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The Roleplay Paradise Redux: Fortis Novum Mundum

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1 hour ago, Darkflare said:


"The slums.... So Flare-sama must have known something about that broadcast earlier to have headed over there."



"I'm certain he'll be fine. He should contact if he experiences any trouble. Now then, I believe you've come here for your massage?"





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4 minutes ago, Darkflare said:


Once the two arrived in the room, the mecha maid turned toward Kirimuri


"Is there a particular method you wanted?"



"Not really. But recently I've been getting recurrent pain in the lower-left part of my back... Sometimes my shoulders hurt too due to the fact that I have to constantly wear a heavy backpack. It would be nice if you could concentrate on these parts."


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6 minutes ago, DuckMannnn said:



"Not really. But recently I've been getting recurrent pain in the lower-left part of my back... Sometimes my shoulders hurt too due to the fact that I have to constantly wear a heavy backpack. It would be nice if you could concentrate on these parts."


"Understood. Please lie down and relax. I must warn that there may be some discomfort during the process."



"I also advise that you consider packing lighter. Your body clearly cannot withstand so much weight at once."

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4 minutes ago, Darkflare said:


"Understood. Please lie down and relax. I must warn that there may be some discomfort during the process."



"I also advise that you consider packing lighter. Your body clearly cannot withstand so much weight at once."



"I know... I have this bad habit of bringing almost everything..."


Kirimuri approaches the bed and lies down in a prone position. He pulls out his MP3 and listens to music.




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14 hours ago, Tony Redgrave said:


The best way to handle this is to make a break for it! So, whaddya say? I mean, it's not like leaving was our original plan until moments ago, anyways!


Two guards roll grenades towards Joseph while behind a blue car.

14 hours ago, Mister Fael said:


Hugh: Good! I was needing some stress buster! Justice Thunder!!!


      Hugh fired a thunder bolt from his finger to the sky, making it fall at a group of guards, causing a big explosion.


3 guards are knocked down from the explosion. They recover take cover behind a  red car. The 8 of other guards spread out while firing at Hugh. 2 guards cook grenades as they run behind a green car. One tosses them behind Dante the other just in front Hugh.

14 hours ago, Tony Redgrave said:


Alright, now's the time. But be quick, this doesn't last too long.


2 guards fired while two other guards tossed grenades. One on the far right one on the far left.

13 hours ago, Mister Fael said:


Ludger: Alright, here I come!


    Then, he uses a move called Dark Projection in order to warp to a group of guards that Hugh didn't fire a spell at, then he punches the ground, causing a large shockwave.


4 of the guards that spread out to attack Hugh are caught I the shockwave. They crawl on the ground and try to recover.


More Guards could be seen in the distance...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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16 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


5T: (... They will know the truth. Rokurou is out. Even if I'm not going to get away he's going to tell them everything... or at least I hope so.)


5T continued to flee. However, he was going into the direction of a trap laid out to him.


2 of the guards lay in wait near the previously mentioned abandoned building. They were different from the others. Slightly more durable armor. The were equipped with radar and sonar jammers. The were here holding smg's but switched to RPG'S once 5T came into view. These RPG'S were equiped with 4 rockets that will lock onto its target. With the other guards still on his tail, 5T was trapped. The two guards fired the RPG'S. They both locked onto 5T  and fired 2 small rockets a piece.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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BGM: Bipolar Nightmare still playing


5T tried to defend himself against the rockets but ended up being caught in the explosions. The effect of the jammers were disrupting his signals.



5T: Damnit... these jammers are messing with all of my signals...!!

Pod: Alert: Unit 5T is close to great wave... signals... Prop... 5T should......


5T: Pod?! Pod, respond!!


Even if they were close, their communication signals were cut off because of the jammers. 5T wasn't able to issue orders to Pod unless he got away from the jamming. He kept evading the bullets as much as he could in this cornered situation.



5T: Damnit, you jammers. Stop messing with me!


Instead of strategically escaping, 5T gripped on his sword and charged onwards, while holding the Pod with his other arm. He went towards the guards, ready to break through.


Audience Team


BGM: Forceful Step (Under Night IN-Birth Exe: Late[st])


They backed off once the rabbits began to attack.



Lize: Seriously?! A battle in this freaking cold?!


Seraph: Now's not the time to complain. Get used to the terrain and fight!


Magnum: I'm feeling pumped! Let's blast those things! Ruin!


Magnum shot a sphere of magic near a rabbit. It began to condense air, preparing to release it into a blast. If the creature went blindly at it, it's be launched in the air by the blast.



Lize: Hey, little raaaaabbits~ I'm gonna skewer you!


Elizabeth blinked at them while throwing her lance between her legs at one rabbit.



Seraph: (My moves won't work well... I have to be prepared...!)


Seraph: Type 0: Flash!


Seraph proceeds with a quick sword-draw slash towards another rabbit. Once hitting, he would connect with another move.


Agni Artwaltz, Rokurou Rangetsu and Melina


After Kirimuri's abrupt leaving, she went back to the lobby. Melina wasn't mad at him, since she knew he wanted something like that for a long time. She saw Elle playing with Rollo, who didn't looked very happy with the situation.



Melina: (That sort of childish innocence... one that I will never have. She might as well make the fullest of it...)


Suddenly, the door opened and Agni and Rokurou came in.



Agni: Excuse me.


Melina: Oh... it is you. One of the angels.


Agni: Melina...


Rokurou: Hey, there's two little kids in here. How are you doing, little girl?


Melina: ... Please, do not mock me.


Agni: I'm sure he didn't meant it that way... probably...


Agni: Anyway, where's Mr. Flare? I thought he would be here and I have good info about the slums.


Melina: He left with Miss Hinamori to the slums. And now that I think about it, here you are... without the others.


Rokurou: Well, you see, what happened is that-


Melina: As expected from a warrior of the gods. A human life and nothing are equal values to the likes of you.


Agni: Don't compare me with the angels at your world. I'm different from them... and I don't have any intention to leave humans to die.


Melina: If that is so true, then where are the others? If you follow your "different" philosophy, you would never have returned alone. After all, everyone knows the slums are no longer a safe place to even get close.


Agni: They stood behind! I tried to get them out but they decided not to follow me!


Agni: More importantly, who are you to condescend me like that? You, a princess that abandoned her whole kingdom to death!


Rokurou: H-Hey, calm down, you're making a ruckus here...


Melina: Please, my ties with Bariura had ended that day. At the very least, I never have even demonstrated a single bit of false kindness to anyone... unlike you.


Agni: What?!


Melina: You entice others with your sweet words... you seek nothing but attention. It irritates me how they can blindly put their trust into someone like you. Gather the slaves and then throw their lives at the lion's den. That is what you did.


Agni: You little... go look yourself into a mirror! You play the innofensive child towards the rest, but I know the intents you hide behind those knifes. Your history, your past... I know all of it, Melina. Your ties with Bariura ended because you deliberately cut them, not because you were forced to, like you keep saying to the rest!


Rokurou (He's... actually mad, I suppose...)


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On a sudden moment, one of the mecha maids got in between Agni and Melina.



"You two are making so much noise, keep it down."



"From what I've heard it appears that you both are jumping to conclusions before having all the evidence at hand. If you would allow me to make a suggestion, might I recommend taking a cooperative trial? I believe Flare-sama would suggest the same."

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2 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


5T: Damnit, you jammers. Stop messing with me!


Instead of strategically escaping, 5T gripped on his sword and charged onwards, while holding the Pod with his other arm. He went towards the guards, ready to break through.




5T failed to detect or evade the rockets the guards shot at him. It was his last mistake. The 4 rockets homed in on 5T exploding on impact. He...and his pod are blown into pieces. His body parts scatter across the surrounding area. The ground now covered in fire and debris...the two guards approach the detached head. It sat in the middle of the street. Some visible signs of functionality remained. But they were only glitched spasms and jarred fascial expressions. Suddenly a figure jumps from the abandoned building and lands right behind the two guards. It was a couple of stories high but he landed as if he didn't feel a thing. He slowly walks up to the remains of 5T...





his name...SHADOW WOLF. He walks past the 2 guards and kneels down in front of 5T's head...


Hello, YoRHa No. 5 Type T. I'm sure you don't remember me. You've been so busy with your...little bot and dedicated to doing whatever the HELL YOU WANT...that you don't have time to make many friends. Heh...maybe that slacker Rokurou...but he's just as traitorous as you are. A robot...designed by humans...to HATE other robots. You my friend...are irony personified. But what do you care...you don't understand a word I'm saying.


He laughs maniacally as he leans in and pulls a damaged computer chip from 5T's head...


Hmm...ah yes...you OS Chip. Can't have that lingering around...


He crushes it in his hand and tosses the pieces down a sewage drain...he then contacts Ocelot...


YoRHa No. 5 Type T is down...kill confirmed. I'll continue to search for the others. I'll report any changes. Over.



Good... continue with your mission. Out.


Shadow Wolf and his guards move on leaving behind the resting place of YoRHa No. 5 Type T...


... meanwhile LightFlare notices that the number of guards have drastically increased....



Guys..I know we all want to find the guy who killed Kyosuke, but it's starting to look like we are in too deep. I sense a lovely of danger that is more than we bargained for. We aren't to far in and already the number of guards has risen drastically. And with the Martial Law, these guys aren't going to be holding back now. The concentration of guards seems to increase the further north we go. They must be literally spilling out to the facility. We need to double back. It's your choice my friends...


LightFlare turns around and leaves heading for the exit. He also begins to realize that he cannot return home now but he has to stay alive. That's his first priority for now...










Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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On 9/4/2017 at 10:26 PM, Agni Blackheart said:

Audience Team


BGM: Forceful Step (Under Night IN-Birth Exe: Late[st])


They backed off once the rabbits began to attack.



Lize: Seriously?! A battle in this freaking cold?!


Seraph: Now's not the time to complain. Get used to the terrain and fight!


Magnum: I'm feeling pumped! Let's blast those things! Ruin!


Magnum shot a sphere of magic near a rabbit. It began to condense air, preparing to release it into a blast. If the creature went blindly at it, it's be launched in the air by the blast.

The creature appeared to be wiser than the average prey, and proceeded to hop to the right of the sphere before continuing its approach towards Magnum, its ears bounding backwards menacingly.


On 9/4/2017 at 10:26 PM, Agni Blackheart said:



Lize: Hey, little raaaaabbits~ I'm gonna skewer you!


Elizabeth blinked at them while throwing her lance between her legs at one rabbit.

The rabbit would be struck by the lance, causing it to let out a shriek and reel backwards. Behind them, more clouds of snow rose up as if triggered by the rabbit's pain, five more creatures revealing themselves with growls.








The creatures began to charge specifically at Elizabeth, displaying incredible speed. Idealis called out to her after standing up and revealing her katars.



Idealis: Lizzy, behind you!


On 9/4/2017 at 10:26 PM, Agni Blackheart said:



Seraph: (My moves won't work well... I have to be prepared...!)


Seraph: Type 0: Flash!


Seraph proceeds with a quick sword-draw slash towards another rabbit. Once hitting, he would connect with another move.

The rabbit let out a shriek as it was hit, a loud, deep roar echoing through the snowfield. Hera gasped.



Hera: We must flee, Masters and Mistresses! NOW! Come; I shall ensure our escape! 


She raised her runeblade, winds replacing the flames that once licked the enchanted metal. Idealis didn't hesitate to run by her. She obviously saw something that made her spine melt away.



Idealis: Right, let's make it suuuuuuuper quiiiiiick!


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51 minutes ago, A person said:

The rabbit let out a shriek as it was hit, a loud, deep roar echoing through the snowfield. Hera gasped.



Hera: We must flee, Masters and Mistresses! NOW! Come; I shall ensure our escape! 


She raised her runeblade, winds replacing the flames that once licked the enchanted metal. Idealis didn't hesitate to run by her. She obviously saw something that made her spine melt away.



Idealis: Right, let's make it suuuuuuuper quiiiiiick!



These things are more intelligent than expected. I knew I should have killed it before they ever had a chance to attack.

(Seth starts to flee with the rest of the group)

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51 minutes ago, A person said:

The rabbit let out a shriek as it was hit, a loud, deep roar echoing through the snowfield. Hera gasped.



Hera: We must flee, Masters and Mistresses! NOW! Come; I shall ensure our escape! 


She raised her runeblade, winds replacing the flames that once licked the enchanted metal. Idealis didn't hesitate to run by her. She obviously saw something that made her spine melt away.



Idealis: Right, let's make it suuuuuuuper quiiiiiick!



These things are more intelligent than expected. I knew I should have killed it before they ever had a chance to attack.

(Seth starts to flee with the rest of the group)

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She watched all the scene from a rift. In this warped space, the girl in her throne watched as chaos seemed to rampage throughout the worlds.



???: Poor 5T, destroyed without even being able to complete what he wanted to do. Another revenge lost in the wind.


???: Well, at least I know what use he will have for my wish. After all, not everything is lost...


Soon, beings came bringing some parts of a humanoid creature. Those belonged to another 5T model, the last whose parts were in good shape to be used.



???: Well, I'll just have to build this new model and put him to work. They won't even know about it... hehehe...


Audience Team


BGM: Forceful Step still playing



Lize: Eeeeek!!


She jumped backwards evading their charge. Soon, they heard Hera and saw the others rushing ahead.



Seraph: This isn't good. You two, let's go! Quickly!


Lize: Running?! OK, I'm super into this!!


Magnum; Right behind you!


They began to follow the rest, trying to escape the ambush of the creatures.


Agni Artwaltz, Rokurou Rangetsu and Melina



Agni: M-My bad... it wasn't my intention to make this ruckus here...


Melina: ...


Agni: And about that cooperative trial, I don't mind doing it.


Melina: I refuse.


Melina looked fiercely at Agni. She had no intention of being friendly with him because of who he is.



Melina: For me, it does not matter from where you came, you are an angel, warrior of the gods. I will never believe in you. Still, I will cooperate because of reasons, but I do not plan to make friendly relations with the likes of you.


Agni: ...


Melina: I will head out. It seems like my presence here is really unrequited. Kirimuri, if I were you, I would be wary of him and of the other two. Knowing my story, you are able to understand why.


Melina left. Dividing the same space with Agni would only cause problems for her.



Rokurou: Well, she's a feisty one, isn't she...


Agni: I'm not getting her trust so soon, that's a fact...


Rokurou: Heh, seems like you're not popular with the girls.


Agni: D-Don't start that sort of conversation! I'm married!


Rokurou: Married?!


Agni: (Why the hell did I opened my mouth about my marriage again?!)


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On 04/09/2017 at 0:41 PM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

3 guards are knocked down from the explosion. They recover take cover behind a  red car. The 8 of other guards spread out while firing at Hugh. 2 guards cook grenades as they run behind a green car. One tosses them behind Dante the other just in front Hugh.



Hugh: (Grenades again.)


    In order to avoid them, Hugh proceeded to quickly dart through the battlefield in order to attack a faraway guard, then, he proceeded to do the same to more guards while moving too quick for the bullets to hit him. 


On 04/09/2017 at 0:41 PM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

4 of the guards that spread out to attack Hugh are caught I the shockwave. They crawl on the ground and try to recover.


More Guards could be seen in the distance...



Ludger: (As I expected.) Haaaaa!!!


       He used Dark Projection to warp to another group of guards, then blasted a powered up Azure Edge at them. 


11 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


... meanwhile LightFlare notices that the number of guards have drastically increased....



Guys..I know we all want to find the guy who killed Kyosuke, but it's starting to look like we are in too deep. I sense a lovely of danger that is more than we bargained for. We aren't to far in and already the number of guards has risen drastically. And with the Martial Law, these guys aren't going to be holding back now. The concentration of guards seems to increase the further north we go. They must be literally spilling out to the facility. We need to double back. It's your choice my friends...


LightFlare turns around and leaves heading for the exit. He also begins to realize that he cannot return home now but he has to stay alive. That's his first priority for now...



Ryuko: Tch...This is the guy you're looking foward to fight Etomo?


Etomo: This isn't the time to bring that up.


Ryuko: You're right...we have to run away first...Or else these worms will get in the way.


Etomo: Hey...


Ryuko: Let's go...or he'll leave us behind.


1 hour ago, A person said:

The rabbit let out a shriek as it was hit, a loud, deep roar echoing through the snowfield. Hera gasped.



Hera: We must flee, Masters and Mistresses! NOW! Come; I shall ensure our escape! 


She raised her runeblade, winds replacing the flames that once licked the enchanted metal. Idealis didn't hesitate to run by her. She obviously saw something that made her spine melt away.



Yomi: Running away is my speciality...So I'm not saying no.


Jude: Just what is this place?


    Both Jude and Yomi started to flee as well.



Yui's Resolve


Track: Never meant to belong



     Master....Master! She can't still hear my voice...This pains me. I want to be there to comfort her. To say that she's not suffering alone. I was born within her soul...so why? Why I can't interact with her? I will wait...As long as it's necessary...After all, I need to show gratitude for giving me a name and form. Master, I'm the sword of your heart. Even if you don't notice, I'm always by your side, no matter what...and I'm longing for the day that we can meet face to face...so please...stay strong!



Yui: !!!


    Yui stops in her tracks, meeting Seila once again.



Dean: Sorry...I did what I could.


Seila: Judging by your expression...I'm already too late.


Yui: ...


Seila: But...I won't let it happen anymore...I'll make sure that you'll stay away from these battles.


    She starts walking at Yui's direction, Dean decided to hide behind a car now that a sword wasn't pointed at her back.



Dean: (Oh crap...What do I do? If I do something at this range, I'll get cut into pieces...)


Seila: I can't let you take this bloody path any longer...Even if it hurts...I'll make you live a life of peace once more.


Yui: ...


Seila: You'll understand one day...I'm sure of it...That fighting is not your path in life...


Yui: Shut...up...


Seila: What?


Track: Be the last ranker -Battle Ver.-


    Suddenly, Seila blocks an incoming sword slash, but thanks to her shoulder injury however, she started struggling.



Yui: I TOLD YOU TO SHUT UP! I choose this life because I wanted to change myself! To move with my own will! Not depending on others! You have no right to decided what path I should follow.


Seila: No...


     Seila loses the deadlock and is thrown away, but lands on her feet.



Yui: I know exactly the kind of hardships I have to go through! I know that I'm bound to lose friends and hurt people along the way...But that's why I need to be stronger so that my heart doesn't break!


Seila: D-Don't say things like that...You're not being you anymore...


Yui: Even if it means having to fight you...I'm going to keep moving foward. That's is how I want to use my strenght! I'll say it again...I want to change!


Dean: That's right! You tell her little girl!


Seila: ...I see...so that's your answer right?


Yui: Cousin Seila...It's not too late. I'm sure that they'll forgive you if you come back. Don't make this worse for yourself cousin Seila.


Seila: No...Not yet....


   Then, she jumps to a top of a building.



Seila: I'll let you follow that path for now...But once I'm in better conditions to fight, I'm coming for you.


Yui: ...Very well...I'll be ready for you! I'll show that my heart can never be broken!


Track: Hulle Granz Cathedral


    In an instant, Seila vanishes from sight. Yui stands looking at the sky.



Dean: Wait a second, I know you! I just saw the broadcast on my friend's TV.


Yui: Broadcast?


Dean: Yeah. This masked freak...who is unmasked for some reason, is waging war against the kingdom and he's using the slums as not only as a base of operations, but to rally the people of the Slums against Candor. I think their name is...Knights of the Falling.


Yui: I see...Not only they shoot without mercy, employ brainwashed soldiers...but also are using civilians too. This is just...sad..


Dean: Urgh... Is itThat bad huh?


Yui: You didn't know?


Dean: I always knew they were up to no good...


Dean: I'll tell you this...even though the Slums are like this, my pals from this place never once felt opressed by the king. All they really wanted was just better living conditions...because, you know, Slums aren't really a project of a planned city. But then, all these weird people started to show up and make this place a mess.


Yui: I see.


Dean: And I'm sure there was a communication and understanding errors along the way...And it turned out into something stupid like this, being manipulated by a masked freak.


Yui: ...


Dean: Well...I assume you're going to put a stop at this, right?


Yui: Of course...But first...I must reunite with my friends...or what remained of them...


Dean: Well...I'm neutral to the whole situation, so...good luck with that...


Yui: Don't worry, I'm not going to force you...After all, your family decided to not involve themselves with this world.


Dean: That's right...we're not barbarians.


Yui: Oh...I'm Yui Lilly Celest.


Dean: I'm Dean Bluna Walter.


Yui: That's...


Dean: A perfectly good name for a girl!


Yui: (I wasn't going to say that...) Well then...Nice to meet you.


Dean: Oh yeah...The exit is in that direction...you didn't hear this from me.


     With that, Dean walks away. Yui bows in gratitude for the info, then heads for the exit.




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Location: The Slums


Hmm. Sounds like this place is getting rowdy. Some blood was spilled. The security is getting bulky.


What was that place that i kept hearing about? Warrior's Hangout... Hmm. Sounds like a pretty good place. I should probably watch where i'm going due to these gaurds.

(Byakuya then heads off toward his destination, humming along the way)


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1 hour ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Melina left. Dividing the same space with Agni would only cause problems for her.


"The trial will still be there in the admittedly unlikely event she changes her mind. If you require assistance please don't hesitate to ask me or one of my sisters."


She bows before heading off.


Slum Village


With guards all over the area, Flare couldn't help but feel uneasy. It was impossible to tell how long it would take to find Hinamori's group or if they were even alive. He mentally mapped out the area as he walked. Going back through the sewers would be the best way back, but they would have to make sure they don't get seen entering them. He took out his phone and began to send a quick message. It wasn't much but with limited options, it was all he could think of.

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