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Disgaea Screenpack 1.0

Arklegend Zinesis

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147 Character Slot


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615 Character Slot


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Custom Port 36 Character Slot


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New Motif (You can either patch this to the existing one or just create a new folder and add the code in the mugen.cfg)


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Finally I got this uploaded after almost 3 days of failed attempt Posted Image

Anyways this is a Disgaea themed screenpack for MUGEN 1.0 only

Sp Resolution 640x480

Included in this SP:

3 motifs

147 slots

615 slots

and a custom select screen with 36 slots

a customized FFT lifebars [For regular character portrait and custom char portrait for custom users]


Prinny Camp by Ryon

Zenon's Palace by O Ilusionista

2 Bonus stages by Zinesis Posted Image

I would have made this into a fullgame if only there were more Disgaea char available in mugen.

I may or may not make an ultimate version of this later as a fullgame.


Laharl for providing ideas on the screenpack looks and bgms.

Ryon for the tips and also most of the codes is based on the MFFA V4 sp lol

and thank you also for allowing me to include the Prinny Camp stage for this release.

O Ilusionista for allowing me to include his creation the Zenon's Palace stage.

Cybaster for creating the wonderful Automatic Stage Creation Program tool.


To change motifs open mugen.cfg on the data folder and look for this

motif = data/system.def

;motif = data/147 slots/system.def [This is the back up folder of the default motif]

;motif = data/615 slots/system.def

;motif = data/Custom/system.def

the default motif is the 147 slots as mentioned above to change slots just remove the semicolon of the desired motif and put a semicolon to the old one

each motif have their select.def so you must input your character there

For the custom character select two template for the custom portrait has been included - 9000,1 and 9000,2





"Learn to practice until you practice what you learn" - My Mentor

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to anyone downloading who wants to fix the scaled blurriness of the big ports just open the system.def for w/e one you choose to use find where it says p1.facescale and p2.facescale and change those values to .5 it fixes the scaled blurriness, till zin gets a chance to fix it himself and upload. the only problem is position.


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the fix has been made its just that I can't upload stuff atm http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//sad.png

Edit : lol the midnight channel just kick in http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//smile.png anyways check the first post.





"Learn to practice until you practice what you learn" - My Mentor

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  • 10 months later...

Amazing SP bro, you're a pro, i love your work because thats the kind of styles that i like and because its so neat, im making a SP for the first time and i hope it ends looking good like yours.



Scene # 2: "Little happy things": WE WILL HAVE OUR REVENGE...

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