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The Roleplay Paradise Redux: Fortis Novum Mundum

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10 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

The grenades on the left and right explode releasing smoke across the battlefield. The guards switch to thermal vision and throw 4 grenades over the wall of glyphs so that they go through the open area above Ludger. The remained behind the cars they were behind.



Ludger: Squall Shot!


Ludger had memorized the position of the guards before the smoke rised again. Being more aware of their grenade heavy tactics, he did some backsteps, then fired two shots in the air. Those shots would multiply into a rain of bullets


10 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:



(You are indeed quite fast...and clever...but my missiles are a bit different...)


The 3 rockets miss but suddenly the one rocket that The large Knight shoot exploded just as it went under Hugh causing the others to explode. The Knight Fires plasma shots at Hugh while simultaneously boosting up and across the top of the area where Hugh is traveling landing on a roof.


    Knowing something like that was a possibility to happen, Hugh uses part of the spell's energy to shield his back, and so, the explosion sent him flying at high speeds and over the guards.



Hugh: Thanks for the boost stupid! I would like to stay more, but I need to fry your friends.


   Then, Hugh proceeds to run to the other street.



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10 hours ago, Mister Fael said:


Ludger: Squall Shot!


Ludger had memorized the position of the guards before the smoke rised again. Being more aware of their grenade heavy tactics, he did some backsteps, then fired two shots in the air. Those shots would multiply into a rain of bullets


The smoke still covers the area. The bullet rain hits the grenades exploding them in mid air. The shrapnel rains down on Ludger. With the glyphs gone, one guard fires at Ludger from behind a car, 2 guards around Ludger's right side using cars as cover as they move. 1 guard moves behind Ludger using cars as cover and rolls a grenade toward Ludger's let side.


Backup arrives in 1 turn.

10 hours ago, Mister Fael said:


Hugh: Thanks for the boost stupid! I would like to stay more, but I need to fry your friends.


   Then, Hugh proceeds to run to the other street.



(Fine by me...)


Backup arrives...





 4 cyber Knight's arrive. They switch to thermal vision. 2 swing their swords and and a particle slash projectile is sent at Ludger as they jump down to the ground with their shields in front. 2 cyber Knight's walk across the building the tracking Hugh.


The Large Knight fires a missile as he boosts across the top of Ludger with his shield in front shooting plasma blast at him.




Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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10 hours ago, Mister Fael said:


Ludger: Squall Shot!


Ludger had memorized the position of the guards before the smoke rised again. Being more aware of their grenade heavy tactics, he did some backsteps, then fired two shots in the air. Those shots would multiply into a rain of bullets


The smoke still covers the area. The bullet rain hits the grenades exploding them in mid air. The shrapnel rains down on Ludger. With the glyphs gone, one guard fires at Ludger from behind a car, 2 guards around Ludger's right side using cars as cover as they move. 1 guard moves behind Ludger using cars as cover and rolls a grenade toward Ludger's let side.


Backup arrives in 1 turn.

10 hours ago, Mister Fael said:


Hugh: Thanks for the boost stupid! I would like to stay more, but I need to fry your friends.


   Then, Hugh proceeds to run to the other street.



(Fine by me...)


Backup arrives...





 4 cyber Knight's arrive. They switch to thermal vision. 2 swing their swords and and a particle slash projectile is sent at Ludger as they jump down to the ground with their shields in front. 2 cyber Knight's walk across the building the tracking Hugh.


The Large Knight fires a missile as he boosts across the top of Ludger with his shield in front of him, shooting plasma blast at Ludger.




Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Ludger feels the power of Kresnik flowing through him again.


Track: For the sake of Mutual Proof



Ludger: I've made a promise...that I would take Elle back to her world...I can't fall here! NEVER!!!




   Ludger managed to shorten the transformation time through sheer force of will. It helped him survive the incoming onslaught of attacks, but then, he kneeled in pain, his transformation almost running out from the damage absorbed.



Hugh: LUDS!!!


Ludger: Hugh! Nice timing! The greater number of guards are in that position!


Hugh: Alright then...Good job holding them off...THIS ENDS NOW!!! INDIGNATION!!!



Hugh conjures a gigantic lightining bolt that explodes in a massive area. If the attack was sucesfull, the group would have enough space to retreat.



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5 hours ago, Mister Fael said:

Ludger feels the power of Kresnik flowing through him again.


Track: For the sake of Mutual Proof



Ludger: I've made a promise...that I would take Elle back to her world...I can't fall here! NEVER!!!




   Ludger managed to shorten the transformation time through sheer force of will. It helped him survive the incoming onslaught of attacks, but then, he kneeled in pain, his transformation almost running out from the damage absorbed.



Hugh: LUDS!!!


Ludger: Hugh! Nice timing! The greater number of guards are in that position!


Hugh: Alright then...Good job holding them off...THIS ENDS NOW!!! INDIGNATION!!!



Hugh conjures a gigantic lightining bolt that explodes in a massive area. If the attack was sucesfull, the group would have enough space to retreat.



(That was reckless...)


The attack was devistating. I hit the four guards and caused the cars they were hiding behind to explode as well. But because of the nature of the attack Ludger was as caught in the blast as well as the cars exploded around him. The 2 cyber Knight's on the ground were not very close to the attack but were pushed back. However, they where protected from the blast and debris by their shields. They both immediately slashed their swords at Ludger sending another particle slash projectile.


When it was clear to move closer into battle, 2 cyber Knight's were still on the roof. 1 of the cyber Knight's still on the roof shot a particle slash. The other moved closer to Hugh. The large Knight jumps down and stands between Hugh and Ludger. He stands sideways as he pointed his sheild at Hugh and his rifle at Ludger but does not fire. He instead locks on to Ludger and fires a rocket at Ludger.


Backup arrives...



Two guards with rocket launcher arrive and take cover behind a car. They both lock on and fire 1 rocket a piece at Ludger.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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5 hours ago, Mister Fael said:

Ludger feels the power of Kresnik flowing through him again.


Track: For the sake of Mutual Proof



Ludger: I've made a promise...that I would take Elle back to her world...I can't fall here! NEVER!!!




   Ludger managed to shorten the transformation time through sheer force of will. It helped him survive the incoming onslaught of attacks, but then, he kneeled in pain, his transformation almost running out from the damage absorbed.



Hugh: LUDS!!!


Ludger: Hugh! Nice timing! The greater number of guards are in that position!


Hugh: Alright then...Good job holding them off...THIS ENDS NOW!!! INDIGNATION!!!



Hugh conjures a gigantic lightining bolt that explodes in a massive area. If the attack was sucesfull, the group would have enough space to retreat.

Double post


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Agni Artwaltz, Rokurou Rangetsu and 5T



Agni: W-What kind of question is that?! Why do you need to involve massages with androids?!


Rokurou: I don't think that was such a bad question. Sounded rather normal to me.


Agni: Didn't you got the meaning behind the- never mind, I won't bother explaining it...


While Rokurou was feeling rather normal with the question, Agni got embarassed for 5T. As for the android, he was just direct and blunt to answer Kirimuri.



5T: ... I can definitely see the type of guy you are... and no, I'm not programmed to do that. Even if I was, either you wouldn't want it or I wouldn't do it.


Rokurou: Whoa, that's a blunt response.


Agni: Well, for a question like that, I don't blame him... that much. Still, that was kinda blunt...


5T: Also, can you please tell me your name? If I'm to work with you, I don't think you want me referring to you as "perverted oriental-looking human with second interests".


Rokurou: Even harsher and direct... he just went directly into a honor stab...


Agni: Guess our group has a lot of different personalities... I don't know if that's good or bad anymore...


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"Whoops, excuse my rudeness and lack of thoroughness. I only wanted to confirm that you're not from the Hangout. I just got one nice back massage earlier from one of the android maids."



"Well, I go with the pseudonym Kirimuri. Early 20's. Can speak 3 different languages, potentially 4. Call me Kirimuri, Kiri, perverted-bloke-from-the-far-east or whatever. I don't give two damns or a fuck. Anyways, nice to meet you."


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Agni Artwaltz, Rokurou Rangetsu, 5T and Melina



5T: *sigh* Seems like our cooperation won't go well... we do play the same coin, anyway, since I also don't care if you're interested on taking me seriously or if you're going to make fun of me because I'm don't have the same sense of humor you do.


Agni: 5T... c'mon...


5T: I know, I know, I'm being blunt, disrespectful and stupid, I'll stop and apologize to you, Kirimuri and I never meant any offense... but I'm not lying about how things won't steer too well between us both right now. After all, I'm just a serious living lump of metal.


Rokurou: That was unnecessary and you're clearly not a kid. Well, you and Agni do look like you're 14, though...


Agni and 5T: What?! I'm 19!


Rokurou: Hahaha! You even sound the same!


As 5T and Agni groaned, the Pod began to analyze the latter, Rokurou and Kirimuri.


Pod: All basic data about Agni Artwaltz, Rokurou Rangetsu and Kirimuri have been registered. Specifics are still unknown.


Agni: Now I noticed this little thing flying. What exactly is it?


5T: That's Pod. He's somewhat an assistant. He only obeys to my orders though.

Pod: I am currently assigned to assist Unit 5T. It is a pleasure to make acquaintances. Proposal: Unit 5T should follow Agni Artwaltz, Rokurou Rangetsu and Kirimuri to collect specific data for tactical uses.


Agni: Specific data?


5T: ... Just ignore it. This thing can be really annoying sometimes...


Rokurou: Well, if that's the case... can we go...?


5T: Alright then. Lead the way and I'll follow.


Agni and Rokurou began to walk as 5T followed them. The android was rather interested on knowing them, but not for the same reasons as the Pod proposed. Meanwhile, Melina returned from another street. She looked at them leaving.



Melina: (Where are they heading? Also, who is that fourth person?)


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On 9/8/2017 at 10:00 PM, Agni Blackheart said:

Audience Team



Seraph: Any assistance is welcome. If we ever need you, I'll make sure to inform it.


Lize: Then we're done with this whole burial issue. Can we move on to the Oracle?


Lize: And let's be quick before Magnum ends up fainting on us.


Magnum: I'm completely... fine...! Don't worry... about me...!


Lize: Your legs are talking the inverse, you idiot.

Hera put away her tome and runeblade, then started to lead the way out of the cemetery.



Hera: Very well, Mistress Bathory! Fortunately, the castle in which he resides is due northwest from here, so we shall arrive quickly.


Idealis quickly followed behind her, obviously wanting to get out of there as fast as possible. Enkidu did pique her interest, however.



Idealis: Is everyone in this place like him? I sure hope not...I think our party's as big as it needs to be as it is!



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Dante brings out a suitcase, but it turns out that it's more than it seems. The suitcase, called Pandora, transforms into a missile battery. Dante fires a wave of missiles that home in on a few different targets in different directions. Due to being performed while Devil Trigger is activated, the power of the projectiles are increased. The main people targeted are the two backup guards now hiding behind a car, and the two cyber knights on the ground level.


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CANDOR CITY: Northwestern Slums



???: Barrier! NOW!



???: Ooooon iiiiiit!


BGM: Showdown


In a flash, a dome of arcane energy formed around the area, blocking off Joseph, but trapping Dante, Hugh, and Ludger within it. The rockets shot at Ludger from the two guards would be blocked by the barrier, causing it to flash twice and for a hairline fracture to appear where they hit. A series of cards seemed to be thrown in Ludger's direction, but one hit the rocket coming at him, causing it to explode in the air. The others missed him entirely, a series of blasts being seen upon the back of the barrier. 



???: Can't miss when you have a lot of chances to hit...


Another being launched itself in front of Hugh, seeming to block the particle slashes coming at him with a large sword similar to the ones the royal guards had.



???: Concern. Situation is unfavorable for target's quarry. Suggestion: Escape the area.


A woman wielding a sword dashed out from behind a building and slid between Ludger and the cyber knights, swinging her blade skillfully to knock away both of the particle slashes. She glanced back at Ludger.



???: You idiots need to get out of here right now! More are coming, and it's not going to be pretty if you stick around any longer!


Another ran over to Dante, huffing as she did so. She then noticed the barrage of missiles.



???: Whoaaaaa, don't do thaaaaat!


She held out a hand, throwing up a rectangular arcane barrier to block the missiles flying everywhere.



???: That's just gonna raise more attention! You gotta go, buddy! Like, right now! 


She looked like she was struggling to maintain the barrier.

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 After getting his wound tended to Kiryu walks out of the medical clinic still a bit sore around the lower back area. he then meets Kyo is waiting outside


Kyo: well you look a lot better they must have knew what they were doing in there. so what happened to going to that "warriors hangout" place?"


Kiryu: this place was closer....besides I don't really know the way back from here I could try to retrace my steps.....


Kyo: meh its not  like we need to go there anyway also I heard a commotion over the other side of town a couple of explosions too seems like quite the party


Kiryu: well that does sound serious..wonder what happened.....well regardless we probably shou-

Just as Kiryu was about to finish his sentence Morrigan pops up out of seemingly nowhere


Morrigan: yes it does look exiting doesn't it


Kyo: who is the chick with the huge rack and bat wings? (and where the hell did she come from)


Morrigan: my name is Morrigan are you one of Kiryu's friends also I'm a succubus


Kiryu: Good grief Morrigan don't just appear out of nowhere like that. and do you really think you should be telling everyone you meet you are a succubus?. it could go really wrong if you told the wrong person


Kyo: a Succubus huh? that's interesting and don't worry man I wont flip out I already know how strong she by looking at her (and she is pretty damn strong)


Morrigan: well you more common sense than I thought I must admit although you do seem capable of handling yourse-

Morrigan quickly turns around and stares down the street with a surprised look on her face. seeing this Kiryu then asks


Kiryu: oi Morrigan are you alright? you just suddenly did a 180 mid sentence


Morrigan: oh its nothing...I just thought I heard someone calling my name is all (what was that presence I felt just then it was....enormous but was it evil? I couldn't really tell damn it)

 Kiryu stares at Morrigan then lets out a deep sigh Kyo lets out a slight chuckle


Kyo: say we should probably get out of here before we get in trouble for loitering or some bs heh


Kiryu: sounds like a plan...you aren't gonna fly off again are ya Morrigan? heh


Morrigan: no I'm done sight seeing at least for the moment haha

The three of them start walking out of the alleyway and into the street they begin going towards a nice marketplace  with various shops and a huge water fountain in the middle

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Audience Team



Lize: Glad that we can go along now.


Seraph: Magnum, give me your shoulder. I'll help you walk.


Magnum: Yes... thanks, Sir...


They followed Idealis and Hera as they walked towards the castle where the Oracle was residing. The topic of the conversation was Enkidu, the mysterious man that appeared to offer prayers.



Lize: Well, I do agree. That Enkidu guy was so weird... but this place's like some sort of Caster conglomeration...


Seraph: Weird or not, he's offering his help. Turning it down will cost us one moment or another.


Lize: We already have enough people. Besides, he's a complete stranger. Don't tell me that you can't refute people because you're an angel and you can't commit a single sin...


Seraph: ... Do it as you wish then. Don't complain if you end up like Edward because your pride spoke higher.


Lize: H-Hey, I was just doing a commentary!


Seraph: Our conversation is over, Elizabeth. Keep walking quietly or talk with someone else.


While carrying Magnum, Seraph distanced himself from Elizabeth. He firmly believed that refusing Enkidus aid would bring consequences, but decided to not comment anymore. He knew that just because he's a General in Heaven doesn't mean he orders on others.



Lize: Harsh... geez, I can't believe someone like him can have a brother like Agni. They're so different...


Agni Artwaltz, Rokurou Rangetsu, 5T


After a quick walk, they reached the exchange store once again. It wasn't that far and Agni had the route memorized.



Agni: And here we are.


Rokurou: Alright, so all that we have to do is to give them the coins and we'll get the cash, right?


5T: Of course not. They'll check the coins before giving the exact amount.


Rokurou: Oh, right. Well, I guess we'll have to go in and-

???: Agni!


As they looked, a white-dressed girl with wings looked at them. She seemed in verge of tears...



Rokurou: Wow, that's a beautiful girl...


5T: That's something among Kirimuri's lines... that aside, do you know her, Agni?


Agni: Anna?!


Hearing him calling her, Anna ran to him and immediately jumped into his shoulder, hugging Agni tightly and breaking into tears.



Anna: I was... so worried... *sob*... you left and never told me where you were going...


Agni: *hugs Anna* I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I got desperate and just left, it's true. I never meant to make you get worried, I swear.

Anna: I know... *sniff*... I know. I guess I... got too worried as well...


Agni: It's your right to get worried when your husband suddenly leaves without giving any warning.


Rokurou: (Wow... he got himself a good catch. Lucky kid.)


5T: (So they are married. I think I won't indulge more into it. I don't understand a feeling such as "love" either.)


Agni: But haven't we already talked about this? You shouldn't be leaving home alone. You're the Goddess of Healing, Revenant should be with you.


Rokurou and 5T: (A goddess?!)


Anna: ... I think I was like you. Desperate, wishing to see you soon... if I could at least see your smile, it would have been enough for me.


Agni: Liar. You wouldn't be satisfied with just a smile... well, neither I would in this case.


Anna: Hehe. I believe you are right.


Although the scene was something to watch, 5T began to pull Rokurou and Kirimuri with him.



5T: ... We saw enough, c'mon.

Rokurou: Eh? But shouldn't we wait-


5T: Leave them be, it's their moment. C'mon, we can't waste time.


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1 hour ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Audience Team



Lize: Glad that we can go along now.


Seraph: Magnum, give me your shoulder. I'll help you walk.


Magnum: Yes... thanks, Sir...


They followed Idealis and Hera as they walked towards the castle where the Oracle was residing. The topic of the conversation was Enkidu, the mysterious man that appeared to offer prayers.



Lize: Well, I do agree. That Enkidu guy was so weird... but this place's like some sort of Caster conglomeration...


Seraph: Weird or not, he's offering his help. Turning it down will cost us one moment or another.


Lize: We already have enough people. Besides, he's a complete stranger. Don't tell me that you can't refute people because you're an angel and you can't commit a single sin...


Seraph: ... Do it as you wish then. Don't complain if you end up like Edward because your pride spoke higher.


Lize: H-Hey, I was just doing a commentary!


Seraph: Our conversation is over, Elizabeth. Keep walking quietly or talk with someone else.


While carrying Magnum, Seraph distanced himself from Elizabeth. He firmly believed that refusing Enkidus aid would bring consequences, but decided to not comment anymore. He knew that just because he's a General in Heaven doesn't mean he orders on others.



Lize: Harsh... geez, I can't believe someone like him can have a brother like Agni. They're so different...

Hearing Seraph's commentary on the matter seemed to annoy Idealis. She let out a sigh. It appeared that even angels needed to learn lessons. She whipped around and pointed her katars at Seraph.



Idealis: Tell me, Seraph; has an ally ever turned on you? Perhaps they left you in the dark in your time of need? Maybe stabbed you in the back when the battle was in your favor? Or maybe even decided to aid the enemy while you weren't aware and ruined your plans entirely?


Hera gasped and, instinctively, withdrew her runeblade.



Hera: Mistress Furtivus, what do you think you are doing?!


Idealis glared at Hera.



Idealis: What else? I'm teaching him something important.



Hera: Do not be so foolish! This is no-



Idealis: Either he learns now or regrets it later, and I'm not allowing the latter to happen.



Hera: Then, if you try anything, I will be-



Idealis: Forced to kill me, I know. But even if it kills me, he's going to learn, dammit!



Idealis: (And besides, at this distance, it wouldn't take long for us to resolve any violent conflict...)



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Audience Team


Seth: (Enkidu... Your intentions seemed to have change. But why?)

39 minutes ago, A person said:

Hearing Seraph's commentary on the matter seemed to annoy Idealis. She let out a sigh. It appeared that even angels needed to learn lessons. She whipped around and pointed her katars at Seraph.



Idealis: Tell me, Seraph; has an ally ever turned on you? Perhaps they left you in the dark in your time of need? Maybe stabbed you in the back when the battle was in your favor? Or maybe even decided to aid the enemy while you weren't aware and ruined your plans entirely?


Hera gasped and, instinctively, withdrew her runeblade.



Hera: Mistress Furtivus, what do you think you are doing?!


Idealis glared at Hera.



Idealis: What else? I'm teaching him something important.



Hera: Do not be so foolish! This is no-



Idealis: Either he learns now or regrets it later, and I'm not allowing the latter to happen.



Hera: Then, if you try anything, I will be-



Idealis: Forced to kill me, I know. But even if it kills me, he's going to learn, dammit!



Idealis: (And besides, at this distance, it wouldn't take long for us to resolve any violent conflict...)




Seth: Is teaching him a lesson more important than our objective?

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Just now, Sinjik said:

Audience Team


Seth: (Enkidu... Your intentions seemed to have change. But why?)


Seth: Is teaching him a lesson more important than our objective?


Idealis: How are we going to complete it if we're dead or dying because of our "new ally"?

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2 minutes ago, A person said:


Idealis: How are we going to complete it if we're dead or dying because of our "new ally"?


Seth: I wouldn't trust this "new ally" so easily. I'm cutting his throat if he ever tries something. And even with the knowledge your giving Seraph, I don't think we can prepare for the "inevitable." This place has proved to be a battleground. IT'S BAD ENOUGH THAT ALL OF US WAS DRAGGED FROM THE PLACES WE ONCE KNEW, JUST TO SAVE THIS ONE, WITHOUT A GUARANTEE OF SURVIVAL!

(Seth stood with his head down taking in heavy breaths)

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Audience Team



Lize: Nemesis, calm down. You're letting something so petty bother you.


Magnum: He... he did! More times... than you know...!


Magnum stood in front of Seraph and even if he had not much strength, he held one of her katars with his hand.


Magnum: We went on a mission to... hunt a monster... and when we reached the target, our whole squad... turned against him! Not only I had to watch and be unable to help... but I saw him fighting against all of... them and the demon... alone...!


Seraph: (Magnum... to think you would rise your voice for me...)


Magnum: I know... the scars he bears for... all of us angels. Sir Seraph is... cold... and he may not be the friendliest person ever... but I know him in battle and... he knows what he's doing...!


Magnum: I won't let you... insult someone like him...!


Seraph: Enough, Magnum. Don't overstep your boundaries.


Seraph took the front this time. He stared at Nemesis, not raising his weapon against her.



Seraph: I know betrayal, I know backstabbing... after all, the most feared and hated figure in Heaven would know well.


Lize: Wait... hated? Feared? But aren't you the First General or something like that?

Seraph: Between both Generals, I'm hated and feared while Agni isn't. If I had to count the times something like that have happened... I'd have stopped at 59.


Magnum: 59?! I... didn't knew that... the number was that high...


Lize: Then why do you keep trusting people so much? I don't get it. Betrayed 59 times and you're still willing to believe on people?!


Seraph: There was a time I stopped believing. At that time, I was on a war with Agni in the world of humans. I killed so many enemies, but my sword also killed so many innocents... if he wasn't there to stop me, I'd have razed a whole town because I believed they were soldiers as well.


Magnum: But there was... something he said... that changed your... mind, right?


Seraph: "Even if I'm backstabbed, even if I'm betrayed, I won't quit on believing on people. I may be called as naive, as an idiot but I'm not changing my mind. I'll keep giving my belief, even if the other person doesn't. Its heart might change one day and my death might bring a chance for them to regret their choices. I'll kill them outside of my sword."


Lize: That's something Agni would say alright.


Seraph sighed. He already knew he wouldn't convince anyone with his story, neither tht would change the way they would think about Enkidu.



Seraph: ... Well, I'll leave you to your judgement. You're free to hate me. I don't mind it. If even my soldiers hate me, fear me and betray me... but I'll still help you get back to your own world. I swore to do that, after all;


He walked away, going in the direction Hera was leading. Magnum released



Magnum: ... You have a... misconcepted vision of us... if you think that... we uphold in virtue... or something like that...


Magnum: We're sinners... just like you all... and our forgiveness... won't come. Our judgement in... the end won't be... so easy.


Lize: ... Look, you can't blame her. Angels are people coming from the glorious, oh majestical Heaven with the frilly gods and what not. Having you all understand humans is something hard to believe.


Magnum: ... I see... so that's how... it works... then. Alright... I got it...

Lize: Magnum?


Magnum: ... I don't feel... like talking... I'll stay quiet from now on... and just go on... ahead.


Lize: Idiot, you can't even walk! Here, I'll be kind this time and help you-


Magnum: Don't... touch me... I'm not... like you.


Weak and tumbling as he could, Magnum followed Seraph. He was irritated at how misconcepted they were and how they were judging ahead of even thinking about anything.



Lize: ... Really, I think the only angel I can like is Agni. Those two are beginning to get on my nerves somehow.


Agni Artwaltz and Anna Ametrine


Anna finally got back up and just held his hands. They were exchanging smiles. Then, Anna looked at him, serious



Anna: I... want to help you somehow. I cannot risk myself on the front lines, but I wish so much to be useful.


Agni: Maybe we can ask Mr. Darkflare if you could work at the Warrior's Hangout.


Anna: The Warrior's... Hangout?


Agni: Yeah. It's a place that helps us with training. There's a clinic there, so I think you can help with magical issues, since we don't have anyone with the expertise. My Cura won't save us all the time.


Anna: Well... I have second feeling against it... mainly because I feel I will become a hindrance. But I will go along with your idea.


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