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Summer Releases: Zim, DIb and Rocko were fully updated!


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Well I have faith in RMaster007 that he'll put the dampener in the rest of the characters.

By the way, the stage I used in all of those screenshots, were created by me. It's called: Rainy Highway.

I also updated my feedback post.

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7 hours ago, DS12 Productions said:

Well I have faith in RMaster007 that he'll put the dampener in the rest of the characters.

By the way, the stage I used in all of those screenshots, were created by me. It's called: Rainy Highway.

I also updated my feedback post.

Well I don't know how.

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1 hour ago, jenngra505 said:

RSR's Damage Dampener code using fvar(12) and fvar(10) is better than the one currently used in Zim.

Yeah, I always use those kind of dampeners in my characters.


Also @WlanmaniaX I would like to make a suggestion, if you wanted to manage those bugs on your characters and you don't have time to fix them, then

I would kindly suggest making a list of coding (tweaked) that you would desperately want to put in your character, in a separate text document. This way, you'll be getting more

time to paste the fixed coding instead of releasing them with the bugs wide open.

Take these for example, the coding I put in here was for my remastered Punky Skunk (Yes, it's not in a text document but I figured this is better):


[State -1, Fall Recovery]
type = changestate
value = 5210
triggerall = Var(59) != 0
triggerall= numenemy
triggerall= roundstate = 2 && alive
triggerall= stateno = 5050 && canrecover
triggerall = vel y > 0 && pos y < -20
trigger1 = random <= 999

[State -1, Fall Recovery]
type = changestate
value = 5200
triggerall = Var(59) != 0
triggerall= numenemy
triggerall= roundstate = 2 && alive
triggerall= stateno = 5050 && gethitvar(fall.recover)
trigger1 = vel y > 0 && pos y >= -5
[State -1, Artificial Intelligence]
type = ChangeState
triggerall = numhelper(1001) = 0
triggerall = (roundstate = 2) && (var(59) != 0)
triggerall = (Ctrl) && (Statetype = S) && (random = [70,100])
trigger1 = (p2bodydist x <= 25) && (prevstateno != 5120) && (p2movetype != H) && (statetype != A)
value = 1000

[State -1, Artificial Intelligence]
type = ChangeState
triggerall = (roundstate = 2) && (var(59) != 0)
triggerall = (Ctrl) && (Statetype = S) && (random = [70,100])
trigger1 = (p2bodydist x <= 25) && (prevstateno != 5120) && (p2movetype != H) && (statetype != A)
value = 1100

[State -1, Artificial Intelligence]
type = ChangeState
triggerall = (roundstate = 2) && (var(59) != 0)
triggerall = (Ctrl) && (Statetype = S) && (random = [70,100])
trigger1 = (p2bodydist x <= 25) && (prevstateno != 5120) && (p2movetype != H) && (statetype != A)
value = 1300

[State -1, Artificial Intelligence]
type = ChangeState
triggerall = (roundstate = 2) && (var(59) != 0)
triggerall = (Ctrl) && (Statetype = S) && (random = [70,100])
trigger1 = (p2bodydist x <= 25) && (prevstateno != 5120) && (p2movetype != H) && (statetype != A)
value = 1500
;-|-AI Hyper Attempt|---------------------------------------------
[State -1, Artificial Intelligence]
type = ChangeState
triggerall = (roundstate = 2) && (var(59) != 0)
triggerall = (Ctrl) && (Statetype = S) && (p2statetype != L)
trigger1 = (p2bodydist x <= 100) && (prevstateno != 5120) && (numproj = 0) && (statetype != A)
trigger1 = (power >= 1000) && (numproj = 0) && (random = [70,100])
value = 3000

[State -1, Artificial Intelligence]
type = ChangeState
triggerall = (roundstate = 2) && (var(59) != 0)
triggerall = (Ctrl) && (Statetype = S) && (p2statetype != L)
trigger1 = (p2bodydist x <= 100) && (prevstateno != 5120) && (numproj = 0) && (statetype != A)
trigger1 = (power >= 1000) && (numproj = 0) && (random = [70,100])
value = 3100

[State -1, Artificial Intelligence]
type = ChangeState
triggerall = numhelper(3210) = 0
triggerall = numhelper(3220) = 0
triggerall = (roundstate = 2) && (var(59) != 0)
triggerall = (Ctrl) && (Statetype = S) && (p2statetype != L)
trigger1 = (p2bodydist x <= 100) && (prevstateno != 5120) && (numproj = 0) && (statetype != A)
trigger1 = (power >= 1500) && (numproj = 0) && (random = [70,100])
value = 3200

[State -1, Artificial Intelligence]
type = ChangeState
triggerall = numhelper(3304) = 0
triggerall = (roundstate = 2) && (var(59) != 0)
triggerall = (Ctrl) && (Statetype = S) && (p2statetype != L)
trigger1 = (p2bodydist x <= 100) && (prevstateno != 5120) && (numproj = 0) && (statetype != A)
trigger1 = (power >= 1500) && (numproj = 0) && (random = [70,100])
value = 3300

[State -1, Artificial Intelligence]
type = ChangeState
triggerall = numhelper(3401) = 0
triggerall = (roundstate = 2) && (var(59) != 0)
triggerall = (Ctrl) && (Statetype = S) && (p2statetype != L)
trigger1 = (p2bodydist x <= 100) && (prevstateno != 5120) && (numproj = 0) && (statetype != A)
trigger1 = (power >= 2000) && (numproj = 0) && (random = [70,100])
value = 3400
; Paste this in 3300
[Statedef 3300]
type    = S                ;State-type: S-stand, C-crouch, A-air, L-liedown
movetype= I                ;Move-type: A-attack, I-idle, H-gethit
physics = N                ;Physics: S-stand, C-crouch, A-air
juggle  = 1                ;Number of air juggle points move takes
;Commonly-used controllers:
velset = 0,0            ;Set velocity (x,y) (Def: no change)
ctrl = 0                ;Set ctrl (Def: no change)
anim = 3300                ;Change animation (Def: no change)
poweradd = -1500            ;Power to add (Def: 0)
sprpriority = 2

[State 0, Gravity]
type = Gravity
trigger1 = animelem = 3
trigger2 = animelem = 4
PASTE THESE IN PLAYSNDS ON STATES 3301, 3306, 3307, AND 3311!!
channel = 2


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