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The Roleplay Paradise Redux: Fortis Novum Mundum

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33 minutes ago, Darkflare said:



"Scramble your teams. The main purpose of this drill is to get you familiar with each other. Pairing up with someone you're already familiar with completely defeats the purpose of that. You won't always get the choice of pairing up with whoever you want to be with, so now's a good time to learn something from the ones you know nothing about."



Joyce: Ah...Had a feeling he would say that...


Hinamori: Scrambling huh?


   Suddenly, Yui raises her arm.



Yui: Sensei, Hugh is resistant to his own element...what do we do about this?


Joyce: About that, I have a solution. Hugh, come over here for a second.


Hugh: Okay?


Joyce: Close your eyes now.


Hugh: Done.


Joyce: Now just stay quiet for a bit...


Hinamori: (That is...)


    Joyce's right palm starts glowing with energy, then, said energy spreads to the tip of her fingers.



Joyce: HA!!!


    Then, she strikes Hugh in the stomach.



Hugh: ARGH!!! WHAT THE...


Joyce: Just a few more seconds...done!


     She removes her palm, Hugh kneels over, holding the area which got hit.



Yui: Hugh!


Ryuko: What did you do to him?


Joyce: He'll be fine, I just used a technique that sealed his ability to use his element. It's only teached to members of the military. We like to call it "Magic Handcuffs", but the actual name is "Spectral Flow Seal".


Hinamori: I see. I've heard of it before.


Hugh: Are you crazy? Do you expect me to not use my eletricity?


Joyce: On the bright side, you can still use enhancement magic. You should be glad I didn't choose to seal ALL of your magic. Seriously, you have an unfair advantage if the eletricity of this place doesn't paralyze you.


Hugh: Urgh...Fine...I guess you have a point...


Joyce: Now then...back to the issue of scrambling teams...


Hinamori: Send Hugh to the other team, I'm still quite a recent member of Yui's group, so I haven't got used to her moves yet.


Joyce: I see...You have no objections, right Hugie?


Hugh: ...None...


Yui: Bye Hugie! Do your best to bring victory to the other team.


Hugh: Don't root for me!



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5 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"Scramble your teams. The main purpose of this drill is to get you familiar with each other. Pairing up with someone you're already familiar with completely defeats the purpose of that. You won't always get the choice of pairing up with whoever you want to be with, so now's a good time to learn something from the ones you know nothing about."



Understood. Who are the attackers and who are the defenders?


4 hours ago, Mister Fael said:


Joyce: On the bright side, you can still use enhancement magic. You should be glad I didn't choose to seal ALL of your magic. Seriously, you have an unfair advantage if the eletricity of this place doesn't paralyze you.



(That would apply to me as well...interesting..)


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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1 hour ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:



Understood. Who are the attackers and who are the defenders?


"Finish scrambling the teams first. I'll flip a coin or something for that. You'll be taking turns, it's not like you're going to only attack or defend."

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2 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"Finish scrambling the teams first. I'll flip a coin or something for that. You'll be taking turns, it's not like you're going to only attack or defend."



Gotcha. Scramble like eggs and get going...


8 hours ago, Mister Fael said:


Yui: Bye Hugie! Do your best to bring victory to the other team.


Hugh: Don't root for me!



Ok. So Team 1 is Hugh, Ludger, Etomo, Kiri, Penelope, Emilia and Myself. I think we got this in the bag. Don't you agree, "tough guy." 


LightFlare holds his fist out to Hugh in hopes he bumps fists with him...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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1 hour ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:



Ok. So Team 1 is Hugh, Ludger, Etomo, Kiri, Penelope, Emilia and Myself. I think we got this in the bag. Don't you agree, "tough guy." 


LightFlare holds his fist out to Hugh in hopes he bumps fists with him...



Hugh: Y-Yeah...I guess...


   Hugh returns the fist bump.



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9 hours ago, Mister Fael said:



Hugh: Y-Yeah...I guess...


   Hugh returns the fist bump.



Heh...good. I hear you're quite fast. That speed of yours may be an asset. Kiri, your smoke skills will definitely be a valuable asset. @DuckMannnn

Maybe now is a good time to discuss our skill sets...



I'm a martial artist. I'm skillled at close combat but i have a variety of ranged attacks as well.  I'm not extremely fast but i get the job done in that department as well. How bout the rest of you?


@DuckMannnn @A person @Mister Fael



Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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1 hour ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:



Heh...good. I hear you're quite fast. That speed of yours may be an asset. Kiri, your smoke skills will definitely be a valuable asset. @DuckMannnn

Maybe now is a good time to discuss our skill sets...



I'm a martial artist. I'm skillled at close combat but i have a variety of ranged attacks as well.  I'm not extremely fast but i get the job done in that department as well. How bout the rest of you?


@DuckMannnn @A person @Mister Fael


Emilia gestured towards Penelope, who nodded and proceeded to split off from the team and move towards the other one. Afterwards, Emilia proceeded to speak up.



Emilia: I am fairly skilled in swordplay and have a grasp of the arcane arts as well, mostly with offensive abilities. I do not consider myself awfully fast, but I do have considerable speed with my weapon. However, I feel as though using any kind of weapon would be...unfavorable. Will we not injure each other if we are to do so, even if one strike is all that is necessary? 


As Penelope was making her way to the other team, she proceeded to wave at them and shouted.



Penelope: Yoooooo!

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46 minutes ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:



Heh...good. I hear you're quite fast. That speed of yours may be an asset. Kiri, your smoke skills will definitely be a valuable asset. @DuckMannnn

Maybe now is a good time to discuss our skill sets...



I'm a martial artist. I'm skillled at close combat but i have a variety of ranged attacks as well.  I'm not extremely fast but i get the job done in that department as well. How bout the rest of you?



Kirimuri: Alright... Some of you have already known this, but I control smoke. I can use it for many situations, including disappearing into thin air, forcing people to sleep by making them inhale it or just burn and explode the hell out of them. I wield a staff and 2 batons, which is designed to conduct smoke. And, I also have a revolver in my pocket, just in case. Whenever you need someone to bait the enemies or just sneak behind them and make a nice swing at their heads, call me.


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Agni Artwaltz, Anna Ametrine, 5T, 13P and Rokurou Rangetsu

Location: The Warrior's Hangout - Underground Arena



Anna: Since I cannot fight, I shall be a spectator too. Good luck to you all.


BGM: Victimize (Melty Blood: Act Cadenza)



Rokurou: Heh, finally! The moment I've been waiting for!

13P: You said the words, Rokurou! Now, how shall we split up? I guess me and 5T can-


5T: I'm not staying on the same team as you. Neither on yours, Agni.


Agni: Fine by me.


13P: Then it's me and Agni on one team while you two on the other.


Rokurou: Alright then! Let's head on Team 1, 5T.


Agni: We're Team 2 then, 13P. I'll make sure to not disappoint.


13P: Me too. Let's send those guys packing!


Rokurou: You talk big, scraphead! I'll have a lot of fun dismantling you whole!


13P: Just don't complain if your bones are broken in the end of this!


5T: ... This sort of thing, unnecessary as it is, will prove something to me. Whether we're ready or not to take on this whole war setting.


Agni: W-Wait, this is just an exercise. Is there any need to take it so seriously?


5T: Make your own conclusion. I don't intend to hold back on this, even though it's just a test. Especially because of what we're actually testing here.


He gave a glance to Darkflare (@Darkflare) and walked to his position. His sight was directed at Agni, who still looked confused on why 5T was taking the exercise so seriously.



5T: I'll follow my own battle protocol, but I'll follow any order you issue in this exercise, since you're the leader. (@LightFlare_Da_Realest)


Rokurou: So he's already determined as the leader, huh?


5T: He's obviously the most competent. Surely you or Kirimuri (@DuckMannnn) aren't interested on the position.


Rokurou: You got that right.


5T: Also, as much as I don't have much of... experience, I think Hinamori (@Mister Fael) could actually lead the other one.


13P: Eh? How did you get to such conclusion?


5T: She seems rather ready in situations, with her mind definitely prepared.


13P: I thought you would say that Agni could lead-


5T: A frail, indecisive heart can't hold a team right.


Agni: F-Frail? Indecisive?


5T: Kindness and mercy aren't always fit in battle. If you don't acknowledge the need to kill underneath, you're just running away. Unless, of course, you can prove me wrong.


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2 hours ago, A person said:

Emilia gestured towards Penelope, who nodded and proceeded to split off from the team and move towards the other one. Afterwards, Emilia proceeded to speak up.



Emilia: I am fairly skilled in swordplay and have a grasp of the arcane arts as well, mostly with offensive abilities. I do not consider myself awfully fast, but I do have considerable speed with my weapon. However, I feel as though using any kind of weapon would be...unfavorable. Will we not injure each other if we are to do so, even if one strike is all that is necessary? 


As Penelope was making her way to the other team, she proceeded to wave at them and shouted.



Penelope: Yoooooo!



Excellent. You obviously have leadership qualities as well. Which makes you decisive in battle. Good qualities indeed. (Looks like Penelope is on the other team now however...)


2 hours ago, DuckMannnn said:



Kirimuri: Alright... Some of you have already known this, but I control smoke. I can use it for many situations, including disappearing into thin air, forcing people to sleep by making them inhale it or just burn and explode the hell out of them. I wield a staff and 2 batons, which is designed to conduct smoke. And, I also have a revolver in my pocket, just in case. Whenever you need someone to bait the enemies or just sneak behind them and make a nice swing at their heads, call me.



You impressed me with your match with Melina...looking forward to fighting along side you.


2 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


5T: I'll follow my own battle protocol, but I'll follow any order you issue in this exercise, since you're the leader.



I appreciate the vote of confidence. If anyone has leadership qualities it's most definitely you. You seem to have a calculative and militant mindset. 



Alright! Team one: Hugh, Ludger, Etomo, Emilia, Kirimuru, Agni, Rokurou and myself!


LightFlare walks over to Rokurou and stands toe to toe with him...



I have high expectations for you "warrior". Behind your lighthearted attitude, lies a very fierce competitor. I sensed it the moment you walked into the room. If we get through this whole ordeal alive...


A slight grin formed on LightFlare's face as he spoke to the lighthearted samurai...



...I'd like to face you one on one. That's if you're interested.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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1 hour ago, A person said:



Penelope: Yoooooo!



Yui and Ryuko: HIIIIIII!!!!


Joyce: Seems like you're going to have a rough time Hina.


Hinamori: I know Yui takes things serious when she wants to...Not sure about Ryuko and Penelope though.


Joyce: (Maybe I should help them with "cover fire.")


Hinamori: Alright then, time to review what we each of us can do. I specialize in long range magic attack of different elements. Currently I have Darkness, Earth and Water. I can only use two at a time and switching between them takes a while, so for the defensive round, I'll be using Earth and Darkness, while in the offensive round, I'll be using Darkness and Water. I also have a short sword, but I'm not really keen on using it.


Yui: My turn! I primaly use a spear, but since we're just trainning, I guess I'll go with my wooden sword. I'm also adept at wind magic, though, I'm not as skilled as my brother and Saika, I guess I can still get things done.


Joyce: I specialize in fire magic, though I can also do well up close, specially when I use my Super Mode: Valiant Knight.


Yui: You have Super Mode Joy? Cool!


Joyce: Though unlike most Super Modes from Ancestor Mages, I have to use an incantation, so it's better for me to stay in the rear with Hina until I get that charged up.


Yui: Oh... (I heard that my family can also do that...Since I have the Holy Sword, maybe I can do it too...)


Yui: (No...it's still too early for me...I get exausted pretty quickly when I use Light Magic after all.)


Ryuko: I punch and kick stuff. Plain and simple.


Hinamori: The usual brute force then huh?


Ryuko: Yep! If you saw my fight with the Doc, you would be really awed.


Ryuko: Even though this is just a drill, I won't show any mercy!



2 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:



I'm a martial artist. I'm skillled at close combat but i have a variety of ranged attacks as well.  I'm not extremely fast but i get the job done in that department as well. How bout the rest of you?



Etomo: My speciality are charged an rapid-fire punches. I can also go fast but only in short bursts, so I combine that with my charged punches in order to surprise enemies who relies too much on range. I do have another ability...but it's better to show it in battle, I'll warn you guys when I'm about to use it.


Ludger: I specialize in three types of weapons: Swords, Sledgehammer and Guns. I can quickly switching between them to match the situation, each weapon having different artes for me to use.


Hugh: Light already knows what I do. Cept now I don't have my long range tools thanks to the seal.



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7 hours ago, Mister Fael said:


Etomo: My speciality are charged an rapid-fire punches. I can also go fast but only in short bursts, so I combine that with my charged punches in order to surprise enemies who relies too much on range. I do have another ability...but it's better to show it in battle, I'll warn you guys when I'm about to use it.



Impressive. I've seen many styles and yours sounds a lot like Rindoukan Karate. I'm sure you'll do well.


7 hours ago, Mister Fael said:


Ludger: I specialize in three types of weapons: Swords, Sledgehammer and Guns. I can quickly switching between them to match the situation, each weapon having different artes for me to use.


Hugh: Light already knows what I do. Cept now I don't have my long range tools thanks to the seal.



That's some versitilty, Ludger. Leathal too. And Hughs speed will come in handy soon enough...


5 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"These teams are acceptable. Get into position. First team on defense, second team on offense. You can plan all you want as you go, not that it matters as no combat plan ever survives actual combat.



The teams seem a bit unbalanced. Team 1 has 8 members...team 2 has 5. Byakuya..looks like you're on team 2. But they still need 2 more. Or we loose one. If Kyo and the others show up that would even things out...


@Sinjik @Infinite Kyo


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Agni Artwaltz, 5T, 13P, Rokurou Rangetsu, Lucina and Anna Ametrine

Location: The Warrior's Hangout - Underground Arena



Agni: Seems the formation has changed. 5T, switch with me.


5T: Fine, if that's how he wants.


After switching places, the teams were already formed. 13P gave 5T a pat on the shoulder while smiling.



13P: We ended up stuck with each other, huh?


5T: I wasn't planning this, though I need to check our synchronization. In any case, what I said to LightFlare extends to you five. Aside from my own actions, I'll follow your orders diligently. (@Mister Fael, @A person)

13P: Same to me. But all in all, let's just enjoy the match.


Rokurou: You said it! Speaking of matches...


Rokurou was about to ask Light when he came to request a sparring himself. Once hearing that, Rokurou grinned.



Rokurou: Oho, I was thinking on asking you the same thing. I want to see how strong those fists of yours actually are. I've heard you're pretty damn tough, and fighting guys like you is what I need to become the best swordsman. (@LightFlare_Da_Realest)


AgnI: (Seems they decided on it already. It makes me a little glad, since I won't be the substitute.)


13P: Alright then, seems like we need to run a review on our abilities, since not many people know how we fight.


BGM: Assailant (Melty Blood: Act Cadenza)



Agni: This bracelet in my hand is my weapon, the Arsenal. Through it I can call upon guns to help me and attack. I can use magic through my Paradigms. In short, I'm pretty much balanced, though I cover long range better than close.


13P: Like some of us here, I use my fists and kicks to fight, with my Pod covering long range. I don't make much use of it though, so I won't shoot a lot. However, don't expect me to back off from close combat. I'm ready to deliver very strong blows, even though I don't have any sorta magical schtick.


5T: Unlike 13P, I use a sword as my weapon. I can fight physically too, but I tend to attack on the distance with my Pod. I may have a lack of power, but my speed makes it up for it. That's all you need to know about me.


Rokurou: I fight with my trusty dual blades. The third one here has an specific use, but I'll leave that as a surprise. I'll use all the artes from the Rangetsu style to defeat you, so be ready for nice, fierce brawl against me.

Agni: That's for our ability rundown, I guess. Someone else needs to do it?


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1 hour ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Rokurou: Oho, I was thinking on asking you the same thing. I want to see how strong those fists of yours actually are. I've heard you're pretty damn tough, and fighting guys like you is what I need to become the best swordsman.



Same here. To be the best you have to beat the best. Good luck in the arena...


LightFlare stretches his arm out to shake hands with Rokurou. He does not however do it in the typical manner. He instead forms his hand as if he wanted to arm wrestle Rokurou....possibly to "gauge" him in some manner...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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3 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Agni Artwaltz, 5T, 13P, Rokurou Rangetsu, Lucina and Anna Ametrine

Location: The Warrior's Hangout - Underground Arena



Agni: Seems the formation has changed. 5T, switch with me.


5T: Fine, if that's how he wants.


After switching places, the teams were already formed. 13P gave 5T a pat on the shoulder while smiling.



13P: We ended up stuck with each other, huh?


5T: I wasn't planning this, though I need to check our synchronization. In any case, what I said to LightFlare extends to you five. Aside from my own actions, I'll follow your orders diligently. (@Mister Fael, @A person)

13P: Same to me. But all in all, let's just enjoy the match.


Emilia: I concur. This shall be a most enjoyable battle!


3 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Rokurou: You said it! Speaking of matches...


Rokurou was about to ask Light when he came to request a sparring himself. Once hearing that, Rokurou grinned.



Rokurou: Oho, I was thinking on asking you the same thing. I want to see how strong those fists of yours actually are. I've heard you're pretty damn tough, and fighting guys like you is what I need to become the best swordsman. (@LightFlare_Da_Realest)


AgnI: (Seems they decided on it already. It makes me a little glad, since I won't be the substitute.)


13P: Alright then, seems like we need to run a review on our abilities, since not many people know how we fight.


BGM: Assailant (Melty Blood: Act Cadenza)



Agni: This bracelet in my hand is my weapon, the Arsenal. Through it I can call upon guns to help me and attack. I can use magic through my Paradigms. In short, I'm pretty much balanced, though I cover long range better than close.


13P: Like some of us here, I use my fists and kicks to fight, with my Pod covering long range. I don't make much use of it though, so I won't shoot a lot. However, don't expect me to back off from close combat. I'm ready to deliver very strong blows, even though I don't have any sorta magical schtick.


5T: Unlike 13P, I use a sword as my weapon. I can fight physically too, but I tend to attack on the distance with my Pod. I may have a lack of power, but my speed makes it up for it. That's all you need to know about me.


Rokurou: I fight with my trusty dual blades. The third one here has an specific use, but I'll leave that as a surprise. I'll use all the artes from the Rangetsu style to defeat you, so be ready for nice, fierce brawl against me.

Agni: That's for our ability rundown, I guess. Someone else needs to do it?


Emilia: We had already given a brief description of our abilities before you three arrived, but I suppose it would not hurt to go over them once again. I am a user of swordplay, and happen to have a grasp of the arcane arts, mostly of the offensive type. I am capable of attacking both up close and at a distance, but I prefer close combat as that is where I excel the most, though I would not call myself the best nor the fastest sword user.


10 hours ago, Mister Fael said:


Yui and Ryuko: HIIIIIII!!!!


Joyce: Seems like you're going to have a rough time Hina.


Hinamori: I know Yui takes things serious when she wants to...Not sure about Ryuko and Penelope though.


Joyce: (Maybe I should help them with "cover fire.")


Hinamori: Alright then, time to review what we each of us can do. I specialize in long range magic attack of different elements. Currently I have Darkness, Earth and Water. I can only use two at a time and switching between them takes a while, so for the defensive round, I'll be using Earth and Darkness, while in the offensive round, I'll be using Darkness and Water. I also have a short sword, but I'm not really keen on using it.


Yui: My turn! I primaly use a spear, but since we're just trainning, I guess I'll go with my wooden sword. I'm also adept at wind magic, though, I'm not as skilled as my brother and Saika, I guess I can still get things done.


Joyce: I specialize in fire magic, though I can also do well up close, specially when I use my Super Mode: Valiant Knight.


Yui: You have Super Mode Joy? Cool!


Joyce: Though unlike most Super Modes from Ancestor Mages, I have to use an incantation, so it's better for me to stay in the rear with Hina until I get that charged up.


Yui: Oh... (I heard that my family can also do that...Since I have the Holy Sword, maybe I can do it too...)


Yui: (No...it's still too early for me...I get exausted pretty quickly when I use Light Magic after all.)


Ryuko: I punch and kick stuff. Plain and simple.


Hinamori: The usual brute force then huh?


Ryuko: Yep! If you saw my fight with the Doc, you would be really awed.


Ryuko: Even though this is just a drill, I won't show any mercy!


Penelope: My turn! I fight with a huge sword up close and use magic at a distance, though I'm really good with protection and stuff, so don't hesitate to come to me if you want a shield or something because that's what I'm best at! I'm ready to get in there and show them just how awesome I...no...WE are!


9 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"These teams are acceptable. Get into position. First team on defense, second team on offense. You can plan all you want as you go, not that it matters as no combat plan ever survives actual combat.


Penelope: Let's go, go, goooo! 


She started to make her way to the northern side of the arena. She was ready for this, especially since she would be able to kill two birds with one stone if they happened to win.

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While the teams are still forming, Kirimuri is busy coming up with a strategy.



Kirimuri: (What if... while the attackers are approaching our area, we sneak in one or two people from the flanks to their own area and then proceed to backstab them? Maybe we can even transport the Mech-Hisui to their own place without them noticing, so that they will waste a few dozens of seconds in order to find the hostage...? Some say that the safest place to store your treasures is in the depths of the enemy's territory. But the plan remains risky, since we'll lack personnel in the defense.)



Kirimuri: Hmm... We need to discuss our plans ASAP.


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5 hours ago, DuckMannnn said:

While the teams are still forming, Kirimuri is busy coming up with a strategy.



Kirimuri: (What if... while the attackers are approaching our area, we sneak in one or two people from the flanks to their own area and then proceed to backstab them? Maybe we can even transport the Mech-Hisui to their own place without them noticing, so that they will waste a few dozens of seconds in order to find the hostage...? Some say that the safest place to store your treasures is in the depths of the enemy's territory. But the plan remains risky, since we'll lack personnel in the defense.)



Kirimuri: Hmm... We need to discuss our plans ASAP.



Just defend the mech. If time runs out and we are in possession of the mech, we win. Let's get into position.


LightFlare stands in front of the south end ready to go..


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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18 hours ago, A person said:


Penelope: My turn! I fight with a huge sword up close and use magic at a distance, though I'm really good with protection and stuff, so don't hesitate to come to me if you want a shield or something because that's what I'm best at! I'm ready to get in there and show them just how awesome I...no...WE are!


22 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:



13P: Like some of us here, I use my fists and kicks to fight, with my Pod covering long range. I don't make much use of it though, so I won't shoot a lot. However, don't expect me to back off from close combat. I'm ready to deliver very strong blows, even though I don't have any sorta magical schtick.


5T: Unlike 13P, I use a sword as my weapon. I can fight physically too, but I tend to attack on the distance with my Pod. I may have a lack of power, but my speed makes it up for it. That's all you need to know about me.


20 hours ago, Sinjik said:


Byakuya: Well some of you know the basic of my abilities, I use my webs as traps to make an opening for an attack.



Hinamori: Alright then, we'll be counting on you.


Team 2 - Offense


Music: Waiting for the hardships ahead 


19 hours ago, A person said:


Penelope: Let's go, go, goooo! 


She started to make her way to the northern side of the arena. She was ready for this, especially since she would be able to kill two birds with one stone if they happened to win.




       As they headed to their position, Joyce kept studied the map one more time, knowing for sure it wouldn't be avaliable once the actual drill started. Hinamori used elemental switch to Darkness and Water like she said she would, Yui summoned her wooden sword.



Joyce: So the entrance on the left is larger...The risk of hitting the hostage with stray shots would be higher unless...


Joyce: She's on that part.


Hinamori: Then maybe for now, we'll send three close-combatants and one ranged to the left flank, and the rest to the right side. It's the closest to that point...


Joyce: No, that place would be too heavily guarded for just one close-ranged fighter. To even out, it will be two on both flanks.


Hinamori: I see...Then let's make it like this: You, Ryuko, Penelope and 13P will go through the left side.


Joyce: Wait, are you sure we want Ryuko and Penelope together?


Hinamori: That's right. I'm sure we'll be traveling with them for the rest of this journey, so now is the best time as ever to learn how to handle them.


Joyce: I see your point...very well, let's see how this goes.


Hinamori: Alright, so right flank will be: Me, Yui, Byakuya and 5T.


Yui: Wait...Are you sure you want to fight together with him?


Hinamori: No matter what you feel for another member of your team...


Joyce: As long as you're on the same group with the same objective, you have to cooperate...or else, everything falls apart.


Hinamori: So you know that rule too.


Joyce: Yes...I know it very well...


Joyce: (The Commander was one of those that enforced this rule to use.)


Ryuko: What kind of rule is that?


Joyce: It's a rule that prevents people for going in a pointless squabble in the middle of an important task, things like rivalry should be settled outside the battlefield. You understand that?


Ryuko: ...


Joyce: Was I clear, Ryuko Oggy!


Ryuko: Alright...I get it...


Joyce: You cleary don't get it. What would happen if your grudge against someone would get in the way of a mission?


Ryuko: Take care of it and head back to battle of course.


Joyce: And what makes you think it is that simple? Do you think you can solve anything in the blink of an eye? Would you really deny your friend of a help because you detest someone?


Ryuko: !!!


Joyce: The Ancestors Families didn't liberate an entire city in one day...and they didn't do it alone, they had to make an alliance with other families and throw away the vow to stay hidden from the public, even if they were reluctant about it. They WORKED together in order to bring a brighter future because it is the right thing to do. Heck, I'm sure even the Knights of the Forsaken had to do some teamwork to protect the slums. I heard they absolutely refused to be intimidated. They didn't gave in to fear and worked together for a cause they believe in, as a group.


Ryuko: ...But...


Joyce: I'll say it again: It doesn't matter what you feel for another member of your team. As long as you're on the same group with the same objective, you have to cooperate...or else, everything falls apart. Hinamori understands that and is willing to work with Byakuya even though she aparently doesn't trust him. Can I expect the same from you in the future?


Ryuko: ...yes...


Joyce: That was too low! Show some confidence!


Ryuko: Alright...fine then...Even though I hate that coward LightFlare, I'm willing to work with him when we go to the slums...There! Are you happy now?


Joyce: Super! Now then...Does someone have any suggestions for the attack plan or are we good to go? 


Team 1 - Defense


5 hours ago, DuckMannnn said:



Kirimuri: Hmm... We need to discuss our plans ASAP.



Ludger: Oh, that's right.


Etomo: I'm willing to go on frontline duty.


Hugh: Same here...Oh yeah guys, I have one thing to reveal about Yui.


Etomo: What is it?


Hugh: *looks both sides* She's still not that great of a sword fighter. So if we get someone to close-in on her who is better skilled, it's a sure victory if you can overpower her. Ludger won't work since she already saw him fight.


Ludger: Then that means...


Etomo: Either Rokurou, Emilia or Agni. And since this is best out of three matches, well...I guess we can say we say she'll be the easiest to take down if we send different people.


Hugh: However, don't take too long...She's crazy strong when she belts out Caleaf II, and she'll certainly use it to repel you away and regroup. Anyway, what were you going to say Kiri-


20 minutes ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:



Just defend the mech. If time runs out and we are in possession of the mech, we win. Let's get into position.


LightFlare stands in front of the south end ready to go..



Hugh: Now that was a quick dissmiss.


Etomo: Well...


Ludger: ...He certainly seems confident...


Hugh: In that case, let's not have a plan.


Ludger: Eh?


Hugh: Once he starts seeing things falling apart, then he'll cosiderate having a plan by the next round. Let's go!


Ludger: (So in a sense...The same thing that happened to me and Hugh.)



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7 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:



Just defend the mech. If time runs out and we are in possession of the mech, we win. Let's get into position.



Kirimuri: So- ...Alright. No plans then.



Kirimuri: Pure improvisions I suppose? In that case? I might detach myself from the team during the round SHOULD I find an opening in their team, in order to exploit it. In the meantime, I'll be hiding in a corner while invisible and probably put a nice smack on an attacker's head if they pass by. Then flee real quick.


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