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The Roleplay Paradise Redux: Fortis Novum Mundum

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11 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:
No thanks, ma'am... I don't fight ladies; I'm not willing to hurt them.

This statement caused her to let out an even heartier, louder chuckle.



Riva: Oh, hohoho! Believe me; I can handle far more abuse than you may be able to throw my way! Besides that, I have yet to come out of a battle with a single injury!

6 minutes ago, Darkflare said:


"Hm? He seems like an amateur to me, but I guess you wouldn't mind a warm up first."




"Well well, I was wondering when you would visit us Light. I've actually seen you a few times in the city. Of course, I never told Flare. I assure you that this place will seem like heaven for someone like you."



"Hmph, coward..."

Riva proceeded to smile at the woman.



Riva: Ah, training the novices is a necessity! After all, they will not advance if nobody attempts to set them upon the correct path!

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1 minute ago, A person said:

This statement caused her to let out an even heartier, louder chuckle.



Riva: Oh, hohoho! Believe me; I can handle far more abuse than you may be able to throw my way! Besides that, I have yet to come out of a battle with a single injury!


Look, I don't believe that you're weak; in fact, you could probably do me in in just a few moves. The thing is, I already have somebody that I'm planning to fight.


Edward walked into the room.




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5 minutes ago, A person said:


Riva: Ah, training the novices is a necessity! After all, they will not advance if nobody attempts to set them upon the correct path!


"I have no interest in prey that won't fight back. Besides, weren't you eyeing Kiske earlier?"

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3 minutes ago, Darkflare said:





"Well well, I was wondering when you would visit us Light. I've actually seen you a few times in the city. Of course, I never told Flare. I assure you that this place will seem like heaven for someone like you."




It is quite the..."warriors hangout". How you been making out.


As LightFlare talks to Ren he waits on the response form the maid...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Just now, Darkflare said:


"I have no interest in prey that won't fight back. Besides, weren't you eyeing Kiske earlier?"

Riva's usual warm aura suddenly turned cold.



Riva: For reasons beside wishing to fight him. After all, I imagine you may know how I feel about someone else being referred to as a king.


The cold aura slowly warmed back up.



Riva: But beyond that, he most certainly will fight back! In fact...


She snapped her fingers.



Riva: ...why don't you and Mister Edward fight me together, Mister Tommy? That way, you are not able to be easily overwhelmed, and you have someone you are used to fighting with by your side!

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4 minutes ago, A person said:

Riva's usual warm aura suddenly turned cold.



Riva: For reasons beside wishing to fight him. After all, I imagine you may know how I feel about someone else being referred to as a king.


The cold aura slowly warmed back up.



Riva: But beyond that, he most certainly will fight back! In fact...


She snapped her fingers.



Riva: ...why don't you and Mister Edward fight me together, Mister Tommy? That way, you are not able to be easily overwhelmed, and you have someone you are used to fighting with by your side!

LightFlare overhears this...



Soundz legit to me, Tommy. You and Edward up for it?



Come on, Tommy! Show me your skill! You got this!



(He's toast...his only hope is probably Edward...there's something about him)


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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3 minutes ago, A person said:

Riva's usual warm aura suddenly turned cold.



Riva: For reasons beside wishing to fight him. After all, I imagine you may know how I feel about someone else being referred to as a king.


The cold aura slowly warmed back up.



Riva: But beyond that, he most certainly will fight back! In fact...


She snapped her fingers.



Riva: ...why don't you and Mister Edward fight me together, Mister Tommy? That way, you are not able to be easily overwhelmed, and you have someone you are used to fighting with by your side!


Very well. Go easy on me, alright? In fact...


Tommy aimed his sword at Riva.



...how about I tell you when enough's enough? As well as that...


Tommy smiled.



Maybe we could be friends after this? I've always wanted lots of those...

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Just now, NijikakuFan61 said:


Very well. Go easy on me, alright? In fact...


Tommy aimed his sword at Riva.



...how about I tell you when enough's enough? As well as that...


Tommy smiled.



Maybe we could be friends after this? I've always wanted lots of those...

Riva couldn't help but chuckle again as she fully stepped into the arena, her sword forming in her right hand.



Riva: Good, good! Do be certain to ensure that you are sufficiently prepared to combat me; I am no mere fodder, and I refuse to battle you otherwise!


She proceeded to plant the sword in front of herself and gaze at the two, a warm and confident smile upon her face.

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2 minutes ago, A person said:

Riva couldn't help but chuckle again as she fully stepped into the arena, her sword forming in her right hand.



Riva: Good, good! Do be certain to ensure that you are sufficiently prepared to combat me; I am no mere fodder, and I refuse to battle you otherwise!


She proceeded to plant the sword in front of herself and gaze at the two, a warm and confident smile upon her face.

Tommy immediately threw a fireball at her; if that managed to hit, Edward would proceed to grab her from behind by surprise, and slam her to the ground.

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22 minutes ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


It is quite the..."warriors hangout". How you been making out.


As LightFlare talks to Ren he waits on the response form the maid...


"After this place really got going, there haven't been many dull days. The investment has been worth it."



"Ren-san, if you're free perhaps you could be our guest's opponent.




18 minutes ago, A person said:


Riva: For reasons beside wishing to fight him. After all, I imagine you may know how I feel about someone else being referred to as a king.


"Hmph, it's just a title. Sure he has a kingdom to rule, but other than that he's like any other human to me. Nothing to get worked up about if you ask me."

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11 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

Tommy immediately threw a fireball at her; if that managed to hit, Edward would proceed to grab her from behind by surprise, and slam her to the ground.

BGM: Strania -The Stella Machina- Vower Side - BOSS 5


Riva smirked as the fiery projectile came at her. She swung her sword around herself, seeming to catch the projectile upon the sword before stopping and sending it directly at Edward.



Riva: Sharing is caring, as they say! And as for you...


She proceeded to dash towards Tommy suddenly, her sword at her side.



Riva: ...I shall make you my primary target!



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7 minutes ago, A person said:

BGM: Strania -The Stella Machina- Vower Side - BOSS 5


Riva smirked as the fiery projectile came at her. She swung her sword around herself, seeming to catch the projectile upon the sword before stopping and sending it directly at Edward.



Riva: Sharing is caring, as they say! And as for you...


She proceeded to dash towards Tommy suddenly, her sword at her side.



Riva: ...I shall make you my primary target!



Tommy ran right back at Riva; what she didn't know was that this was an attempt to distract her while Edward used his hammerspace powers to throw a fucking fridge at her.

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5 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

Tommy ran right back at Riva; what she didn't know was that this was an attempt to distract her while Edward used his hammerspace powers to throw a fucking fridge at her.

Instead of completing her charge, she proceeded to suddenly veer to her left, swinging her sword at his right kneecap in an attempt to clip his leg and cripple him temporarily.



Riva: Perhaps a lesson in self-defense is to be set in order, as well as a lesson in an awareness of one's surroundings...

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22 minutes ago, Darkflare said:


"After this place really got going, there haven't been many dull days. The investment has been worth it."



"Ren-san, if you're free perhaps you could be our guest's opponent.





Well, well. It looks that faith has truly bought us together for this very moment. Whattaya say, Ren? I'm ready...you?


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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1 minute ago, A person said:

Instead of completing her charge, she proceeded to suddenly veer to her left, swinging her sword at his right kneecap in an attempt to clip his leg and cripple him temporarily.



Riva: Perhaps a lesson in self-defense is to be set in order, as well as an awareness of one's surroundings...




Tommy stayed down intentionally; the fridge was seconds from colliding with Riva.

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2 minutes ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Well, well. It looks that faith has truly bought us together for this very moment. Whattaya say, Ren? I'm ready...you?


"I suppose I could play with you for a while. I have been wanting to see your capabilities for a while."

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1 minute ago, NijikakuFan61 said:




Tommy stayed down intentionally; the fridge was seconds from colliding with Riva.

Displaying her awareness, Riva proceeded to dash further to the left, allowing the fridge to fly harmlessly by(and possibly hit Tommy?). Once the coast was clear, she would finally turn around towards the two, both of them now within her vision.



Riva: Those are...very interesting skills, to say the least, Mister Edward. In all of my years in battle, I have never expected my opponent to throw something like that at me.

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1 minute ago, A person said:

Displaying her awareness, Riva proceeded to dash further to the left, allowing the fridge to fly harmlessly by(and possibly hit Tommy?). Once the coast was clear, she would finally turn around towards the two, both of them now within her vision.



Riva: Those are...very interesting skills, to say the least, Mister Edward. In all of my years in battle, I have never expected my opponent to throw something like that at me.

Edward: I'm gonna throw more then just that at you!



S - she's pretty... good...


Tommy proceeded to summon two cannons made out of fire, aiming both of them at Riva and sending fireballs out of both of them.

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Just now, NijikakuFan61 said:

Edward: I'm gonna throw more then just that at you!



S - she's pretty... good...


Tommy proceeded to summon two cannons made out of fire, aiming both of them at Riva and sending fireballs out of both of them.

Seeing the fireballs coming, but paying attention to the both of them, she proceeded to swing her sword at the fireballs, a blast of wind from the sword sending them at Edward.



Riva: I wonder just what it is you have under your sleeves...

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1 minute ago, A person said:

Seeing the fireballs coming, but paying attention to the both of them, she proceeded to swing her sword at the fireballs, a blast of wind from the sword sending them at Edward.



Riva: I wonder just what it is you have under your sleeves...

Edward pulled out a fan big enough to direct the wind back at her.


Edward: How does it feel to have your own weapon used against you!?

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Just now, NijikakuFan61 said:

Edward pulled out a fan big enough to direct the wind back at her.


Edward: How does it feel to have your own weapon used against you!?

Riva couldn't help but chuckle again as she swung her sword once again, sending the fireballs veering off in a random direction.



Riva: Oh, hoho, brilliant! However, the wind will get you nowhere...if your friend is in danger!


She proceeded to charge right at Tommy, keeping Edward in her peripheral. It was better to be able to see the both of them instead of relying on her other senses.

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Meanwhile, in the backstreets near the northwest of Candor City...

9f5d2cd6e8.png"Hand over the purse, bitch! If you scream, I'll smack you!"

163d9ed78e.png"S-Somebody help me!"


Suddenly, Emilia appeared from behind the robber.


b_by_duckmann18-dbk1a1b.png"Oh my... what do we have here?"


He is startled by the presence of the nun, but he tries to threaten her.

9f5d2cd6e8.png"W-where the fuck did you came from, whore? Do you want me to knock the sky wizard out of your beliefs?"


e_by_duckmann18-dbk1a0y.png"How dare you mock my lord and saviour... YOU SINNED, DEMONIC DISGUSTING PIECE OF UNHOLY SHIT!" 


With the power of light, she launched a ray of holy light which immediately knocked the robber off the ground and stunned him.


9f5d2cd6e8.png"Argh... why can't I move my legs... no, NO, NO! Please don't kill me!"

imageproxy_by_duckmann18-dbk3y1j.png"...How cowardly. Die."


Emilia's hands immediately glows bright then blasts another ray of light at the face of the stunned robber, thus ending his life.

163d9ed78e.png"...T-thank y-"


e_by_duckmann18-dbk1a0y.png "Woman, you are in your adulthood and yet, you chose to not become the follower of our Kami-sama. Infidels. Repent for your sins and let me cleanse you."


163d9ed78e.png "W-wait, wh-Aaaaah!"

The poor civilian fell victim to the brainwashed Emilia. The nun leaves the area with a sadistic grin on her face.

imageproxy_by_duckmann18-dbk3y1j.png"This world is full of demons... I shall erase their existence. Perhaps I should look for the mysterious duo earlier in the church... the man in black interests me. The other kid can just die. I will turn him into my servant in order to aid my conquest of this world... starting from this city! 



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1 minute ago, A person said:

Riva couldn't help but chuckle again as she swung her sword once again, sending the fireballs veering off in a random direction.



Riva: Oh, hoho, brilliant! However, the wind will get you nowhere...if your friend is in danger!


She proceeded to charge right at Tommy, keeping Edward in her peripheral. It was better to be able to see the both of them instead of relying on her other senses.

Tommy flipped right over her once she got close enough, attempting to grab her by the shoulders and slam her down to the ground.

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Just now, NijikakuFan61 said:

Tommy flipped right over her once she got close enough, attempting to grab her by the shoulders and slam her down to the ground.

As he tried to flip over her, she simply thrust her sword up at him, sighing as she did so.



Riva: You are wide open. Why have you left yourself wide open?

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