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The Roleplay Paradise Redux: Fortis Novum Mundum

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??? (To @A person and @Mister Fael)


BGM: The Days When My Mother Was There (Persona 5)


He breathed heavily. Taking out all of those creatures was a hard task. However, he was doing that for the person whom he loved the most.



???: Haaaah... haaah... damn, I'm tired. Those creatures doesn't just give up...


???: (Mom... I'm doing a good job, right? Even though I'm a monster, I'll protect this ruin from anyone...)


Suddenly, steps could be heard. When the fox-looking young man looked, another person showed up.



???: Man, don't you guys ever quit?! How many times do I have to tell you that you're not coming in here?!


???: ... A kitsune...?


???: Wait, what?! You know what I am?!


???: Yes... although I never saw one... up close.


???: Well, that doesn't matter! You're not getting in!!


???: I see... then I'll just go away.


The white-haired stranger turned out to continue walking, but the kitsune stopped him. This was something weird. How come he wasn't after the treasure?



???: Wait, wait, wait. You were supposed to say "Oh yeah? Then I'll force myself in!" or something like that and we jump into the fight part.


???: Is that so? I'm not interested in treasures. I just need a shelter...


???: Weird... so many people get here to come after the big treasure of this ruin. You're the first to say that treasure isn't interesting.


???: The desert seems long... I won't be able to endure it without resting...


???: The closest town is some miles away from here. You'll reach it drenched in sweat.


???: ...


???: Alright, alright. I'll be kind enough to let you rest a little. But...


???: If you get near the treasure altar, I'll kill you! Got it?!


???: ... Yes. And thank you for your kindness.


The caped young man looked at the ruin and then looked at the kitsune.



???: ... Are you the god of this ruin?


???: More like a monster. I have my own reasons to stay here protecting this place.


???: I see... I suppose I should let you know my name then...


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Godless Human of Ethereal Darkness

Lucent Vermillion

Second King of the Hamel United Kingdom, known as The Mind. Lucent is an Apostasia, a certain kind of demihuman with control over corruption and darkness. He was once the reincarnation of the God of Destruction, Rih'alnase, but managed to break free from his cursed fate. Once becoming a monarch, he abandoned the arts of assassination and decided to study the dark arts and became a scholar upon them. However, when a new war began to unfold, he called upon the power of the god he was supposed to become a vessel and gained a power which made him slightly transcend humanity. Now, he warped towards a new world, seeking to return back to his own so he can save his people.

Age: 17

Species: Demihuman

Element: Darkness

System: ???

Class: Magician

Weapons: Scythe

Universe: Seven Knights Fan-Made Character/Original Character


Lucent: ... Presentation done. However, I have something to check before going inside. Goodbye for now...


???: W-Wait, my name is...!


However, when he tried to introduce himself, Lucent just marched towards the sands ahead, looking at a point in the sky. The kitsune was left utterly confused, not understanding a single thing.



???: (He's so weird... I don't get him at all... how come he offered no resistance to me when I tried to attack? Is he so sincere or so stupid?)


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15K: "Acquiring coordinates... Done. Reminder: Investigate the areas around the Slums to look for unit 5T and 13P. Based on unit 15K's calculations, there is a probability of 97,54% that the 2 units mentioned has betrayed the YorHa. Suggestion: Apprehend and terminate, if necessary, the 2 units.


The android begins to leap on walls and climb on the roofs of the Slums. He looks around in order to memorize the city's layout.


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Agni Artwaltz, Rokurou Rangetsu, 5T, 13P and Anna Ametrine


BGM: Iwatodai Dorm (Persona 3)



Agni: Well, I'll try to contact Seraph or Magnum before I can go to sleep. Knowing where they are is going to be important.


Rokurou: I'm going with you. I have nothing better to do anyways and we still have a fight to pull on.


Melina: I guess the arenas are disabled since I believe all functionalities are finished for the day.


Rokurou: What? Lame...


Melina: I suppose I shall be the first to head out to see our accomodations. I must check with who I am supposed to share rooms with.


13P: 5T, should we go too?


5T: I guess so. I have to do a system check-up on both of us, so we might head to the rooms as well.


Melina: Yes, but I suppose someone has to explain to Miss Hinamori why is the supposed "murderer" coming along with us.


Agni: I'll do it.


Melina: Artwaltz, your priority should be contacting the other team since you are the only one capable of doing it so.


Agni: Well, yeah, but-


5T: Agni, we'll do the explanations. You can go and contact whoever you need to.


Agni: R-Right. Well, let's go, Rokurou.


Rokurou: Fine by me. It's not like I have anything to do anyway.


Agni and Rokurou knocked at the door, trying to call the attention of the Mech-Hisui outside the room. 5T and 13P went towards Hinamori, Yui and Byakuya to tell why he's with them.



5T: From what I could gather, he's just coming along on his own will. This... "Chelicerata" guy, right? That's what he was called earlier.


13P: Wasn't it Agni's idea for him to come along?


5T: That's because Agni just gave up and let him come. But it's not like he's free to do anything he wants. We can just beat him dead in the case he backstab us, like Melina.


13P: Rokurou and Agni already gave him their warnings, too. He's not in a good situation, if he decides to play the traitor.


Melina who was still sitting at the window, looked at the people around, looked at Kirimuri and then noticed Kiryu, Morrigan and Kyo there.



Melina: Oh, Mr. Kiryu, you are back and I have not noticed you. I see you have found some other people with you. Who are they?


Anna didn't follow Agni and Rokurou. She went towards Light and Dark to ask them about the way they found for her to help.



Anna: Umm... excuse me, Mr. Light and... Mr. Darkflare...? I have something to ask of you two.



BGM: Beautiful Dead (Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc)


They were waiting in the lounge for a good time. Lucina tried to see if Agni was somewhere, but the Mech-Hisuis weren't being too cooperative.



Lucina: *sigh* I guess they are here, but those maids are not telling me anything. Is something too important happening that we cannot speak with the others now? I suppose we have no choice but to wait.


Lucina: Come to think about it, from where did you all came? Considering how you are dressed, I suppose you are not from the slums, correct?


Magnum Alexandria and Seraph Artwaltz


BGM: Frosty Village (Diddy Kong Racing)


The town seemed more lively at night. More witches were shooting magic at each other in the skies and even more people walked around. Torches were lit, so it wasn't horribly dark.



Magnum: We're finally back. And look, the town seems more crowded now.


Seraph: I suppose the people in this town are more nocturnal. Well then, shall we go to the inn?


Magnum: R-Right! Although I'm unsure...


Seraph: I'm going to hear and explain a lot. Got what I deserve, anyway...


Elizabeth Bathory



Lize: Really? Well, thank you, Nemesis. At least I'll have a good company to sleep and have some girl talk.




Fang was flying above the snowfields, heading back to the forest. He was used to cold places, so the wind didn't bothered him that badly.



Fang: (Tch... seems like he wasn't there at all. I'll just head to the next town and see if I can find him.)


Fang: (But that damn wind! Who the hell conjured it?! I was going to get Seraph dead but it blown me away! When I find the person who did it, they're going to be dead too!)


He descended, reaching the border between the fields and the forest. He landed on a tree, sitting on a branch to rest for the night. He closed his eyes, thinking about his precious person before sleeping.



Fang: Nothing and no one shall get in my way. I'm going to take him with me, no matter what... for his sake and for the happiness I deserve...


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On 28/09/2017 at 12:10 PM, Sinjik said:


Byakuya: My, you startled me, "Spirit Dancer." Under different circumstances I would've pounced on an obvious prey. But me and you should put that aside, after all, I wouldn't want your "spirits" to see you lying on the ground.


Byakuya: My business here is related to almost everyone here, if not everyone in this room. Except there's just one small difference.



Hinamori: You're not in position to make threats after I've beat you once...You're lucky I'm not a murderer like you or else you wouldn't be standing here right now.


15 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

5T and 13P went towards Hinamori, Yui and Byakuya to tell why he's with them.



5T: From what I could gather, he's just coming along on his own will. This... "Chelicerata" guy, right? That's what he was called earlier.


13P: Wasn't it Agni's idea for him to come along?


5T: That's because Agni just gave up and let him come. But it's not like he's free to do anything he wants. We can just beat him dead in the case he backstab us, like Melina.


13P: Rokurou and Agni already gave him their warnings, too. He's not in a good situation, if he decides to play the traitor.



Hinamori: Seriously...I'd rather not take the risk of keeping him around at all...What was Agni thinking? He knows how dangerous he is...


Yui: In that case, I'll swear that I'll deal with him as well if he tries anything bad...Is that okay with you?


Hinamori: I'm still not okay with keeping him around...But seeing how people are willing to keep him in check, I'll let it pass this time.


   Hinamori then headed for the exit of the Meeting Room, still cleary in a bad mood. While Yui was following her, she stopped for a bit to talk with Kirimuri.



Yui: Mr. Muri...I can call you that right? If you don't want to join us, that's okay. Everyone can choose the path they want walk if they have the opportunity. I'm certainly not going to force you.


On 28/09/2017 at 11:56 AM, A person said:



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???: Going up!


Her wings expanded even more, and she launched herself into the air, giving herself a bird's eye view of the world below. There looked to be nothing but sand and the shambling creatures, though her trained eyes were able to pick up the ruins and what seemed to be the wanderer approaching them. She pointed down at him.



???: Over there! It looks like they're headed in the same direction we are, Darius...we might have another treasure hunter on our hands...heheheh!


She smirked at the thought of the things she could do. Rival treasure hunters were always enjoyable to toy with, to her.






Darius: (That's still very odd...It's too much of a coincidence to have two different treasure hunters in the same ruins at the same hour unless he was following us...but my partner would've noticed him sooner if that was the case...)


Darius: Oh well...I'm not losing to him either way! HAAAAAA!!!


    He continued on ahead with an increased pace.




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56 minutes ago, Mister Fael said:

Hinamori then headed for the exit of the Meeting Room, still cleary in a bad mood. While Yui was following her, she stopped for a bit to talk with Kirimuri.



Yui: Mr. Muri...I can call you that right?



Kirimuri: "Hmm? Yeah, sure."


58 minutes ago, Mister Fael said:


Yui: If you don't want to join us, that's okay. Everyone can choose the path they want walk if they have the opportunity. I'm certainly not going to force you.



Kirimuri: "I suppose so. I've been through awfully a lot in the recent years so I'm just trying to be cautious..."



Kirimuri: "I'm going to take a room and have a nap. Today has been a somewhat tiring day for me. Tell everybody to knock on the door if they need something or if one of them is my roommate. I can wake up easily."


Kirimuri leaves the meeting room and heads to one of the rooms to sleep.



Kirimuri: "Dips on the room at the end of the hallway."


He enters one of the accommodation room at the end of the hallway, locks the door and proceeds to lie down on a bed and sleep.


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1 hour ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Melina who was still sitting at the window, looked at the people around, looked at Kirimuri and then noticed Kiryu, Morrigan and Kyo there.



Melina: Oh, Mr. Kiryu, you are back and I have not noticed you. I see you have found some other people with you. Who are they?

Melina's question broke Kiryu's train of thought he then begins to answer her question


Kiryu: yo Melina its nice to see you....these two are Kyo and Morrigan


Morrigan: its a pleasure to meet you


Kyo: yeah what they said nice to meet ya

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CANDOR CITY: Warriors' Hangout

7 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Lucina: Come to think about it, from where did you all came? Considering how you are dressed, I suppose you are not from the slums, correct?

Before the commander could even open her mouth, Penelope spoke up.



Penelope: Nope! We're all from different worlds!



Penelope: You look like you're from another world, too! Are your friends from other worlds as well?! Ooooh, I can't wait to see them! I wonder if I'll find my friends with them! 




7 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Elizabeth Bathory



Lize: Really? Well, thank you, Nemesis. At least I'll have a good company to sleep and have some girl talk.

Idealis proceeded to open the door for her to come in.


Idealis: Here, I'll be more than happy to have a chat with you if you want it!


???: Mysterious Ruins

On 9/28/2017 at 6:39 PM, Agni Blackheart said:


Lucent: ... Presentation done. However, I have something to check before going inside. Goodbye for now...


???: W-Wait, my name is...!


However, when he tried to introduce himself, Lucent just marched towards the sands ahead, looking at a point in the sky. The kitsune was left utterly confused, not understanding a single thing.



???: (He's so weird... I don't get him at all... how come he offered no resistance to me when I tried to attack? Is he so sincere or so stupid?)


Seeing the two up ahead caused the demon to speed up. She called out to them.



Yerazig: Here comes Yerazig! We need to get into those ruins, so step aside!



Yerazig: (How many others are there? I couldn't detect the one standing in front of the ruins, so...maybe something is dulling my senses....hehehe...this is going to be even more fun than I first thought!)


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CANDOR CITY: Warriors' Hangout

7 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Lucina: Come to think about it, from where did you all came? Considering how you are dressed, I suppose you are not from the slums, correct?

Before the commander could even open her mouth, Penelope spoke up.



Penelope: Nope! We're all from different worlds!



Penelope: You look like you're from another world, too! Are your friends from other worlds as well?! Ooooh, I can't wait to see them! I wonder if I'll find my friends with them! 




7 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Elizabeth Bathory



Lize: Really? Well, thank you, Nemesis. At least I'll have a good company to sleep and have some girl talk.

Idealis proceeded to open the door for her to come in.


Idealis: Here, I'll be more than happy to have a chat with you if you want it!


???: Mysterious Ruins

On 9/28/2017 at 6:39 PM, Agni Blackheart said:


Lucent: ... Presentation done. However, I have something to check before going inside. Goodbye for now...


???: W-Wait, my name is...!


However, when he tried to introduce himself, Lucent just marched towards the sands ahead, looking at a point in the sky. The kitsune was left utterly confused, not understanding a single thing.



???: (He's so weird... I don't get him at all... how come he offered no resistance to me when I tried to attack? Is he so sincere or so stupid?)


Seeing the two up ahead caused the demon to speed up. She called out to them.



Yerazig: Here comes Yerazig! We need to get into those ruins, so step aside!



Yerazig: (How many others are there? I couldn't detect the one standing in front of the ruins, so...maybe something is dulling my senses....hehehe...this is going to be even more fun than I first thought!)


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Lucent Vermillion and ???

Location: Mysterious Ruins


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The sudden appearance shocked the kitsune, who entered in stance to defend his home.



???: W-What the-?! Hey, this place is off limits!!


Before anything could ever happen, Lucent returned and looked at Yerazig and Darius.



Lucent: You two... the auras I felt earlier...


???: Where did you ran off to?! And do you know them?!


???: I knew it... you're after the treasure, aren't you?!


Lucent: ... We might as well be, or else we'll be locked here forever...


???: What are you talking about?


BGM: Sand Ruins (Sonic Riders)


Lucent pointed to the direction Darius and Yerazig came from. In the distance, an immense horde of creatures was coming after the ruins. They were far, far away but it meant a time limit for them.



???: What the hell?! Where did all of those creatures appeared?!


Lucent: So you don't know about it either...


???: Of course I don't! It never happened before anyway!


Lucent: ... Take us to the treasure altar.


???: Hell no!! I have to protect it, no matter the cost!!


Lucent: Very well... we will find our way. We have to find it...

???: You...


Lucent: ... There's a strange power calling upon those creatures. It's emanating from this ruin. It's not affecting only the creatures, but the structure itself is changing...


???: Tch... for a treasure hunter, you suddenly decided to show sympathy. Still...


Lucent: If we just stand here, those creatures will trample upon us. This isn't simply for wealth... it's our own life...


Lucent: There is no choice left, kitsune... take us to the altar.


???: ... Alright, I get it, geez... I'll take you there...


Lucent: ... Your name? Unless you wish to be called as "kitsune"...


???: Huh?! O-Oh, right!



Blazing Spirit, Protector of the Sacred

Fuindor Akaikage

A kitsune who protects a desolate ruin in the deserts. Said ruin houses a temple where a god was worshippped and Fuindor's mother was the current miko. However, a disaster fell upon the god who protected it and a curse fell upon the believers, killing all of them. Fuindor, who was once human, survived but was transformed into a kitsune. While seeing all the corpses, his mother disappeared without leaving a trace. As the only one left, he tried to leave the temple and search for her, but something locks him from leaving it. Unable to go after his only family, he promised to protect what was left of the temple and its sacred treasure: the blade whom his name comes from.

Age: 24

Species: Kitsune

Element: Fire

System: ???

Class: Magical Beast

Weapons: Claws/Fangs

Universe: Original Character


After introducing himself, Fuindor went to the ruin and opened the door just by touching it.



Fuindor: I don't know the entirety of the ruin, so I can only lead you to the temple on the catacombs.


Lucent: A temple... is it a shrine...?


Fuindor: Yeah! But like I said, I can only lead you there, though.


Lucent: ... (I have a feeling... this power doesn't come from the temple...)


Fuindor: Well, since we're in this, I need to know your names. Other than Lucent, who presented himself.




BGM: Beautiful Dead still playing



Lucina: Yes, I am. I come from the kindgom of Ylisse, in another world called Valm. Although, right now, I am searching for my Master alongside some of my allies.

Then, Lucina looked at the commander.



Lucina: I suppose you have some words to speak, correct? You do seem as the commander behind the group.


Elizabeth Bathory



Lize: Why, yes, thank you very much. Excuse me.


Lize walked in the room and sat in her bed. She crossed her legs and began to think.



Lize: I wonder if Yomi managed to find the others. She just sent Jude away out of nowhere back then.


5T, 13P and Melina


The androids followed Hinamori and Yui, still talking about Byakuya. They stopped at the door for a while.



5T: I have a feeling that Agni did that knowing the consequences and taking full responsibility upon it. He seems like the type to do that sort of stuff anyway.


13P: ... Hey, 5T. I think we haven't done our presentations to the people. I think some of them recognized you because of the other you, but...


5T: I know, but we'll do it later. I'm certainly going to be questioned about myself tomorrow.


5T and 13P were the next people to leave. The Pods, who have been flying and analyzing the others, followed them as well.



Melina: Well, it is my pleasure to meet you two as well, Ms. Morrigan and Mr. Kyo. Now, if you excuse me, I shall be going too.


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After the battle with the heroes narrowly escaping, the Knights of the Forsaken continue to comb the area in search of anymore of those who were associated with LightFlare. Shadow Wolf is on recon and decides to contact Type K for a status report...


On 9/28/2017 at 8:07 PM, DuckMannnn said:


"Acquiring coordinates... Done. Reminder: Investigate the areas around the Slums to look for unit 13P and the Pod of the former unit 5T. Based on unit 15K's calculations, there is a probability of 87,54% that the 2 units mentioned has betrayed the YorHa. Suggestion: Apprehend and terminate, if necessary, the 2 units.


The android walks out of the headquarter. He climbs up the stairs and starts jumping over roofs, scouting around the place.



Type K! This is Shadow Wolf. What is the status of your mission? Have you seen any of the terrorists?


15 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Rokurou: Fine by me. It's not like I have anything to do anyway.


Agni and Rokurou knocked at the door, trying to call the attention of the Mech-Hisui outside the room. 5T and 13P went towards Hinamori, Yui and Byakuya to tell why he's with them.



 Yes? Is the meeting over? What is your request?



The meeting has adjourned for now. All or our guests will be needing a room. Relay this to the other maids. Any of our guests who are in the infirmary can continue to be treated. After which they may reside to a room as well.


15 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


13P: Rokurou and Agni already gave him their warnings, too. He's not in a good situation, if he decides to play the traitor.



I have been informed that you are welcome to spend the night. Feel free to choose a room from the Overnight Suite. 



15 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Anna: Umm... excuse me, Mr. Light and... Mr. Darkflare...? I have something to ask of you two.

LightFlare turns to Anna and smiles...



Anna... what's up?




15 hours ago, Mister Fael said:


Hinamori: You're not in position to make threats after I've beat you once...You're lucky I'm not a murderer like you or else you wouldn't be standing here right now.




As the others interact with Byakuya, LightFlare  occasionally cuts his eyes over at Byakuya as he talks to Anna....


15 hours ago, Mister Fael said:


Hinamori: I'm still not okay with keeping him around...But seeing how people are willing to keep him in check, I'll let it pass this time.


   Hinamori then headed for the exit of the Meeting Room, still cleary in a bad mood. While Yui was following her, she stopped for a bit to talk with Kirimuri.



Yui: Mr. Muri...I can call you that right? If you don't want to join us, that's okay. Everyone can choose the path they want walk if they have the opportunity. I'm certainly not going to force you.



Please follow me. Your rooms are this way...


The maid leads them to the Overnight Suite.

13 hours ago, DuckMannnn said:


Kirimuri: "Dips on the room at the end of the hallway."


He enters one of the accommodation room at the end of the hallway, locks the door and proceeds to lie down on a bed and sleep.


The maid knocks on the door...


Excuse me! But you must unlock this door. You will be sharing this room with one of the others. Please open the door and allow one of the other guests to enter as well...

11 hours ago, Infinite Kyo said:

Melina's question broke Kiryu's train of thought he then begins to answer her question


Kiryu: yo Melina its nice to see you....these two are Kyo and Morrigan


Morrigan: its a pleasure to meet you


Kyo: yeah what they said nice to meet ya



Excuse me, everyone. Please follow me. Your rooms are this way. 

1 hour ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Lucina: I suppose you have some words to speak, correct? You do seem as the commander behind the group.


I'm sorry for your inconvenience. I have just been informed by my fellow maid that you have been brought here due to recent events involving the mysterious warps, you will be permitted to rest here for the night.



Everyone who is a guest of Darkflare follow me to the Overnight Suite. Your rooms are being prepared. It will be 2 to a room. Once there you can decide who will be ready rooming with who. Thank you.


The maids began leading the groups of heroes to the Overnight Suite. The arrive shortly after and begin picking roommates and rooms.



Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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CANDOR CITY: Warriors' Hangout

4 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:



BGM: Beautiful Dead still playing



Lucina: Yes, I am. I come from the kindgom of Ylisse, in another world called Valm. Although, right now, I am searching for my Master alongside some of my allies.

Then, Lucina looked at the commander.



Lucina: I suppose you have some words to speak, correct? You do seem as the commander behind the group.

Before the commander could speak again, Penelope spoke up.



Penelope: I knew it! Nobody dre-


The commander forcefully shoved Penelope aside to send a message.



???: Before she digs herself into a hole she cannot climb out of, allow me to cut her off.



???: Now, as I was going to say...there are some things that need not be revealed until the time is right. Penelope here has a bleeding heart; I, on the other hand, lack such a thing. The information we have so far cannot be revealed just anywhere; only those who are relevant to the current affairs should be given it. 


Some of her hair fall in front of her face as she spoke, so she flipped it aside.



???: Fortunately, you are one of those people, but, unfortunately, we are in a public setting. If we can find some way to gather those related to the events of the slums into one room, then we may be able to cooperate and form some sort of plan of action to rid the slums of these..."knights"...and I am certain our talents will be of good use to you and your friends for such a plan.




4 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Elizabeth Bathory



Lize: Why, yes, thank you very much. Excuse me.


Lize walked in the room and sat in her bed. She crossed her legs and began to think.



Lize: I wonder if Yomi managed to find the others. She just sent Jude away out of nowhere back then.

Idealis closed the door behind her and walked over to her bed, slipping off her boots before sitting down upon her bed.



Idealis: I'm sure she did. Although, I wonder if they've managed to find their way to us by now. 



Idealis: But I'm more concerned about Magnum. He seems to have no emotional control.


She turned away and sneezed.



Idealis: Excuse me. Anyway, what we did was pretty small, don't you think? A few harsh words shouldn't have made him get so protective if he had things under control in that head of his...which also makes me wonder about something else...



Idealis: ...he's friends with Agni, right? Like you are?



???: Mysterious Ruins

4 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

The sudden appearance shocked the kitsune, who entered in stance to defend his home.



???: W-What the-?! Hey, this place is off limits!!


Before anything could ever happen, Lucent returned and looked at Yerazig and Darius.



Lucent: You two... the auras I felt earlier...


???: Where did you ran off to?! And do you know them?!


???: I knew it... you're after the treasure, aren't you?!


Lucent: ... We might as well be, or else we'll be locked here forever...


???: What are you talking about?


BGM: Sand Ruins (Sonic Riders)


Lucent pointed to the direction Darius and Yerazig came from. In the distance, an immense horde of creatures was coming after the ruins. They were far, far away but it meant a time limit for them.



???: What the hell?! Where did all of those creatures appeared?!


Lucent: So you don't know about it either...


???: Of course I don't! It never happened before anyway!


Lucent: ... Take us to the treasure altar.


???: Hell no!! I have to protect it, no matter the cost!!


Lucent: Very well... we will find our way. We have to find it...

???: You...


Lucent: ... There's a strange power calling upon those creatures. It's emanating from this ruin. It's not affecting only the creatures, but the structure itself is changing...


???: Tch... for a treasure hunter, you suddenly decided to show sympathy. Still...


Lucent: If we just stand here, those creatures will trample upon us. This isn't simply for wealth... it's our own life...


Lucent: There is no choice left, kitsune... take us to the altar.


???: ... Alright, I get it, geez... I'll take you there...


Lucent: ... Your name? Unless you wish to be called as "kitsune"...


???: Huh?! O-Oh, right!



Blazing Spirit, Protector of the Sacred

Fuindor Akaikage

A kitsune who protects a desolate ruin in the deserts. Said ruin houses a temple where a god was worshippped and Fuindor's mother was the current miko. However, a disaster fell upon the god who protected it and a curse fell upon the believers, killing all of them. Fuindor, who was once human, survived but was transformed into a kitsune. While seeing all the corpses, his mother disappeared without leaving a trace. As the only one left, he tried to leave the temple and search for her, but something locks him from leaving it. Unable to go after his only family, he promised to protect what was left of the temple and its sacred treasure: the blade whom his name comes from.

Age: 24

Species: Kitsune

Element: Fire

System: ???

Class: Magical Beast

Weapons: Claws/Fangs

Universe: Original Character


After introducing himself, Fuindor went to the ruin and opened the door just by touching it.



Fuindor: I don't know the entirety of the ruin, so I can only lead you to the temple on the catacombs.


Lucent: A temple... is it a shrine...?


Fuindor: Yeah! But like I said, I can only lead you there, though.


Lucent: ... (I have a feeling... this power doesn't come from the temple...)


Fuindor: Well, since we're in this, I need to know your names. Other than Lucent, who presented himself.

Yerazig held out her wings, coming to a halt and kicking up a small cloud of sand in the process.



Yerazig: I called it out earlier. Didn't those big ears pick up what I said? Y'know, "Here comes Yerazig! We need to get into those ruins, so step aside!"? Also, yeah, there's definitely a connection between here and the swarm of monsters around here, so all the more reason to let us in!


She grinned at the kitsune.

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Warrior's Hangout

(Byakuya stretches while he was picking a room) 


Byakuya: Well, I guess I'll be going into this room. It's been a long day.


Byakuya: I wouldn't expect anybody to join me, but your welcomed to come with me.

(Byakuya then goes into one of the rooms, and sits on the bed)

Magical City of Verve

(Seth stared at his weapons)


Seth: "Eliminators." The future has came to a great shift...

(Seth clenches his weapons)


Seth: But I can't let this world consume me with fear. I will no longer be made a tool, the chains that have been brought upon me will be broken.


Seth: (For the promise I have made...)

(Seth's weapons disappears as he puts his hands down) 

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Warrior's Hangout - Corridor leading to the Main Lobby



Yui: Sigh...A lot happened today...Might as well hit the bed and relax...


Hinamori: Yui...I won't be sleeping right now...you know why.


Yui: Oh...That's right! In that case...


Track: Abyss


   Suddenly, she gets even closer to Hina and starts whispering in her ear.



Yui: Remember about that person I mentioned during my report? She's from an Ancestor Family that didn't want to reveal themselves to the world.


Hinamori: Are you sure?


Yui: Yes, she saved me from Cousin Seila with her water magic.


Hinamori: (So it's the Bluna family. That's an element I don't have yet.) So...Seila's here after all...


Yui: Yes. So, I was thinking, why don't we visit their home and ask them to access their ancestor's graveyard? You will be able to use the Water Element.


Hinamori: ...Not a bad plan. As long as we keep our mouths shut about their identity, they might be able to listen to us.


Yui: It is settled then! We're going to need as much strenght as possible if we want to defeat these Knights of the Fallen.


Main Lobby


  As both girls arrive at the lobby.



Yui: Hugie? And Lucina is here too! I'm so glad you're all safe!


Hugh: Oh good...You're here Yui...I was kinda afraid to ask where about you...


Hinamori: You? Afraid? That's highly unlikely...


Hugh: I know it sounds sillly...but Ralf would have my head if he heard something happened to his sister.


Joyce: (Ralf!? So he exists in this side too?)


Joyce: (Also, sister? Isn't he an only child?)


Yui: He probably would have my head too if something happened to you as well...


Hinamori: Why are you two speaking like he's some kind of barbarian?


Hugh and Yui: It's a way of speaking Hina!


Hinamori: Oh...Right...Figure of speech...Don't mind me then...


Yui: Anyway, we're going somewhere to relieve stress. (There's more to it though...) Want to go with us? You don't need to tell what happened to your group right away.


Hugh: (So she noticed my depression huh?) ...Might as well...So, where are we going?


Yui: To Dean's house!


Hugh: ....Who's that?


Hinamori: You'll see. (Wait, she mentioned a girl right? That's a boy's name!)


Joyce: (He seems to know them...but I don't know anyone with the names of Yui or Hina...Well, Hugh did guess the events happened in a different order so...) Wait, let me go too.


Hinamori: Sorry. Ancestor Family's business, You're not-


Hugh: Wait Hina, it's fine! She's one of us.


Hinamori: What?


Joyce: My name is Joyce Jackeline from the Vilude Family, pleased to meet you.


Hinamori: Vi-Vilude???


    Hina seemed to reconize the name, yet Yui and Hugh looked clueless.



Hinamori: (How strange to meet someone from a disbanded Ancestor Family...They erased traces that they even existed, so this woman shouldn't be saying their name like this out loud...)


Joyce: Um...


Hinamori: Let's talk outside...and make sure you're whispering.


Joyce: O-Okay...


   Then, the four left without saying another word.







Darius: Whew...finally insi-Wait a second! Nobody told me told me about a fox guy being here! (Just how many people decided to come here at this time? Something is definitively not right!)




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Lucent Vermillion and Fuindor Akaikage

Location: ??? - Mysterious Ruins


  Hide contents


BGM: Sand Ruins still playing



Fuindor: Grr...


Lucent: Enough. If we get there alive, you two can decide what you wish to do with the treasure when we find it...


Fuindor: I don't get it. Are you interested in the treasure of the ruins or not?


Lucent: ... What I'm interested lies elsewhere, not in loot...


Fuindor: ...? I still don't get it... make up your mind, Lucent.


Lucent: Fuindor, the way...


Fuindor: Ah, right! Follow me, I'll take you to the temple!


The beginning route inside of the ruin divided itself into two directions, west and east. West went to the upper floors while east went to the lower floors, possibly going to the catacombs since Fuindor began to run in that direction. However, as he reached the stairway, a dark barrier blocked his path.



Fuindor: W-What the hell?! From where does this barrier-


Lucent: ... I knew it.


Soon, a loud bang came from behind Lucent, Darius and Yerazig. The door from where they came from closed shut.



Lucent: As expected... we're not leaving.


Fuindor: I never went through the upper floors. My route was always to the catacombs and to the temple, so-


Lucent: ... Let's go.


Lucent ran towards the western stairs and began to climb them. Fuindor was utterly confused with everything that has been happening here.



Fuindor: What's going on here? This never happened before...



Location: The Warrior's Hangout - Main Lobby


BGM: Beautiful Dead still playing



Lucina: Yes, I agree completely with you. Well, I suppose we should follow that maid to the rooms then.


Lucina got up from the couch and began to head in the direction they were supposed to go. She saw Hugh and the others leaving, but decided to stay quiet in the matter.


Anna Ametrine

Location: The Warrior's Hangout - Conference Room



Anna: It might be too much for me to ask this... I am not useful on the frontlines like everyone else, so...


Anna: I wish to help in the way I can: healing them. Can I not be of some use in this matter? Is it not necessary to have someone specialized in magical healing?


Anna: If not, please, just... give me a way to help you all...


Agni Blackheart and Rokurou Rangetsu


BGM: Satellite Café Terrace (大空魔術 ~ Magical Astronomy)


Agni waved at the rest who already entered at their rooms and inside his own as well. Rokurou followed him and both saw the room's interior.



Agni: Well, there's a bed, a sink with a mirror, a small square table and two chairs, a mini-fridge, some kitchenwares, a microwave, a futon...


Rokurou: I call dibs on the futon!


Agni: T-That was fast... well, I'm taking the bed then.


Rokurou: Just don't forget to save some space for Anna-


Agni: *takes out a gun* Complete that sentence and you'll sleep with a hole in your forehead.


Rokurou: A-Alright, I'm staying quiet...


As the gun vanished, Agni sat on the bed while Rokurou walked around the room.



Agni: I think I should give my brother a call. I haven't spoke it earlier, but I'm worried about him as well...


Rokurou: In the meanwhile, I'm going to see if there are any good drinks in the fridge.


He began to reach the communicator in his ear and called Seraph. Rokurou opened the frigde's door and began to see if there was anything inside worth of his cup.


Elizabeth Bathory

Location: Magical Kingdom of Verve - Elysia Inn


Elizabeth also removed her boots. She looked at Idealis once the question was made.



Lize: I think he knows Agni for a longer time than I do. Still, I know why he acted like that. He's one of those foolish, heroic, selfless idiots that always follow the "talk what you want about me, but don't talk about my friends!" and all that spazz.


Lize: I mean, c'mon. It's not like Seraph would get heartbroken from hearing that. The guy's so cold, the frigid temperature outside doesn't even bother me that much compared to how he acts! Urgh! Just because I wanted to get all the easter eggs...


She returned to look at her hand. A concerned face began to appear, however, itself being related to her Master. She never wanted to doubt him, considering how kind he was with her, but after the experiences with Magnum and Seraph, it was impossible not to.



Lize: ... I'd be lying if I said that, after this, I have no concerns about Agni. I have a strange feeling inside my chest that I can't explain it, but I wonder how he'd act if we questioned him personally. When Melina did that, his brother was there to defend him... I hope he doesn't act to childishly like those two, though.



Location: ???


BGM: Last Field "Her Moon" (Black Rock Shooter: The GAME)


Inside the throne room, she stood alone, looking at the night sky outside in the island from the balcony of her castle. The moon shined beautifully, but she couldn't see any happiness from the horizon. Soon, a young demon came and stood by her side.



???: Why is he taking so long?! Is it so hard to find him?!


???: Calm down. You know he's doing his best. We both know that Agni wouldn't just bail out and call it quits halfway.


???: Doing his best... what best? I don't see any progress being made!


???: Also, where's that self-proclaimed, worthless apreentice of his?! If she's a supposed survivor, shouldn't she be doing something?!


???: Babe, you're getting too impatient about this. Your brother has more guts than most people we know. He's going to show up.


???: Two months of wait is enough for me... I can't take it anymore...


She went inside, back to her throne. He followed her and hugged her, seeing as she wanted comfort.



???: I'm going after Agni. I want answers now.


???: Don't jump to conclusions. Remember, you're the Five-Elemental Esper, ruler of Verlaine. You can't just leave like this.


???: Quiet already. You're not stopping me. I have this right to know why is he taking so long to find my brother.


???: It seems nothing will stop you, right?


???: You don't even have to ask. I'll leave in the morning.


She got out of his embrace and left to her room to sleep. Her determination to find answers was beaming and she was going to have them.



???: ... Magio, if this is some sort of trick, it's a mean one, man. I doubt you'll pull any laughs out of this...


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On 10/1/2017 at 2:35 AM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

The maid knocks on the door...


Excuse me! But you must unlock this door. You will be sharing this room with one of the others. Please open the door and allow one of the other guests to enter as well...


Kirimuri wakes up immediately, albeit still half-asleep.



Kirimuri: "...Ughh..."


However, he was still conscious enough to stand up, approach the door and unlock it, before walking back to his bed and crashing down on it.


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CANDOR CITY: Warriors' Hangout


The commander and her two followers followed behind Lucina, Penelope taking the lead once more.



Penelope: Soooo, what's it like in Valm? Is there lots of fighting there? Do you have to train a lot there? Are the people savages?!


The commander could only shake her head at her questions.




42 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Elizabeth Bathory

Location: Magical Kingdom of Verve - Elysia Inn


Elizabeth also removed her boots. She looked at Idealis once the question was made.



Lize: I think he knows Agni for a longer time than I do. Still, I know why he acted like that. He's one of those foolish, heroic, selfless idiots that always follow the "talk what you want about me, but don't talk about my friends!" and all that spazz.


Lize: I mean, c'mon. It's not like Seraph would get heartbroken from hearing that. The guy's so cold, the frigid temperature outside doesn't even bother me that much compared to how he acts! Urgh! Just because I wanted to get all the easter eggs...


She returned to look at her hand. A concerned face began to appear, however, itself being related to her Master. She never wanted to doubt him, considering how kind he was with her, but after the experiences with Magnum and Seraph, it was impossible not to.



Lize: ... I'd be lying if I said that, after this, I have no concerns about Agni. I have a strange feeling inside my chest that I can't explain it, but I wonder how he'd act if we questioned him personally. When Melina did that, his brother was there to defend him... I hope he doesn't act to childishly like those two, though.

Idealis nodded her head, understanding her plight.



Idealis: Of course, the dumb heroic act...I guess that could explain it. However...



Idealis: You said he was friends with Agni as well, for even longer than you have. If I had to guess, I think Agni had something to do with that personality of his...and possibly his explosive reaction. 



Idealis: Admittedly, what I've seen of Agni so far isn't really much to go by, but I can say that I've seen enough to know that there's definitely cause for concern with him. The primary thing that I'm worried about is how his friends seem to hardly ever challenge him, they're just his...yes-men. They always coddle him, they always defend him, they always want to get on his good side. Why? What's so special about him that makes everyone want to get as close to him as possible? On top of that, don't they realize what they could be doing? Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if he's a narcissistic bastard and nobody knows it because they're too busy coddling him to notice it. But...


She let out a heavy sigh. She knew her choice would probably lead to a lot of trouble down the line, but it was one that had to be made before her concerns became true.


Idealis: ...I guess the only way to find out is to approach him about it directly, and I feel as though I'm the only one fit to do it. 


She also had another concern in the back of her mind; hearing about Athena and her ability to manipulate people with just a whisper made her think about what Agni was possibly doing to those around him. Maybe they weren't his friends, but, rather, were...



???: Mysterious Ruins Interior

54 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Fuindor: Grr...


Lucent: Enough. If we get there alive, you two can decide what you wish to do with the treasure when we find it...


Fuindor: I don't get it. Are you interested in the treasure of the ruins or not?


Lucent: ... What I'm interested lies elsewhere, not in loot...


Fuindor: ...? I still don't get it... make up your mind, Lucent.


Lucent: Fuindor, the way...


Fuindor: Ah, right! Follow me, I'll take you to the temple!


The beginning route inside of the ruin divided itself into two directions, west and east. West went to the upper floors while east went to the lower floors, possibly going to the catacombs since Fuindor began to run in that direction. However, as he reached the stairway, a dark barrier blocked his path.



Fuindor: W-What the hell?! From where does this barrier-


Lucent: ... I knew it.


Soon, a loud bang came from behind Lucent, Darius and Yerazig. The door from where they came from closed shut.



Lucent: As expected... we're not leaving.


Fuindor: I never went through the upper floors. My route was always to the catacombs and to the temple, so-


Lucent: ... Let's go.


Lucent ran towards the western stairs and began to climb them. Fuindor was utterly confused with everything that has been happening here.



Fuindor: What's going on here? This never happened before...




The demon couldn't help but chuckle.



Yerazig: Another day, another trap. Here; I'll try dispelling this bothersome barrier before we move on.


She started to chant quietly, dark runes beginning to float around her. Suddenly, she held out a hand towards the dark barrier blocking the path to the lower floors, a chain made of purple runes forming around the barrier before closing in around it, slamming into it. If the spell worked, the barrier would shatter, rendering it effectively dispelled. If it failed, the chain would break.

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9 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Excuse me, everyone. Please follow me. Your rooms are this way

The trio followed the robot maid to their room they opened the door and looked around, the room was quite spacious with 2 beds one single, and one queen sized a small one person kitchen with a fridge and small apliances such as a microwave, a toaster etc 


Kyo: yo this room is awesome! 


Morrigan: its quite lovely i love what they've done with the interior 


Kiryu: it sure is bigger than any room i've ever slept in 


Kyo: so there are 2 beds and 3 of us.....who stays and who goes? 


Morrigan: im not going! i like this room 


Kiryu: nah its fine you two can stay i'll look for another room im sure i'll find somewhere to sleep heh


Kyo: well alright man if you insist im sure the other rooms are nice as hell too 

As Kiryu nods his head at them he continues down the hallway Kyo then closes the door and turns around to see Morrigan sitting on the queen sized bed 


Morrigan: i hope you weren't thinking of taking the queen sized bed because i am awfully tired.........or you could sleep in here with me there is room for two 


Kyo: nah i think i'll pass......im just gonna take the single bed 


Morrigan: geez you guys are no fun wont you at least play along im bored as heck over here!?


Kyo: calm the hell down i dont wanna hear it right now.....besides im pretty sure that robot maid would kick our ass if you tried anything like "that" and how do i know you wont steal my soul or something?


Morrigan: oh i wont do that........that'd be too boring anyway there alot of ways Aensland succubi feed off their *ahem* victims sometimes they can extract peoples fantasies you know peoples lewd thoughts and stuff? like how a teenager would imagine his teacher nake-


Kyo: OK STOP RIGHT THERE TOO MUCH INFO......i need to sit down (this chick is all types of messed up and weird) 

As Kyo sat on the single bed he took off his jacket and sat with his back to the wall, while Morrigan's wings desolved into bats and then the bats dissapered they both sat on their beds going to continue the conversation even if Kyo liked it or not.


Meanwhile Kiryu continues walking down the hallway then stops at Kirimuri's room the door was half open so he knocked on the door slightly before opening 


Kiryu: oh Kirimuri this is your room....so can i sleep here? Kyo and Morrigan are sleeping in the other room and there sorta wasn't enough beds to go around 


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Kirimuri is woken up again.



Kirimuri: "...Uh?..."


His eyes were still closed but he was still conscious enough to give a thumbs-up sign to invite Kiryu in. He then turned back to the wall to reposition his head on a pillow while squeezing a second, longer pillow between his legs, with the bedsheet covering him from his toes to his mouth.


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Location: Streets of Candor



Track: Under the moonlight


    As the four walked through the night Candor, Joyce once more had explained her situation, even mentioning Julius as well.



Yui: So...Mr. Julius is here too...


Hinamori: Hard to not call it a coincidence...Ludger's mission was to investigate sightings of Julius in the forest after all.


Hugh: Oh yeah, in her world, stuff happened in a different order. Aparently, he died 8 years ago and was replaced by a new commander.


Joyce: It's still hard to believe for me that I'm in another world... (But the fact that Ralf has a sister in this side just further proves that I'm all alone here...without anyone to reconize me...)


Joyce: (Hina said that my family disbanded and erased traces of their existence...If that's true...than the me from this world is probably living a normal life somewhere else...not knowing she even has powers to being with...The fact that I was saved is a miracle...If these other cases of people getting dragged from another world is caused by someone...I should thank that person for allowing me another chance at living.)


Joyce: (The fact that I'm all alone in this world won't change...but, I shouldn't let this sadness take over me. It's scary, but I need to be strong, or else...I won't be able to help my new friends.)


Hugh: Say Hina...are we there yet?


Hinamori: We're getting close, just a few minutes of walking and we'll be there.



**Music Stops**


    Suddenly, they saw a teenager landing on the ground with a loud thud. He had a skateboard on hand, but released the grip on it in order to hold his face in pain.



Hugh: Oh boy...deja vu...


Yui: About what?


Hugh: Look to your left.


    As the group did so, they saw three more teenagers. They were staring angrily at a girl who had an annoyed expression in her face.


Teen 1: What is your deal you bitch? Do you think you can just show up, kick or pal and say "Get out of the way!"?


Orange Haired Girl: Sigh...

Teen 1: Say something you...


    As he went for a punch, he got instantly kicked in the face, the pain made him kneel on the ground, then, the girl decided to stop his back.


Teen 2: Oh no! She even got him in one strike!

Teen 3: This is bad! How brutal she can get?


Orange-Haired Girl: WILL YOU ALL SHUT UP?


Hugh: That voice...


Yui: No way...


Track: Comical world


    She finished torturing her attacker, then, angrily pointed at a lamp post.



Orange-Haired Girl: Question 1: Can you jerks tell me what the heck is that? You over there, please answer it!

Teen 2: Oh...Um...It's flower jar...that is an offering to a little girl that died here...right?


Hinamori: Little girl?


   The man immidietaly got hit with a flying kick. Meanwhile, Hinamori noticed the spirit of a girl near the offering.




Teen 3: Wah!!!


Orange-Haired Girl: Question 2: Then, why is it tumbled in the ground like that?

Teen 3: B-Because we were fooling around in our skates and we...knocked it over...


Orange-Haired Girl: That is also correct...


   Then, he also received his punishiment by getting kicked away as well. Then, everyone could see an fiery aura coming out her.



Orange-Haired Girl: Now then, you better apologize right HERE, or else, you guys will be apologizing to her in HELL instead!!!


    The teenagers screamed in fear, then proceeded to run away while saying sorry in a panic. The girl dispelled the aura.


**Music stops**



Orange-Haired Girl: Well, guess after that they won't be showing up for a good while.


Hugh: (Seems like my deja vu wasn't just coincidence.)


Yui: (No way...why she's here?)


Hinamori: ...


   Then, the girl turned around and put the flower jar back in place, as well as filling it with a canteen she was carrying.



Reeta Jin Fox: Here it is, Big Sis Reeta scared those punks away. You won't be bothered anymore.

Ghost Girl: Thank you very much. I wasn't expecting someone to defend this place.


Reeta: You're welcome! You're better hurry to heaven. You'll just get more bothered the longer you stay he-


**Under the moonlight plays again**


   Reeta finally Yui's group. Hinamori didn't show much emotion, Yui and Hugh were staring at Reeta as if they saw a scary ghost, while Joyce didn't knew what was happening ,so she stayed quiet.



Reeta: Y-You guys...what are you doing here?


Hugh: T-That's my question!


Yui: Do you know how worried we were about you? Do you know how the others are worried about you?


Reeta: W-Well...


Yui: What matters is that you're safe and sound. Come back with us Reeta.


Reeta: I can't...My power will just go out of control again...And I'll cause more problems.


Hugh: In that case, wouldn't it be dangerous if you stayed in this city too? The risk of your powers causing damage is the same either way...


Reeta: No...I'm trying to be a isolated as possible. 


Yui: But still...


Reeta: Look...Just...give up on me...We can't live together...my power...is different from yours...You can't help me...


Yui: Wait!!!


Track: The Swirling Artifice


   Reeta punches the ground, creating a barrier of flames, then, proceeds to run away.



Joyce: I got this! HA!!!


   Joyce tries to dispel the flames, but it was an futile attempt. Hugh and Yui managed to jump over it and proceeded to chase Reeta.



Joyce: It's...not magic...


Hinamori: That's Psychic Power...


Joyce: No way...really?


Hinamori: By your reaction...that's something that exists in your world too right?


Joyce: Yeah...It's a mysterious power that has been showing up recently...The goverment is still investigating about it. The only thing we know is that only people that doesn't have any magic or chi capabilities are able to awaken to it.


Hinamori: It's the same here...Though, I find it odd that I didn't notice her presence sooner.


Joyce: Why is that?


Hinamori: For some reason, The Psychic Aura is similar to the Spiritual Energy, which is why I can feel it. Usually, I can feel her aura from miles away because of how chaotic and out of control it feels...but now...it is as if she wasn't there...As if she was in control by now.


Joyce: For how long she was gone?


Hinamori: About two weeks...but I doubt someone like her would master that kind of power in such a short span of time...Something is not right. Her claims about her power going out of control again might as well be a complete lie...


??? Clone: (So, they don't seem to know much about her Septima. Still, what a coincidence that she is friends with three of the people that entered the slums.)


??? Clone: (Still, we can't afford to lose her now. If they find out about the Protoype Glaive...Well, I'll probably never hear the end of it. Might as well solve this issue myself.)




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14 hours ago, DuckMannnn said:


15K: "Negative. No sign of hostility in the area. 15K would like to request Shadow Wolf the location of the last place where the terrorists were present. This one will attempt to look for clues."



They were scattered about throughout the slums. But many of them fled. Some were not so lucky. Also 2 of our own may have joined them. Rokurou and Type 5. Rokurou escaped ran of with one of the terrorists. I was informed that he used a cover to get past the guards, but his real intention was to defect from the Knights of the Forsaken. Although you probably have that information already. Type 5 however...was not so fortunate. I saw him explode into pieces with my own eyes. So he will not be a problem. As far as I know the others are either still here or have left the area. The last place I saw any of them were crossing the parameter outside the slums and entering the sewers. Most likely to avoid the guards. What is your current priority mission? 


Unaware that 5T had been replaced and I as in Candor, Shadow Wolf is confident that at least one of the defectors is eliminated. However that is not entirely true...


5 hours ago, DuckMannnn said:

Kirimuri is woken up again.



Kirimuri: "...Uh?..."


His eyes were still closed but he was still conscious enough to give a thumbs-up sign to invite Kiryu in. He then turned back to the wall to reposition his head on a pillow while squeezing a second, longer pillow between his legs, with the bedsheet covering him from his toes to his mouth.



Thank you for your cooperation. I hope everyone enjoys their stay.


The maid notices the some of the heroes leave and inform Darkflare...



Keep an eye out for them to return. I wish they'd get some rest but it's their decision...





15 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Anna: It might be too much for me to ask this... I am not useful on the frontlines like everyone else, so...


Anna: I wish to help in the way I can: healing them. Can I not be of some use in this matter? Is it not necessary to have someone specialized in magical healing?


Anna: If not, please, just... give me a way to help you all...



Actually that's a great idea. I'm sure we could use such a skill on the battlefield. It will put you in the heart of battle, but it will most likely prove to be a grest asset to our team.



I agree. That kind of power will come in handy. We have quite a task, and there will most likely be a need for...ahem...some healing. In fact thinking of all this...man...I need healing...right now.


LightFlare chuckles as Darkflare makes light-hearted conversation. But he knew Anna's proposal is quite serious and that Anna's abilities will be crucial to ANY battle situation.




Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Magnum Alexandria, Seraph Artwaltz and Elizabeth Bathory



Lize: Hmm... are you suggesting that Agni is some sort of manipulator, as if he's making of Seraph, Magnum and possibly even me as his puppets?


Elizabeth thought about it. The idea of Agni being a manipulator would explain this strange feeling she had for him. However, that was a little difficult to believe. If he was truly so evil as Idealis conjectured, then Victoria herself wouldn't be calling glory over her marriage. Other than that, she thought about LightFlare, who had a thick spirit, not that easy to be controlled.



Lize: Hate to break it to you, but I sincerely disagree with that. It may look like that I might be controlled because of the contract, but I honestly think he isn't that good of a liar. If he truly was narcissistic, I bet he'd be somewhat like me or that it'd come out naturally without the needs of hiding.


Lize: I can guess that Magnum's explosive reactions are of his own will, somehow. I mean, think about it. If Agni was truly an enticer, to the point of modeling someone's personality, wouldn't you agree that he shouldn't have exploded to defend Seraph?


Lize: Besides, outside of the circle, there's LightFlare. I suppose he and Agni have been friends for a while too and his spirit looks firm as a wall of orichalcum. If Agni was that much on an unsincere guy, he would've done something about it.


Soon, from the door, they heard a door opening. It seems the others have also arrived.



Lize: Guess they arrived... oh, I have an idea!


Lize: How about he snatch Magnum for a little second and question him about Agni? If we force him a little, I doubt he won't talk!


In the main lobby, they entered in the inn. The warmth was indeed relaxing.



Magnum: Aaaah... this is so better already...


Seraph: So, where are the rooms? I suppose a nice rest is well deserved.


Magnum: Yeah... I'm tired from all that happened today... *yawn*


Lucent Vermillion and Fuindor Akaikage

Location: ??? - Mysterious Ruins


  Hide contents

BGM: Sand Ruins still playing


The strength of Yerazig's attack was enough to break the barrier blocking the passage to Fuindor's temple.



Fuindor: Whoa, it broke! Great! We can go to my temple now!


Fuindor: Wait! That idiot... Lucent went ahead alone!


1st Floor


After climbing the stairway, Lucent finally reached the first floor of the ruins. It was filled with strange statues. He thought about the fact that the others haven't come up after him yet.



Lucent: (They could have probably found a way to dispel it... I'll continue alone then... what interests me lies in this way...)


As he stepped forward once, the floor began to rumble.


BGM: Worldend_dominator (Umineko No Naku Koro Ni)


Soon, some statues began to move. It seems they were golems, created to eliminate any intruders.



Lucent: A trial... typical security system of ruins... very well...



They started to "look" directly at Lucent while taking positions. There were nine of those walking abominations.



Lucent: ... So, you are the ones I must destroy now... all of my enemies shall fall into nothing...


Lucent's Battle Properties

As an Apostasia, Lucent's power deriver from the darkness of the heart. Despite possessing a scythe, he makes most use of his magic while close-combat is only used in instances where the enemy decides to attack him at full front. His attacks are quick and mostly homed.

  • Repercussio: Lucent creates four floating dark orbs that surround him and deal damage once contact is made.
  • Dolor: Lucent creates a dark wolf jaw to deal great damage to close enemies. It may cause bleeding.
  • Fractura: Lucent creates five pursuing stakes and shoots them towards the enemy. Once contact has been made, the stakes will explode at the enemy.
  • Desperatio: Lucent shoots a powerful dark laser that blows enemies away. It may induce fear.
  • Abruptum: Lucent creates eight marks in space and dark orbs are released from them. They home directly at the closest enemy to each mark. If active, the orbs from Repercussio will also shoot.
  • Formido: Lucent summons his scythe and shoots a powerful wave towards an enemy. The wave penetrates defenses.
  • Ordine Remotio (Mystic Arte Lvl. 1): Lucent calls upon a magic circle and summons a giant pillar of dark energy upon his enemies.
  • Dispersionem Agro (Mystic Arte Lvl. 2): Lucent floats in the air and opens a white hole, releasing multiple stakes, orbs and lasers at his enemies.
  • Phantasie Finis (Mystic Arte Lvl. 3): Lucent takes upon his Wraith form and begins to let out a bloodcurling scream. The sound begins to create a chaotic world composed of all of Lucent's attacks. It keeps going on until the enemy is finally surrounded by darkness.

He began to float in mid-air. He wasn't able to fly, but at least he could manage to evade running with his feet. It saved stamina for parts where his magic would become innefficient.



Lucent: Abruptum.


Eight marks appeared in the floor's space. As the monsters began to move, the marks released dark orbs at them. Once they were hit, the creatures went furiously towards him.



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7 hours ago, DuckMannnn said:



15K: "The priority mission of 15K is to verify unit 13P's whereabouts. He has not made any contact for a period that has depassed the given time limit. Next, this one will apprehend him and bring him back here in order to allow the YorHa to discipline him, if found guilty of desertion."



So 13P has turned coat as well... interesting. I guess monkey see monkey do. It's no surprise that YorHa would want to check in on their merchandise. Very well. Continue with your mission. If I encounter 13P or any of the terrorists from before, then I will alert you as well as any Knight's in the vicinity. I know that 13P is your priority, but your cooperation would be most... appreciated.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Location: Streets of Candor





Track: surreptitious crew


   Reeta was still running, but she knew that Hugh would eventually catch up to her.



Reeta: (I really didn't want to run from you guys...but...)


???: Over here, quick!


Reeta: That voice...Lorence?


Lorence Belgar: Hurry up if you want to lose them.


   With a hint of regret, she followed Lorence's voice to a restaurant.



Lorence: Hide in the bathroom. I'll handle things from here.


Reeta: Alright...


   As she went into hiding, Lorence waited for the right timing to leave the place and cause an "accidental" bump.



Hugh: Wah!


Yui: Hugh!


Lorence: Urgh...What's with all the hurry? Don't want to lose the bus or something?


Hugh: That's none of your business!


Yui: Don't be rude to him...Sorry Mister, is just that we're after a friend of ours...It's complicated.


Hugh: Yeah, whatever...Let's...DARN!!! We lost sight of her! She could be anywhere now. This sucks on ice!


Yui: Aww...


Lorence: ...


Yui: Once again...we're very sorry mister...


Lorence: It's okay...knowing that it was important to both of you, I have no reason to complain, just be more careful next time.


Hugh: Tch...


   They walked away. Lorence then called Reeta after they were far enough, then took her to an empty alley.



Reeta: Where you watching over me?


Lorence: Of course, I needed to make sure that you're doing your job.


Reeta: Well...I had a little detour, but other than that, nothing to report...


Lorence: I see. Good job then...Seems like we won't be finding much at this hour...


Reeta: ...


Lorence: Do you have something else to talk about?


Reeta: Just a question...Did you...listen to our conversation?


Lorence: All of it. And I expect a detailed information about them.


Reeta: I imagined as much...I won't keep my mouth shut if you're worried about that. We're...not even friends...


Lorence: Very well. Me and Body-Split clones will assume from here. I will watch those three from afar. You can give me their intel later so that I'll add it to the report.


Reeta: ...Right...


  Then, they walk their separate ways.



Lorence: (I was expecting more hesiation from this girl...But she is that grateful to those that gave her the Prototype Glaive to the point that she would give out even her friends.)


Lorence: (So it seems that no matter the world...someone will be caught in a chain of sorrow that can change someone's view on everything...)



     I can see that Reeta Jin Fox is trying to find her own purpose...her own place in this dreaded world. She's trying as best as she can, but is so lost to the point that she's following a river in order to see where it takes, and has no other choice but to follow it, being at its mercy.




     Some minutes later, Hugh and Yui rejoin with Hina and Joyce.



Joyce: I take it she didn't listen?


Hugh: Worse...we lost sight of her because my luck freaking hates me...


Hinamori: We'll solve this issue tomorrow. I have this feeling we won't engaging in battle with the Knights of the Fallen so soon....So we'll have some time to search for her.


Yui: In that case, we'll be counting on you.


Hinamori: Now then...


Location: Candor City - Walter Mansion 


Track: Tsukihime BGM 1





Hinamori: This is it.


Hugh: Tch...Another fancy house...I swear most Ancestor Families likes to show their wealth...


Yui: Hihihi! You did the same face when we went to visit Saika once.


Joyce: Now now Hugie, cheer up now!


Yui: Oh, you call him Hugie too?


Hugh: Great...I'll be hearing it in stereo now...


Hinamori: ...Anyway...Joyce, while we believe that you are from another world, I'm sure that they won't believe it. So don't use the name Vilude while you're in their presence. I believe you know what that implies.


Joyce: ...Yeah...I have to use the name Clay...


Yui: ...


Joyce: Alright...As long as I'm in this world, My name will be Joyce J. Clay...


Hinamori: Very well then...


    Hina approaches the gate, then presses the intercom button.



Hinamori: Excuse me...I would like to speak with the patriach of this mansion.

???: Who do I speak with?


Hinamori: I'm Hinamori from the Yurei Seimei Ancestor Family...I believe you know what that means. Worry not, we've come here just to have a talk.


   There was a moment of silence. Hina patiently waited for the answer.


???: Wait just a moment, someone is coming to pick you up.


Hinamori: Thank you for your undestanding.


Yui: So they will let us in?


Hinamori: Yes. Now we'll just have to wait.








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11 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Magnum Alexandria, Seraph Artwaltz and Elizabeth Bathory



Lize: Hmm... are you suggesting that Agni is some sort of manipulator, as if he's making of Seraph, Magnum and possibly even me as his puppets?


Elizabeth thought about it. The idea of Agni being a manipulator would explain this strange feeling she had for him. However, that was a little difficult to believe. If he was truly so evil as Idealis conjectured, then Victoria herself wouldn't be calling glory over her marriage. Other than that, she thought about LightFlare, who had a thick spirit, not that easy to be controlled.



Lize: Hate to break it to you, but I sincerely disagree with that. It may look like that I might be controlled because of the contract, but I honestly think he isn't that good of a liar. If he truly was narcissistic, I bet he'd be somewhat like me or that it'd come out naturally without the needs of hiding.


Lize: I can guess that Magnum's explosive reactions are of his own will, somehow. I mean, think about it. If Agni was truly an enticer, to the point of modeling someone's personality, wouldn't you agree that he shouldn't have exploded to defend Seraph?


Lize: Besides, outside of the circle, there's LightFlare. I suppose he and Agni have been friends for a while too and his spirit looks firm as a wall of orichalcum. If Agni was that much on an unsincere guy, he would've done something about it.


Idealis: It was a thought that crossed my mind, but it's too simple of an explanation. 


If Elizabeth was right about LightFlare picking up on things like that, then maybe she was just being paranoid. However, she found herself remembering Hera's story once more.



Idealis: I have a feeling that there's something else afoot here, and not just a silver-tongued manipulator trying to get his way with everyone around him. Think about it, though; those three are related to one another, right? I think you already know how, but I guess I'll have to worry about that later.


11 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Soon, from the door, they heard a door opening. It seems the others have also arrived.



Lize: Guess they arrived... oh, I have an idea!


Lize: How about he snatch Magnum for a little second and question him about Agni? If we force him a little, I doubt he won't talk!


Idealis: Good idea! Let me see if I can grab him for a moment...


She slid off of the bed and quietly walked towards the door into their room, pulling it open slowly and peering out of it to search for Magnum.



Idealis: Magnum, is that you?


12 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

BGM: Sand Ruins still playing


The strength of Yerazig's attack was enough to break the barrier blocking the passage to Fuindor's temple.



Fuindor: Whoa, it broke! Great! We can go to my temple now!


Fuindor: Wait! That idiot... Lucent went ahead alone!

Yerazig groaned. It annoyed her when people she worked with thought they were better off alone.



Yerazig: So unreliable...oh well, we may as well see what's going on downstairs while he's busy-


She felt the floor rumbling.



Yerazig: ...soooo...let's get down there riiiiiight now. He's probably a goner.


Without wasting another moment, the demon began descending the stairs, making sure to watch out for any possible collapsing ceilings from the rumblings.

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Cu, like many others, decides to find a room and go to sleep for the night.



What a strange day this has turned out to be. And it seems like this is only the beginning.


Cu lays down, and proceeds to sleep for the night.


Meanwhile, Dante is still sitting in the lounge of the Hideout with Lucina, Penelope, and the Commander. However, he notices how late it's getting, and decides to go home after a busy day.



Alright, well, I'm gonna head over to my office for the night. I guess we can discuss more tomorrow, along with the others.


Dante begins walking towards the exit, only to be stopped by a now-familiar voice.



Excuse me, sir.



Hmm? Can I help you?



The words you spoke before departing imply that you are a native to this area.






Flare-sama has only allowed those who are not native to this world to use our services for a month without pay. You, however, are a native. Therefore, you are not eligible for a free one-month membership. Please make your payment now, or leave without return.



Oh, right. About that...I've grown to accumulate quite a debt over the years, so it'd be best for me to avoid paying for as many extra things as possible. Would it be possible to open up a tab or something like that?



Negative. Your financial standing is none of Flare-sama's concern. Besides, that would only make your debt worse. Once again, you shall pay or leave. If you continue to act difficult, you shall be removed with force.



Alright, fine. How much is it?



40 pompadallions. If you wish to continue our services after the first month, you will pay 15 pompadallions monthly. Please follow me to the front desk so we can finalize your payment and update your membership.


Dante follows the Mech-Hisui to the front desk, and pays the 40, as well as updating his paperwork he filled out when first joining the Hideout.



Thank you for your payment. We hope you enjoy our services.



Yeah, yeah...I got it.


After making his payment, Dante begins to be on his way once again.

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