next 2 minutes, well...I don't think your teammates will appreciate starting the next round with less than a full team."

Team 1

Emilia nodded silently in acknowledgement, making her way towards the arena.



Emilia: Remember the plan and your targets, everyone. I will hammer it into your heads if it helps everyone retain it!


Team 2


Eager to begin, Penelope ran straight for the arena, giggling.



Penelope: This is gonna be an easy win!

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Kirimuri: (Quick summary... Lure 'em with smoke, go invisible and snatch the maid. If I see 13P, I'll go invisible then shoot the Pod. Then proceed to batter him. Simple.)



Kirimuri: Let's go... LET'S GO!


Kirimuri said with determination and a bit of anger, while clapping his hands to call for everybody.


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Track: 円陣(アニメVer.)


Team 2


    After putting the teleporting mark on the knife, Joyce puts the weapon on her belt, then, makes a movement that made her cape flutter.



Joyce: Alright everyone, let's do our best! Push ourselves to the limit and win this!


Ryuko: Full power ahead!!!


Hinamori: Understood!


Leaf: Even though it's my Master that should been here, maybe I should get some experience out of this in case I end up possessing her again. I'll do my best as well!


Joyce: Heh! Okay then, let's go!


Team 1


   Meanwhile, Hugh claps his hands twice.



Hugh: Let's show them how serious we are this time around.


Ludger: Right!


Etomo: This won't be a repeat from the first round. We'll crush them like intended.


Hugh: That's the spirit! Foward!!!



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The arena looks as if nothing had happened just a moment ago. The assigned mecha maid already in position in the defense start area. A timer visible to all has already begun to count down.


Flare opened communications with the first team.



"I'm expecting a lot from you after that disastrous first round performance. You only get one chance at redemption. Don't blow it."


He switches communications to the second team.



"Don't get overconfident just because you had a good first round. The enemy is going to wisen up as they seek to redeem themselves. Don't let them."


With both teams in position, the countdown eventually reaches 0 as the buzzer signals the beginning of the second round.

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Offense Team


Emilia begins to advance towards the right exit.



Emilia: Divide into your teams as we exit the area, but converge in the center and approach together. Once we are beyond the two vehicles, we shall divide into our teams again and proceed with the assault. If there are any questions that you have, ask them now, before we are within earshot of them.


Defense Team


Penelope proceeded to advance towards the left entrance, her sword at the ready.



Penelope: How about I put up a barrier? There's no way they'd get beyond it, and if we put another at the right side, the game's all ours!

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Arena Trial 001: Second Round


BGM: Fantasinian Royal Army March -Defense- (Yggdra Union: We'll Never Fight Alone)


With the buzzer of the countdown ending, the teams began to follow their plan outline. In the defense, as they moved, 13P noticed the other team was in a loss for any communication possibility. Because they were going separate ways and both sides needed to communicate, he gave the Pod a previous order.



13P: Pod, move to the other side towards the back and, once again, I'll leave you under Joyce's control. I want your mic on so that we are able to hear them.

13P's Pod: Affirmative. Moving towards unit Joyce.


His pod quickly flew away towards the other side as instructed to. 5T's Pod began to establish the comm to the other Pod without any orders.



5T: We'll need to be utmost careful in this. The first loss we get breaks our strategy as a hole.


13P: Got it. So no risky movements, right?


5T: Don't go into battle unless completely necessary. I hope Ryuko gets this before settling into fighting without thinking...


BGM: Fantasinian Royal Army March -Siege- (Yggdra Union: We'll Never Fight Alone)


Meanwhile, the offense also began to separate into the flanks. Kirimuri was the first one to move, with the others staying behind to discuss the attack plan.



Rokurou: No questions here! I'm moving as well.


Like Kirimuri did on his side, Rokurou was also the first one to move. In the meanwhile, Agni thought about which Paradigm would help most.



Agni: I have no questions. Just let me do something. Changing Paradigm to Synergist.


Agni: Best if I work as a buffer and shooter. Maybe I'll help more like that, right?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Team 2


On 12/01/2018 at 12:41 PM, A person said:

Defense Team


Penelope proceeded to advance towards the left entrance, her sword at the ready.



Penelope: How about I put up a barrier? There's no way they'd get beyond it, and if we put another at the right side, the game's all ours!



Joyce: Put one when you think it's a good time, just like the previous round.


On 14/01/2018 at 9:53 PM, Agni Blackheart said:



5T: Don't go into battle unless completely necessary. I hope Ryuko gets this before settling into fighting without thinking...



Joyce: The same goes for you. Don't go too far ahead without proper backup or else you'll get hit in the head again.


Ryuko: Yeah! You said it!


Joyce: I never said he was wrong. You better keep working together with us or else you'll most certainly end up being the first.


Ryuko: Owchies...


Leaf: We're moving out. Good luck on your side Joy!


Joyce: Yes. Let's make this a battle to remember!


Hinamori: (Then...it's time to start.) Leaf, can you guide me toward the right gate? I have to stay with my eyes shut for a while to concentrate.


Leaf: Got it.


     Then, the defense team split into the Left and Right Entrance groups.


Team 1



Hugh: Since we don't know the enemy formation yet, choose any flank you like. Once we know their position which will most likely be when we merge the teams, then we'll act accordingly.


Hugh: Jeez...I sounded like a smartass right now...Guess "she's" rubbing off on me.


Etomo: She? Does he mean Emilia?


Ludger: Well...


Hugh: It doesn't matter right now, let's go.


Etomo: (He shot down the topic rather quickly...And he looked a bit embarassed as well.)


Ludger: I'll tell you later with more detail, right now we have a match to win.


      Ludger and Etomo followed Kirimuri.


On 14/01/2018 at 9:53 PM, Agni Blackheart said:



Agni: Best if I work as a buffer and shooter. Maybe I'll help more like that, right?



Hugh: Well...Work with whatever you're comfortable with. Either way, we'll have each other's backs on this.



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On 1/14/2018 at 6:53 PM, Agni Blackheart said:


Agni: Best if I work as a buffer and shooter. Maybe I'll help more like that, right?


18 hours ago, Mister Fael said:


Hugh: Well...Work with whatever you're comfortable with. Either way, we'll have each other's backs on this.



Without a doubt. I'll try to communicate the positions of the other team as best I can. I'll begin moving towards that first opening on the west. If possible, try to stay within my eyesight. But only if it's strategically possible. When I am able to locate someone, I will use hand gestures to motion towards danger. But first and for most use your OWN instincts and awarness to help one another. We all need each other if we want to succeed.


On 1/12/2018 at 9:41 AM, A person said:


Emilia: Divide into your teams as we exit the area, but converge in the center and approach together. Once we are beyond the two vehicles, we shall divide into our teams again and proceed with the assault. If there are any questions that you have, ask them now, before we are within earshot of them.





Emilia...if your friend uses a barrier, I may have a technique to break it. I wont have any problem getting past it without it, but I'll be all alone on the other side. So if she creates a barrier...it must be broken. Your instincts are sharp.



So i know you'll be ready...




LightFlare moves towards his first position using his senses to begin locating the other team...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Offense Team

On 1/14/2018 at 5:53 PM, Agni Blackheart said:


Agni: Best if I work as a buffer and shooter. Maybe I'll help more like that, right?


Emilia: That will be quite useful once we engage the enemy, but do heed Hugh's words. Do not make yourself the sole supporter; our goal is to ensure that we all survive and succeed.


1 hour ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:




Emilia...if your friend uses a barrier, I may have a technique to break it. I wont have any problem getting past it without it, but I'll be all alone on the other side. So if she creates a barrier...it must be broken. Your instincts are sharp.



So i know you'll be ready...


Emilia: I expect no less, but do keep Hinamori in mind as well. Two users of the magical arts that are capable of conjuring arcane and earthen barriers, respectively, will surely be the greatest hindrances in achieving our goal as they will most certainly be capable of walling us in.


With that being said, Emilia proceeded to split off from them and exited through the right side.



Emilia: We are coming within earshot of them, so we shall end our discussion here. Take this time to prepare yourselves for a possible surprise attack


.Defense Team


20 hours ago, Mister Fael said:


Joyce: Put one when you think it's a good time, just like the previous round.


Penelope: I'll get 'em when they least expect it!


Penelope proceeded to slide behind the cover of the small construct at the northernmost point of the defense area, wanting to keep close to the maid to try and wrap her in a barrier when the time came.




Tracking Penelope's movement:





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Arena Trial 001


The defense still kept into position. With Penelope raising a barrier, one side already had a way to block attacks. However, 5T still warned them through the Pods.



5T: Alright, but be careful. They might be already expecting something like a barrier.


13P: OK, get ready! Some of them might be coming anytime soon!


Just like he said, some of them were already moving. Kirimuri and Rokurou were already on the field while the others haven't been able to move yet.



Rokurou; (I'd dash in right now, but I guess that'll make them mad at me. I'll silently walk and approach them.)


Instead of being direct, Rokurou hid behind a wall and waited to the others to arrive.



Agni: Got it. I'll be careful.


Agni deployed to the field, not leaving the flank's area yet. He hed behind a wall, waiting for any sort of robust movement from the sides.


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Right Entrance Team




Music: Yatagarasu's Messenger



Leaf: Alright Hina, we're here.


Hinamori: Right...I've managed to attract some spirits.


Leaf: Nice. Even though I'm one as well, I can't quite see them.


Hinamori: You're a second soul inside Yui, you're under the same rules as her regarding spiritual awareness.


Leaf: I see...It looks like the Left Entrance team is in position too.


Hinamori: Good. Time to start asking the spirits about the locations of the opposing team.


    She closed her eyes, listening to the voices of the dead.


Team 1


     Hugh stayed close to LightFlare. Etomo and Ludger kept following Kirimuri.



Etomo: No signs of anybody yet...Guess they really aren't bothering with traps.


Ludger: Judging by the look of things, they'll only reveal themselves if we get close to one of the entrances, so the whole gunfire phase isn't happening as we imagined.


Etomo: Yep...and if we do that, they won't let us pick a target to our advantage.


Ludger: I guess this is where Kirimuri's smoke bomb comes into play. We'll just have to wait for Emilia's signal.


Hinamori: So they want us to think they are close than we think and force us to attack first...


Left Entrance Team


   Joyce heard Hinamori's comment through the Pod's communicator.



Joyce: Not a bad plan, seeing that they can pinpoint where we are.


Ryuko: Then what do we do? Either way, they'll know where we are thanks to Bulb's.


Joyce: Hina, what's their current position right now?


Hinamori: Currently, they're separated into two flanks, with one of them a bit behind, most likely still scouting the area. The closer one is behind the car in the middle of the arena.


Joyce: I see...


Music: Courtesan Turns the Tables


   Joyce reverts back to her base form.



Joyce: Let's go for a surprise attack, Ryuko, I'm going to need you to fire one Dragon Breath during my barrage.


Ryuko: Roger that!


Joyce: Penelope, stay close to the pod, Hina will most certainly give us an update on the other flank. I'll transform back into Valiant Knight when they approach.


   They stepped outside of the barrier.



Joyce: (The other flank might arrive soon, so I'll use the quick moving projectiles.)


   Then, Joyce started firing a barrage of fast moving fireballs.



Ludger: Incoming!!!


Etomo: Wait, already?


   Not wanting to risk the car from exploding, Ludger jumped over it, standing in the trajectory of the projectiles and started to deflect them.



Ludger: How did they see us?


Joyce: Alright, he's busy enough. Now Ryuko!




   She fires her own projectile in Ludger's direction.



Ludger: Tch!


Etomo: (Alright, just need the right timing...now!) Ludger, take cover!


   He does as she says and backflips over the car.






   She punches the ground, lifting a large stone piller from the ground, shielding them from the blasts and destroying the Dragon Breath from below.



Ryuko: Wait, she can use that for defense?


Joyce: Guess she kept some secrets from you.


Ryuko: This is no smiling matter... (Much like I hid some from her...But in this case, I can't use mine...)


Etomo: And safe!


Ludger: Thanks...but how did they know we were here?


Etomo: Beats me...I doubt this was a wild guess...But then...what it was?


Ludger: Let's hold our ground for now, we still need to hear LightFlare's report.



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On 2/6/2018 at 12:08 PM, Mister Fael said:


Ludger: Let's hold our ground for now, we still need to hear LightFlare's report.


LightFlare leaps next to Kirimuru, Ludger and Etomo. He begins speaking in a low volume so only Kirimuru, Ludger and Etomo can hear him...



There's 4 here. Just behind the small room is Penelope. She's most likely closest to maid. The 2 androids are in the rear but i can't distinguish one from the other right now. I just know their position. As Byakuya...I'm having trouble locating him. But I'm sure he's in the rear as well. We could stick to our intended counter parts,  but i think it would be best for me to continue towards the maid. I'll signal for Hugh, Emilia and Rokurou to follow me towards the rear. Get ready...




LightFlare looks at Hugh, Rokurou and Emilia. He cuts his eyes and motions his head toward the rear and suddenly dashes towards the left entrance in the rear...sketch-1518131723056.png


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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