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The Roleplay Paradise Redux: Fortis Novum Mundum

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44 minutes ago, A person said:



Hera: That they did; it is just that the castle maids are notoriously lazy here. Some say it is because their jobs are easy, whilst the maids themselves blame it upon the mana in the air. I would not doubt the latter; some can become addicted to it, which, in turns, renders them sluggish.



Yomi: Mana addiction? Doctor, diagnosis please.


Jude: That really isn't a condition I've heard of...If it really was a thing, fighting Exodus Soldiers an year ago would've been way easier since people outside Rieze Maxia lacks a mana lobe. If it really was a real condition, I would say that not being used to the presence of mana would be the cause...


Yomi: Meaning I should be collapsing by now...In that case, I would probably hire maids who are more willing to work... (Because of their unprofessionality, they would probably accidentaly blurt out a possible trap. If those guards knew that we were coming and not the maids, there's no way it could be a communication error.)



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12 minutes ago, Mister Fael said:



Yomi: Mana addiction? Doctor, diagnosis please.


Jude: That really isn't a condition I've heard of...If it really was a thing, fighting Exodus Soldiers an year ago would've been way easier since people outside Rieze Maxia lacks a mana lobe. If it really was a real condition, I would say that not being used to the presence of mana would be the cause...


Yomi: Meaning I should be collapsing by now...In that case, I would probably hire maids who are more willing to work... (Because of their unprofessionality, they would probably accidentaly blurt out a possible trap. If those guards knew that we were coming and not the maids, there's no way it could be a communication error.)

Hera seemed quite surprised by this.



Hera: Truly, Master Mathis? I have heard that it was quite a common occurrence among those within the northern areas! However, if that is so, then...perhaps it only affects those born in the north? Unless...


While Hera was trying to figure out what was going on, Idealis had a very concerned look upon her face.



Idealis: (This has got to be some sort of set-up...but why? What's so special about us? Are we that different from the people here?)

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After resting on a bench next to the fountain Kyo senses something close by, he doesn't know what who or what it could be but it is strong


Kyo: hey guys I....gotta do something i'll be back in a minute


Kiryu: alright if you need us we'll be here


Morrigan: just don't be too long okay? i'd hate to search for you if you get lost heh

Kyo heads off with haste towards an abandoned car garage. he then walks through it into a showroom where the cars were helled at one time. he stops as he looks at the blank white wall with a huge black spot on it. which looked like it was paint


Kyo: what the hell?

Kyo takes a few steps towards the huge black splodge on the wall. but then the black splodge falls off the wall and starts tansforming into something. it was an identical version of Kyo but pitch black and with an ominous purple aura around it. it also had red eyes



Kyo becomes a bit confused, yet furious at the same time


Kyo: what the hell are you supposed to be? and why do you look like me!!?. (I guess this is what I was sensing this power is weird I don't think I've sensed it before ) so asshole you gonna fight me or what?

As Kyo gets into his fighting stance the shadowy figure does it too only its the exact same as Kyo's which pissed him off quite a bit

BGM: Yakuza 0 Arch nemesis


Kyo: okay thats it IM GONNA KICK YOUR ASS

Kyo infuses his right fist in flames. he winds back and charges straight towards the shadowy figure but the figure does the exact same attack

KOF XIII Nests kyo's neomax move

As their fists collide a giant explosion of red and purple filled the somewhat big showroom. all the windows shattered from the force of the impact and the fire scorched the floor and ceiling Kyo and the shadowy figure get blasted backwards by the force of their attacks colliding. Kyo lands on his feet but so does the shadow


Kyo: holy crap this guy can copy my every move.....its like fighting your own reflection....what a pain in the ass



Kyo and the shadow stare each other down waiting for the moment to strike.

Meanwhile outside Morrigan and Kiryu hear the explosion


Morrigan: my what was that? you don't think it was Kyo do you?


Kiryu: I don't know but he did head off in that direction didn't he? this could be bad that explosion must have been huge by the sounds off it lets go

Kiryu and Morrigan head off in Kyo's direction to help him

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1 hour ago, A person said:

Hera seemed quite surprised by this.



Hera: Truly, Master Mathis? I have heard that it was quite a common occurrence among those within the northern areas! However, if that is so, then...perhaps it only affects those born in the north? Unless...


While Hera was trying to figure out what was going on, Idealis had a very concerned look upon her face.



Idealis: (This has got to be some sort of set-up...but why? What's so special about us? Are we that different from the people here?)


Seth: (We have some information... Yet there are still pieces missing)


Seth: (This leaves me more suspicious about this Oracle... It's best if I stay vigilant)

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The 4 rockets and the gunfire from the 4 guards hit their mark. The cyber knight connects with the barrier extending the crack. The other cyber knight strikes the top of the barrier one last time at the weak point as it shatters. The 3 Cyber Knights reunite with the other Cyber Knight. 

4 hours ago, A person said:


The commander swings her sword at the incoming missile, a rainbow flash following the sword's trail which seemed to cause the missile to be deflected up into the air and into the barrier, earning a grunt from the barrier girl who was clearly already struggling with maintaining it. The robotic attacker would land his attack, however, his sword plunging through the shield as the metal around the blade turned into slag, followed by his helmet, and then his head (if he had one), the large construct taking him to the ground with it.


1 guard tosses a grenade. The 4 cyber Knight's place their shields in front of them and leaped backward to join the 4 guards behind them as the grenade rolled between the leader and the robotic knight. 1 guard shoots the grenade. It explodes and smoke covers the battlefield. The 4 Knight's and the 4 guards switch to thermal vision. 2 of the guards fire rockets at the Robotic Knight. The 4 cyber Knight's stand beside each other,  2 Cyber Knights hold their shield in front while pointing their swords forward protecting the other 2 Cyber Knights. The other 2 Cyber Knights point their swords in the air touching them together as the charge particle energy. A large ball of energy forms. If the attack launches it will create a massive explosion creating a large blast radius if it hits an object causing damage to anyone caught the attack. If it hits anyone directly it will cause major damage to the target as well as minor damage to anyone around them.


Backup arrives...


2 more Cyber knights arrive and stand next to the other 2 guards with their shield I front and their swords facing forward.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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1 hour ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


The 4 rockets and the gunfire from the 4 guards hit their mark. The cyber knight connects with the barrier extending the crack. The other cyber knight strikes the top of the barrier one last time at the weak point as it shatters. The 3 Cyber Knights reunite with the other Cyber Knight. 


1 guard tosses a grenade. The 4 cyber Knight's place their shields in front of them and leaped backward to join the 4 guards behind them as the grenade rolled between the leader and the robotic knight. 1 guard shoots the grenade. It explodes and smoke covers the battlefield. The 4 Knight's and the 4 guards switch to thermal vision. 2 of the guards fire rockets at the Robotic Knight. The 4 cyber Knight's stand beside each other,  2 Cyber Knights hold their shield in front while pointing their swords forward protecting the other 2 Cyber Knights. The other 2 Cyber Knights point their swords in the air touching them together as the charge particle energy. A large ball of energy forms. If the attack launches it will create a massive explosion creating a large blast radius if it hits an object causing damage to anyone caught the attack. If it hits anyone directly it will cause major damage to the target as well as minor damage to anyone around them.


Backup arrives...


2 more Cyber knights arrive and stand next to the other 2 guards with their shield I front and their swords facing forward.

Barrier girl removed her sword from the ground with a huff, causing the barrier to sink into the ground.



???: Hehe, now I get to be even cooler!


She brought her sword back, then swung it at the huddled knights, sending a powerful blast of wind at them which blew away the smoke and nearly threw the commander off of her feet, quite possibly also doing the same or even knocking over the enemy knights as well. Afterwards, she dashed away towards an alleyway, waving at them as she did so with a giggle. The robotic knight, meanwhile, seemed completely unfazed by the blast, and proceeded to quickly run to the left and towards the knights to both evade the rockets and close the gap between them at the same time. Focusing on the knights charging the attack, he proceeded to thrust his deadly weapon towards the knights in front, aiming to impale one of them upon the blade and impale one of the knights behind them at the same time. The commander proceeded to charge straight for them.



???: Good to see she knows my orders before I even say them. Now then...




???: ...I suppose we shall show you what forces you dare to reckon with!


She held a hand up behind herself, summoning forth five arcane swords in the air similar to her own sword. She then held her hand out towards them as she continued her charge, sending the five swords at the heads of the other two cyber knights and three of the guards. She raised her sword as she did this, preparing to follow up her attack. If they were human, and it landed, they would be disoriented, leaving them open for her to end their miserable lives. But if they were robots, then she had an idea of what she could do after the attack if it didn't manage to damage some critical parts. The guards on standby would have a series of explosive cards thrown at their backs.



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1 hour ago, A person said:


???: Hehe, now I get to be even cooler!


She brought her sword back, then swung it at the huddled knights, sending a powerful blast of wind at them which blew away the smoke and nearly threw the commander off of her feet, quite possibly also doing the same or even knocking over the enemy knights as well. Afterwards, she dashed away towards an alleyway, waving at them as she did so with a giggle. The robotic knight, meanwhile, seemed completely unfazed by the blast, and proceeded to quickly run to the left and towards the knights to both evade the rockets and close the gap between them at the same time. Focusing on the knights charging the attack, he proceeded to thrust his deadly weapon towards the knights in front, aiming to impale one of them upon the blade and impale one of the knights behind them at the same time. The commander proceeded to charge straight for them.


 4 cyber Knight's split into 4 directions leaping outwards while slashing their swords and sending 4 particle slashes at the black knight. The 2 cyber Knight's simultaneously leap up and backwards simultaneously as if in sync with one another, as they hurl the large particle sphere at the black Knight. 


1 hour ago, A person said:



???: ...I suppose we shall show you what forces you dare to reckon with!


She held a hand up behind herself, summoning forth five arcane swords in the air similar to her own sword. She then held her hand out towards them as she continued her charge, sending the five swords at the heads of the other two cyber knights and three of the guards. She raised her sword as she did this, preparing to follow up her attack. If they were human, and it landed, they would be disoriented, leaving them open for her to end their miserable lives. But if they were robots, then she had an idea of what she could do after the attack if it didn't manage to damage some critical parts. The guards on standby would have a series of explosive cards thrown at their backs.


The swords missed the Cyber Knight's as they leaped out during the attack on the black knight. The other three swords hit the cars the guards were hiding behind but the cards connected with 4 guards exploding on contact and stunning the guards. 


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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She was desperate. Lucina had ignored Agni's warning and went after him as the coast seemed to get clearer. The guards were so focused on getting him that she got past by them. However, because he never returned, she decided to search for him and had no success.



Lucina: (I was not able to find him... I cannot believe this. What has happened to Agni? If something would ever happen to him...)


Lucina: Master... what am I to do now...? I have gotten separated from the rest and I cannot seem to find another way to reach Agni or at least a proof that he is fine...


As she walked, the sight of a skirmish was notable. The guards had a team completely cornered. Even though they weren't looking in a helpless situation, she was unable to just ignore it.



Lucina: (A fight...?! No, those guards have them cornered! I must make haste! They will need any sort of aid!)


Magnum Alexandria and Elizabeth Bathory


BGM: Zanarkand still playing


She wasn't understanding why some of them were worried. Elizabeth just looked around.



Lize: Well, it's not too good. And oh, the speckles of dust coming from this single room... how absurd.

Magnum: ... Ungh...

Lize: Oh!


Magnum began to move again. Elizabeth just dropped him on the ground. The fall might have hurt him, but he didn't even complained about it.



Magnum: Ugh... where am I...


Lize: Good morning, sleeping dog. You're inside a castle.


Magnum: Oh... so this is the inside of the Oracle's castle...?


Lize: Yep! It sure is.


She looked at Magnum, who was unconscious and somewhat hurt. For some reason, she felt worried. However, that certain feeling brought conflict upon Elizabeth...



Magnum: ... Where's Sir Seraph?


Lize: He... stood behind to fight another angel. The guy seemed like angry in levels to kill...


Magnum: I see...


Lize: Don't worry. He'll be back soon. You know Seraph's a tough piece, so...


He fell silent and waited for their next move. Normally, he'd be more active, so Elizabeth asked him.



Lize: Uh, Magnum? You don't need to fall mute.


Magnum: I said it before, I don't feel like talking. I'll just be quiet, so that I won't bother you.


Lize: Oh, c'mon! Just be a little more enthusiastic, like you always are! *tries to give a friendly pat*


Magnum: *stops her hand* Don't touch me.


Lize: ...


Magnum: ... I'll just wair outside. Tell me about what the Oracle said to you later.


Agni Artwaltz, Anna Ametrine, Rokurou Rangetsu, 5T and ???



5T: One coin will suffice, thank you.


As he took the single coin and turned around, he saw Rokurou and Kirimuri staring at Agni and Anna outside.



Rokurou: ...


5T: What are you two doing?

Rokurou: Isn't it obvious? We're waiting for the next move.


5T: Ugh, "perverted" isn't a word sufficient to describe you two. *sigh* Let's go.


Rokurou: Oh, you got it already?

5T: Yeah, now come on. Let's meet her up, you two.


5T and Rokurou left the bank and went back into the street, where Agni and Anna were waiting together.



5T: We're back.


Agni: You managed to get the needed amount?

5T: Yes. Also, who is she?


Agni: She's my wife. Her name is Anna Ametrine. Anna, those are Rokurou, Kirimruri and 5T.


Rokurou: It's my pleasure, miss.


5T: For me as well, ma'am.


Anna: Hehe, I am very honored. And please, no formalities. I prefer to called as my name and not as miss or lady.


5T: Sorry, but I can't promise that. We don't have that much friendship and something like this is out of my protocol and manners.


Anna: Protocol...?


Agni: It's a long story...


As their conversation began once again, from the end of the street and away from them, a man was looking at their way.



???: Is that 5T?! But his models are...!


Pod: Affirmative. Unit fully recognized as Type 5 Tracer.


???: So it's true... there was a 5T survivor...


???: (5T... how much it has been since out last encounter? Before you were sent on that suicide mission YoRHa planned for your model...)


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CANDOR CITY: Northwestern Slums

14 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

4 cyber Knight's split into 4 directions leaping outwards while slashing their swords and sending 4 particle slashes at the black knight. The 2 cyber Knight's simultaneously leap up and backwards simultaneously as if in sync with one another, as they hurl the large particle sphere at the black Knight. 

Seeing the incoming attacks, the robotic knight proceeded to dash to the right to evade both of the incoming attacks, leaving the commander in their path.



???: (I shall thank you later for this wondrous opportunity...)


She proceeded to swing her sword again, another rainbow wave forming in front of her. The projectiles would all come at her, and then be reflected right back at the cyber knights.


14 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

The swords missed the Cyber Knight's as they leaped out during the attack on the black knight. The other three swords hit the cars the guards were hiding behind but the cards connected with 4 guards exploding on contact and stunning the guards. 

Another series of cards would go flying at the guards, this time 10 in number. Meanwhile, both the commander and the robotic knight began to back off from the scene, the robot's head pivoting around to scan the area.



???: Cautious. Unknown being currently approaching our location.



???: I am willing to spend a bit more time to entertain our new guest...



???: Judicious. That would be unwise. Current probability of unharmed escape is 50%. Probability will lower to 25% with prolonged stay. Suggestion: Meet with unknown being and escape.



???: Is it a guard? If we are attempting to escape, that would be the last thing we need to encounter.



???: Doubtful. Scans reveal a different structure from that of a Royal Guard and a Knight of the Forsaken. 


The commander sighed as they slowly inched away from the guards.



???: Save one group of idiots, and you have to save them all, I suppose...I'll give the signal when the moment reveals itself.



???: Submissive. Affirmative, Commander.



???: Aren't we flattering tonight?


They both slid into defensive stances, preparing themselves for the onslaught to come. Meanwhile, the robot's head continued to pivot around as it scanned the area for constant activity.


MAGICAL KINGDOM OF VERVE: Barthmont Palace Interior

11 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Magnum Alexandria and Elizabeth Bathory


BGM: Zanarkand still playing


She wasn't understanding why some of them were worried. Elizabeth just looked around.



Lize: Well, it's not too good. And oh, the speckles of dust coming from this single room... how absurd.

Magnum: ... Ungh...

Lize: Oh!


Magnum began to move again. Elizabeth just dropped him on the ground. The fall might have hurt him, but he didn't even complained about it.



Magnum: Ugh... where am I...


Lize: Good morning, sleeping dog. You're inside a castle.


Magnum: Oh... so this is the inside of the Oracle's castle...?


Lize: Yep! It sure is.


She looked at Magnum, who was unconscious and somewhat hurt. For some reason, she felt worried. However, that certain feeling brought conflict upon Elizabeth...



Magnum: ... Where's Sir Seraph?


Lize: He... stood behind to fight another angel. The guy seemed like angry in levels to kill...


Magnum: I see...


Lize: Don't worry. He'll be back soon. You know Seraph's a tough piece, so...


He fell silent and waited for their next move. Normally, he'd be more active, so Elizabeth asked him.



Lize: Uh, Magnum? You don't need to fall mute.


Magnum: I said it before, I don't feel like talking. I'll just be quiet, so that I won't bother you.


Lize: Oh, c'mon! Just be a little more enthusiastic, like you always are! *tries to give a friendly pat*


Magnum: *stops her hand* Don't touch me.


Lize: ...


Magnum: ... I'll just wair outside. Tell me about what the Oracle said to you later.

Idealis quickly reached out to try and grab Magnum by his scarf. She would pull him to herself if she was able to do so.



Idealis: You're not waiting anywhere, you're coming with us whether you like it or not.

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11 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:



Magnum: ... I'll just wait outside. Tell me about what the Oracle said to you later.


2 minutes ago, A person said:

Idealis quickly reached out to try and grab Magnum by his scarf. She would pull him to herself if she was able to do so.



Idealis: You're not waiting anywhere, you're coming with us whether you like it or not.


Yomi: Actually...let him go...but first...Catch this.



    She pulled a small metalic disc from her sleeve and threw it at Magnum. One could see the same sigil that Yomi used engraved on it.



Yomi: Hold this on for me...And don't lose it.


Jude: What is that?


Yomi: You'll (probably) see it soon enough.


Jude: I see. (I hope we're just overthinking all of this...)



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Magnum Alexandria and Elizabeth Bathory


As he tried to leave, he felt his scarf being held. He looked back at her.



Magnum: If I'm not helpful, then why do you want me around?


Lize: Ugh, getting overemotional over a stupid commentary that wasn't even directed at you. But oh brave commander, please forgive our horrendous sin. We never intended to insult your Excellency with our outrageous words. Oh, woe is me for doing such mistake.


Magnum: ... Are you done with your theater?


Lize: Pretty much.


Magnum grabbed the disc thrown at him, knowing exactly what Yomi intended with it.



Magnum: I'll wait in the city. Maybe even knowing I'm simply outside might end up bothering you.


Lize: Talking seriously now, you're being such a brat with all this soap opera. It's not like we were so offensive, it's just the blatant truth, plain and simple.


Magnum: Then why don't you say the truth in front of your Master and see what he thinks about it when we get back to Candor, Elizabeth? I dare you're even able to try.


Lize: !!


Magnum: Then again, he's different from us. Like you said, he's the only one who you can count between us three angels.


He brushed off Idealis' hand from his scarf and continued to walk outside. Elizabeth got a little irritated by his comment.



Lize: Playing a foul game like that... fine! I know that Agni will take that with the maturity that he doesn't possess!


Agni Artwaltz, Rokurou Rangetsu, Anna Ametrine, 5T and ???



Anna: Yes, I did. The church was in a horrible state, physically and possessed by such evil spirits. I managed to purify it, so now it is only an abandoned building.


5T: I think we should head back and continue the needed discussions there.


Agni: Alright then, let's-


However, before they could leave, Byakuya has appeared and talked with Agni.



Agni: You... the Chelicerata!


Rokurou: By the looks of it, you're not happy of seeing him.


Agni: How can I be? This guy attacked us and even killed innocents.


Anna: Then... the change in the flux of souls... even if I am a minor goddess, I was able to feel it...


5T: Let's just brush him off and go back already. Certainly you don't want to fight here in the open.


5T went ahead, ignoring the young man's presence while they stood behind to confirm his intentions.



???: Where is he going?

???'s Pod: Unknown. Proposal: follow unit 5T through a different direction.


???: Right, let's go this way then and rendezvous with him at wherever he's going. Pod, mark his signal and keep tracking it.

???'s Pod: Affirmative. Signal found and registrated on mini-map.


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1 minute ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Magnum Alexandria and Elizabeth Bathory


As he tried to leave, he felt his scarf being held. He looked back at her.



Magnum: If I'm not helpful, then why do you want me around?


Lize: Ugh, getting overemotional over a stupid commentary that wasn't even directed at you. But oh brave commander, please forgive our horrendous sin. We never intended to insult your Excellency with our outrageous words. Oh, woe is me for doing such mistake.


Magnum: ... Are you done with your theater?


Lize: Pretty much.


Magnum grabbed the disc thrown at him, knowing exactly what Yomi intended with it.



Magnum: I'll wait in the city. Maybe even knowing I'm simply outside might end up bothering you.


Lize: Talking seriously now, you're being such a brat with all this soap opera. It's not like we were so offensive, it's just the blatant truth, plain and simple.


Magnum: Then why don't you say the truth in front of your Master and see what he thinks about it when we get back to Candor, Elizabeth? I dare you're even able to try.


Lize: !!


Magnum: Then again, he's different from us. Like you said, he's the only one who you can count between us three angels.


He brushed off Idealis' hand from his scarf and continued to walk outside. Elizabeth got a little irritated by his comment.



Lize: Playing a foul game like that... fine! I know that Agni will take that with the maturity that he doesn't possess!


Idealis: (He only has one reason to act like this...)


Without putting up a fight, she proceeded to let him go, watching him as he did so. Once he was out of earshot, she let out a sigh. It was one of many, but it was one filled with true disappointment.



Idealis: I have a feeling I'm going to have to have a heart-to-heart with him to fix his little issue before you-know-who tries to take the spotlight...



Idealis: ...well, at least it'll help me build some-


A thought came to her head.



Idealis: Someone needs to go out there with him. He shouldn't be alone.



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1 hour ago, A person said:


???: (I shall thank you later for this wondrous opportunity...)


She proceeded to swing her sword again, another rainbow wave forming in front of her. The projectiles would all come at her, and then be reflected right back at the cyber knights.


The 4 Cyber Knights block the swords coming back them with their shields. The larger projectile flies between the 2 other Cyber knights as they split in different directions. It hurls far out of the range of the battle and explodes without damaging the heroes of the guards. All 6 cyber Knight's switch from thermal to radar. 4 cyber Knights scatter behind the buildings to the right.


1 hour ago, A person said:

nother series of cards would go flying at the guards, this time 10 in number. Meanwhile, both the commander and the robotic knight began to back off from the scene, the robot's head pivoting around to scan the area.


The cards would connect with the guards and the car causing the cars to explode and send the guards flying to the ground, incompacitating them. 2 cyber Knights lock on to where the cards came from. They quickly dash around a building in the rear.


1 hour ago, A person said:


They both slid into defensive stances, preparing themselves for the onslaught to come. Meanwhile, the robot's head continued to pivot around as it scanned the area for constant activity.


The 4 Cyber Knights leap into the roof of a building. 2 begin charging particle energy into their swords as the other 2 guard them.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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23 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

However, before they could leave, Byakuya has appeared and talked with Agni.



Agni: You... the Chelicerata!


Rokurou: By the looks of it, you're not happy of seeing him.


Agni: How can I be? This guy attacked us and even killed innocents.


Anna: Then... the change in the flux of souls... even if I am a minor goddess, I was able to feel it...


5T: Let's just brush him off and go back already. Certainly you don't want to fight here in the open.


5T went ahead, ignoring the young man's presence while they stood behind to confirm his intentions.


Byakuya: Now now, no need to start acting like im some sort of criminal or something. You could say i'm on a permanent getaway. The Slums became a hazard, with guards everywhere.


Byakuya: I wouldn't really want to fight around here anyways. These "civilians" were already staring at me along the way.


Byakuya: So, how goes it lovely lady?

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1 minute ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

The 4 Cyber Knights block the swords coming back them with their shields. The larger projectile flies between the 2 other Cyber knights as they split in different directions. It hurls far out of the range of the battle and explodes without damaging the heroes of the guards. All 6 cyber Knight's switch from thermal to radar. 4 cyber Knights scatter behind the buildings to the right.


???: (All according to plan...)


The two slid further away from the scene, the commander watching their movements closely.


3 minutes ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

The cards would connect with the guards and the car causing the cars to explode and send the guards flying to the ground, incompacitating them. 2 cyber Knights lock on to where the cards came from. They quickly dash around a building in the rear.


???: (Looks like it's time to move!)


The sound of clothing rippling through the air could be heard close to the knights' location, just above them.


5 minutes ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

The 4 Cyber Knights leap into the roof of a building. 2 begin charging particle energy into their swords as the other 2 guard them.

Noticing this, the commander snapped her fingers, and both her and the robot quickly dashed in the direction of the unknown being, the robot leading the way whilst the commander covered the rear.



???: Optimistic. We are not far from the being. Estimated time of encounter is in fifteen seconds.



???: That is very long in these circumstances; do you really expect me to cover us for that long?



???: Confident. Your abilities have improved by approximately 33% under your current status. You are more than capable of doing so.



???: Hmm...you really do know how to say the right things at the right moments...it was a good idea recruiting you!


With her morale boosted, she readied herself for the onslaught of attacks to come from every direction. The Knights of the Forsaken owned this part of the city; if she could get this unknown person, herself, and the robot to the safety of the main city, they should be able to escape their iron grasp and regroup with the others.



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6 hours ago, A person said:

A thought came to her head.




Idealis: Someone needs to go out there with him. He shouldn't be alone.



I'll go with him and make sure he remains safe. The rest of you continue ahead.


After that, Artoria departs from the rest of the group, and begins to follow Magnum outside.

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47 minutes ago, DuckMannnn said:

Kirimuri cracks his knuckles loudly, signalling Byakuya to back off.





Byakuya: C'mon, if I really was itching for a fight, we would be fighting by now. I hate to admit it, but this world is more dangerous than the world I was in, so I might have to cooperate... For now. So, am I being a young gent or not?

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19 minutes ago, Sinjik said:


Byakuya: C'mon, if I really was itching for a fight, we would be fighting by now. I hate to admit it, but this world is more dangerous than the world I was in, so I might have to cooperate... For now. So, am I being a young gent or not?


"Considering that you tried to kill them earlier, we'll probably not accept you. Unless you redeem yourself by risking your life to save them from a life-threatening situation, we might consider letting you in."


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8 hours ago, A person said:


???: (Looks like it's time to move!)


The sound of clothing rippling through the air could be heard close to the knights' location, just above them.


1 of the cyber Knight's leaps onto the building and closes the distance on him and the card slinger...

8 hours ago, A person said:

With her morale boosted, she readied herself for the onslaught of attacks to come from every direction. The Knights of the Forsaken owned this part of the city; if she could get this unknown person, herself, and the robot to the safety of the main city, they should be able to escape their iron grasp and regroup with the others.


The 2 cyber knights launch the projectile at the black knight and the girl. The other 2 leaped down and ran behind the building in an attempt to flank them.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Agni Artwaltz, Anna Ametrine and Rokurou Rangetsu



Anna: ...


Rokurou: Man, I guess you should just quit. They don't seem convinced of you.


Agni: Well, clearly you can't expect me to say "yes" easily... but at any rate, you're going to follow us even if we say "no", won't you?


Anna: I... am really concerned about this...


Agni: I won't let anything happen to you or to anyone. Something happens and my bullet is the last thing he'll see... we're clear on that, Chelicerata?


Anna: OK. I believe in you, Agni. Mr. Chelicerata, we will be counting on you.


Rokurou: Wait, are you just letting him come?


Agni: Like I said, he's asking but what he'll do is very clear. Whether we say yes or no, he's going to follow us anyway. I won't stop him from coming, but the warning has been given.


Agni and Anna went back to the Warrior's Hangout, holding hands ever still. Rokurou gave Byakuya a glare before following them.



Rokurou: Tch... hey, kid. You mess up and you're mine to take care, got it?


5T and ???


After reaching the Hangout, he just leaned at the entrance, waiting for the others to arrive.



5T: *sigh* I guess I'll just lean here and wait up for them, I guess...


BGM: Peaceful Sleep (NieR: Automata)



???: 5T! Hey!


5T: Wait, that's...


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Fists of Unyielding Bravery

YoRHa No. 13 Type P (Punisher)

Another model created by YoRHa. Commonly refered as his code, 13P is a model created to assist in the frontlines, similar to 2B or A2 models of androids. This certain model was assigned to work with a 5T model as a recon unit to currently check the situation of Earth before they could create a war with the machines. Unlike the 5T project, they weren't destroyed by machines, but had their production stopped as it became obsolete, giving space to the newer models. Ever since then, 13P was searching for a possible 5T survivor, turning every machine in his way into small metal fragments. Now that his search is over, what will be his next step?

Age: Unknown

Species: Android

Element: None

System: NieR: Automata

Class: Brawler

Weapons: Combat Bracers

Universe: NieR: Automata Fan-Made Character/Original Character

13P went running towards 5T, who was surprised he was still around and alive. That made him glad.



13P: I finally managed to find you... after all this time...


5T: 13P...


13P: I heard that there was one survivor among your model. Am I glad to have found it!


5T: Y-You don't have to sound so glad. I mean, there's nothing so special about my model anyway.


13P: Did you forget? I was assigned to help you. That's solely the reason why I was created.


5T: Not all of your models were designed to do that. The Punisher models were designed to be full-fledged battle units, while the Tracer were created solely for recon missions.


13P: I'd take any recon mission over being sent to a war. After all, working out with other models is where lies the fun.


5T: You do remember that having fun isn't something we were programmed to have, right?


13P: Neither to have free will, but hey, here we are.


5T: Touché.


13P leaned agains the wall, next to 5T. He looked at his fists and clenched them, demonstrating a little of anger.



13P: YoRHa's so demented as hell... that organization is so messed up that I'm glad the production of my models stopped.


5T: Yeah... there are many things that happened under our eyes that we never noticed in the time... but now...


13P: You don't sound that filled with revenge. For the last survivor, that is.


5T: Well, you see... I'm not technically the last one. He... died.


13P: ...


5T: Sorry to disappoint you that much, I guess...


13P: Who said I'm disappointed? Like I said, if I could find a survivor, it'd be great. I did, so there's that.


13P: Besides, my mission stays the same. I'll assist you whenever, so we're a team now.


5T: Well, I guess this leaves me a little happier. Fighting alongside another unit will help me much, in comparison to the others.

13P: Same here. Except I've been alone for a longer time.




BGM: Onward, Yggdra! -PSP Version- (Yggdra Union: We'll Never Fight Alone)



Lucina: Haaaah!!


Without any hesitation (or caution), Lucina broke through the knights and reached the group. With Falchion in hand, she decided to fight alongside them and help with any eventual escape, if that were to be the case.



Lucina: Greetings. My name is Lucina. I have seen you were in problems with those guards and I decided to help.


Magnum Alexandria


Magnum went to the outside, looking at the brigde that connected Verve's land to the castle, alongside the two guardians standing in its end. He then looked at the disc.



Magnum: .(If this is just like I suppose they're thinking, I'm the... oh, great...)


Magnum: (But seriously, I should head back to the town. I guess working nicely with them isn't an option anymore. Well, I'll try to get the most distant possible from here, anyway...)


Elizabeth Bathory



Lize: Are you sure you wanna go? Why do we need to look after him, anyway? It was his decision to play the crybaby.


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46 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Agni Artwaltz, Anna Ametrine and Rokurou Rangetsu



Anna: ...


Rokurou: Man, I guess you should just quit. They don't seem convinced of you.


Agni: Well, clearly you can't expect me to say "yes" easily... but at any rate, you're going to follow us even if we say "no", won't you?


Anna: I... am really concerned about this...


Agni: I won't let anything happen to you or to anyone. Something happens and my bullet is the last thing he'll see... we're clear on that, Chelicerata?


Anna: OK. I believe in you, Agni. Mr. Chelicerata, we will be counting on you.


Rokurou: Wait, are you just letting him come?


Agni: Like I said, he's asking but what he'll do is very clear. Whether we say yes or no, he's going to follow us anyway. I won't stop him from coming, but the warning has been given.


Agni and Anna went back to the Warrior's Hangout, holding hands ever still. Rokurou gave Byakuya a glare before following them.



Rokurou: Tch... hey, kid. You mess up and you're mine to take care, got it?


Byakuya: Well, thats that then.... I guess....

(Byakuya falls silent suddenly, seemingly deep in thought)


Byakuya: (Sheesh, it's hard to believe how much has happened already. Oh how I wish "you" were here....)


Byakuya: (But, it seems like I got to kill things until I find out who brought me here. Meh, killing something to get what I want doesn't sound like a bad plan to me. )

(Byakuya starts to follow the others)

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2 hours ago, Sinjik said:


Byakuya: Well, thats that then.... I guess....

(Byakuya falls silent suddenly, seemingly deep in thought)


Byakuya: (Sheesh, it's hard to believe how much has happened already. Oh how I wish "you" were here....)


Byakuya: (But, it seems like I got to kill things until I find out who brought me here. Meh, killing something to get what I want doesn't sound like a bad plan to me. )

(Byakuya starts to follow the others)


Kirimuri approaches Byakuya from behind.



"I don't give two damns or a fuck if your intention to help us is genuine... But if you tried to harm us, you'll most likely get skewered by a purple princes midget, or by a brunette midget wearing baggy clothes..."


"...Or by a pink idol midget, I don't know."


"Mark my words. Step one foot out of the friendly zone and you better be prepared to face the consequences."


"Anyways, I'm looking forward for your cooperation from this point."


Kirimuri pats Byakuya's back strongly to the point he almost pushed him off before returning to the Warriors' Hangout.


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