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The Roleplay Paradise Redux: Fortis Novum Mundum

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3 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Lize: Nemesis, calm down. You're letting something so petty bother you.


Idealis: I don't consider a strong chance to die "petty".


11 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Magnum: He... he did! More times... than you know...!


Magnum stood in front of Seraph and even if he had not much strength, he held one of her katars with his hand.


Magnum: We went on a mission to... hunt a monster... and when we reached the target, our whole squad... turned against him! Not only I had to watch and be unable to help... but I saw him fighting against all of... them and the demon... alone...!


Seraph: (Magnum... to think you would rise your voice for me...)


Magnum: I know... the scars he bears for... all of us angels. Sir Seraph is... cold... and he may not be the friendliest person ever... but I know him in battle and... he knows what he's doing...!


Magnum: I won't let you... insult someone like him...!


She slid her katars back into her sleeves and sighed. Seeing that things had calmed down, Hera continued on quietly. Idealis continued behind her.



Idealis: Why couldn't you help him? And, may I ask; WHY would they even allow their angels to be so easily corrupted? The sheer thought of worrying about you two becoming just like them makes me doubt everything I know about your kind. As far as I'm concerned, you're all just like those that turned their backs upon you. And where I'm from, you wouldn't even be considered angels, no matter how powerful you are; with a will so easily bent, you'd all be considered humans, just like us.



Idealis: You may fear and respect him like some sort of general in a holy army, but to me, he's just another person from a land unknown to me. And...part of the party...I guess.

27 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Seraph: Enough, Magnum. Don't overstep your boundaries.


Seraph took the front this time. He stared at Nemesis, not raising his weapon against her.



Seraph: I know betrayal, I know backstabbing... after all, the most feared and hated figure in Heaven would know well.


Lize: Wait... hated? Feared? But aren't you the First General or something like that?

Seraph: Between both Generals, I'm hated and feared while Agni isn't. If I had to count the times something like that have happened... I'd have stopped at 59.


Magnum: 59?! I... didn't knew that... the number was that high...


Lize: Then why do you keep trusting people so much? I don't get it. Betrayed 59 times and you're still willing to believe on people?!


Seraph: There was a time I stopped believing. At that time, I was on a war with Agni in the world of humans. I killed so many enemies, but my sword also killed so many innocents... if he wasn't there to stop me, I'd have razed a whole town because I believed they were soldiers as well.


Magnum: But there was... something he said... that changed your... mind, right?


Seraph: "Even if I'm backstabbed, even if I'm betrayed, I won't quit on believing on people. I may be called as naive, as an idiot but I'm not changing my mind. I'll keep giving my belief, even if the other person doesn't. Its heart might change one day and my death might bring a chance for them to regret their choices. I'll kill them outside of my sword."


Lize: That's something Agni would say alright.


Seraph sighed. He already knew he wouldn't convince anyone with his story, neither tht would change the way they would think about Enkidu.



Seraph: ... Well, I'll leave you to your judgement. You're free to hate me. I don't mind it. If even my soldiers hate me, fear me and betray me... but I'll still help you get back to your own world. I swore to do that, after all;


He walked away, going in the direction Hera was leading. Magnum released



Magnum: ... You have a... misconcepted vision of us... if you think that... we uphold in virtue... or something like that...


Magnum: We're sinners... just like you all... and our forgiveness... won't come. Our judgement in... the end won't be... so easy.


Lize: ... Look, you can't blame her. Angels are people coming from the glorious, oh majestical Heaven with the frilly gods and what not. Having you all understand humans is something hard to believe.


Magnum: ... I see... so that's how... it works... then. Alright... I got it...

Lize: Magnum?


Magnum: ... I don't feel... like talking... I'll stay quiet from now on... and just go on... ahead.


Lize: Idiot, you can't even walk! Here, I'll be kind this time and help you-


Magnum: Don't... touch me... I'm not... like you.


Weak and tumbling as he could, Magnum followed Seraph. He was irritated at how misconcepted they were and how they were judging ahead of even thinking about anything.



Lize: ... Really, I think the only angel I can like is Agni. Those two are beginning to get on my nerves somehow.

Idealis growled. They were clearly just gifted humans. A true angel would have been able to easily turn the conversation around and convince them otherwise. But this...this was just a disappointment.


Idealis: All of this because of something they should've expected to come long ago...fine. If you're so determined to have this guy join us, just know that he's going to be your responsibility. Both of you. And if you slip up and he does something to screw us over, I'll kill you. And I expect you to do the same to me should anyone in our current party betray us. You're all my responsibility.


She turned away and quickly whispered the last part of her statement so as not to allow them to pick up on what exactly she said.






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Joseph was successfully able to take cover behind the care once more. However, he wouldn't be doing so unscathed; due to the guards opening fire before he could react. As a result, he was hit by the first few shots on his way down before avoiding the rest. As a result of the shock induced by the hits, Joseph began to lose control of his breath.



(I need to calm down. I can't become unable to use Hamon at a time like this!)


Joseph begins to take deep, calm breaths in order to try to regain control of  and restore his usual breathing pattern. Once his breathing is in check once again, Joseph again arms himself with two pairs of clackers, one pair in each hand. He keeps an active watch on all openings around the car, prepared for the guards if they come towards him.


13 hours ago, A person said:

CANDOR CITY: Northwestern Slums



???: Barrier! NOW!



???: Ooooon iiiiiit!


BGM: Showdown


In a flash, a dome of arcane energy formed around the area, blocking off Joseph, but trapping Dante, Hugh, and Ludger within it. The rockets shot at Ludger from the two guards would be blocked by the barrier, causing it to flash twice and for a hairline fracture to appear where they hit. A series of cards seemed to be thrown in Ludger's direction, but one hit the rocket coming at him, causing it to explode in the air. The others missed him entirely, a series of blasts being seen upon the back of the barrier. 



???: Can't miss when you have a lot of chances to hit...


Another being launched itself in front of Hugh, seeming to block the particle slashes coming at him with a large sword similar to the ones the royal guards had.



???: Concern. Situation is unfavorable for target's quarry. Suggestion: Escape the area.


A woman wielding a sword dashed out from behind a building and slid between Ludger and the cyber knights, swinging her blade skillfully to knock away both of the particle slashes. She glanced back at Ludger.



???: You idiots need to get out of here right now! More are coming, and it's not going to be pretty if you stick around any longer!


Another ran over to Dante, huffing as she did so. She then noticed the barrage of missiles.



???: Whoaaaaa, don't do thaaaaat!


She held out a hand, throwing up a rectangular arcane barrier to block the missiles flying everywhere.



???: That's just gonna raise more attention! You gotta go, buddy! Like, right now! 


She looked like she was struggling to maintain the barrier.


Meanwhile, Dante takes notice of the girl running towards him. His missiles crash into her barrier, setting them off on impact.



Oh, come on. It's not like there was much left to attract over here. I wouldn't have minded seeing those hit some of these guys, you know.



Anyways, I'd hate to be one to pull out of a fight like this, but we do have others we need to meet up with, and that should take the top priority right now.


Dante briefly turns towards Ludger.



Hey, Ludger! What do you say? Should we blow this joint while we have the opportunity?


After asking, Dante turns back to the girl.



...and are you sure you guys can handle this?

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Audience Team


Elizabeth just shrugged and kept walking. As they progressed, Magnum was walking a little slowly, slightly behind Seraph. Suddenly, the gusts of winds become stronger.



Seraph: The wind... this is...


Magnum: Guh... I...!


Seraph: !! Magnum!!


Suddenly, something... or rather, someone rammed on Magnum. Because he was already in a weakened state, he was sent flying towards a tree. Once he hit it, he fell unconscious, without any energy left to resist.


BGM: The Joker (Persona 4 Arena Ultimax)


???: Seraph!!


Seraph held his weapon and stance while the other person forced his own weapon at him. As he held, she finally appeared. Elizabeth ran to Magnum, who was on the ground.



Lize: What the- Magnum!!


Seraph: How is he?


Lize: He finally fell unconscious, but he's fine! More importantly... who the hell is he?!


???: You bastard... prepare yourself to die!!


Seraph: Tch... so you're still held on that, I guess. You really don't want to let the past go away, do you?

???: Of course I don't, I'm not over with you yet! Your suffering has still a lot of ways to go on, just like mine!

Lize: (He looks like an angel... but he seems to hate Seraph to his guts...)


Seraph: *sigh* I guess this will continue on for a long time, Fang.


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Rebel Angel of a Single Desire


Once a commander under Seraph’s command, Fang left Heaven a long time ago. Bearing an aggressive personality, he has only the desire of taking a precious someone from the hands of his nemesis. He and Seraph used to be friends, however he only bears a grudge against his ex-superior now, under the guise of having a promise broken between both. Excessively unreasonable and with a tendency of recklessness, Fang won’t let anyone or anything stop him from fulfilling his wish: making Agni his little brother and having Seraph’s heart destroyed, just like his in the past.

Age: 30.000 (30 in human years)

Species: Angel

Element: Wind

System: ???

Class: Soldier

Weapons: Claw

Universe: Summon Night/Altered Character



Fang: Oh no, it won't! I'll make sure to decree your death today so I can finally have what I want. Do us all a big favor and just die, you son of a bitch!


Lize: "Us"? What do you mean by "us"?! Don't pit me with you, pig!

Fang: You heard the nonsense he spoke, didn't you? Still, I see that you possess some hatred for him in your heart. After all, a guy like him comes around and bosses you all as if he's all high and mighty. Doesn't it make you sick to the bones?


Lize: ...


Fang: You don't deny it, girl. So why don't you just join me and kill him for good? Maybe his death will do a good to us all.


He tried to stab Seraph, who defended the advance with his katana. Fang switched to attack with kicks and punches from his left arm, but Seraph defended all of them and backed off.



Seraph: ... Take Magnum with you and continue without me. I'll resolve this in my own way.


Lize: Seraph, this isn't time to be proudful!


Seraph: This isn't about pride. Like Seth said, there are far more important things than a bickering. Plus, after what just happened, do you really have it in you to fight alongside me?


Lize: Well, if I am to be sincere, no... but even so, he-


Seraph: Don't leave the Oracle waiting. Our mission is to meet with her. If I can't do it, you and the others can.


Rokurou Rangetsu and 5T


BGM: Mushroom Bank Theme (Mario Party)



Rokurou: Aww, we just missed a good chance to get a kiss scene.


5T: Do you know "privacy"? That's important. Now let's hurry up with this and get back.


5T grabbed the coins that Rokurou had and went to the counter.



5T: Excuse me, but what is the current value of these 20 silver coins I have here?


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19 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Audience Team


Elizabeth just shrugged and kept walking. As they progressed, Magnum was walking a little slowly, slightly behind Seraph. Suddenly, the gusts of winds become stronger.



Seraph: The wind... this is...


Magnum: Guh... I...!


Seraph: !! Magnum!!


Suddenly, something... or rather, someone rammed on Magnum. Because he was already in a weakened state, he was sent flying towards a tree. Once he hit it, he fell unconscious, without any energy left to resist.


BGM: The Joker (Persona 4 Arena Ultimax)


???: Seraph!!


Seraph held his weapon and stance while the other person forced his own weapon at him. As he held, she finally appeared. Elizabeth ran to Magnum, who was on the ground.



Lize: What the- Magnum!!


Seraph: How is he?


Lize: He finally fell unconscious, but he's fine! More importantly... who the hell is he?!


???: You bastard... prepare yourself to die!!


Seraph: Tch... so you're still held on that, I guess. You really don't want to let the past go away, do you?

???: Of course I don't, I'm not over with you yet! Your suffering has still a lot of ways to go on, just like mine!

Lize: (He looks like an angel... but he seems to hate Seraph to his guts...)


Seraph: *sigh* I guess this will continue on for a long time, Fang.


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Rebel Angel of a Single Desire


Once a commander under Seraph’s command, Fang left Heaven a long time ago. Bearing an aggressive personality, he has only the desire of taking a precious someone from the hands of his nemesis. He and Seraph used to be friends, however he only bears a grudge against his ex-superior now, under the guise of having a promise broken between both. Excessively unreasonable and with a tendency of recklessness, Fang won’t let anyone or anything stop him from fulfilling his wish: making Agni his little brother and having Seraph’s heart destroyed, just like his in the past.

Age: 30.000 (30 in human years)

Species: Angel

Element: Wind

System: ???

Class: Soldier

Weapons: Claw

Universe: Summon Night/Altered Character



Fang: Oh no, it won't! I'll make sure to decree your death today so I can finally have what I want. Do us all a big favor and just die, you son of a bitch!


Lize: "Us"? What do you mean by "us"?! Don't pit me with you, pig!

Fang: You heard the nonsense he spoke, didn't you? Still, I see that you possess some hatred for him in your heart. After all, a guy like him comes around and bosses you all as if he's all high and mighty. Doesn't it make you sick to the bones?


Lize: ...


Fang: You don't deny it, girl. So why don't you just join me and kill him for good? Maybe his death will do a good to us all.


He tried to stab Seraph, who defended the advance with his katana. Fang switched to attack with kicks and punches from his left arm, but Seraph defended all of them and backed off.



Seraph: ... Take Magnum with you and continue without me. I'll resolve this in my own way.


Lize: Seraph, this isn't time to be proudful!


Seraph: This isn't about pride. Like Seth said, there are far more important things than a bickering. Plus, after what just happened, do you really have it in you to fight alongside me?


Lize: Well, if I am to be sincere, no... but even so, he-


Seraph: Don't leave the Oracle waiting. Our mission is to meet with her. If I can't do it, you and the others can.



Hera pointed her runeblade at Seraph, causing sparks of flame to dance around his katana.



Hera: Do with that what you wish, Master Artwaltz. We shall await your return from victory!


Quickly, Hera dashed along the path, causing Idealis to run after her.



Idealis: Wait up! And Seraph, you better kick this guy's ass so that I can kick yours later!


CANDOR CITY: Northwestern Slums


40 minutes ago, Tony Redgrave said:

After asking, Dante turns back to the girl.



...and are you sure you guys can handle this?


The girl lowered her barrier and withdrew a sword that was quite large compared to her, nodding her head. It was a greatsword compared to her.



???: Yoooou betcha! Now...



???: ...make it quick, buddy! I've got a can of whoopass to open!



CANDOR CITY: Norman Bank


36 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

5T grabbed the coins that Rokurou had and went to the counter.



5T: Excuse me, but what is the current value of these 20 silver coins I have here?


The banker at the front counter bowed before the two men.



Fancy Banker: Welcome, welcome! May I please take a look at them so that I may appraise them?

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Audience Team


BGM: The Joker still playing



Seraph: Don't worry about me. Just go ahead before you lose them.


Lize: Tch... if you don't return to us, I'll go after you in hell and kill you again!!


Seraph: I have a family who's waiting on me. I can't let him down.


Elizabeth ran after Hera and Idealis while carrying Magnum. Seraph held his now burning katana firmly and faced Fang.



Fang: Family, huh... the one you took away from me!


Seraph: I never took anything from you. How should I know you had the same desire as I?


Fang: I was planning to ask him after he completed Nirvana... but then, you had to send me away on a mission! I know that you did that on purpose, you damned piece of shit!


Fang: But it's easy, see? I can just kill you and take Agni with me! He'll become my brother, like it was supposed to ever since the beginning!


Seraph: Doing this without his say on the matter... if there's something that infuriates me, it's that single point.


Fang: As if he has any free will! You all locked him into a fate of constant fighting and pressure! A fate only a trash like you is supposed to suffer!


To counter the flaming blade, Fang infused his claw with wind magic. He went into position, ready to charge.



Fang: Not having to fight anymore... completely relying on me... that's the life Agni deserves. A life of freedom, unbound by any sort of shackle... after all he went through, nothing seems better to someone like him.


Seraph: You clearly don't know Agni well. He'd never choose a life where he wouldn't fight. Helping someone is innate of him.


Fang: Shut up! His suffering is your fault! I'll free him from you here...


Fang began to attack with claw slashes and kicks once again. Seraph defended and countered, but Fang evaded them quickly. They both had the same level of power, the only difference being in recklessness, a point the rebel angel had in big quantity. Everything for making Seraph suffer counted. After all, he is the reason why soldiers betray, hate and fear him.



Seraph: You already destroyed my life enough. How much more until you are fully satisfied?


Fang: Until your heart is shattered in pieces. I can use the claw to do that, but it'd be better by taking what's mine by right!


Seraph: Don't treat Agni like an object!


Fang: I'd never. He's a precious person... hate to admit it, but to us both. But that's what makes it entertaining! If I can take him under my wing, your spirit will be crushed! After all, you'll return to your world of loneliness without him, won't you?

Seraph: Grrr....


Fang: HAHAHAHA!! I should've told those fools while I had the chance! The mighty and cold Seraph actually fears loneliness! They would laugh out loud and see how pathetic you are!!


Fang: After all, Agni's just your comfort pillow, right? This is his true purpose as your brother...

Seraph: Don't compare me to someone like you!!


Seraph attacked with Type 0: Flash, it hitting the mocking Fang. He immediately went to Type 2: Sow, shooting a wave of ice and fire (thanks to Hera's infusion in his blade). Fang was blown away, but immediately got up.



Fang: (Damn... that horned magical pinky's infusion actually powered him up...)


Seraph: What's the matter? All that you said was actually cheap talk coming from a sore loser?


Fang: !! You'll eat those words, served with an extra of my claw piercing your skin and heart!!


Agni Artwaltz, Anna Ametrine, Rokurou Rangetsu and 5T


BGM: Mushroom Bank still playing



5T: Sure, here they are.


5T handled the coins to the banker while awaiting the results. In the meanwhile, Rokurou looked at Agni and Anna from the window.


BGM: "Ha ha! Yes, it will take some time getting used to!" (Fire Emblem: Awakening)



Agni: Now that I think about it... we haven't talked to each other like this for more than two months, right?


Anna: I think so... you are always so busy with your duties and I never wished to bother you.


Agni: You'd never bother me. You should have spoken up whenever. I'd happily open my time to stay with you, Anna.


Anna: But everyone expects so much of you. If they even heard you abandoned your tasks as the Second General to stay with me, I-


Agni: Stop saying those things! Seriously, you need to stop with the self-loathing! If you were so horrible like you're saying, I wouldn't have married you, would I?


He embraced her again and looked directly at her. Anna's somewhat excessive negativism towards herself bothered Agni.



Agni: I'll repeat it many times until it can hit you. I love you, Anna. You are important to me.


Anna: I... love you too, Agni, but I just do not wish to stay in your way...


Agni: *sigh* Guess my words aren't coming through... you'll leave me no choice.


Anna: What do you mean? Mmmph!!


She received a heartfelt kiss from Agni and didn't offered a single resistance out of embarassment or prying eyes. Anna wanted that... to feel her husband's love once again. She always understood how much he loved her, but kept doubting herself in the matter.



Agni: Do you finally understand it now?


Anna: ... I am sorry... I always understood it but-

Agni: Stop with the apologies. Just say what you really want to.


Anna: Do... not leave me alone anymore. I cannot stand it. I want you close to me, Agni...


Agni: As do I, Anna.


They returned to a tight hug while looking at the final moments of the sunset. From the inside, Rokurou was cheering them on, but since the glasses were blocking sound, his voice wouldn't be able to reach them.



Rokurou: Aw yeah, Agni! That's a good move, man!


5T: Be quiet! We're inside a bank, you know.


Rokurou: Well, you just missed a good scene, 5T.


5T: ... Please, don't tell me that he did...


Rokurou: Right on spot!


5T: (Agni, good job... you just dig your own grave...)


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(Looks like we got more than what we bargained for...)


The barrier still surrounded the battlefield. A small crack could be seen in the barrier. 3 Cyber Knights we're outside of the barrier. The other cyber knight was trapped inside the barrier with The Large Knight, Ludger, Hugh and the 3 mysterious heroes. He large Knight used "Cybernetic Telepathy" to communicate with the Cyber Knights...


(You 3 outside the barrier! Our  current mission is to eliminate the assigned targets! Adjust prior mission to eliminate viable targets and destroy restrictive barrier.  1 of you, focus attack on the target furthest out of the battle zone! I and the remaining 3 units will deal with the barrier. )


The lead Cyber knight slashes his sword sending a particle slash projectile at Joseph what advancing toward Joseph with his shield on his back.  The other two leap into the air,  with their swords in a downward angle to strike the barrier at it's weakest point. 



(Ok! Follow me! We're out numbered in here! I'll head for that weak spot! Cover me!)


The large Knight charges for the weak point firing plasma shots at it while the cyber knight follows behind, both in a back to back formation. The cyber knight  holds his shield and sword facing the rear to block incoming attacks.


4 hours ago, Tony Redgrave said:

Joseph was successfully able to take cover behind the care once more. However, he wouldn't be doing so unscathed; due to the guards opening fire before he could react. As a result, he was hit by the first few shots on his way down before avoiding the rest. As a result of the shock induced by the hits, Joseph began to lose control of his breath.



(I need to calm down. I can't become unable to use Hamon at a time like this!)


Joseph begins to take deep, calm breaths in order to try to regain control of  and restore his usual breathing pattern. Once his breathing is in check once again, Joseph again arms himself with two pairs of clackers, one pair in each hand. He keeps an active watch on all openings around the car, prepared for the guards if they come towards him.


2 guards retreat back from the car Joseph was behind. One guard tosses a grenade under the car. The other shots the grenade blowing up the car Joseph was behind. The other two guards lock on to Joseph and fire rockets at Joseph.


Backup arrives in 3 turns




Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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4 hours ago, Tony Redgrave said:



Hey, Ludger! What do you say? Should we blow this joint while we have the opportunity?



Ludger: Urgh...Let's retreat...


Hugh: What do you mean retreat? I'm still not done with them...


Ludger: Next time...


Hugh: But...Don't you want to...


Ludger: Yes I do...But if we're struggling against the fodder...how are we going to fare against the stronger ones in this condition?


Hugh: ....


      Without saying another word, Hugh picked up Ludger.



Ludger: Thanks...


Hugh: Sorry...I got too hotheaded...


Ludger: Oh, and thank you guys ((the reinforcements)) for helping us out. If possible, we'll make sure to repay the debt later.



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4 hours ago, A person said:

CANDOR CITY: Northwestern Slums




The girl lowered her barrier and withdrew a sword that was quite large compared to her, nodding her head. It was a greatsword compared to her.



???: Yoooou betcha! Now...



???: ...make it quick, buddy! I've got a can of whoopass to open!



I like your attitude. Alright then, you better not disappoint.



Anyways, thanks for the help. Good luck out there.


Dante joins Hugh and Ludger, ready to leave alongside them.


2 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:
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(Looks like we got more than what we bargained for...)


The barrier still surrounded the battlefield. A small crack could be seen in the barrier. 3 Cyber Knights we're outside of the barrier. The other cyber knight was trapped inside the barrier with The Large Knight, Ludger, Hugh and the 3 mysterious heroes. He large Knight used "Cybernetic Telepathy" to communicate with the Cyber Knights...


(You 3 outside the barrier! Our  current mission is to eliminate the assigned targets! Adjust prior mission to eliminate viable targets and destroy restrictive barrier.  1 of you, focus attack on the target furthest out of the battle zone! I and the remaining 3 units will deal with the barrier. )


The lead Cyber knight slashes his sword sending a particle slash projectile at Joseph what advancing toward Joseph with his shield on his back.  The other two leap into the air,  with their swords in a downward angle to strike the barrier at it's weakest point. 



(Ok! Follow me! We're out numbered in here! I'll head for that weak spot! Cover me!)


The large Knight charges for the weak point firing plasma shots at it while the cyber knight follows behind, both in a back to back formation. The cyber knight  holds his shield and sword facing the rear to block incoming attacks.



2 guards retreat back from the car Joseph was behind. One guard tosses a grenade under the car. The other shots the grenade blowing up the car Joseph was behind. The other two guards lock on to Joseph and fire rockets at Joseph.


Backup arrives in 3 turns




Joseph hears the grenade roll under the car, and he tries his best to get up and move. However, it went off quicker than expected due to the other guard shooting it. Because of this, Joseph's attempt to escape was in vain, and he was knocked forward by the explosion. Once he was grounded, he stopped attempting to fight. At this point, he has accepted his fate.



(I guess the Joestars really are fated to live short lives. And I guess this is where mine ends. It's a shame, really. I would have at least preferred to be back home first.)


Joseph smiles, shuts his eyes, and begins to give his farewells.



(Grandma Erina....Stroheim....Speedwagon....Smokey....and Lisa Lisa...farewell, everyone. I'm sorry, Suzi Q. Guess I won't be able to return home.)

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6 hours ago, Tony Redgrave said:

Joseph hears the grenade roll under the car, and he tries his best to get up and move. However, it went off quicker than expected due to the other guard shooting it. Because of this, Joseph's attempt to escape was in vain, and he was knocked forward by the explosion. Once he was grounded, he stopped attempting to fight. At this point, he has accepted his fate.



(I guess the Joestars really are fated to live short lives. And I guess this is where mine ends. It's a shame, really. I would have at least preferred to be back home first.)


Joseph smiles, shuts his eyes, and begins to give his farewells.



(Grandma Erina....Stroheim....Speedwagon....Smokey....and Lisa Lisa...farewell, everyone. I'm sorry, Suzi Q. Guess I won't be able to return home.)


The valiant hero, Joseph...he layed on the ground. Pulled from his own world to defend another, a cruel l twist of fate. He smiled his last smile...as 2 rockets and a particle slash collide with his prone body. Joseph is consumed by the explosion...and meets his end. 


The 4 guards focus their attention on the approaching Cyber knight. The cyber knight stops.




He sees that that Joseph is dead. He motions to the guards and points at the barrier. He immediately turns around and fires a particle slash at barrier as he advances with his shield in front. 2 of the guards open fire on the barrier in a different spot then where the other Knight's are attacking so as not to hit any of the guards or Knights that are attacking the weak point. 2 guards maintain position and lock onto the enemy . They both fire 1 rocket a piece at the Barrier Girl and the Commanding Girl. If the previous attacks break the barrier, the rockets will continue on to their intended targets.


Backup arrives in 2 turns...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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21 hours ago, Mister Fael said:



Ludger: Urgh...Let's retreat...


Hugh: What do you mean retreat? I'm still not done with them...


Ludger: Next time...


Hugh: But...Don't you want to...


Ludger: Yes I do...But if we're struggling against the fodder...how are we going to fare against the stronger ones in this condition?


Hugh: ....


      Without saying another word, Hugh picked up Ludger.



Ludger: Thanks...


Hugh: Sorry...I got too hotheaded...


Ludger: Oh, and thank you guys ((the reinforcements)) for helping us out. If possible, we'll make sure to repay the debt later.



???: Hurry up and go! This is no time to stand around and thank us!


The barrier-using girl proceeded to nudge the other.


???: Incomiiiiing!


The apparent commander of the group glanced in the direction she was looking in.


13 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

The valiant hero, Joseph...he layed on the ground. Pulled from his own world to defend another, a cruel l twist of fate. He smiled his last smile...as 2 rockets and a particle slash collide with his prone body. Joseph is consumed by the explosion...and meets his end. 


The 4 guards focus their attention on the approaching Cyber knight. The cyber knight stops.




He sees that that Joseph is dead. He motions to the guards and points at the barrier. He immediately turns around and fires a particle slash at barrier as he advances with his shield in front. 2 of the guards open fire on the barrier in a different spot then where the other Knight's are attacking so as not to hit any of the guards or Knights that are attacking the weak point. 2 guards maintain position and lock onto the enemy . They both fire 1 rocket a piece at the Barrier Girl and the Commanding Girl. If the previous attacks break the barrier, the rockets will continue on to their intended targets.


Backup arrives in 2 turns...

A multitude of cards fly at the knight and rocket at the front of the barrier, one striking the rocket and causing it to explode in the air once again, though the other would hits its mark and explode upon the barrier. The robotic being atop the building would jump down from his high ground and send himself down at the large knight, its glowing blade threatening to insert itself into his body.



???: Argh...they got one of them!


The commander gestured towards the barrier girl, who nodded and sent her sword into the ground. Meanwhile, the commander pulled back her sword and charged straight for the larger knight. She growled upon hearing the card slinger's words.



???: Well, if you did your job right, then HE WOULDN'T BE DEAD, YOU INCOMPETENT APE!



???: How was I supposed to prevent it?! These aren't humans at all! They have to be robots or...CASTs or...something!



???: No more excuses, just focus on clearing a safe path for the remaining ones!


She swung her sword at the large knight and cyber knight, sending a blade of arcane energy at them while he was busy covering the large knight's back. Meanwhile, it seemed as though the cracks forming in the barrier were slowly repairing themselves, but the barrier girl was completely focused upon it.





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@A person @Agni Blackheart 



Yomi: (That Seraph...Either his story is too absurd to be true...or he really is that big of an imbecile...)


Yomi: (Well...As long as living beings have the ability to think...There will always be ones who aren't really good at it. Screw that he calls himself an angel...At this point, that just seems like a title rather than a higher plane of existence.)


Yomi: (I owe him an apology for suspecting him and his pathetic ilk...he doesn't seem bright enough to plan something of this scale since he is willing to trust any random stranger he meets...Which only leaves this oracle that summoned people kilometers away from him.)


If things keeps like this...I might have to take leadership of this group for good...all for the sake of completing my mission.. No incompetent "Seraph" from "Heaven" is going to put everything at loss when I'm in the command...But for that to happen...I have to shed my mask...And reveal my past If I need to earn their trust...


It's not going to be that hard...after all, I don't regret a single thing I've done in the past, I just have to ignore whatever emotion that shows up when I'm telling my story.


No Regrets

No Remorse

No Tears

I just kill...for whatever is commanding me at the moment...because these blades are the only thing that mean something to my existence.



Jude: ...


Yomi: What's wrong doctor? Is it about Seraph or...


Jude: To be honest...I'm kind of suspicious of Mister Enkidu.


Yomi: That's...surprising...


Jude: Still...I'm willing to give him a chance.


Yomi: And...there goes the surprise...But then again, you've let the same guy betray your group many times.


Jude: Because I knew he had a reason for doing it...And I could see him slowly changing everyime he returned...


Yomi: I see...so unless their actions they prove their loyalty with actions, you don't have any problems.


Jude: You can say that. I don't exactly trust him, but I'm still willing to give him a chance.


Yomi: I'll quote Idealis and say that he's your responsability...if things go sour because of our new "friend".


Yomi: My "friend" might have to make an intervention.




    After a while, the three arrived at the sewer's lid without any trouble.



Yui: Oh...This is where we got attacked huh?


Hinamori: Yeah...I told Tommy to warn you about me leaving...but it seems like he didn't live long enough to lay that message.


Yui: I see....


Hinamori: Well then...You better brace yourself, because the place stinks.


20 hours ago, Tony Redgrave said:



Anyways, thanks for the help. Good luck out there.


Dante joins Hugh and Ludger, ready to leave alongside them.



Ludger: Alright then...Time to leave...


Hugh: Dammit...They'll get what's coming for them...I'll make sure of that when we meet again...


      Then, they started their escape.



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14 minutes ago, Mister Fael said:


Hinamori: Well then...You better brace yourself, because the place stinks.


"In and out clean. Couldn't have asked for a better result."


Flare took out his phone again and sent another message before putting it away.



"Let's get back quickly. But watch your step around here."

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4 minutes ago, Mister Fael said:


Jude: ...


Yomi: What's wrong doctor? Is it about Seraph or...


Jude: To be honest...I'm kind of suspicious of Mister Enkidu.


Yomi: That's...surprising...


Jude: Still...I'm willing to give him a chance.


Yomi: And...there goes the surprise...But then again, you've let the same guy betray your group many times.


Jude: Because I knew he had a reason for doing it...And I could see him slowly changing everyime he returned...


Yomi: I see...so unless their actions they prove their loyalty with actions, you don't have any problems.


Jude: You can say that. I don't exactly trust him, but I'm still willing to give him a chance.


Yomi: I'll quote Idealis and say that he's your responsability...if things go sour because of our new "friend".


Yomi: My "friend" might have to make an intervention.


Idealis: As long as the majority of us are suspicious of this guy, I'm happy. 


Up ahead, a large castle could be seen by the party. There appeared to be large winged creatures circling around it in the air, their roars barely reaching the ground below.



Barthmont Palace



Hera: We shall be arriving at our destination shortly!



Hera: However, once we arrive, I will have to depart from your group. His Majesty seemed rather...perturbed...by the topic he wished to discuss with me. I cannot guarantee that I will return afterwards as well, so do be certain that you are all sufficiently prepared to depart from here once you have finished what you were sent here for.


Two guards stood in front of the path to the castle, but stepped aside as if they knew who was coming. Two robed figures stood alongside them as well, both dressed in white robes with red trimming on the edges. Idealis glanced up at the creatures in the sky.






Idealis: A-are those...?



Hera: Do not be afraid! They are the guardians of this castle, so they will cause no harm to anyone unless they intend on attacking the castle or those within it!


Idealis gulped.



Idealis: I-if you s-say so...


CANDOR CITY: Northwestern Slums


A hole in the barrier opened up for them to exit through. A voice called out from above the buildings.



???: I'll cover you guys on your way out, just make it quick so that they can't get a lock on you!



???: I'll be out there soon just to make it certain that you can get out of here alive!

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Seraph Artwaltz, Fang and ???


BGM: The Joker still playing


The battle went on, fierce as it could be. Seraph and Fang dealt their blows



Fang: Damnit... I forgot that for a piece of trash you fight well...


Seraph: It would be hard for me not to know how to fight against you.


Fang: Heh, don't count your victory yet! This thing's just getting started!


Seraph: (... A change in the wind... hold on, this isn't coming from...)


Suddenly, the wind began to blow against the flow Fang has previously established. Soon, he felt himself being pushed away by it.



Fang: W-What the hell?! T-This wind...!!


He couldn't resist it. His crippled wing was not much useful, so he couldn't hold his stance and was blown away.


???: Ugh... why did I had to save a guy? Is my luck with women that bad?


BGM: Zaveid the Exile (Tales of Zestiria/Berseria)


When Seraph looked, another person was standing there. He didn't seemed too bothered, contradicting his last comment.



???: Heh, if that kept on, you would have lost. Holding back won't do you any good.


Seraph: Are you the one responsible for the wind?


???: You bet I am! I'm a wind seraphim, so something like that is easy for me.


Seraph: A seraphim, huh? Well, I appreciate your help-


???: Drop it. I know you're not that kind. Talk like you usually do.


Seraph: Huh? What are you talking about?


???: Don't play dumb with me. Just stop that whole act.


Seraph's smile quickly ended and his stare lost a good amount of emotion as the strange man asked him to stop.



Seraph: ... So let me get to the point then. Your name and make it quick.


???: Oho, you really sound different. Kinda better than the whole "good guy" mask you had on.

Seraph: I said "make it quick".

???: Alright, sir... well, my name is...


  Hide contents


He who only Follows his Own Wind


A mysterious guy who masters the wind as a Seraphim. A flirt by nature, Zaveid only does what he clearly wants to, enjoying a freedom which he never desires to lose. However, he isn't evil. In fact, all of his reasons are a mystery, which can amount to a good lot. It's unknown why Zaveid has come to this world or how he even managed to get here, but it seems like it goes along with his plan... if he has one.

Age: 1.600

Species: Seraphim

Element: Wind

System: Tales of Zestiria

Class: Soldier

Weapons: Pendulum

Universe: Tales Universe


After his presentation, Zaveid stopped leaning on the tree and just went towards Seraph, who looked back at him with a frigid stare.



Zaveid: That dude was hell-bent on killing you, from the looks of it. You sure you wanted to die here?


Seraph: No, I don't wish to. I just don't understand why you decide to help me.


Zaveid: You said it yourself. Don't you have a family waiting for you? That's it.


Seraph: That's not a true reason for you to aid me. You don't even know who I am.


Zaveid: Are you sure of that... First Archgeneral Seraph Artwaltz?


Upon hearing his name, unlike the last time with Idealis confronting him, Seraph didn't hesitate and pulled his katana out, pointing directly at Zaveid's neck.



Seraph: ... Who are you and what do you want?


Zaveid: Whoa whoa, put you blades down, man! I didn't come here after your head!


Seraph: Zaveid, was it? A guy who knows my name can't claim to actually not be after my head. You have 10 seconds to give me a reason or else I'll sever your head here. 10... 9... 8...


Zaveid: I see. So that's how the cold First works, huh. Interesting.

Seraph: 7... 6... 5... 4...


Zaveid: Haha, so you truly are a killer, after all. Good story you did back there. Was that all just to hide what you actually are?


Seraph sighed at Zaveid's laidback laughter and put his blade away.



Seraph: Revenge on someone important to you that I killed?


Zaveid: Ah, give me a break. All that I wanted was to see you finally leave that kind facet you were putting before to those guys you're with.


Zaveid: Between us both, you don't actually feel compassion and regret for those you've taken down, do you?


Seraph: They're the ones who came after me. So what if my blade has taken their lives? What were they to me, anyway?

Zaveid: Nothing. But you actually saved them, don't you think?


Zaveid: They could have fallen to deeper sins and became fallen angels, right? So by putting them down with your sword, you managed to prevent that.

Seraph: Let me guess. Death is salvation and a life taker like me did nothing wrong. Is that it?


Zaveid: ... Unsurprising, considering that's you who we're talking about. Glad that you came to understand that, Sephs.


Zaveid: Well, guess ol' Zaveid here will just head back to Candor. You should just go ahead and follow the rest.


Seraph: ... Yeah, I'll do just that. In the next time we meet, I'll kill you.


He walked past the angel and gave him a last talk before heading back



Zaveid: You said you have a little brother, right?

Seraph: I do. What about him?

Zaveid: If you love him like you so fondly speak, why don't you try to change your ways for real instead of lying to him and to the others?


Seraph: ...


Zaveid: Your actions will reflect upon him. Keep being this cold and he'll end up meeting a new way of seeing things... and not in a good way. It'll also just further enhance your own loneliness and the distance between you both.


Zaveid leaves back to the town. Seraph took his blade out of the sheath and looked at it.



Seraph: (... My actions reflect upon his...? But asking me to become friendly like him is just...)


Seraph: (No, Agni will never fall again. He's different. His heart is warm and welcoming, unlike mine. He'll never be alone... and as long as he's here, I don't need anyone else.)


Magnum Alexandria and Elizabeth Bathory


BGM: Zanarkand (Final Fantasy X)


Elizabeth gave a glance at the castle and wasn't amazed as she was with the previous one. She felt as if it was smaller.



Lize: So this is the castle, huh... pretty grand. Well, not like Candor's, but it's still good for a show or two.


Then, the two dragon guardians appeared. She looked at them and different from Idealis, who got a little scared, Elizabeth got amazed. Maybe it'd be because she wasn't so different from them.



Lize: Oh my, what beautiful scales you two got there! I'm impressed by it!


Lize: Anyway, shall we go inside? We need to see this Oracle or whatever and find a place for this idiot to rest.


She looked at Magnum, who was unconscious and somewhat hurt. For some reason, she felt worried. However, that certain feeling brought conflict upon Elizabeth...



Lize: (... Why am I feeling worried about him? Why is it mattering to me that Magnum's hurt? And why I have a strange feeling to head back and help Seraph?)


Lize: (I don't get it! What are those emotions?! Why am I feeling this out of a sudden?!)




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1 hour ago, A person said:


Up ahead, a large castle could be seen by the party. There appeared to be large winged creatures circling around it in the air, their roars barely reaching the ground below.


Hera: We shall be arriving at our destination shortly!


Two guards stood in front of the path to the castle, but stepped aside as if they knew who was coming. Two robed figures stood alongside them as well, both dressed in white robes with red trimming on the edges. Idealis glanced up at the creatures in the sky.


Idealis: A-are those...?



Hera: Do not be afraid! They are the guardians of this castle, so they will cause no harm to anyone unless they intend on attacking the castle or those within it!


Idealis gulped.



Idealis: I-if you s-say so...



Seth: So this is the place that the oracle resides.....

(Seth stares at the creatures in the sky)


Seth: The security seems a bit tighter than a "King and Queen" castle.

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The 2 cyber Knight's on the outside of the barrier hit their intended target and connected with their downward strikes to the weak point of the barrier. 1 of the cyber Knight's stands on the barrier and stabs it repeatedly with his charged particle sword. The other watches for oncoming attacks.

2 hours ago, A person said:

The robotic being atop the building would jump down from his high ground and send himself down at the large knight, its glowing blade threatening to insert itself into his body.



???: Argh...they got one of them!


The cyber Knight blocks the card with his shield. It explodes upon contact slowing him down a bit. Smoke flows of the side of his shield as he pushes forward slashing his sword sending another particle slash at the barrier. He charges shield in front with his sword reared back Flowing with particle energy. If he reaches the barrier he will strike the weak point. The 4 guards take cover behind cars and open fire on the barrier. 2 guards fire 2 rockets a piece and 2 guards fire their machine guns at the barrier. The Large Knights plasma shots connect with the barrier at it's weak point. The cyber Knight covering him sees the incoming attackers...



(Enemy at 12 o'clock and 6 o'clock closing fast...I have the 6!)





(Then I have the 12...)


The large Knight spins in place locks onto the barrier girl and fires a missile at her and barely has time to put his shield up from the incoming attack from the robotic attacker.



2 hours ago, A person said:

Meanwhile, the commander pulled back her sword and charged straight for the larger knight. She growled upon hearing the card slinger's words.



The cyber Knight covering the large Knight sees the girl charging and quickly sends a quick slash at the Large Black Knight standing in front of Hugh...

2 hours ago, A person said:


???: No more excuses, just focus on clearing a safe path for the remaining ones!


She swung her sword at the large knight and cyber knight, sending a blade of arcane energy at them while he was busy covering the large knight's back. Meanwhile, it seemed as though the cracks forming in the barrier were slowly repairing themselves, but the barrier girl was completely focused upon it.

...the cyber knight then rushes in front of the girl and puts his shield up to block the attack.



Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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@A person @Agni Blackheart



Yomi: Well, if they've managed to tame monsters, I say good on them. Back in our town, they're considered an eyesore and are quickly dealt with...specially the mysterious ones that keeps showing up in the Central District.


Jude: There has been attempts to capture them alive, but they can phase through anything, as if they are ghosts. Even the Magic Seals used in the Maximum Security Prison are useless. We once thought that they are just like spirits, but as I said before, the Magic Seals can't seem to contain them, nor spyrites either.


Yomi: Maybe they are like the "Noise" then?


Jude: If they were like the "Noise" we would be reduced to charcoal already.


Yomi: Aaaalright...anyway, we're getting off-topic, let's get in this castle.


10 hours ago, A person said:



Hera: However, once we arrive, I will have to depart from your group. His Majesty seemed rather...perturbed...by the topic he wished to discuss with me. I cannot guarantee that I will return afterwards as well, so do be certain that you are all sufficiently prepared to depart from here once you have finished what you were sent here for.



Yomi: (By sufficiently prepared means being ready to run from those monsters in that tundra or...Also, what topic? Of the traitor from the inside?)


10 hours ago, A person said:

CANDOR CITY: Northwestern Slums


A hole in the barrier opened up for them to exit through. A voice called out from above the buildings.



???: I'll cover you guys on your way out, just make it quick so that they can't get a lock on you!



Hugh: Quick is my MIDDLE name!!!


    Suddenly, Hugh puts Ludger in his back.



Ludger: Oh boy...This is going to shake isn't it?




   Despite the weight Hugh was carrying, he still managed to run at fast speeds. 


11 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"In and out clean. Couldn't have asked for a better result."


Flare took out his phone again and sent another message before putting it away.



"Let's get back quickly. But watch your step around here."



Hinamori: Got it!


      Yui nods in confirmation as the group enter the sewers.



Yui: Wow, you're right...This place does stink.


Hinamori: You don't seem really annoyed about it.


Yui: Where we should be going?


Hinamori: Kirimuri did say the sewers have the same layout as the city...Although, it would be safer to go to a place where we know there's an exit: The Church.


Yui: Got it.



The Walter Sisters


    Meanwhile, Dean was arriving at the entrance of the slums.



Dean: Hmmm....They don't seem to be around for once...Well, I guess that's a good thing, I never liked their ilk around here. Seriously, this place never needed those barbarians in the first place.


    Then, she stops in her tracks when she reconizes a figure from afar.



Dean: Gah! (Oh no! I completely forgot the time.)


Track: Happiness



???: Theeeeeeeere you are my dear sister.


Dean: H-Hi there, Daiane my baby sister! Are you out for shopping?


Daiane Bluna Walter: That's right, I was window shopping this place searching for you.


Dean: I-I see...And...well...Here I am.


Daiane: Now then...Might I ask you...




    She gets on all fours and starts begging, cleary afraid of her younger sister and the kind of punishment she might deal.



Daiane: Well now...you're becoming aware of your mistakes. That's a progress.


Dean: T-Then...Can I get a discount? I'm learning right? Your big sister is slowly getting better right?


Daiane: Let's see...









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44 minutes ago, Mister Fael said:


Hugh: Quick is my MIDDLE name!!!


    Suddenly, Hugh puts Ludger in his back.



Ludger: Oh boy...This is going to shake isn't it?




   Despite the weight Hugh was carrying, he still managed to run at fast speeds.


Dante watches Hugh take off with Ludger on his back.



....well, okay then.


Dante begins to follow the two while looking back at those helping him escape one final time.



Well, guess I'll catch you guys later. You better give them a hell of a beating for us!


After that, Dante begins to sprint along with Hugh and Ludger, escaping the battle sight with them.

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1 hour ago, Mister Fael said:



Yui: Where we should be going?


Hinamori: Kirimuri did say the sewers have the same layout as the city...Although, it would be safer to go to a place where we know there's an exit: The Church.


Yui: Got it.


"We'll head to the Hangout once we get back topside. The rest of you guys seemed to be meeting back there and we're going to be needing to discuss a plan of attack."



"And I wouldn't rely on these sewers to sneak into their territory. It's very likely they're guarding the entrances that lead to key areas. We were lucky they weren't covering the one near the slum's entrance."

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3 hours ago, Mister Fael said:


Hinamori: Kirimuri did say the sewers have the same layout as the city...Although, it would be safer to go to a place where we know there's an exit: The Church.


Yui: Got it.


1 hour ago, Darkflare said:


"We'll head to the Hangout once we get back topside. The rest of you guys seemed to be meeting back there and we're going to be needing to discuss a plan of attack."



"And I wouldn't rely on these sewers to sneak into their territory. It's very likely they're guarding the entrances that lead to key areas. We were lucky they weren't covering the one near the slum's entrance."


As the heroes descend into the sewers, Shadow Wolf watches from a secluded location...


(Looks like our targets have escaped. Only for a moment. I think our point was made. Once the people see that we are their protectors, we'll have no problem achieving our "other" goals as well. Heh...it seems they've even drug Darkflare into this. Just as well. Once we make our final move...the Royal Government will be involved.)


Shadow Wolf continues his reconnaissance throughout the slum...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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CANDOR CITY: Norman Bank

On 9/10/2017 at 8:48 PM, Agni Blackheart said:

Agni Artwaltz, Anna Ametrine, Rokurou Rangetsu and 5T


BGM: Mushroom Bank still playing



5T: Sure, here they are.


5T handled the coins to the banker while awaiting the results. In the meanwhile, Rokurou looked at Agni and Anna from the window.

The banker removed a viewing tool from underneath the desk and examined the coins closely.



Fancy Banker: These are very fine coins, and they are worth two-and-a-half Pompadillions each! So...


A click could be heard, and then the banker revealed a single coin worth 50 Pompadillions.



Fancy Banker: Would you prefer the amount as a whole coin, or divided into multiple coins?


CANDOR CITY: Northwestern Slums

17 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


(Enemy at 12 o'clock and 6 o'clock closing fast...I have the 6!)





(Then I have the 12...)


The large Knight spins in place locks onto the barrier girl and fires a missile at her and barely has time to put his shield up from the incoming attack from the robotic attacker.


The commander swings her sword at the incoming missile, a rainbow flash following the sword's trail which seemed to cause the missile to be deflected up into the air and into the barrier, earning a grunt from the barrier girl who was clearly already struggling with maintaining it. The robotic attacker would land his attack, however, his sword plunging through the shield as the metal around the blade turned into slag, followed by his helmet, and then his head (if he had one), the large construct taking him to the ground with it.


17 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

The cyber Knight covering the large Knight sees the girl charging and quickly sends a quick slash at the Large Black Knight standing in front of Hugh...

Unfortunately, the attack would miss both the black knight and Hugh as both had moved from their positions already.


17 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

...the cyber knight then rushes in front of the girl and puts his shield up to block the attack.



The attack was successfully blocked without issue. The commander let out a sigh as she slid to a halt in front of the other knight.



???: I must applaud your ability to cooperate with one another, so I will honor you in the best way I know.


Light shrouded her form for a moment, then a bright flash occurred, her body seemingly being replaced by that of another.



???: I suppose loosening my shackles should be sufficient. Now, fight me!


She raised her free hand and gesture for him to come to her.



???: Unless you fear your inevitable, pitiful loss, of course. There is always the choice of another spineless coward...

8 hours ago, Tony Redgrave said:



Well, guess I'll catch you guys later. You better give them a hell of a beating for us!


After that, Dante begins to sprint along with Hugh and Ludger, escaping the battle sight with them.


???: Watch for guards on your way out!




Clouds seemed to have rolled in and brought about a slow, but steady snow, but, fortunately, the guards up ahead opened the gates into the castle for them, a gust of warm wind slamming into them, causing Idealis to jump slightly before continuing on. 







It seemed as though they entered in through a moonlit library. Castle maids were hurriedly rushing to clean up the area, whilst some others were busy attempting to make the candle light brighter with more candles. Hera chuckled as she went through a doorway to the right.



Hera: I see that we have caught them off-guard...no matter; I am certain the Oracle is already waiting for us.


Idealis got suspicious, however.



Idealis: Hold on...didn't the guards already know we were coming?


Hera nodded.



Hera: That they did; it is just that the castle maids are notoriously lazy here. Some say it is because their jobs are easy, whilst the maids themselves blame it upon the mana in the air. I would not doubt the latter; some can become addicted to it, which, in turns, renders them sluggish.



Idealis: If you say so...


She wasn't willing to fully believe that, however. There was something fishy going on, to her, but she just had to find out what it was...



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