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The Roleplay Paradise Redux: Fortis Novum Mundum

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9 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"As I told Light-san, I must recommended that you do not eat until you're completely full. Especially if you're going to do a lot of movement shortly after."



Kirimuri: What do you mean by completely full, this is barely a snack for me?



Kirimuri: ...Just kidding. I won't be taking the scrambled eggs and the apple juice then. I'm keeping the oatmeal, grilled cheese and olives.


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3 hours ago, Darkflare said:





"While I can't stop you, I must recommend you reconsider the quantity of your portions. It is not a good idea to eat until you're completely full, 80% is acceptable."



That's some good advice. But don't worry, this is kinda lite for me...no pun intended. My training keeps my metabolism quite high. I'll work it off soon enough. And if I know your boss, I'm sure he'll give me the opportunity to do just that.


LightFlare smiles and patiently waits for his breakfast....


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Idealis opened her eyes slowly as the sunlight crept in from the window, bathing the entire bedroom in its golden light. Idealis slowly opened her eyes as the rays of light flashed upon her eyelids, and groaned, speaking to herself in a low voice.



Idealis: Ugh, sunlight...I don't like it...


Forced by the impatience of the sun to bring an abrupt end to her lovely dream, she proceeded to sit up in bed, still quite groggy from being woken up before she was ready. With no reason to stay in bed any longer, she got out of bed and began getting dressed as quietly as possible, so as not to awaken the sleeping demon in the bed adjacent to hers. As she was preparing for the torturing day that lay ahead of them, she would find her nostrils being raided by a rogue scent of deliciousness, one which caused her stomach to growl. Loudly. Both nervous and embarrassed by this, she, after finally putting on her coat over everything, proceeded to make her way out of the room, once again, as quietly as possible. Who knew what would happen if she accidentally awoke a demon, especially one that seemed to be as unstable as the one she decided to share a room with.

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The trio entered the cafeteria the smell of hot and fresh food filled the air while Kiryu caught the scent of something different than what he is used to.


-hmm whats that smell? it smells great whateer it is.


-I think thats Pancakes dude.....wait have you had pancakes before? 


-hmm cant say i have are they any good?


-heck yeah dude i had em when i was over at America for the King of fighters tournament...in fact lets order some right now!

Kyo and Kiryu walk hastedly towards a mech hisui, Morrigan floated behind them as well 


-Hey there can me and my friend get two small stacks of chocolate chip pancakes with syrup? With a glass of Orange juice?...you dont mind OJ do ya Kiryu?

-No nat at all 


-Could i ger a cup of coffee, black with one sugar?


-well i guess thats all....or did we order too much? 


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5 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"Understood. I'll have your meals prepared."


The Mech Hisui bows before leaving.


The Mech Hisui brings LightFlare his food. Moments later while he was enjoying his delicious breakfast, he noticed a familiar voice...


3 hours ago, Infinite Kyo said:


-Hey there can me and my friend get two small stacks of chocolate chip pancakes with syrup? With a glass of Orange juice?...you dont mind OJ do ya Kiryu



Kyo! I see great minds think alike!


LightFlare holds up a slab of his chocolate chip pancakes and smiles as he stuffs them his mouth. He grins and gives Kyo a thumbs up signifing his satisfaction with his food.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Warrior's Hangout - Cafeteria



Ryuko: Alright...Guess I'll just have an hamburger. Oh, and some oranje juice.too.


Etomo: I'll just have a sandwich with ham and eggs. And to drink...Hmmm...I'll go with coffee.


Elle: Oh hey! It's Super Long Hair Lady and the Super Noisy Girl.


Ryuko: Noisy girl? Is that what you think of me Elle?


Etomo: Take it as karma for forgetting Kirimuri's name.


Ludger: Morning you two.


Etomo: Morning! How are you doing?


Ludger: Overall...I'm fine. Feels good to walk properly again.


Ryuko: Great! Would be a shame if we lost the best cook I've ever met.


Ludger: Thanks for the...concern?


Ryuko: Just messing with ya! I was really worried after the shit that happened yesterday.


Ryuko: But let's touch that subject later. Don't want to ruin anyone's morning with this gloomy thing. I'll eagerly wait for that hamburger.


Ludger: (Oh yeah, she saw someone being killed in front of her too...She's doing her best to get over it.) Alright...By the way, I just got call from Hinamori. They'll be arriving in the hangout shortly.



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1 hour ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:



Kyo! I see great minds think alike!


LightFlare holds up a slab of his chocolate chip pancakes and smiles as he stuffs them his mouth. He grins and gives Kyo a thumbs up signifing his satisfaction with his food.


"Please refrain from opening your mouth while you have food in it."


To Lightflare, the Mech-Hisui's appearance would be rather sudden...




The bounty hunter known as Shrike had arrived in front of the hangout. She took a moment to look at the building.



"It's even bigger than I initially thought. This could easily rival the size of one of Overwatch's old headquarters. ... Warrior's Hangout....just what kind of place is this supposed to be?"

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29 minutes ago, Darkflare said:


"Please refrain from opening your mouth while you have food in it."


To Lightflare, the Mech-Hisui's appearance would be rather sudden..



Pardon me, ma'am. But you may need to adjust your optical sensors a bit. I swallow my food before I speak. And it's easy to grin with your mouth close. 


LightFlare does a slight grin and continues to eat his breakfast...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Moments later, another Mech-Hisui arrives at the cafetera, bringing Kirimuri's breakfast. Kirimuri says thanks to her as she left.



Kirimuri: Time to eat...


He immediately takes a few large bites from his grilled cheese, while adding an extra olive inside his mouth after every single bite.



Kirimuri: Hmn... I could still stuff some more scrambled eggs and apple juice. Oh well, I'll just come back here and eat in case if I get hungry.


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5 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


The Mech Hisui brings LightFlare his food. Moments later while he was enjoying his delicious breakfast, he noticed a familiar voice...




Kyo! I see great minds think alike!


LightFlare holds up a slab of his chocolate chip pancakes and smiles as he stuffs them his mouth. He grins and gives Kyo a thumbs up signifing his satisfaction with his food.

Kyo turns around after hearing his friends voice


-Yo light i didn't see ya there, you look good man . although your epic beard is gone kind of a bummer hehe

As Kyo walked towards Lightflare Morrigan chuckles heartily. as the mech Hisui delivers Kiryu's pancakes and Morrigans coffee they sit down at a table and Kiryu starts digging in 


-hmm haven't had much experience with a knife and fork but it cant be that hard heh


-oh this Coffee is great.....it seems that Lightflare gentlemen and Kyo know eachother thats quite amusing 


-It seems like that yeah 

Kyo leans on the table holding his pancakes in one had he then stabs the top pancake with his fork and shoves it in his mouth. after that he begins to talk to light 


-So whats been going on man? this whole situation seems a little weird i must admit. i dont really understand it all myself.

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3 hours ago, Infinite Kyo said:

Kyo turns around after hearing his friends voice


-Yo light i didn't see ya there, you look good man . although your epic beard is gone kind of a bummer hehe

As Kyo walked towards Lightflare Morrigan chuckles heartily. as the mech Hisui delivers Kiryu's pancakes and Morrigans coffee they sit down at a table and Kiryu starts digging in 


-hmm haven't had much experience with a knife and fork but it cant be that hard heh


-oh this Coffee is great.....it seems that Lightflare gentlemen and Kyo know eachother thats quite amusing 


-It seems like that yeah 

Kyo leans on the table holding his pancakes in one had he then stabs the top pancake with his fork and shoves it in his mouth. after that he begins to talk to light 


-So whats been going on man? this whole situation seems a little weird i must admit. i dont really understand it all myself.



Well, besides the beard there's a lot of strange things.


LightFlare catches Kyo up on everything he knows so far...the Knights of the Forsaken...the heroes that were portaled from other worlds...the ones who died in the slums...Idealis and their journey to Verve...



...and that's it more or less. With all the noise in the slums, it made it to the news. But we're depicted as terrorists. What's funny is that most of us weren't in the Slums last night as far I know at least. But something happened there. We may not be the only group of people who are enemies to the Knights. In fact, there are few HERE that have betrayed the Knight's and have joined us. But I'm not sure why...so yeah. Just another day on the job, bro.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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On 11/18/2017 at 10:01 AM, Infinite Kyo said:



-So whats been going on man? this whole situation seems a little weird i must admit. i dont really understand it all myself.


On 11/18/2017 at 1:21 PM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

LightFlare catches Kyo up on everything he knows so far...the Knights of the Forsaken...the heroes that were portaled from other worlds...the ones who died in the slums...Idealis and their journey to Verve...



Kirimuri: Mohral offh duh schtoohry, schtick thoogether orr we'll geht kill'd. Shimple.


Kirimuri says as he was chewing his grilled cheese. He swallows it then finishes his breakfast with a last bite of oatmeal before leaving.




Kirimuri: I'm done with the breakfast. I don't like to sit around after eating a meal. I'll be waiting in the lobby...


He then leaves the scene, heading to the lobby while waiting for the others to finish.


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1 hour ago, Darkflare said:


"Don't talk with your mouth full."


The mecha maid says as she walks past the group.


(They sure are observant...or is it because they are all over the place...hmph)


LightFlare continues his conversation with Kyo...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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2 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


(They sure are observant...or is it because they are all over the place...hmph)


LightFlare continues his conversation with Kyo...



-The Knights of the Forsaken huh...sounds rough. this whole city has an uneasy feeling to it not like my home at all........I wonder if anyone else i know got teleported here......although im sure if Iori got teleported here he will hunt me down eventually hehe. so whats the gameplan now? 


As Kyo converses with Light Kiryu finishes his breakfast 


-oi Morigan tell kyo im just gonna head off to the lobby now no point in staying here once ive eaten 


-Alright i'll do that 

Morrigan takes another sip from her cup of coffee while Kiryu walks out of the caffeteria 

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6 hours ago, Infinite Kyo said:


-The Knights of the Forsaken huh...sounds rough. this whole city has an uneasy feeling to it not like my home at all........I wonder if anyone else i know got teleported here......although im sure if Iori got teleported here he will hunt me down eventually hehe. so whats the gameplan now? 



Don't know yet. But I don't think we got enough proof that the knights have done anything wrong. They attacked us, yet they labeled US as terrorists. And without visual proof, we may not have a case. They are operating under the guise of being a separate branch of the Royal Knights. So throwing accusations at them is in itself an uphill battle. There's speculation but that won't be enough. And the people of the slums are behind them. So at this point we need hard evidence. But let's talk more about this when we are all together. I gotta find Darkflare. We have to come up with a plan of attack. You ready to roll?


LightFlare finishes his food and heads toward the a nearby Mech Hisui...



Excuse me. I'm looking for Darkflare. Could you take me too him?




Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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3 minutes ago, Darkflare said:


"Certainly. Please follow me."


The mecha maid would lead Light to Flare who wasn't too far off.



"You're already done eating, Light? Did any of the others finish as well?"



I think Kyo is behind me. A few of the others are in the lobby as well. We really need to discuss some things. I think we need some hard evidence before we can make a move. I have more to share but I want to wait till more of us are together. Let's head to the lobby and see who's there. From there I think we should convene in the special meeting room we met in yesterday. Until then, any important updates?


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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1 minute ago, Darkflare said:


"Tried to get some information late night but had to abort before I risked losing one of my robots. The meeting room will have to wait. We can't proceed further without knowing just exactly what each of you is capable of."



My thoughts exactly. We lost too people yesterday because we are fighting a group of people who have a common goal, and k ow each other well. We have neither ot those. That was one of the things I planned on discussing in the meeting. Let's do it. I'm game. 


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Agni Artwaltz, Rokurou Rangetsu, 5T, 13P and Anna Ametrine

Location: The Warrior's Hangout - Lobby



Rokurou: Well, I'm heading upstairs. You coming?


13P: ... Was there any need to ask?


Rokurou: Well then, I'll be right back.


Rokurou went upstairs, ready to grab a bite for another fighting day. Soon, Agni, 5T and Anna reached the lobby.



13P: Finally you came out. Oh, and good morning to you two.


Agni: Good morning, 13P. Say, has Rokurou passed through here or did he got out?


13P: Went upstairs for breakfast. You two should be going as well.


Anna: Really? I hope there is still time for me to help. Maybe if I cannot cook, helping with the dishes would be-


Agni: I doubt Mr. Darkflare would let you touch a single fork. Besides, did he agreed to leave you responsible with the magic part of the healing?


Anna: Well, yes, but-


Agni: Considering he's a man of the business, he won't let you do extra work. He has the Mech-Hisuis, if not for the fact that people like him hate paying extra work outside of contract terms, even if it's verbal.


5T: In other words, no housework, only healing. Got it?


Anna: ... Yes... and I think I am not hungry anymore.


Anna just sat in a sofa while looking bothered. She liked cleaning work. It was like a hobby that distracted her well enough. Not doing it seemed strange to her.



5T: She... got really bothered out of a sudden.


Agni: I don't know why, but she likes to do those sorts of things. She says that it makes her less tense and it's a good way to kill time.


13P: Doesn't she have servants to do those stuff for her back at your home?


Agni: Her only servant is a poltergeist armor. It doesn't do anything other than protecting her from danger.


5T: Wow... unusual. I'll keep record of that.


Agni: Anyway, I'm not that hungry either, so I'll just wait here.


5T: We're also not going upstairs for obvious reasons.


Magnum Alexandria, Elizabeth Bathory and Seraph Artwaltz

Location: Magical Kingdom of Verve - Elysia Inn


Elizabeth rolled around her bed until she finally fell on the ground.



Lize: Oww, my head... I was dreaming about having a nice show with a huge audience!


Lize: Huh? Wait, am I alone? Did they leave without me?!


She started to get worried about the fact they could have simply left her behind. Was she that unimportant? Just as she kept thinking, a sweet scent distracted her.



Lize: Oooh, food! I'm hungry, so I'll head downstairs and think about it later!


She got outside of her room, following the scent that made her belly growl a little. Meanwhile, inside the angels' room, Magnum questioned Seraph about the attack of yesterday. He did an explanation of how Elizabeth mentioned it and he wanted to confirm facts.


Magnum: So it was truly Fang that assaulted us?!


Seraph: Yes. From the looks of it, he's been following us from the skies for a long time.


Magnum: Damn, that freak. If I knew he was following us, I-


Seraph: Agni wouldn't have let you fight him. He plays nice around him, while going violent against us.


Magnum: For how long he'll keep being so obsessed like that? Doesn't he know when to quit?!


Seraph: I doubt he does. I've warned Agni for him to not go walking alone, even in Candor. I hope that he listened to the advice without mentally questioning it.


Magnum: I should give him a call later. Just in case.


Seraph: Agreed. Alright, let's go downstairs.


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1 hour ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:



My thoughts exactly. We lost too people yesterday because we are fighting a group of people who have a common goal, and k ow each other well. We have neither ot those. That was one of the things I planned on discussing in the meeting. Let's do it. I'm game. 


"No need to rush yet. Wait for the others to be ready. I told you I wanted two teams, didn't I? I want you all to discuss how you want to be split once everyone is here. Trust me on this one."

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