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The Roleplay Paradise Redux: Fortis Novum Mundum

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After a hard battle, the Tonberrys got dispatched off

pi5Wlrr.pngAlright, enemies defeated!

bX7E6Ba.pngAren't you forgetting something?

pi5Wlrr.pngOh right, we still gotta introduce ourselves!

bX7E6Ba.pngWe are the Unlimited Force, a group of robots dealing with interdimensional problems. An interdimensional police unit, if you will. I'm the leader, YokuMan.

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29 minutes ago, Trinitronity said:

After a hard battle, the Tonberrys got dispatched off

pi5Wlrr.pngAlright, enemies defeated!

bX7E6Ba.pngAren't you forgetting something?

pi5Wlrr.pngOh right, we still gotta introduce ourselves!

bX7E6Ba.pngWe are the Unlimited Force, a group of robots dealing with interdimensional problems. An interdimensional police unit, if you will. I'm the leader, YokuMan.

Nemesis stared blankly at the new...recruits.



Nemesis: Row-boughts...?


It was clearly going to be a while before she got used to something like this any time soon.


9 minutes ago, Sinjik said:

ezgif-4-69250bb844.png  The creatures of this forest must be very hostile...  How close are we to the city?



Nemesis: Not too far off now. We should get going right now so that something else doesn't get the jump on us.

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31 minutes ago, Trinitronity said:

After a hard battle, the Tonberrys got dispatched off

pi5Wlrr.pngAlright, enemies defeated!

bX7E6Ba.pngAren't you forgetting something?

pi5Wlrr.pngOh right, we still gotta introduce ourselves!

bX7E6Ba.pngWe are the Unlimited Force, a group of robots dealing with interdimensional problems. An interdimensional police unit, if you will. I'm the leader, YokuMan.


Well if it isn't my old friends...how's it going guys. Trinitroman still getting you guys into trouble?


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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20 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

A green aura enveloped Agni and then vanished. He was finally able to support everyone when it came to injuries.



Agni: Everyone, gather around me so that the heal works on everyone.



Ryuko: Eh? We're not letting "Suspicious Doctor" do the job?


Etomo: You're still on that joke?


Jude: He's offering it, so why not? That looks like a mode specifically for healing, so he might do a better job than me.


Hinamori: ...


    She walks at Agni's direction, but stops in her tracks when she passed near Seth.



Hinamori: You're injured too right? Let's go.


     Despite his mishap, She wasn't at upset at him.




14 minutes ago, A person said:

Satisfied with the mouthing off, she looked back at the others, now realizing the sheer size of the party.



Nemesis: ...umm...whoa, where did all of these people come from? Did we get some new people during the fight or something?



Yui: Hm? Oh, you're right! Even Doctor Mathis is here.


Jude: Hello again.


Hugh: I already knew Ludger was coming, but not all these people.


Yui: Time for more introductions then!


Yomi: Okay then, she's the idiot *points at Yui* , this guy is even more of an idiot *points at Hugh*, that one is the quiet girl *points at Hinamori* And I'm Yoru Mizu. Alright, job done! Let's go home guys.


Hugh: Don't introduce us by our nicknames, we are Yui, Hugh, Hinamori and...You already said your name.


Yui: That's us~!


Etomo: Nice to meet you guys! I'm Etomo Shuko.


Ryuko: And I'm Ryuko Oggy. Long story short, the two of us got here through a freaky spinning black hole!


Elle: I'm Elle! And this is Rollo!


Hugh: Wait, you brought them too?


Ludger: I can't exactly leave her alone...and you know about Rollo already.


Elle: That's right, we are partners after all!


Hugh: Geez...


Yui: I don't think it's a bad thing. I'm sure the first person that wants to see her daddy again is Elle herself.


Elle: You know it!


Hugh: That's not what I...nevermind, we'll talk about this later Ludger.


Ludger: Sure.




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10 minutes ago, A person said:

Nemesis stared blankly at the new...recruits.



Nemesis: Row-boughts...?


It was clearly going to be a while before she got used to something like this any time soon.

bX7E6Ba.pngYes, robots. Or rather, robot masters, to be more precise, since we all are specialized at specific things.

10 minutes ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:



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Well if it isn't my old friends...how's it going guys. Trinitroman still getting you guys into trouble?

pi5Wlrr.pngEy, LightFlare! Long time no see!

ufuug8S.pngYeah, TrinitroMan can be rather trigger happy at times, but at least he does his job well.

4VW7xNM.pngI can only agree with that. At times, he can be as methodical as me, a robot specifically made for warfare, and he's designed for taking down old buildings instead.

pi5Wlrr.pngWell, I mean, both jobs involve explosions, so...

u4EsOao.pngDon't forget that warfare has more layers than just explosions, though.

pi5Wlrr.pngAnyway, we are here because we detected some kind of unknown dark energy here. And who knows, maybe those stabby lizards are somehow connected to that?

u4EsOao.pngBasically, we hope you people possibly have more informations.

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2 minutes ago, Mister Fael said:



Ryuko: Eh? We're not letting "Suspicious Doctor" do the job?


Etomo: You're still on that joke?


Jude: He's offering it, so why not? That looks like a mode specifically for healing, so he might do a better job than me.


Hinamori: ...


    She walks at Agni's direction, but stops in her tracks when she passed near Seth.



Hinamori: You're injured too right? Let's go.


     Despite his mishap, She wasn't at upset at him.




9 minutes ago, Mister Fael said:



Ryuko: Eh? We're not letting "Suspicious Doctor" do the job?


Etomo: You're still on that joke?


Jude: He's offering it, so why not? That looks like a mode specifically for healing, so he might do a better job than me.


Hinamori: ...


    She walks at Agni's direction, but stops in her tracks when she passed near Seth.



Hinamori: You're injured too right? Let's go.


     Despite his mishap, She wasn't at upset at him.





  Reveal hidden contents







Yui: Hm? Oh, you're right! Even Doctor Mathis is here.


Jude: Hello again.


Hugh: I already knew Ludger was coming, but not all these people.


Yui: Time for more introductions then!


Yomi: Okay then, she's the idiot *points at Yui* , this guy is even more of an idiot *points at Hugh*, that one is the quiet girl *points at Hinamori* And I'm Yoru Mizu. Alright, job done! Let's go home guys.


Hugh: Don't introduce us by our nicknames, we are Yui, Hugh, Hinamori and...You already said your name.


Yui: That's us~!


Etomo: Nice to meet you guys! I'm Etomo Shuko.


Ryuko: And I'm Ryuko Oggy. Long story short, the two of us got here through a freaky spinning black hole!


Elle: I'm Elle! And this is Rollo!


Hugh: Wait, you brought them too?


Ludger: I can't exactly leave her alone...and you know about Rollo already.


Elle: That's right, we are partners after all!


Hugh: Geez...


Yui: I don't think it's a bad thing. I'm sure the first person that wants to see her daddy again is Elle herself.


Elle: You know it!


Hugh: That's not what I...nevermind, we'll talk about this later Ludger.


Ludger: Sure.








ezgif-4-9c7edd11b7.png  Hmm. Alright.

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16 minutes ago, Trinitronity said:

bX7E6Ba.pngYes, robots. Or rather, robot masters, to be more precise, since we all are specialized at specific things.

pi5Wlrr.pngEy, LightFlare! Long time no see!

ufuug8S.pngYeah, TrinitroMan can be rather trigger happy at times, but at least he does his job well.

4VW7xNM.pngI can only agree with that. At times, he can be as methodical as me, a robot specifically made for warfare, and he's designed for taking down old buildings instead.

pi5Wlrr.pngWell, I mean, both jobs involve explosions, so...

u4EsOao.pngDon't forget that warfare has more layers than just explosions, though.

pi5Wlrr.pngAnyway, we are here because we detected some kind of unknown dark energy here. And who knows, maybe those stabby lizards are somehow connected to that?

u4EsOao.pngBasically, we hope you people possibly have more informations.

Nemesis shook her head.



Nemesis: I don't know about the latest people in the party, but the rest of us have no idea what's going on or why we're here. The only common theme is that a portal opened and then we found ourselves here. We should head to the city before we talk more, though; I have no idea about what else is around.


And with that, Nemesis continued to walk down the path towards the city, her katars visibly out of her sleeves.

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Tommy was so exhausted from the long fight that he immediately fainted, landing onto the ground facefirst.



...don't tell me you're going to just fall down like that!


Edward stomped on Tommy's stomach to revive him; no success.



... (sigh) Can somebody please help me carry this kid?


Image result for howard dean yell gif





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14 minutes ago, Trinitronity said:


pi5Wlrr.pngAnyway, we are here because we detected some kind of unknown dark energy here. And who knows, maybe those stabby lizards are somehow connected to that?

u4EsOao.pngBasically, we hope you people possibly have more informations.



Jude: Well, I've certainly never saw that kind of wildlife before...


Yomi: I think I heard someone saying they are named Tonberries. Maybe it's some undiscovered monster?


Jude: Tonberries...No, I'm pretty sure they don't exist here and not in Rieze Maxia either.


Hugh: Still, These things were trying to kill us, so we can discard the possibility that it was them captured the search teams sent to this forest.



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BGM: The Land of Beginnings still playing



Agni: Light!


Agni looked at him and gave him a little laugh, still worried. He knew that Light would never admit that he was hurt.



Agni: Yeah, I'm fine but you aren't. Rest assured, this will help you.


Agni charged a small light in his hand. It seemed bright and refreshing.



Agni: Alright then! Cura!


He released it and the light dispersed. Its small particles touched the rest of the group and the injuries began to heal faster.



Mirfah: Whoa, my injuries! It's like they're disappearing!


Agni: It's not like that. I healed them, but not all injuries. Some of them will still need first aid.


Melina: Incredible...


Magnum: Alright, I suppose we're all set. Let's hurry up, that girl is leaving us behind.


They kept walking behind Nemesis so they wouldn't lost sight of her.



Lancer: By the way, we should present us while we walk.


Agni: Right. I'm Agni Artwaltz, Second Archgeneral of the Multiversal Heaven.


Magnum: Commander Magnum Alexandria of the Multiversal Heaven at your service!


Mirfah: I'm no commander or such thing, but my name's Mirfah!


Melina: My name is Melina. It is a pleasure.


Lancer: My true name isn't for your ears, so you can just address me as Lancer.


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@Agni Blackheart:

bX7E6Ba.pngNice to meet you all. I'm YokuMan, master of illusions, portals and boundaries.

LG1wLF4.pngI'm TrinitroMan, master of all things explosions!

ufuug8S.pngI'm Yoyoman, and am actually dealing with aerodynamics...yeah, I use Yoyos for that, but I don't care!

0i89CPI.pngI'm TankMan, robot master designed for warfare. At your service, sir!

rYKtD0r.pngI'm RainbowMan, master of weather and light manipulation.

T1ZCAgD.pngI'm GlueMan, master in repairs.

vQF6DWS.pngI'm JetMan, a real ace when it comes to flying!

muXgg2o.pngI'm CometWoman, designed for cosmic research and cosmic movement.

HrlMGDR.pngI'm NailMan, one of the two robots designed for construction site work. I'm the brains, while the other half here, HammerMan, is the brawns. Say hi, HammerMan.

yoxGw5m.pngHi, HammerMan.

9qylvbJ.png...not like that!

6xsYA26.pngI'm WhirlpoolMan, and I-

P4yIXrv.png*interrupts WhirlpoolMan* Alright, so what's next on the agenda?

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39 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Lancer: My true name isn't for your ears, so you can just address me as Lancer.

Nemesis nodded at the others as they gave their names, but she found herself caught up with "Lancer's" response. She turned her head to glare at her.



Nemesis: Not for my ears, huh? I don't know about you, but going around constantly saying "Lancer, Lancer!" when there's two of you here and probably more down the line is going to be really irritating for me. It's not like you're in any kind of danger here, so why don't you just keep things simple and tell everyone your actual name?

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2 minutes ago, A person said:

Nemesis nodded at the others as they gave their names, but she found herself caught up with "Lancer's" response.She turned her head to glare at her.



Nemesis: Not for my ears, huh? I don't know about you, but going around constantly saying "Lancer, Lancer!" when there's two of you here and probably more down the line is going to be really irritating for me. It's not like you're in any kind of danger here, so why don't you just keep things simple and tell everyone your actual name?



Hinamori: She has a point. Sir Cu Chulainn was kind enough to say his name.



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Well I can't tell you much. These creatures weren't here when I came a few days ago. I come here to train quite a bit. But I've never encountered those before. 


@Agni Blackheart


LightFlare looks at his chest and noticed his wounds slowly begin to heal...


Thanks Agni. Heh...I guess I got  little ahead of myself. I've got to train my mind as well as body. But I'm glad you're okay. 




Hisui...you ready?


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Lancer: Ugh, fine, fine! I am Elizabeth Bathory!


Magnum: The Blood Countess?


Lancer: Yes, yes... it's just that I shouldn't be going on revealing my name...


Agni: So you're the Heroic Spirit that represents the famed Dracula Countess... hmm...

Lancer: Yes, Master, I am. *sigh*


Agni: How about we settle you as Lize?


Lancer: What?

Agni: It's just to differ between the two of you. I didn't spoke it to be mean or anything, I swear.


She never received any nickname. The only thing she reminds herself is of being insulted by Meltlilith.



Mirfah: Oh, oh, how about Lizzy?


Melina: I do prefer to call her as Liza.


Magnum: How about Liz?


Lancer: Yes, no, no and no, respectively.


Agni: ... Mine's good to you?


Lize: Y-Y-Yes, yours will do just fine.


Agni: OK then. Oh, and don't refer me as Master. Just Agni will do fine.


Lize: O-OK! Well then, A-Agni, I will do my best!


Agni: Don't sweat it. I know you will.


She felt something. Something pulsing inside her body, but there wasn't a way she could ever describe it.



Lize: (What is this feeling? Why did I blush? And why is my heart beating a little faster than usual?)


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Well, then. Nice to meet you Elizabeth. No worries, we were hesitant to reveal ourselves as well, due to the rules and regulations that we normally have to follow.



That's odd. You seem to have a master, unlike the rest of us. How could that be?

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The sparse trees around were soon replaced by tall grass, plants, and rocks all around the area, the silhouette in the distance becoming significantly larger than before as the party grew closer to it. The sounds of crickets, grasshoppers, and other insects could be heard, as well as movement within the tall grass by presumably large creatures.


20 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Lancer: Ugh, fine, fine! I am Elizabeth Bathory!


Magnum: The Blood Countess?


Lancer: Yes, yes... it's just that I shouldn't be going on revealing my name...


Agni: So you're the Heroic Spirit that represents the famed Dracula Countess... hmm...

Lancer: Yes, Master, I am. *sigh*


Agni: How about we settle you as Lize?


Lancer: What?

Agni: It's just to differ between the two of you. I didn't spoke it to be mean or anything, I swear.


She never received any nickname. The only thing she reminds herself is of being insulted by Meltlilith.



Mirfah: Oh, oh, how about Lizzy?


Melina: I do prefer to call her as Liza.


Magnum: How about Liz?


Lancer: Yes, no, no and no, respectively.


Agni: ... Mine's good to you?


Lize: Y-Y-Yes, yours will do just fine.


Agni: OK then. Oh, and don't refer me as Master. Just Agni will do fine.


Lize: O-OK! Well then, A-Agni, I will do my best!


Agni: Don't sweat it. I know you will.


She felt something. Something pulsing inside her body, but there wasn't a way she could ever describe it.



Lize: (What is this feeling? Why did I blush? And why is my heart beating a little faster than usual?)

Nemesis chuckled at Elizabeth's moment of fluster.



Nemesis: Elizabeth Bathory...I think I'll call you Lizzy! It seems like you two are in love, too! 



Nemesis: Although...the "Master" thing is pretty concerning...


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Lize: It's thanks to that snobbish, exuberant, annoying wife of his! SHE forced me into this! As a Servant, for all things considered!


Agni: I know, Victoria is really forceful. I keep telling her to be more gentle with others, but she doesn't seem to listen...


Mirfah: Wait, wait, wait... wife?! Agni, you're married?!


Agni: Uh... yeah. But my matrimonial ties are not exactly tied to Victoria...


Mirfah: Really? Then how does it work?!


Melina: Mirfah... control yourself.


Magnum: Agni, don't explain. You'll end up causing problems to yourself. Leave it as you being married.


Melina: That was indeed surprising to hear. Nevertheless, we should not enter in details.


Lize: ...


Agni: If you don't want to be a Servant, I'm fine with it.


Lize: Since it's you, I'm fine with it. But when I say that I'm done, I'm done. Got it?


Agni: Sure. It's fine for me, anyway. I'd have you free than locked up to me as a Servant, anyway.


Lize: S-Stop saying such things! I-I'm going on ahead!!


She marched a little faster, trying to put distance between her and him. His kind words were something she wasn't too used with, so hearing that made her feel too weird.



Agni: Have I done something wrong?


Mirfah and Magnum: Oh, Agni...


Melina: Hehe...



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3 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Lize: It's thanks to that snobbish, exuberant, annoying wife of his! SHE forced me into this! As a Servant, for all things considered!


Agni: I know, Victoria is really forceful. I keep telling her to be more gentle with others, but she doesn't seem to listen...


Mirfah: Wait, wait, wait... wife?! Agni, you're married?!


Agni: Uh... yeah. But my matrimonial ties are not exactly tied to Victoria...


Mirfah: Really? Then how does it work?!


Melina: Mirfah... control yourself.


Magnum: Agni, don't explain. You'll end up causing problems to yourself. Leave it as you being married.


Melina: That was indeed surprising to hear. Nevertheless, we should not enter in details.


Lize: ...


Agni: If you don't want to be a Servant, I'm fine with it.


Lize: Since it's you, I'm fine with it. But when I say that I'm done, I'm done. Got it?


Agni: Sure. It's fine for me, anyway. I'd have you free than locked up to me as a Servant, anyway.


Lize: S-Stop saying such things! I-I'm going on ahead!!


She marched a little faster, trying to put distance between her and him. His kind words were something she wasn't too used with, so hearing that made her feel too weird.



Agni: Have I done something wrong?


Mirfah and Magnum: Oh, Agni...


Melina: Hehe...


Happy.png (chuckles) Agni, you silly...I can see why Magio hangs up with you some times...(brings out her Falchion) as of who I am, Lize, I am Lucina, the apprentice of the Ultima Knight himself! (points her Falchion to the sky) we have travelled far and wide to find him, and we will never surrender! ...right? (looks at her friends)

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@Agni Blackheart @OxyontheWolf



Looks like you may have a fan, my dear friend...


LightFlare pats Agni on the back...then turns to Lucina...


27 minutes ago, OxyontheWolf said:

Happy.png (chuckles) Agni, you silly...I can see why Magio hangs up with you some times...(brings out her Falchion) as of who I am, Lize, I am Lucina, the apprentice of the Ultima Knight himself! (points her Falchion to the sky) we have travelled far and wide to find him, and we will never surrender! ...right? (looks at her friends)


Lucina...so you're the apprentice of Magio? You must be skilled in various arts as well?


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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