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The Roleplay Paradise Redux: Fortis Novum Mundum

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Location: Arena Trial


Defense Team: Agni Artwaltz and Rokurou Rangetsu


BGM: Assailant still playing



Rokurou: So we're heading without a plan? Got it then.


Agni: Wait, don't rush it yet. I know we have to reach the room, but going ahead without a plan will make us lose a round.


Rokurou: So what do you want to do anyway?


Agni: Hmm... I can tell their team has a good amount of powerhouses. Ryuko, Penelope and 13P are definitely like you and Light, heading in battle without thinking too much.


Agni: But the moment you leave yourself open, the smart ones will bite you before you can even do anything. Remember, Hinamori and 5T are on that team and their minds are strategically ready for any sort of situation.


Rokurou: But that's what makes the fight exciting! Things like tactics are for shogi or games like that.


Convincing them of what they should do or not wouldn't be that possible. Despite he knew they could hold their ground, going without a plan was too risky. Even so, Agni wasn't going to speak anything, since Hugh had already said what he wanted to hear. Still, he needed to confirm everyone was in accord.



Agni: Emilia, you're free to speak what you wish. If not, then we should get going.


Agni: (I, like Kirimuri, am not taking risks. In the moment I need to strike, I will. Hidden standby's going to be my position for most of it)


Offense Team: 5T and 13P


BGM: Assailant still playing


Seeing Hinamori's first division, 13P clenched and cracked his fists. 5T, however, began to quickly think about the situation.



13P: Alright, I'm ready to roll! Waiting for the moment to deploy!


5T: Hmm... I have an idea. Listen up.


13P: OK, 5T.


5T: Their team might have a good number of people, but we can get an advantage over them. LightFlare, Rokurou, Etomo, Emilia and Hugh are close fighters, Ludger and Kirimuri can mix their attacks while Agni is entirely focused on long range. This might be only speculation, but we can already guess who's going in the frontline and who's going to stay predominantly at the back.


13P: So you're saying that we have five on the front, two balanced and one long-range, right?


5T: Keep in mind that half of them have a high intellect for tactics. Those being Emilia, Kirimuri, Agni and Ludger. Considering the situation, I devised a initial plan for this.


13P: (Oh, 5T's getting logical. I like his plans, let's see what he has in store.)


5T: Ryoko, 13P and Joyce, you can take care of Etomo, LightFlare and Rokurou. Penelope, since you're definitely the most accostumed of us, we'll leave Emilia to you. Byakuya, you're in charge of surprising Kirimuri before he has a chance of surprising us. Hinamori, you'll stop Ludger since I have a feeling he's a problem that most of us can't exactly handle while I have a feeling you'll be able to. You can leave Hugh to me while you'll be targeting Agni, Yui.


5T: At least that's how I see things. Someone has an opinion to share?


13P: I, for one, have no objections! I'm itching for a fight against Light or Rokurou!


Spectators: Anna Ametrine and Lucina


Even though it has not begun, Anna was already a little nervous about things. She looked at the teams, trying to understand the layout while thinking about the possibilities. Suddenly, steps could be heard.



Lucina: Excuse me.


Anna: Ah, you are Princess Lucina, correct?


Lucina: Yes, I am. I was searching for Agni, but I was not able to find him. Can you tell me if they left for an expedition or something?


Anna: No, they are participating in this training drill that Mr. Darkflare has prepared for them. Do you wish to watch, Princess?


Lucina: Oh, a training drill? Yes, I will. I suppose I am late to join so there is nothing much I can do now.


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With everyone getting into position, Flare tapped a few more buttons on the console. He felt an inner joy on what was about to happen. Team drills are something he rarely got the chance to do in recent days and when the teams kept it close, they had the potential to be more exciting than simple 1 on 1s.



"15 seconds."


The assigned Mech Hisui proceeded to fly over to the arena heading toward the center of the defender's starting position and kneeling down. Flare brought up the screen highlighting everyone and their assigned teams. He tapped on the screen a buttong that said ALL and began to countdown.





He tapped Team 2 on the screen.



"Rescue the hostage!”


He quickly tapped on Team 1



"Defend the hostage!”

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22 hours ago, Mister Fael said:


Hugh: Once he starts seeing things falling apart, then he'll cosiderate having a plan by the next round. Let's go!


Ludger: (So in a sense...The same thing that happened to me and Hugh.)



Look...I'll be quick about this. Hugh...your speed is a true asset in this drill. You were a central part of my plan. You will initially be responsible for moving the mech around the arena. Only attack when absolutely necessary. Ludger...Etomo....you are coming with me to the frontline. Emilia, your friend mentioned she can use barriers. If you have any abilities like that we'll need them. You will work next to Hugh. As he moves the mech about, repell or deflect any oncoming projectiles.


@A person



Ludger, Etomo and I will head towards thw middle. Use your surroundings to your advantage. Take cover and use any ranged attacks you can to repel the other team. If you don't have any than be evasive and attack when you see an opening. Hugh and Emilia will "protecc" the mech. There are several corridors on the south end where se stand. Use them if necessary to seal the mech off and guard whatever path that leads to her. That way, they MUST get past you first.

21 hours ago, DuckMannnn said:



Kirimuri: So- ...Alright. No plans then.



Kirimuri: Pure improvisions I suppose? In that case? I might detach myself from the team during the round SHOULD I find an opening in their team, in order to exploit it. In the meantime, I'll be hiding in a corner while invisble and probably put a nice smack on an attacker's head if they pass by. Then flee real quick.



Sounds like your wheelhouse. Use your deceptive tactics to lure the other team into traps. I'm sure you know what to do...


21 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Location: Arena Trial


Defense Team: Agni Artwaltz and Rokurou Rangetsu


BGM: Assailant still playing



Rokurou: So we're heading without a plan? Got it then.


Agni: Wait, don't rush it yet. I know we have to reach the room, but going ahead without a plan will make us lose a round.


Rokurou: So what do you want to do anyway?


Agni: Hmm... I can tell their team has a good amount of powerhouses. Ryuko, Penelope and 13P are definitely like you and Light, heading in battle without thinking too much.


Agni: But the moment you leave yourself open, the smart ones will bite you before you can even do anything. Remember, Hinamori and 5T are on that team and their minds are strategically ready for any sort of situation.


Rokurou: But that's what makes the fight exciting! Things like tactics are for shogi or games like that.


Convincing them of what they should do or not wouldn't be that possible. Despite he knew they could hold their ground, going without a plan was too risky. Even so, Agni wasn't going to speak anything, since Hugh had already said what he wanted to hear. Still, he needed to confirm everyone was in accord.



Agni: Emilia, you're free to speak what you wish. If not, then we should get going.


Agni: (I, like Kirimuri, am not taking risks. In the moment I need to strike, I will. Hidden standby's going to be my position for most of it)



Don't worry, Agni. We've been through worse. But i sense that you're worried. If you're thinking about hanging back then go for it. I think it's best. Rokurou...you're coming with me, Etomo and Ludger. Time to see what you're made of, comrade.



That's it! The match is bout to start. I'll do my best. I expect the same from you all as well. Not for me...but for all of us. Defenders...and Attackers!


LightFlare looks across the arena and sees Ryoko....



(Im sorry Ryoko. We left our comrades in the slums. But it was for the best. I promise you we'll make them pay. But I'll have to earn your trust again. If i have to be the reason you push yourself to your limits then so be it. As long as you do your best...)


20 hours ago, Darkflare said:

With everyone getting into position, Flare tapped a few more buttons on the console. He felt an inner joy on what was about to happen. Team drills are something he rarely got the chance to do in recent days and when the teams kept it close, they had the potential to be more exciting than simple 1 on 1s.



"15 seconds."


The assigned Mech Hisui proceeded to fly over to the arena heading toward the center of the defender's starting position and kneeling down. Flare brought up the screen highlighting everyone and their assigned teams. He tapped on the screen a buttong that said ALL and began to countdown.





He tapped Team 2 on the screen.



"Rescue the hostage!”


He quickly tapped on Team 1



"Defend the hostage!”





LightFlare moves slowly using the surroundings for cover....


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Kirimuri: (The eastern/south-eastern is pretty narrow. I should try to seal it... I'm going to use my staff to fight. The batons will serve me for other purposes.)


With one hand on one of the batons, Kirimuri begins to infuse hypnotic smoke into the weapon.


Kiri with tb by DuckMann18

Kirimuri: Hopefully they won't notice a random metal stick lying innocently on the ground in a confined area...


He proceeds to throw one baton, which lands near the entrance of the south-eastern section.. The staff begins to emit white-ish smoke which causes the inhaler to experience drowsiness and make them fall asleep. Anybody who inhales the smoke will start losing concentration and consciousness between 5 and 15 seconds, then fall asleep after 30 seconds. This can be avoided by covering the nose, mouth and ears. Kirimuri is invulnerable to this due to the fact that he's a smoke wielder. He then proceeds to position himself outside the section and starts becoming invisible.



Kirimuri: (Now I wait. Would be nice if I can get one person...)




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Party Trial: Team 1

Emilia, a plan slowly forming within her head, made her way towards the Mecha-Hisui, brandishing her sword as she stayed close to it. This round was most likely going to be disastrous for both sides, so formulating a proper plan for the next one would aid them greatly.



Emilia: With no plan, they are only relying on luck. And with so many spellswords aiding the enemy, I doubt luck favors them in even the slightest way...let us hope that they somehow bring a swift halt to their assault before they reach us. In fact...I have an idea.


Emilia proceeded to take the left hand of the robotic maid.



Emilia: Some of them seem to have the capability of considering our possible plan of action, and I do not doubt that they have concluded that many of us will be in hiding. Now, considering the fact that they are surely rushing here as we speak, how about we try something...out of the ordinary, Hugh? 


Party Trial: Team 2

20 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


5T: Ryoko, 13P and Joyce, you can take care of Etomo, LightFlare and Rokurou. Penelope, since you're definitely the most accostumed of us, we'll leave Emilia to you. Byakuya, you're in charge of surprising Kirimuri before he has a chance of surprising us. Hinamori, you'll stop Ludger since I have a feeling he's a problem that most of us can't exactly handle while I have a feeling you'll be able to. You can leave Hugh to me while you'll be targeting Agni, Yui.


Penelope: Eeeeeehh....Emilia's reeeeeeally good with a sword, and she's got magic, too, like reflecty spells and stuff...I can hold her off for a bit, but I can't take her out alone!



Penelope: Buuuut...I bet I could lure her out and use traps to get her!


The gears in her head spun into overdrive.



Penelope: Eeeeeven better! A lot of you guys can use shooty stuff and magic to distract 'em while I lay some traps down in the central area the sword and fist people can deal with the big guys during that, and when I'm done, we reel 'em right into Boomtown! How's that, huh?


Penelope: We've still got plenty of time before we gotta charge in, so lemme know what ya guys think!


Despite what she said, she started to get into her previously assigned position, seemingly pulling a large wooden sword that was nearly taller than her from the air and grasping the hilt, holding it at her right side. It was as if she knew her plan was going to be immediately shot down.

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Team 2: Offense


29 minutes ago, A person said:


Penelope: Eeeeeehh....Emilia's reeeeeeally good with a sword, and she's got magic, too, like reflecty spells and stuff...I can hold her off for a bit, but I can't take her out alone!



Penelope: Buuuut...I bet I could lure her out and use traps to get her!


The gears in her head spun into overdrive.



Penelope: Eeeeeven better! A lot of you guys can use shooty stuff and magic to distract 'em while I lay some traps down in the central area the sword and fist people can deal with the big guys during that, and when I'm done, we reel 'em right into Boomtown! How's that, huh?


Penelope: We've still got plenty of time before we gotta charge in, so lemme know what ya guys think!


Track: Battle - Mighty Warrior



Hinamori: I have this feeling she would be on to you. Besides, since they are the defending team, they would be more observant about traps...Or be the one preparing them. It would be best if we relied on your defensive skills.


Joyce: (5T's suggestion was interesting, he has a grasp on what everyone can do.)


Joyce: Everyone, even if we're spliting into two flanks, if possible, try picking your targets according to what 5T told us. If not, keep following the plan. Alright then, Left Flank Group, follow me!


Hinamori: Right Flank Group, with me.


Joyce: Remember, one strong hit and you're out. If possible, only shield yourselves with a barrier or improvise. Now Let's go!


Yui: YEAH!!!




   Team 2 started to move foward.


Team 1: Defense


21 minutes ago, A person said:



Emilia: Some of them seem to have the capability of considering our possible plan of action, and I do not doubt that they have concluded that many of us will be in hiding. Now, considering the fact that they are surely rushing here as we speak, how about we try something...out of the ordinary, Hugh? 



Hugh: Oh? What do you suggest?


11 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:





LightFlare moves slowly using the surroundings for cover....



Etomo: Frontline Duty, let's do this!


Ludger: Right behind you Light.


   Etomo and Ludger started following LightFlare.



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Arena Trial 001


BGM: Riders of the Light (Bayonetta)


Offense Team: 5T and 13P



13P: Roger! Away we go, full force at those wimps!!


Once the deployment was ordered, 13P followed Joyce and Ryuko to the left flank. 5T went with Yui and Hinamori to the right, while giving them a grasp of what he planned with this.



5T: In normal cases, we eliminate the front line and then we reach the back. My idea is for us to do the inverse: get the rear done first, give a moment of panic and attack the remaining ones. Though, like you said, we have to be careful about this. The best shot is to invade the inside and take their area. By cutting all means of retreat, defeating them gets more viable. I'm counting with a strong resistance inside it, though, so we'll have to be ready.


Defense Team: Agni Artwaltz and Rokurou Rangetsu



Rokurou: Alright, time to start this brawl!


Rokurou dashed away with Light, Ludger and Etomo. Agni sighed while looking at Kirimuri.



Agni: If you're covering the right, leave the left to me. I'll block all ways of passing through.


He went towards the left flank and stood there, hiding behind the wall. He would only go in an emergency.


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Party Trial: Team 2

4 hours ago, Mister Fael said:


Hinamori: I have this feeling she would be on to you. Besides, since they are the defending team, they would be more observant about traps...Or be the one preparing them. It would be best if we relied on your defensive skills.


Penelope: Ehehe...I know I haven't seen everything she can do, so she definitely hasn't seen everything I can do! 


4 hours ago, Mister Fael said:


Hinamori: Right Flank Group, with me.


Joyce: Remember, one strong hit and you're out. If possible, only shield yourselves with a barrier or improvise. Now Let's go!


Penelope: Let's get that princess back to the castle ASAP!


Penelope followed behind Joyce at a distance. Were anything to happen to the leader of the left flank, she would have a chance to save herself if she didn't notice an incoming attack before she could shield her.



Party Trial: Team 1


4 hours ago, Mister Fael said:


Hugh: Oh? What do you suggest?


Emilia: It is simple, really. We give them what they desire...


She started to move the maid towards the bottom-right wall. She then noticed Kiri's smoke and let out a sigh.



Emilia: ...a rather short-lived plan, I suppose. Luckily, I have another in mind. I can work with his smoke.



Emilia: With the others on the front line, they will be able to hold off many of them, but not all of them. Therefore, I believe we should keep the maid hidden behind this wall. Those who manage to penetrate the front line defense and make it back here will most likely scan the area, so I suggest that we hide behind the crevices created by these walls and this room behind the wall the maid is posted at. Since you are more viable up close, I suggest that you hide here. 


She pointed to the hideout in the bottom right corner.



Emilia: Meanwhile, I shall hide there, since I know that I'll be able to the cover the distance between me and the maid fast enough.


She pointed to the slim room towards the back of the area, more specifically, another, smaller cubbyhole.



Emilia: With this, they will only have one way to come from and go to in order to retrieve the maid, and we will both be hidden from view at the same time. So when they come to retrieve the maid...you will be able to take out one or more, and I will be able to supplement that and most likely catch them off-guard due to the most easily satisfied of their team. I know that it relies upon the intelligence, or lack thereof, of their team, mostly, but since there are only two of us, and there are many obstacles in their way,  it is likely the most viable strategy. What do you think?

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The arena looks to be designed to be an somewhat destroyed warehouse. Not to different from the somewhat destroyed slums themselves. There are a few small buildings and rooms. A few old abandoned cars sit in the center. A small structure is in the middle and there boxes, obstructions and a various things scattered about . It was the perfect place to prepare for the fight ahead in the slums. LightFlare stops east of the small building in the center of the south end. He posts up behind the wall 


On 12/5/2017 at 5:30 PM, Mister Fael said:


Etomo: Frontline Duty, let's do this!


Ludger: Right behind you Light.


   Etomo and Ludger started following LightFlare.



Ok guys. Time to lay some foundation. Ludger. There is faucet to the north/west. Its south of the north most abandoned car. It's small but you look like a crack shot. I need you to shoot it. We'll need that later. Then, focus you attention on the west. I have a feeling they may be enting the area from just west of the car. Etomo. You move quick in shrot bursts. I think the rooms to the east will provide you the perfect environment to close in and hit hard before they suspect it. 


23 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Rokurou: Alright, time to start this brawl!



Rokurou. You can assist Etomo. The two of you can close the gap quickly. They have tons of spells at their disposal. Even one of the androids are distance fighters. But if you can get close you can take them. I'm headed toward the low structure in just east of our position. I will assist Ludger in taking on the west and middle ground. If they close in too quick, retreat to the south. Im sure the others will be waiting to spring a trap as well. Etomo. We'll keep an eye so they dont flank you and Rokurou. Everyone ready? Let's go!


LightFlare moves to the structure just behind the building north or the south base.





LightFlare activates V-trigger. Electricity flows through his body as he posts up behind the structure surveying the area for the other team.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Arena Trial 001


BGM: Riders of the Light still playing


Offense Team: 5T and 13P


At the left flank, as they went for the open area, 13P hid behind a wall and gave a glance. He saw that part of the other team has arrived.



13P: Seems like only Etomo, Ludger, Light and Rokurou came out. The other 4 are hiding with the Mech-Hisui somewhere.


13P: What should we do? Head-on straight and pummel them?


Meanwhile, 5T also hid behind a wall in the right flank, also managing to see the group. Through his vision, he could see a faint trace of smoke in the distance.



5T: Wonderful, Kirimuri already planned a trap. Their left flank is completely unnacessible right now. Risking someone through it just means suicide.


5T: We'll have to risk a little more. Byakuya, change of plans. Aid Yui with Agni until we can lure that black fool out of his comfortable zone.


Defense Team: Agni Artwaltz and Rokurou Rangetsu



Rokurou: You can count on me. I'll help whenever I can.


Rokurou: Also, I'm picking 5T as my target. Kid's too smart for his own good.


Having his hunt already determined, Rokurou took his dual blades and stood ready for the moment 5T decided to appear.


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Team 2: Offense - Right Flank Team: Hinamori, Yui, 5T and Byakuya


5 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Meanwhile, 5T also hid behind a wall in the right flank, also managing to see the group. Through his vision, he could see a faint trace of smoke in the distance.



5T: Wonderful, Kirimuri already planned a trap. Their left flank is completely unnacessible right now. Risking someone through it just means suicide.


5T: We'll have to risk a little more. Byakuya, change of plans. Aid Yui with Agni until we can lure that black fool out of his comfortable zone.



Hinamori: Actually, the smoke can be dealt with. Once we clear it and discover the source, it won't be an issue. Yui, you know what to do.


Yui: *nods*


Hinamori: However, as 5T mentioned, Kirimuri is probably laying in wait, either inside or outside...and possibily Agni as well. How about we do it like this:


Hinamori: Yui and Byakuya will aproach the room, but not enter it. She'll use a wind spell to blow the smoke away. Byakuya meanwhile, will set his spider nets on the left and right, don't surround yourself or else there won't be an escape route. If Kirimuri shows up, he'll most certainly go for close-combat. If he steps in the nets, he'll be easy picking. If not, Me and 5T will try to shoot him. If Agni show up however, we'll have to regroup and engage in combat.


Right Flank: Joyce, Ryuko, Penelope and 13P


19 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

At the left flank, as they went for the open area, 13P hid behind a wall and gave a glance. He saw that part of the other team has arrived.



13P: Seems like only Etomo, Ludger, Light and Rokurou came out. The other 4 are hiding with the Mech-Hisui somewhere.


13P: What should we do? Head-on straight and pummel them?



Joyce: Hmmm...Four of them...


Ryuko: So? What is it going to be?


Joyce: If I remember correctly, this particular section has some obstacles.


Ryuko: Ah, you think one of them is hiding behind one of these?


Joyce: It's possible. We can disregard that "observation tower" in the center, one of the flanks would be able to see someone if they passed there and attack on sight.


Ryuko: Then draw them out with a shot or something.


Joyce: We can't risk it. Our objective is to rescue the hostage. If we fire something without thinking, we would end up destroying the mech. As Darkflare said, if one of the teams eliminate the mech, it would be an immediate loss.


Ryuko: Oh...


Joyce: Let's check the container and the wall first. If there's nothing behind them, we'll engage in combat with those four.


Ryuko: Okay! I'll go on ahead.


Joyce: Right, but be careful.


    Joyce then, ignites her hands on fire.



Joyce:  Let's hurry up!


Team 1: Defense


22 hours ago, A person said:


She pointed to the slim room towards the back of the area, more specifically, another, smaller cubbyhole.



Emilia: With this, they will only have one way to come from and go to in order to retrieve the maid, and we will both be hidden from view at the same time. So when they come to retrieve the maid...you will be able to take out one or more, and I will be able to supplement that and most likely catch them off-guard due to the most easily satisfied of their team. I know that it relies upon the intelligence, or lack thereof, of their team, mostly, but since there are only two of us, and there are many obstacles in their way,  it is likely the most viable strategy. What do you think?



Hugh: It's a more concrete plan than just moving her around. Alright then, let's go with it.


1 hour ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:



Ok guys. Time to lay some foundation. Ludger. There is faucet to the north/west. Its south of the north most abandoned car. It's small but you look like a crack shot. I need you to shoot it. We'll need that later. Then, focus you attention on the west. I have a feeling they may be enting the area from just west of the car. 



Ludger: You put too faith in my shooting skills.


Ludger: Though, if I do it like this, I won't miss. SQUALL SHOT/RAIN BULLET


    Ludger fires a bullet to the air. a few seconds later, a rain of energy bullets would rain on the faucet.


1 hour ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:



Etomo. You move quick in short bursts. I think the rooms to the east will provide you the perfect environment to close in and hit hard before they suspect it. 


1 hour ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:



Rokurou. You can assist Etomo. The two of you can close the gap quickly. They have tons of spells at their disposal. Even one of the androids are distance fighters. But if you can get close you can take them. I'm headed toward the low structure in just east of our position. I will assist Ludger in taking on the west and middle ground. If they close in too quick, retreat to the south. Im sure the others will be waiting to spring a trap as well. Etomo. We'll keep an eye so they dont flank you and Rokurou. Everyone ready? Let's go!



Etomo: Got it. Let's just hope they actually take that route. Let's go Rokurou.



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1 hour ago, Mister Fael said:

Ludger fires a bullet to the air. a few seconds later, a rain of energy bullets would rain on the faucet.


The rain of bullets would cover the area surrounding the faucet, striking it and sending water out in a countinuous stream covering the ground. Soon the middle west and central area surrounding the tower was covered with a thin layer of water.



That's how you get it done. Now we wait. They have to rescue the mech...so they'll come to us. 


LightFlare remains low and uses his heightened awareness to sense the oncoming attackers.


2 hours ago, Mister Fael said:


Etomo: Got it. Let's just hope they actually take that route. Let's go Rokurou



(Stay alert guys...stay alert...)


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Kirimuri:  (There's still a bit of time left. Better position myself in a less open area, otherwise I might get hit with a stray spell or something...)



Kirimuri: (...Can I sneak behind the opponents' back then backstab them? Attacking is a way to defend, I guess. )


Kirimuri quietly sneaks into the two-storeyed place in the eastern area of the map. He cancels his invisibility in order to take a break then continues thinking about his plan.





Kirimuri: (I still have another baton in case they manage to get past the first one. Hopefully a loud bang won't kill them.)


Then, he goes back to his invisible form. He readies himself with one of the remaining baton on his left hand and his right hand on the staff behind his back.


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Party Trial: Team 2, Right Flank

11 hours ago, Mister Fael said:


Joyce: Let's check the container and the wall first. If there's nothing behind them, we'll engage in combat with those four.


Penelope: I'll go take a peek in the big metal box! 


Penelope started on her way towards the box, an arcane shield forming in front of her. By how dim the purple mana which it consisted of looked, it was clear that it was a weak barrier, good enough for maybe one or two hits from physical attacks.


Party Trial: Team 1, Maid Defense Squad


11 hours ago, Mister Fael said:


Hugh: It's a more concrete plan than just moving her around. Alright then, let's go with it.


Emilia: Very well. Now, let us quickly get into position before our guests arrive.


Emilia proceeded to guide the maid over to the wall in front of Hugh's hiding spot, then, without considering that it would've been better for Hugh to guide the maid instead of her and after she managed to get her there, proceeded to quietly run to her hiding spot behind the small room towards the southern-most point of the warehouse.


Path taken:


Green = Maid's placement

Blue = Hugh's hiding spot

Purple = Emilia's hiding spot

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Offense Team: 13P and 5T


13P, after listening, nodded and equipped his bracers for combat.



13P: I'm going after Ryuko. Joyce, you and Penelope stay here as a surprise assault. I'll leave my Pod behind to help.

13P's Pod: Awaiting orders.


13P: Pod, I'm sharing your control with Joyce. You're to obey her commands as if it was me, got it?

13P's Pod: Affirmative. Proposal: Unit 13P shall not accelerate immediately in pursuit of Ryoko. Stand hidden and await for right time to move.


13P: Proposal accepted. OK, I'm heading in.


13P dashed quickly to a section near to the large wall dividing his position from the container. He stood on standby, awaiting the other team's further movement so that he could go and stay close to Ryoko before she gets engaged alone.



5T: I think Agni wouldn't be there since that leaves one flank completely open for us to rush in and-


5T: (Hold it... the area inside is containing the objective. Leaving a flank open wouldn't be a problem if they decided to cover it with a trap. One of us can blindly invade their base, believing it to be safe and be attacked at will. After all, I don't notice the brains in the open field. I'm positive it's going to be surprising once we reach their area...)


Before 5T could think about it a little more, he heard a gunshot. Looking upwards, a rain of bullets fell on the faucet. If Agni were to be on the target defense area, that must mean Ludger was the one dispatched to the front.



5T: That's going to cause a fog-like environment. We have to be careful.


Defense Team: Agni Artwaltz and Rokurou Rangetsu



Rokurou: Roger that, moving out after some androids!


Rokurou moved out and followed Etomo to the east, hoping to find 5T on the way. Meanwhile, Agni saw that the maid was on the open, while Emilia and Hugh weren't there.



Agni: (What? Where did they go? Wait, the crevices...)


Agni: (Oho, I see... This is their goal. I should do my part as well..)


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9 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

13P, after listening, nodded and equipped his bracers for combat.



13P: I'm going after Ryuko. Joyce, you and Penelope stay here as a surprise assault. I'll leave my Pod behind to help.

Penelope nodded.



Penelope: Ehehe...on iiiiit...


Sliding into her new hiding spot, she closed the doors into the container and sat in wait, leaving a slight crack between them to allow sounds from outside to enter it.

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Team 2: Offense - Right Flank Group: Hinamori, Yui, 5T and Byakuya



Yui: Say Hina...should we check this room?





Hinamori: No. The narrow space is perfect for an ambush and I'm certain someone is in there. I don't want to take this risk. Remember, we want to draw them out in an area where we have an escape route.


Yui: Alright.


Hinamori: Still...You did well in reminding me of this place, I'll be on the lookout on attacks from the rear.


Yui: If you say so, let's keep going.


   The Right Flank Group kept advancing, avoiding the room for now.


Team 2: Offense - Left Flank Group: Joyce, Ryuko, Penelope and 13P


On 16/12/2017 at 5:35 AM, A person said:

Penelope nodded.



Penelope: Ehehe...on iiiiit...


Sliding into her new hiding spot, she closed the doors into the container and sat in wait, leaving a slight crack between them to allow sounds from outside to enter it.



Joyce: (I see, she waiting for a signal huh?)


f4XrCZS.png     H9OJMRazTouaT4ZOa31UbQ.png

Ryuko: *signaling that the wall is safe*


Joyce: *signals her to keep going.*


Ryuko: *Nod*


   Joyce then,  starts forming an sphere of fire, ready to support Ryuko when she draws the enemy attention.


On 15/12/2017 at 7:41 PM, Agni Blackheart said:

13P, after listening, nodded and equipped his bracers for combat.



13P: I'm going after Ryuko. Joyce, you and Penelope stay here as a surprise assault. I'll leave my Pod behind to help.

13P's Pod: Awaiting orders.


13P: Pod, I'm sharing your control with Joyce. You're to obey her commands as if it was me, got it?

13P's Pod: Affirmative.



Joyce: (I can order his pod huh? That'll help a lot. Now then, Everyone's in position. Next move will finally start the fight. Ryuko, show us what you got.)


Ludger: (They should be here any moment.)




Track: Don't be defeated by a friend



Ludger: THERE! *starts shooting*


Ryuko: *dives for cover behind the wall.* C'mon! I wasn't finished with my taunt!


Ludger: (Just her? Where are the others?)


Joyce: (There he is!) FLAME SHOT!!!


Ludger: !!!


   Ludger quickly switched to the sledgehammer when he saw the flame ball coming fast at his direction. With a motion, he created an wall of ice that blocked the attack.



Ludger: Whew...Thank you Freezing Eruption...


Ryuko: Thank you Joy!


Ludger: Tch!


   He switched to the dual blades and side-stepped away from her EX Dragon Knuckle.



Ryuko: So close! (How can he change weapons so fast?)


Ludger: I imagined you would be covering for each other. I just didn't expect you of all people to execute it so perfectly.


Ryuko: I have to...If I want to stomp you all! Now bring it!


Ludger: Come!!!


Joyce: Mr. Pod. Fire at any possible reinforcements Ludger might get. I'll charge another flame shot.





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The fighters close in on each other. Meanwhile, LightFlare holds his position behind a large box. He surveys the battlefield with his mind as well as his eyes...


On 12/7/2017 at 6:27 AM, DuckMannnn said:


Kirimuri:  (There's still a bit of time left. Better position myself in a less open area, otherwise I might get hit with a stray spell or something...)



Kirimuri: (...Can I sneak behind the opponents' back then backstab them? Attacking is a way to defend, I guess. )


Kirimuri quietly sneaks into the two-storeyed place in the eastern area of the map. He cancels his invisibility in order to take a break then continues thinking about his plan.





Kirimuri: (I still have another baton in case they manage to get past the first one. Hopefully a loud bang won't kill them.)


Then, he goes back to his invisible form. He readies himself with one of the remaining baton on his left hand and his right hand on the staff behind his back.




(Kiri is heading toward the east. Good. He can assist Rokurou and Etomo. Based on his fight with Melina, he seems to fight best when cornered...)


On 12/7/2017 at 9:48 AM, A person said:


Penelope: I'll go take a peek in the big metal box! 


Penelope started on her way towards the box, an arcane shield forming in front of her. By how dim the purple mana which it consisted of looked, it was clear that it was a weak barrier, good enough for maybe one or two hits from physical attacks.


LightFlare can sense the others moving close to his position. He peeks around corner to get a visual confrontation...



(Penelope. She's getting close. She moving west...possibly towards the large metal box...)


On 12/15/2017 at 4:41 PM, Agni Blackheart said:


13P: Proposal accepted. OK, I'm heading in.


13P dashed quickly to a section near to the large wall dividing his position from the container. He stood on standby, awaiting the other team's further movement so that he could go and stay close to Ryoko before she gets engaged alone.


LightFlare sees 13p get into position...



(13p...possibly covering Penelope...or...)


Just then, LightFlare notices Ryoko and Joyce closing in on him as well...



(Ryoko...and the girl from the Ancestor Family as well. And a...small "robot?!" Is it for recon? Or can it attack too? Either way...I need to dissable it. My next attack will most certainly do that if it connects...


On 12/16/2017 at 2:35 AM, A person said:

Penelope nodded.



Penelope: Ehehe...on iiiiit...


Sliding into her new hiding spot, she closed the doors into the container and sat in wait, leaving a slight crack between them to allow sounds from outside to enter it.



(Good...she went for the metal container...that works great. Just a few more and I'll be ready to strike...)


16 hours ago, Mister Fael said:


Yui: If you say so, let's keep going.


   The Right Flank Group kept advancing, avoiding the room for now.



(They didn't take the rooms...wise move on their part. If my plan doesn't work then hopefully the others will hear the commotion and flank the other team from behind...Kiri seems like the type who may seize that type of opportunity and encourage the others to do the same...I hope he's paying attention...)


16 hours ago, Mister Fael said:





(What the...?)


Before LightFlare could make his move, Ryoko intentionally gives away her position. LightFlare turns to wave back Ludger but is too late....


16 hours ago, Mister Fael said:




Track: Don't be defeated by a friend



Ludger: THERE! *starts shooting*



(No...I should have trusted Ludger with my whole plan! Some leader...guess that's what this excercise is all about...)


16 hours ago, Mister Fael said:


Joyce: Mr. Pod. Fire at any possible reinforcements Ludger might get. I'll charge another flame shot.





(They've got him cornered! But i can't miss this chance...Ludger...I hope your reflexes so car aren't a fluke. It's time to put my trust in you to the test...)


LightFlare charges his Light Burst shot....






LightFlare immediately fires a Light Burst shot at the edge of the water, just in front of his position. Because of the V-Trigger, the projectile has electric properties and hits 3 tumes. If it connects it will send electricity instantly across the area covered in water. Anyone standing in the water will be shock. They will not die, but it will count as 3 clean hits.



Red=Floor area covered with water


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Arena Trial 001


BGM: That Person's Name is/He of the Name (Bravely Default: Flying Fairy)


13P's Pod: Affirmative. Locking on and engaging.


Under Joyce's orders, the Pod began to shoot right at LightFlare, in order to throw him off and cancel his focus. 13P, behind the wall, noticed that Ryuko and Ludger began to fight. He managed to see Joyce and Light as well, but saw no sign of Etomo and Rokurou.



13P: (Not here? If that's the case, then...!!)


While the whole commotion began happening in the middle area, 5T kept following Hinamori and the others. He expected to encounter some trouble... and right he was.



5T: ... Guess we're not getting in by their backs anymore! Prepare for a fight! *draws sword*


Rokurou: Got you on my sights, prey!!


Drawing his dual swords, Rokurou leaped and tried to strike 5T with an overhead slash, but the android evaded it backwards.



Rokurou: Trying to get past? I think you won't! I'm gonna have fun dismantling you whole!


5T: (This is something else. He's fighting like he means to kill. So that's how Rokurou fights, I wonder...)


5T: (Fine then. I'll just open a path through that head of yours! You three have to be careful with Etomo!)


In the area with the maid, Agni could already hear blasts coming from the vicinity up ahead. He decided to hide behind another crevice, in order to entrap whoever came here as well. Even if only Emilia and Hugh had planned this, the glimpse he got made it understandable for him what they wished to do.


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2 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:



(They've got him cornered! But i can't miss this chance...Ludger...I hope your reflexes so car aren't a fluke. It's time to put my trust in you to the test...)


LightFlare charges his Light Burst shot....





Team 2: Offense - Left Flank Group: Joyce, Ryuko, Penelope and 13P


**Don't be defeated by a friend still playing**



Ludger: Right!


  As Ludger jumped to it however.





   As he was retreating without someone backing him up, he got hit by Ryuko's EX Dragon Dive. She landed on the wall instead while he was launched away from it.





Joyce: (Why did he get such an order?)


Joyce: Unless...


   She jumps on the container out of curiosity.


Team 2: Offense - Right Flank Group: Hinamori, Yui, 5T and Byakuya


1 hour ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:






Hinamori: !!!


   As she heard his shouting, Hina noticed him firing the Light Burst Shot at the ground near him. She hit her palm on the ground, repelling the water under them, making sure it wasn't touching the group.



Hinamori: So all this water had a meaning after all...If this was the defensive round...we would be defeated for sure.


Yui: Whoa! What was that just now?


Hinamori: We have to stay here until the eletricity is gone...I have to make sure the water doesn't touch us...


Yui: I see. (But, we'll be sitting ducks if Mr. Light see us here.) Hina, your other hand please. It's for the Phantasmal Blast.


Hinamori: Nice think-


36 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

While the whole commotion began happening in the middle area, 5T kept following Hinamori and the others. He expected to encounter some trouble... and right he was.



5T: ... Guess we're not getting in by their backs anymore! Prepare for a fight! *draws sword*


Rokurou: Got you on my sights, prey!!


Drawing his dual swords, Rokurou leaped and tried to strike 5T with an overhead slash, but the android evaded it backwards.



Rokurou: Trying to get past? I think you won't! I'm gonna have fun dismantling you whole!


5T: (This is something else. He's fighting like he means to kill. So that's how Rokurou fights, I wonder...)


5T: (Fine then. I'll just open a path through that head of yours! You three have to be careful with Etomo!)


Music: Rokurou Rangetsu



Etomo: (Can't let you do that!)


    All of a sudden, Etomo had appeared near Hinamori, ready to punch her in the face, but Yui managed to parry her strike with her wooden sword.



Yui: Kurgh... (After fighting Miss Saika and Cousin Seila, I'm already used to that kind of speed.)


Hinamori: Wha-


Etomo: Close! (How?)


Yui: Mr. Byakuya...Now!!!



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With the solid hit landed on Ludger, the arena systems proceeded to administer the shock signifying his elimination as Flare announced the Teammate/Enemy elimination to both teams.




(That was was sloppy, Light. You let them know where your teammate would be.)

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(She repelled the water...well done Hina...well done..you will be a force to recon with when the time comes....)


4 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

13P's Pod: Affirmative. Locking on and engaging.


Under Joyce's orders, the Pod began to shoot right at LightFlare, in order to throw him off and cancel his focus. 13P, behind the wall, noticed that Ryuko and Ludger began to fight. He managed to see Joyce and Light as well, but saw no sign of Etomo and Rokurou.



13P: (Not here? If that's the case, then...!!)


13p was caught by the surge of electricity from LightFlare's trap. It arcs threw his body striking him 3 times...the pod is caught well. The surge is too much and causes the pod to malfunction incapacitating it for the rest of the round.




LightFlare takes cover as the bullets wiz by his head...



(To close...Ludger...)


3 hours ago, Mister Fael said:




   As he was retreating without someone backing him up, he got hit by Ryuko's EX Dragon Dive. She landed on the wall instead while he was launched away from it.




(No...tried to take them all down but couldn't...)


LightFlare calmly puts foot in the water and fires a Light Burst at the wall Ryuko was standing on. If it connects it will shatter the wall.


3 hours ago, Mister Fael said:


Etomo: (Can't let you do that!)


    All of a sudden, Etomo had appeared near Hinamori, ready to punch her in the face, but Yui managed to parry her strike with her wooden sword.



(She's fast...just like i thought...but Yui still blocked it. She's fast as well...)


3 hours ago, Mister Fael said:


Joyce: Unless...


   She jumps on the container out of curiosity.


Joyce lands on the electrified box and is caught in the surge of electricity...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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