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The Roleplay Paradise Redux: Fortis Novum Mundum

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16 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:



Kyo, you made it. And your friends too. You guys full?


-It was great man the pancakes were awesome Kiryu agrees too haha

Kiryu pays attention to what Darkflare said and started thinking 


-It seems the owner has a plan im curious to hear what it is 


As am i maybe things will get interesting finally 

Kyo turns back to Lightflare 


-Dude you got any idea what he's planning?


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6 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"I see you're all done eating. Good, then we can move on to the next step. Even with a good plan, going to the slums now will most likely get you killed due to a lack of trust among yourselves as well as overall not knowing what everyone is capable of. I have something in mind to help remedy this problem. As I told some of you already, I need two teams. I would have preferred everyone to be here but I'll work around it. When you're ready, meet me in the underground arena



Sounds good. Given the amount of people involved, we may be able to consider those of us that are here now as a team and the rest are a team by default. Although it may serve the purpose better if we mix and mingle the groups a bit more. 

6 hours ago, Infinite Kyo said:


-Dude you got any idea what he's planning?



Not exactly. But I've been through a few of his "training" drills. Trust me. It may not be obvious at first, but you'll understand the method to his madness before it's done.



Darkflare. I haven't seen anyone form the "Ancestor Families" yet. Ludger I know was here recuperating from yesterday, but I'm not sure about the rest. I think I'm gonna get some air and maybe I'll see them on the way. If I do, I'll fill them on the plan and we'll all meet in the underground arena. Talk to you soon...





See everyone in the underground arena...


LightFlare gestures to everyone as heads outside...


@Infinite Kyo @Agni Blackheart @Mister Fael


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Darkflare. I haven't seen anyone form the "Ancestor Families" yet. Ludger I know was here recuperating from yesterday, but I'm not sure about the rest. I think I'm gonna get some air and maybe I'll see them on the way. If I do, I'll fill them on the plan and we'll all meet in the underground arena. Talk to you soon...




"The enemy won't wait for us, Light. Their grip on the slums tightens every moment. If they don't make it back, we'll have to continue without them and figure out what to do about it later."

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Verve Town - Elysia Inn


13 hours ago, A person said:


Idealis: Heh, I understand. The only thing I can say is to at least try to go into it with a smile for as long as you can.


10 hours ago, Darkflare said:



"If this is your day to day mentality, then quite frankly it's a wonder you haven't ended your own life already, fraulein. You are still breathing and in relative good health, ja? That is a good enough excuse for me to remain optimistic. If today will be a bad day then ensure that tommorow isn't. Now remove such foolish thoughts from your minds. As long as I'm here I will not allow my tro-...escort to have such a low morale."


    Yomi's response was in a slight dismissive tone.



Yomi: Alright...Forgive me for being such a downer...I'll think of sunshine and rainbows for now on and stop expecting the worst in everything I see.



Candor City - Warrior's Hangout Entrance


5 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

LightFlare gestures to everyone as heads outside...



Yui: Oh hey! It's Mr. Lighty!


Hugh: Where we taking that long or are you just appreciating the view?


   Meanwhile, at the Main Lobby.


11 hours ago, DuckMannnn said:



Kirimuri: Hmm... this only crossed my mind just now, but has anybody seen Melina?



Etomo: Now that you mention it...Haven't seen her since the day started.


Ludger: Same here. Did she ever tell where she was going?



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4 hours ago, Mister Fael said:


Yui: Oh hey! It's Mr. Lighty!


Lol! Hello Yui! Good to see you. 


4 hours ago, Mister Fael said:


Hugh: Where we taking that long or are you just appreciating the view?



A bit of both, really. Everyone is meeting down at the Underground Arena. Follow me I'll explain.


LightFlare leads Hugh and Yui to the lobby and reunites them with Ludger and the others. He notices some new faces...



Ok that's about everyone. It should be enough to start at least. Although judging by the new faces, we may have someone to pick up the slack. Are these some associates of yours, Darkflare?


@Darkflare @A person


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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12 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Lol! Hello Yui! Good to see you. 




A bit of both, really. Everyone is meeting down at the Underground Arena. Follow me I'll explain.


LightFlare leads Hugh and Yui to the lobby and reunites them with Ludger and the others. He notices some new faces...



Ok that's about everyone. It should be enough to start at least. Although judging by the new faces, we may have someone to pick up the slack. Are these some associates of yours, Darkflare?


@Darkflare @A person

The commander proceeded to speak up.



???: Not quite. Our party happened to rescue a few of your associates from an incident within the slums involving you-know-who. We just so happened to be investigating the area and managed to get them out just in time. That being said...



???: ...I believe that we all happen to have the same goal in the end, so it would be a pleasure to work with you all on this matter. I shall properly introduce myself once we arrive at the meeting area as I do have plenty of information to relay. 


Penelope proceeded to interject.



Penelope: So do I! This'll be awesome!


Meanwhile, the robot that stood to the right of the commander remained silent, like a guardian spirit that hovered behind its master, unwilling to speak to those she seemed unfamiliar with.

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1 hour ago, A person said:

The commander proceeded to speak up.



???: Not quite. Our party happened to rescue a few of your associates from an incident within the slums involving you-know-who. We just so happened to be investigating the area and managed to get them out just in time. That being said...



???: ...I believe that we all happen to have the same goal in the end, so it would be a pleasure to work with you all on this matter. I shall properly introduce myself once we arrive at the meeting area as I do have plenty of information to relay. 


Penelope proceeded to interject.



Penelope: So do I! This'll be awesome!


Meanwhile, the robot that stood to the right of the commander remained silent, like a guardian spirit that hovered behind its master, unwilling to speak to those she seemed unfamiliar with.



Well... someone else who experienced the Knights first hand. Glad to have you aboard. Your enthusiasm is welcome. In these troubling times, I can sense a ray hope. I don't know why, but I feel as if you being here is fate.



(These two are definitely skilled fighters. The one in grey is definitely the leader. The young girl is gifted...no doubt about that. But the man in the armor...he hasn't said a word. And I can't sense his aura. He may be a machine. Who knows how powerful HE is...)



Well..I'm ready to get started. Let's all head down to the arena.


LightFlare awaits everyone's response...




Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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2 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:



Well... someone else who experienced the Knights first hand. Glad to have you aboard. Your enthusiasm is welcome. In these troubling times, I can sense a ray hope. I don't know why, but I feel as if you being here is fate.



(These two are definitely skilled fighters. The one in grey is definitely the leader. The young girl is gifted...no doubt about that. But the man in the armor...he hasn't said a word. And I can't sense his aura. He may be a machine. Who knows how powerful HE is...)



Well..I'm ready to get started. Let's all head down to the arena.


LightFlare awaits everyone's response...



The commander chuckled.



???: I suppose it could be, but perhaps that can be discussed at a later time. Besides that, please, lead the way. I hope that it is also okay for me to take some time to learn more about this facility along the way.


Penelope looked like she was going to explode with excitement if she had to wait any longer.

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"Quite an interesting group we have here. I suppose it's not so surprising that you all have gone to the slums at some point. They would have to have a reason to label you as terrorists after all. Do not be alarmed, I suspect that their accusations are false. Ah, where are my manners?"


Shrike slid open her mask.



"I go by the codename Shrike, but please call me Ana. I may not look like much, but I assure you that my skills as a sniper are just as sharp as they were in my younger days despite my handicap. Actually, I had set up in this area chasing after a few bounties. I suspect they're working for the group that has taken over the slums. If I may, I would like to join you and learn about your capabilities. Although, I am a sniper, the biotic technology I possess should prove useful to you in other ways."

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17 hours ago, A person said:

The commander chuckled.



???: I suppose it could be, but perhaps that can be discussed at a later time. Besides that, please, lead the way. I hope that it is also okay for me to take some time to learn more about this facility along the way.


Penelope looked like she was going to explode with excitement if she had to wait any longer.



Sounds good. My name is LightFlare, btw. Just keep an eye on the guy in the black cap. He can be a bit..."handsie" when it comes to cute girls...


LightFlare chuckles as he teases Kirimuru...



16 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"Quite an interesting group we have here. I suppose it's not so surprising that you all have gone to the slums at some point. They would have to have a reason to label you as terrorists after all. Do not be alarmed, I suspect that their accusations are false. Ah, where are my manners?"


Shrike slid open her mask.



"I go by the codename Shrike, but please call me Ana. I may not look like much, but I assure you that my skills as a sniper are just as sharp as they were in my younger days despite my handicap. Actually, I had set up in this area chasing after a few bounties. I suspect they're working for the group that has taken over the slums. If I may, I would like to join you and learn about your capabilities. Although, I am a sniper, the biotic technology I possess should prove useful to you in other ways."



Nice to meet you, Ana. I'm LightFlare. You may be exactly what we need. In there ranks is a deadly sniper. I didn't meet him face to face, but that's usually the case with any GOOD sniper... that is, it he's trying to KILL you. I wouldn't be surprised if "he's" one of your targets.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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3 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:



Sounds good. My name is LightFlare, btw. Just keep an eye on the guy in the black cap. He can be a bit..."handsie" when it comes to cute girls...


LightFlare chuckles as he teases Kirimuru...



Kirimuri: That's weird. Are you referring to yourself?


By the time LightFlare finished his sentence, Kiri's hat is now mysteriously on the brawler's head.



Kirimuri: Hehe.


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4 minutes ago, DuckMannnn said:



Kirimuri: That's weird. Are you referring to yourself?


By the time LightFlare finished his sentence, Kiri's hat is now mysteriously on the brawler's head.



Kirimuri: Hehe.



Clever...heh. We'll need that speed on the battlefield.


LightFlare chuckles and places the hat back on Kirimuri's head and pushes the brim over Kirimuri's face...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Warrior's Hangout - Main Lobby


Track: Genbu City 



Ryuko: Look who's back! Did everything go well in whatever place you guys had to go?


Hinamori: Yes, we're done with our task. Sorry for leaving so abruptly, but it was important for me.


Etomo: You're here already Ryuko? What's the matter?


Ryuko: Sorry Looger...but I couldn't convince Elle that tomatoes aren't gross.


Etomo: I had this feeling you were going to fail miserably...


Ludger: Let's keep trying...I'm sure we'll get there eventually...


Ludger: Anyway, welcome back everyone!


On 28/11/2017 at 1:39 AM, Darkflare said:


"Quite an interesting group we have here. I suppose it's not so surprising that you all have gone to the slums at some point. They would have to have a reason to label you as terrorists after all. Do not be alarmed, I suspect that their accusations are false. Ah, where are my manners?"


Shrike slid open her mask.



"I go by the codename Shrike, but please call me Ana. I may not look like much, but I assure you that my skills as a sniper are just as sharp as they were in my younger days despite my handicap. Actually, I had set up in this area chasing after a few bounties. I suspect they're working for the group that has taken over the slums. If I may, I would like to join you and learn about your capabilities. Although, I am a sniper, the biotic technology I possess should prove useful to you in other ways."



Yui: Nice to meet you Miss Ana! I'm Yui Lilly Celest. These are my friends, Hugh, Hinamori and Joyce.


Joyce: You can call me Joy if you want. (She really does seems like she went through some rough times...)


Hugh: Oh, don't worry about us doubting your abilities Miss...the last people I would underestimate in my life  are half-blind people and snipers. Seriously...


Ryuko: (Urgh...I get unerved everytime I remember what happened yesterday...Seriously, If I meet that guy face to face, he's going to regret killing my friend out of nowhere.)


Joyce: Anyway, We're all set to go.


Ludger: Same here...Darkflare didn't looked like he wanted to wait for long, so let's follow him.



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On 11/28/2017 at 11:16 PM, Mister Fael said:


Ludger: Same here...Darkflare didn't looked like he wanted to wait for long, so let's follow him.



Alright. Lets go...


Darkflare had already descended to the underground arena. Kirimuru had previously fought in the underground arena, so he knew where to go. LightFlare followed behind and the rest of the heroes followed shortly after. Once at the appropriate floor, the heroes walked into a seemingly empty arena. Darkflare was waiting with his arms folded with a look on his face that seemed even more serious than usual...



Ok Darklare. What's the objective?





Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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"The objective is to get you all to know and trust each other for when we go out and do this for real."


Flare heads over to the control console and begins typing.



"I won't have you just fight each other, there's going to be an objective you must accomplish. That said, this IS a team exercise. Have you chosen your teams like I had asked?”

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3 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"The objective is to get you all to know and trust each other for when we go out and do this for real."


Flare heads over to the control console and begins typing.



"I won't have you just fight each other, there's going to be an objective you must accomplish. That said, this IS a team exercise. Have you chosen your teams like I had asked?”



Yes. If they have no objections, I'd like to fight along side Kirimuru, and our mystery lady in gray. Actually...i guess now would be a good time to formally introduce yourself.


LightFlare smiles and nods at the Commander of the Mysterious Trio of heroes who recently arrived to at the Hangout. @A person



As for anyone else, I'm open to whoever wants to squad up with me.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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10 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:



Yes. If they have no objections, I'd like to fight along side Kirimuru, and our mystery lady in gray. Actually...i guess now would be a good time to formally introduce yourself.


LightFlare smiles and nods at the Commander of the Mysterious Trio of heroes who recently arrived to at the Hangout. @A person



As for anyone else, I'm open to whoever wants to squad up with me.

Penelope pouted.



Penelope: Hey, I'm coming with her! I can do stuff, too!


The commander chuckled.



???: Of course. I am Emilia, of the family Abaelard. I hope that we will be able to work together and form bonds that even the Sword of Fate is incapable of splitting, and I am eager to see just how capable everyone is!


Penelope moved onto herself next, moving over to Emilia's left side.



Penelope: And I'm Penelope! I've been having lots of fun since I've been here, but I can tell that this is gonna be sooo awesome!


She started to hop around.



Penelope: Aaaaah, I can't wait to get started!


Meanwhile, the "Black Knight" stepped aside, making its way towards the exit without a word on the matter.


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41 minutes ago, A person said:

Penelope pouted.



Penelope: Hey, I'm coming with her! I can do stuff, too!


The commander chuckled.



???: Of course. I am Emilia, of the family Abaelard. I hope that we will be able to work together and form bonds that even the Sword of Fate is incapable of splitting, and I am eager to see just how capable everyone is!


Penelope moved onto herself next, moving over to Emilia's left side.



Penelope: And I'm Penelope! I've been having lots of fun since I've been here, but I can tell that this is gonna be sooo awesome!


She started to hop around.



Penelope: Aaaaah, I can't wait to get started!


Meanwhile, the "Black Knight" stepped aside, making its way towards the exit without a word on the matter.




It's nice to meet you both. Then I take it that both of you are with Me and Kiri. I suppose your friend in black does not want to participate. He hasn't said a word. My guess is that he's in fact an artificial lifeform assigned to your unit and he won't participate unless instructed too? In which case it won't be all that necessary for him to be involved. He'll be the same no matter WHO he fights along side...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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11 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:



Yes. If they have no objections, I'd like to fight along side Kirimuri, and our mystery lady in gray. Actually...I guess now would be a good time to formally introduce yourself.



Kirimuri: No complaints. Maybe this will be better than cooperating with a mentally unstable teenage girl with flying knives, I guess.


53 minutes ago, A person said:



???: I am Emilia, of the family Abaelard. I hope that we will be able to work together and form bonds that even the Sword of Fate is incapable of splitting, and I am eager to see just how capable everyone is!


Penelope moved onto herself next, moving over to Emilia's left side.



Penelope: And I'm Penelope! I've been having lots of fun since I've been here, but I can tell that this is gonna be sooo awesome!



Kirimuri: Nice to meet both of you. Call me Kirimuri.


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Warrior's Hangout


1 hour ago, A person said:

She started to hop around.



Penelope: Aaaaah, I can't wait to get started!



Yui: She's surely excited for this.


Hinamori: As cute as that looks, she should take this more seriously...


Joyce: Hmmm...


Yui: Hugh, Hina, let's group up and form the second team.


Hinamori: Right.


Hugh: Sure thing! I work better with you two.


Joyce: In that case, let me join in too. As a fellow Ancestor Mage, I want to see your abilities up close.


Yui: Okay! Looking foward on seeing your flames in action!


Etomo: Well then, I'll be joining the first team.


Ryuko: Of course you will...


Etomo: Eh?


Ryuko: I'll join the second team.


Ludger: Huh?


Ryuko: Later! Hey Yui, do you have space for one more?


Yui: Oh, Sure thing!


Etomo: Sigh...


Ludger: What happened?


Etomo: Leave her be for now. When she gets a bad impression of someone, it takes a while to wear off.


Ludger: I see...


Etomo: So...which team you'll be joining?


Ludger: The first one I guess.



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"If I may make a request, it would be best if I observed instead. As a sniper, it would be better if I observed the movement behavior of everyone. Not to mention that it is unlikely that I will be in the frontlines."



"Fair enough...as for the rest of you."


He finishes typing on the console as the arena takes the form of an abandoned warehouse. He then proceeds to bring up a hologram of the layout of the area.



"All right, we have two teams: Attackers and Defenders. The attacking team starts on the north while the defenders start on the south. The defenders also have an additional person with them which is the primary objective for both sides. In this case, I'll just have one of the Hisuis take this role. The goal of the attacking team is to "rescue" and escort her back to the exit in their starting area within 2 minutes. Obviously the defenders want to prevent this. If time runs out but one of the attackers is with the Hisui and escorting her, the round continues into Overtime until they either reach the exit or she's not escorted for 3 seconds."



"Regarding Hisui, she won't move on her own unless you grab her by the hand in which case she will move with you until you let go. Oh and she won't attack anyone either regardless of team. The defenders can also move Hisui to move her to another preferred position if they so wish."



"I'm pretty sure you're all more than capable of withstanding your share of punishment but your impressive durability won't matter in this case. For this drill, everyone will be considered pretty frail. While a weak strike won't eliminate you, a strong solid hit will, even if you normally can take a hundred of those. Once eliminated, the arena will give you a shock and paralyze you to prevent you from doing anything else. There is no way to bring back an eliminated individual until the next round starts. Naturally, eliminating the other team is considered a round victory. Ah....by the way, Hisui is also subject to the same elimination rules. The team that eliminates Hisui automatically loses that round regardless of anything else."



"I believe that covers the rules of this drill. Oh....before I forget."



"Scramble your teams. The main purpose of this drill is to get you familiar with each other. Pairing up with someone you're already familiar with completely defeats the purpose of that. You won't always get the choice of pairing up with whoever you want to be with, so now's a good time to learn something from the ones you know nothing about."

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21 minutes ago, Darkflare said:


"Scramble your teams. The main purpose of this drill is to get you familiar with each other. Pairing up with someone you're already familiar with completely defeats the purpose of that. You won't always get the choice of pairing up with whoever you want to be with, so now's a good time to learn something from the ones you know nothing about."




Kirimuri: Fair enough. I don't really care to be honest. It's not like I'm that close with anybody here. Yet.



Kirimuri: Does your console has some software that seperates and randomly assigns people to 2 different groups? Or do we go with the usual name-in-a-piece-of-folded-paper and a box?


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