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The Roleplay Paradise Redux: Fortis Novum Mundum

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14 hours ago, A person said:

As the audience team made their way through the forest, the air around them grew colder, and spotty patches of snow were visible upon the ground. The lighting was also beginning to get brighter as the trees started to slowly become sparse. Wanting to carry out her duty as a maid, Hera proceeded to speak up.



Hera: We are about to enter the Regalis Snow Plains



Yomi: Ah, snow! It's like Winter came early.


Jude:  (That was fast.) Welcome back. Did you see Percival along the way?


Yomi: No...Haven't seen him. (And I'm supposed to be the stealthy one.)


Jude: I see...Well, all we can do now is move foward.


Yomi: Yeah...Even if we are strong, that doesn't mean we can do everyting.


14 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"Sounds like there has been a change in plans..."



Hinamori: Something like that...


    Seeing that they could be attacked at any moment, Hinamori decided to start searching for Yui.


17 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


As soon as the call ended a single shot went through the air hitting Frank in the head. He fell to the floor without a sound...



(Kill confirmed...relocating...)


The unknown sniper quickly moves to another location...


16 hours ago, Tony Redgrave said:






Great, things just went from bad to worse...



Hugh: FRANK!!!!


Ludger: Dammit...


Hugh: Alright...Now they've made it personal!!!


Ludger: Calm down Hugh, let's stick with the original plan and reunite with the o-


Hugh: How about we go to the direction that black-haired guy was going? He seemed to be on to something...If shit gets too complicated, we run, are you okay with that?


Ludger: ...Fine, you better stick to that.


Hugh: I'm going ahead...


       Hugh goes to the direction where 5T went after he spoke to the group.



Ludger: Dante, Joseph, what do you think?




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3 minutes ago, Mister Fael said:


    Seeing that they could be attacked at any moment, Hinamori decided to start searching for Yui.

Flare went along with her taking out another Pocky stick to eat while looking to make sure none of the guards have spotted them.

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7 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Audience Team



Lize: Well, about the cold...


Magnum: If you can't handle it, maybe you should head back and-


Lize: What?! Are you making fun of me again?!


Magnum: N-No, I was just being-


Lize: I retract what I said! I don't mind it, let's go!

Hera nodded her head slightly, smiling warmly.



Hera: Very well, Mistress Bathory. However, if you do find yourself becoming chilly, do not hesitate to mention so!


Further ahead, a group of beasts which looked almost like moose with four antlers could be seen slowly walking towards what could be presumed to be the west in the snowy plain.

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2 hours ago, Mister Fael said:



Ludger: Dante, Joseph, what do you think?



Well, good luck changing his mind.



I suppose I could manage to look around a bit longer. But, like you said, we better make sure to stick to running if things begin to become troublesome. No going back on that. We can never be too careful, especially not after this.



So then it's settled?

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5 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


5T: Heh. Even my Pod knows you're going to fail. That's to show how unprepared you are, Forsaken "Hero".


5T returned to run away. He had to leave the slums immediately. Even if the others were still inside, he had to make sure he would live. After all, he has the information of the whole war they are planning so the guards will have all focus on him.




He should be here soon...get into position...make sure your jammers are activated...


The soldiers and their commander wait near an abandoned building. Meanwhile at the facility the Knight's who fired a 5T were seriously injured and could not give Chase to 5T.






Everything is under control. I squad of Knight's is on his trail as we speak. They should intercept him shortly. One they have him, his downfall will commence. And I have a special treat for him AND the remaining "terrorists" as well. 


Soon after 5T escaped, 6 guards had managed to close in on 5T shooting at him as they gave chase. Meanwhile Team 1 continues to move threw the Slums...




Stay out of sight guys...we got some Guards up ahead...


@Mister Fael @Tony Redgrave


Just as Team 2 were about to head North, what looked to be more than 20 guards scrambled from the surrounding streets. They had been alerted to their current position. The quickly spotted the team and began to open fire.



Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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BGM: Bipolar Nightmare still playing


5T kept running on and on, but nothing of the guards losing him. Every corner had a bullet flying towards him. It would have been simple coincidence but it wasn't.



5T: Pod, analyze my systems! Find if there's something unusual.

Pod: Affirmative... Analysis: there is a different chip installed.


5T: Different chip?!

Pod: It seems to be a tracker chip.


5T: Oh great... then no matter where I run, I'll get caught by someone. Worst thing is, I can't hack myself now to deactivate it!


5T ordered the Pod to shoot at them. The floating machine once again opened his hatch and began shooting at the guards.



5T: (I can't say I haven't saw this coming. I should've planned better than this... wouldn't be surprised if I actually got caught.)


5T: (... They will know the truth. Rokurou is out. Even if I'm not going to get away he's going to tell them everything... or at least I hope so.)


5T continued to flee. However, he was going into the direction of a trap laid out to him.


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5 hours ago, Mister Fael said:



Yomi: Ah, snow! It's like Winter came early.


Jude:  (That was fast.) Welcome back. Did you see Percival along the way?


Yomi: No...Haven't seen him. (And I'm supposed to be the stealthy one.)


Jude: I see...Well, all we can do now is move foward.


Yomi: Yeah...Even if we are strong, that doesn't mean we can do everyting.

Idealis glanced at Yomi.



Idealis: Back so soon? And let me guess: no sign of our blue, shovel-wielding friend? 


Hearing their moping seemed to trigger something within Idealis.



Idealis: You two look pretty hopeless right now. Whatever his situation might be, we have to at least have hope that he'll show up again. If he doesn't, oh well, that's the way things are gonna be. I knew that not all of us were going to survive; hell, I'm guessing that I'll be the next one greeting Death, but we can't let ourselves get demotivated by this. We have to keep going with our heads held up high; if not for our sake, then for theirs! It's what they would want us to do, and it's what we would want them to do if, gods forbid, the roles were reversed. And on top of that, we have other people relying on us as well: the other team in the slums! We can't give up when we're this close to getting there!



Idealis: And besides, I have a strong feeling that Percival's on his way right now! And everyone at the slums? I know for a fact that they've got everything under control and are probably waiting for us at the Hangout as we speak! So clear your minds, take in the scenery, and let's get this done, alright? And I refuse to take no for an answer!

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@Mister Fael@LightFlare_Da_Realest


Dante and Joseph begin to avoid the gunfire to the best of their ability, while also trying to keep as close to the other remaining teammates as possible.



Well, looks like trouble found us earlier than expected.



Well, don't worry! I'm an expert when it comes to situations like this.



The best way to handle this is to make a break for it! So, whaddya say? I mean, it's not like leaving was our original plan until moments ago, anyways!

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2 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

Just as Team 2 were about to head North, what looked to be more than 20 guards scrambled from the surrounding streets. They had been alerted to their current position. The quickly spotted the team and began to open fire.


Track: 試される戦略


Hugh started to dodging the shots with his speed.



Hugh: Good! I was needing some stress buster! Justice Thunder!!!


      Hugh fired a thunder bolt from his finger to the sky, making it fall at a group of guards, causing a big explosion.



Meanwhile, Ludger was deflecting the bullets with his swords.


Just now, Tony Redgrave said:



The best way to handle this is to make a break for it! So, whaddya say? I mean, it's not like leaving was our original plan until moments ago, anyways!



Ludger: You're completely right...But we need something that will clear these guys first...and we need it fast. Hugh might be able to take all of them, but it's going to take time and probably more guards will come...


     Then, the idea of using the Chromatus passed through his head.



Ludger: Just thought of something...but I'm going to need a shield.




Seila vs Dean: Conclusion



    From the top of a building, Dean was watching the area with a pair of binoculars. Wondering where Seila would be next so that she could activate another clone and a trap. However, Seila wasn't in sight anymore.



Dean: ...Maybe I made her way too frustrated and she just vanished...


   Then, all of a sudden, her binoculars flew out of her hand, in front of Dean's face, a blade was passing close to her eyes, making her jump back in surprise.



Dean: What...


    And then, Seila landed in front of Dean.



Seila: FInally found you...I was getting tired of your child games.


Dean: Well...What I can say? I'm proud of my Hide-and-Seek skills.


Seila: They've certainly done you good for someone without combat experience...Now come with me. You're going to dispel that barrier.


Dean: There's no need for that! I can do it from here...


Seila: So that you can rise it from a distance again? No thanks...Oh, speaking of which...


   Suddenly, Seila delivered a kick to Dean's stomach.



Dean: Wargh...COUGH!!!


Seila: Just to make sure that you're the real one...now come with me unless you want to feel something worse than a kick.


Dean: Alright...fine... (Little girl...you better be far away from here.)




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@Mister Fael@LightFlare_Da_Realest



I got something that could help.


A dark aura begins to surround Dante, forming into armor. Dante had activated Dreadnought once more. He then positions himself in front of Ludger to give him time to safely prepare his attack.



Alright, now's the time. But be quick, this doesn't last too long.

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21 hours ago, A person said:

As the audience team made their way through the forest, the air around them grew colder, and spotty patches of snow were visible upon the ground. The lighting was also beginning to get brighter as the trees started to slowly become sparse. Wanting to carry out her duty as a maid, Hera proceeded to speak up.



Hera: We are about to enter the Regalis Snow Plains;

ezgif-1-37da74e70e.png I guess enough obstacles came in our way.

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Just now, Tony Redgrave said:

@Mister Fael@LightFlare_Da_Realest



I got something that could help.


A dark aura begins to surround Dante, forming into armor. Dante had activated Dreadnought once more. He then positions himself in front of Ludger to give him time to safely prepare his attack.



Alright, now's the time. But be quick, this doesn't last too long.



Ludger: Thanks! I owe you one!  Alright then....


      Ludger puts his swords away, then pulls out a golden-colored pocket watch.



Ludger:HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!  ((link only for sound effect purposes.))


Track: Corpse Shell Release



      Suddenly, Ludger's upper body was covered in a black armor, his skin tone darkned, his hair turned completely white and he was now carrying a spear.



Ludger: Alright, here I come!


    Then, he uses a move called Dark Projection in order to warp to a group of guards that Hugh didn't fire a spell at, then he punches the ground, causing a large shockwave.





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Agni Artwaltz and Rokurou Rangetsu


As they walked towards the town based on Agni's memory of the route, the angel remembered something important.



Agni: Oh, that reminds me! There's the fee at the Hangout we need to pay.


Rokurou: Fee?


Agni: For you to become a member, there's a fee you need to pay. But I don't have any money with me.


Rokurou: Me neither. What are we going to do, then?


They saw an exchange store not too far from there. Agni remembered he had something of value to pick it up.



Agni: I think I have something to exchange. Hang on, it's in my pocket.


BGM: Song of the Ancients -Popola/Instrumental- (NieR: Automata)


Agni took a platinum locket out of his pocket. He opened it and removed a photo. In it, there was him and Seraph, together at the Multiversal Heaven. It was a commemorative photo, taken when he managed to complete Nirvana and became an angel again.



Rokurou: Who's that on the photo?


Agni: It's my brother. His name is Seraph. We took this photo after I completed Nirvana.


Rokurou: Nirvana? What?


Agni: Oh, haven't I told you? I'm an angel.


Despite he was being honest, Rokurou couldn't believe in him. There was nothing that could be considered angelic about Agni. He just looked like your everyday kid.



Rokurou: Are you pulling my leg?


Agni: What do you mean?

Rokurou: As far as I know, angels have wings and are dressed in white robes. Also, they don't use guns as weapons.


Agni: That's a pretty stereotypical comment... yet I expected it. To tell the truth, I couldn't regain mine. I was a fallen angel back then. I had no wings for as long as I can remember. When I was going through Nirvana, I thought they would grow back and make me look more angel-like, but they didn't.


Rokurou: I see... and I suppose your brother is an angel too?


Agni: He's a different case. He sacrificed his wings.


Rokurou: Wait, how come an angel sacrifices his wings? That's impossible!


Agni: His weapon is the reminder of his wings. He exchanged them to gain the power to fight for Heaven. It was the choice he made when he became one of special soldiers which were called Grim Angels back then. Nowadays, he's the First Archgeneral of the Multiversal Heaven. I'm the Second.


Rokurou: Whoa... that's new. Angels that don't have wings...


Agni: It's a little surprising, I might admit... well, guess I should just give this right now.


He was about to go inside the facility when Rokurou stopped him. He had his doubts that Agni was sure about giving the locket away.



Rokurou: Hey, this locket... that's a gift, isn't it?


Agni: I... do admit Seraph bought this to me... still, don't worry, I think-


Rokurou: Then don't exchange it. Keep it with you. Even if it's something superficial, your brother gave it to you with love and care.


Agni: But Rokurou, your fee...


Rokurou: I'll find another way to pay it, don't worry. But don't just waste something special like this locket on a whim.


Agni: ... Yeah, you're right, I guess. I think he'd be mad at me if I were to give this away.


Rokurou smiled, took the locked from Agni's hand and put it in his neck.



Rokurou: There, that's a better way to use it.


Agni: I guess so... *puts the photo back in the locket*


Rokurou: Shall we go then?

Agni: Yeah. We're not that far.


They continued to walk along. Rokurou began to reflect what he did with Agni and the locket issue.



Rokurou: (Look at me, lecturing the kid at brotherhood as if I knew anything... he has his and I killed mine. I know it's traditions, but that doesn't mean that I have right to just say that to him.)


Rokurou: (I guess I should share my story with him later. He opened his heart without any sort of doubt. Even if my story isn't one of the best things to hear, I don't want to leave him being the only one who talks about his life while I leave mine as a secret.)


Agni: Rokurou, why are you so quiet out of a sudden?


Rokurou: It's nothing. Forget about it. Or at least wait until we reach the place.


Agni: Alright... (Did something happen with him? Why did he got all solemn? Did I say anything wrong?)


Audience Team


BGM: The World of Ice and Snow (Tales of Berseria)


The plains weren't exactly freezing but the cold was still strong as ever. They walked alongside the rest of the group, but Elizabeth was suffering a little because of her clothes.



Lize: (G-Gah... I-I kinda t-take it back a-again... it's so c-cold...) Achoo!


Magnum: Gesundheit.


Lize: I-It was just my hair, don't mistake things... g-geez, are we that far...?


Magnum: Well, I think we still have a lot ways to go, so I think we'll... take a while to...


Magnum: Achoo!


Lize: Wait, are you feeling cold wearing that armor?


Magnum: It's... it was a snowflake, it fell into my nose and I sneezed.


Lize: Y-Yeah, snowflake... uh huh... a...


Lize: Achoo!


Magnum: And you said you weren't feeling the cold...

Lize: I-It was a snowflake!


While they were trying to figure out sneezing reasons, Seraph walked alongside the more serious part of the group.



Seraph: Percival is going to return soon enough. We shouldn't separate any longer or it's going to be troublesome.


Seraph: And I agree with her. Death or life situations will come a lot of times, so we shouldn't held ourselves back because of the loss. It'd be disrespectful to his sacrifice if we were to give up now. Let's show him that his actions were not in vain.


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16 minutes ago, Darkflare said:


"A back massage? You should be able to ask for one in the relaxation lounge on the top floor."





Kirimuri goes to the top floor and enters the relaxation lounge.



"Excuse me... Is this where I can get a back massage?"


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2 hours ago, A person said:




Idealis: You two look pretty hopeless right now. Whatever his situation might be, we have to at least have hope that he'll show up again. If he doesn't, oh well, that's the way things are gonna be. I knew that not all of us were going to survive; hell, I'm guessing that I'll be the next one greeting Death, but we can't let ourselves get demotivated by this. We have to keep going with our heads held up high; if not for our sake, then for theirs! It's what they would want us to do, and it's what we would want them to do if, gods forbid, the roles were reversed. And on top of that, we have other people relying on us as well: the other team in the slums! We can't give up when we're this close to getting there!



Idealis: And besides, I have a strong feeling that Percival's on his way right now! And everyone at the slums? I know for a fact that they've got everything under control and are probably waiting for us at the Hangout as we speak! So clear your minds, take in the scenery, and let's get this done, alright? And I refuse to take no for an answer!



Yomi: It's not like we were falling into despair...But thanks anyway.


Jude: I-I'm a-also t-thankful...


Yomi: Whoa doc, are you okay?


       She noticed that Jude's teeth where chattering, which contradicted his completely calm look.



Jude: It's totally normal to start laughing when you're cold right? *nervous laugh*


Yomi: (Aparently, that coat doesn't help him that much.)



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On 9/3/2017 at 9:29 PM, Agni Blackheart said:

Audience Team


BGM: The World of Ice and Snow (Tales of Berseria)


The plains weren't exactly freezing but the cold was still strong as ever. They walked alongside the rest of the group, but Elizabeth was suffering a little because of her clothes.



Lize: (G-Gah... I-I kinda t-take it back a-again... it's so c-cold...) Achoo!


Magnum: Gesundheit.


Lize: I-It was just my hair, don't mistake things... g-geez, are we that far...?


Magnum: Well, I think we still have a lot ways to go, so I think we'll... take a while to...


Magnum: Achoo!


Lize: Wait, are you feeling cold wearing that armor?


Magnum: It's... it was a snowflake, it fell into my nose and I sneezed.


Lize: Y-Yeah, snowflake... uh huh... a...


Lize: Achoo!


Magnum: And you said you weren't feeling the cold...

Lize: I-It was a snowflake!


While they were trying to figure out sneezing reasons, Seraph walked alongside the more serious part of the group.



Seraph: Percival is going to return soon enough. We shouldn't separate any longer or it's going to be troublesome.


Seraph: And I agree with her. Death or life situations will come a lot of times, so we shouldn't held ourselves back because of the loss. It'd be disrespectful to his sacrifice if we were to give up now. Let's show him that his actions were not in vain.


Idealis: That's right! Now, let's do our absolute best!

On 9/3/2017 at 9:46 PM, Mister Fael said:



Yomi: It's not like we were falling into despair...But thanks anyway.


Jude: I-I'm a-also t-thankful...


Yomi: Whoa doc, are you okay?


       She noticed that Jude's teeth where chattering, which contradicted his completely calm look.



Jude: It's totally normal to start laughing when you're cold right? *nervous laugh*


Yomi: (Aparently, that coat doesn't help him that much.)

Idealis couldn't help but notice Jude's behavior. 



Idealis: Hey, Hera...I think he needs some fire.


Hera glanced back at Jude and chuckled.



Hera: Flawless timing, Master Mathis! And it seems that he is not the only one in need of them.


Her gaze settled upon Magnum and Elizabeth for a brief moment before she turned back around and started to chant.




BGM: Snowflake (Soundtrack Ver.)





Also referred to as Regalis Snow Plains, it is a snowfield said to be something out of a dream. However, its beauty hides a dark secret that many have found themselves victim to. Lined with various snow-covered hills, plateaus, and mountains, the only trees known to grow here are evergreens. It is considered to be one of the harshest areas due to the sheer number of hostile creatures that reside within it; despite this, many people still call it home and live in one of the many villages scattered throughout it. It is also the home of one of the primary kingdoms known as Verve, the kingdom of magic. The snow can pile up several feet during winter, and there is never a time when there is no snow on the ground here. 



Upon entering the snowfield, they would suddenly see clouds of snow rise up as creatures began to burrow out from under it, soon revealing themselves to be five small rabbit-like creatures.









They began to hop towards the group, seeming to have no intent to harm them. Idealis pointed a finger at them.



Idealis: Are those rabbits? I've never seen rabbits that like humans!


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52 minutes ago, DuckMannnn said:

Kirimuri hands over his pass.

The clerk takes it and begins to verify it before giving it back.


Male clerk: "Everything checks out. Please wait a moment."


Not soon after a Mech Hisui enters the lounge.



"So my assumption was correct that I indeed saw you earlier. I do believe I have mentioned something about a massage back in the forest."



"By the way...."



"Did Flare-sama come back with you? I haven't seen him recently."

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32 minutes ago, A person said:



BGM: Snowflake (Soundtrack Ver.)



Upon entering the snowfield, they would suddenly see clouds of snow rise up as creatures began to burrow out from under it, soon revealing themselves to be five small rabbit-like creatures.


  Hide contents







They began to hop towards the group, seeming to have no intent to harm them. Idealis pointed a finger at them.



Idealis: Are those rabbits? I've never seen rabbits that like humans!


(Seth backed away from the rabbit-like creatures)

ezgif-1-70bb316f3c.png R-Rabbits...

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10 minutes ago, Darkflare said:

The clerk takes it and begins to verify it before giving it back.


Male clerk: "Everything checks out. Please wait a moment."


Not soon after a Mech Hisui enters the lounge.



"So my assumption was correct that I indeed saw you earlier. I do believe I have mentioned something about a massage back in the forest."



"By the way...."



"Did Flare-sama come back with you? I haven't seen him recently."



"Flare? The last time I saw him, he was at an abandoned church. I think he left to the slums afterwards with a spirit whisperer."


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8 minutes ago, DuckMannnn said:


"Flare? The last time I saw him, he was at an abandoned church. I think he left to the slums afterwards with a spirit whisperer."


"The slums.... So Flare-sama must have known something about that broadcast earlier to have headed over there."



"I'm certain he'll be fine. He should contact if he experiences any trouble. Now then, I believe you've come here for your massage?"

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15 minutes ago, Sinjik said:

(Seth backed away from the rabbit-like creatures)

ezgif-1-70bb316f3c.png R-Rabbits...

Idealis chuckled at Seth's response.



Idealis: What, are you afraid of rabbits? They're harmless!


While Idealis was busy poking fun at Seth, one of them suddenly pulled its head back. Hera called out towards her.



Hera: Mistress Furtivus! Get back now!


It was obvious that she wasn't aware of the situation.


Idealis: Huh? It's a ra-


Its ears slammed into her leg, causing her to let out a cry of pain and fall down into the snow, holding the spot where she got hit. She was tearing up.



Idealis: Ow, ow, ow, ow, owwwwww! 


She quickly scampered away from the rabbits.



Idealis: I'm not getting close to another rabbit! Kill theeeem!


BGM: Snowstorm (Soundtrack Ver.)


Hera's runeblade became shrouded in flames.



Hera: An understandable mistake; now, to battle!


The rabbits began to advance towards the group; those more observant could perhaps see something else peering out at them from a hole in the snow left behind by them.

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