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mugenarchive needs help


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11 hours ago, GarchompMatt said:

The hilarious part is that nobody here other than yourself appears to be having issues with MediaFire's ads, especially not to the browser-freezing extent you're having; for all we know, you could be making it up in an attempt to justify the usage of adf.ly on the Archive.


But fine, I'll reason with you. Though I have yet to come across a MediaFire ad that forced me to sit through it before I was able to access a file (which may or may not instead hijack my browser), I will admit that sometimes clicking on the download button redirects to a sponsored website (but still downloads the file), though this is easily bypassed by right-clicking the download button and opening the link in a new tab or saving the link; no extensions required.


As for proof of adf.ly being dangerous, a while ago when I was searching for Ruben's Final Destination, I managed to come across his website and attempted to see if the download link still worked, which it did, but it was behind an adf.ly link. After waiting the required amount of time, it redirected me to a blank website with a javascript popup that prevented me from closing or navigating away from the tab, so naturally a terminated Chrome via Task Manager and ran a virus scan. Viewing my Chrome history showed that before being redirected to that weird website, it had actually attempted to go to MediaFire where the file is stored (and that's how I managed to get the file). If you refuse to believe me, I'm sure Ruben's website is still out there if you want to try your luck, but I wouldn't recommend it.

I've tried to capture the freezing which happens EVERYTIME but as soon as firefox hangs or crashes, the video capture crashes too, I think there some kind of cpu bottleneck involved in the ad which kills any cpu intensive process, something really ugly is going on with these mediafire ads


I can post the video up to the crash, but you won't see the actual freeze and crash since the video stops there, but you could at least see the ads popping out and bypassing adblock


also I would like you to cut out the bullshit please, will you?


you said there is virus in adfly? it is EASY to prove just post an online scan of page with the virus

you said dizzy hates leechers, please show us the link where dizzy said that


if you keep talking and don't post any proof then everyone will know you're full of s*** , sorry pal but that's the truth


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On 12/10/2016 at 5:45 AM, Jirobou said:


I wouldn't trust his word on that unless he can provide a source

He has a record of twisting things a lot, since he always had something personal against mugenarchive


On 12/14/2016 at 8:35 AM, Jirobou said:

about the leecher hate, it's a lie from a hater and you believe it only because you're a hater too

On 12/15/2016 at 7:02 PM, Jirobou said:

really i believe all of this is plain hypocrisy

you criticize adfly ads, make up some bullshit virus story, and you don't say anything about mediafire cancerous ads, plain hypocrisy I tell ya


On 12/16/2016 at 7:23 AM, Jirobou said:

also I would like you to cut out the bullshit please, will you?if you keep talking and don't post any proof then everyone will know you're full of s*** , sorry pal but that's the truth



Having a discussion about Archive and their ethical ad hosting practices is one thing, but needlessly baiting other users and calling them liars and "haters" for not agreeing with you is crossing the line. Don't do this again.


And for the record, there are numerous accounts, both here and on other mugen forums, of experiences with adfly. We have nothing against displaying ads. Its specifically the fact that adfly's ads have no safeguards to protect visitors from ads that contain browser hijacks, malware, and other malicious software and Archive's refusal to acknowledge this fault. Name one other file sharing/hosting site with ads that does this.

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There's only one thing I'd like to point out after reading all this because I think it's relevant. Jirobou has made the official statement that there isn't a site out there that allowed downloading for free with no ads and no revenue-gaining tactics whatsoever, when this is just false. Anyone who knows me from my mugen days knows that I hosted the mugen content of myself and a select group of other authors for absolute free, on a website called MugenCoder that was built from scratch. There were no ads and the only features that were locked behind an account (also free) were commenting and user profile features. Downloading was completely open to the public for free. MFG sites also do the same thing. These were just acts of generosity for a community we're apart of. So, depending on how you go about things, your financial status, and your attitude about things, it's quite possible. Usually one or more of these key items is out of line with those who choose to plaster ads all of their sites. It's a choice, not a requirement.



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Since new staff have come in, it's kinda changed. Unless Dizzy takes the reigns again, Id be careful. Some things get deleted anyway and lost forever. And alot of files have been mislabeled or put in the wrong section.

Any upload without a picture gets deleted in 2-3 days. So, if something rare that doesnt exist anywhere else gets uploaded, and whoever uploaded it forgets and never comes back, then it gets deleted. And 404 I guess. I guess its gone forever then. I thought it would just be better to give the uploader a penalty instead of risking losing the character or stage, yknow?

Storyboards not from videogames get deleted too.


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16 hours ago, Алексей said:

There's only one thing I'd like to point out after reading all this because I think it's relevant. Jirobou has made the official statement that there isn't a site out there that allowed downloading for free with no ads and no revenue-gaining tactics whatsoever, when this is just false. Anyone who knows me from my mugen days knows that I hosted the mugen content of myself and a select group of other authors for absolute free, on a website called MugenCoder that was built from scratch. There were no ads and the only features that were locked behind an account (also free) were commenting and user profile features. Downloading was completely open to the public for free. MFG sites also do the same thing. These were just acts of generosity for a community we're apart of. So, depending on how you go about things, your financial status, and your attitude about things, it's quite possible. Usually one or more of these key items is out of line with those who choose to plaster ads all of their sites. It's a choice, not a requirement.


What I said is there is no 100% ad free "massive" hosting plan

"massive" is the key word

what you can do with a shared server, you can't with a hundreds bucks dedicated plan


how much were the hosting fees of mugencoder compared to mugenarchive? they basically host 40,000 files currently so I would imagine it costs the hell of a lot


in fact it comes down to : servers do cost money

if you have big servers, those which cost hundreds, then either you are very rich and can afford to pay from your own money, or you're a normal person and you need ads to pay the bill



18 hours ago, Ricepigeon said:

And for the record, there are numerous accounts, both here and on other mugen forums, of experiences with adfly. We have nothing against displaying ads. Its specifically the fact that adfly's ads have no safeguards to protect visitors from ads that contain browser hijacks, malware, and other malicious software and Archive's refusal to acknowledge this fault. Name one other file sharing/hosting site with ads that does this.

I would like to believe you but not once anyone provided a proof.

Not a single person stating adfly is dangerous was able to provide an online scan of an infected adfly page. Why is there no virus detected on adfly page? I think the only reasonable answer is : because there is no virus in adfly.


There was a discussion on mfg about this, and it was basically

staff : it is fact there is virus in adfly

dude : really? then prove it

staff : here's the one proof i can provide  *bans*


plain irrational, believe or get banned, like some kind of sect of zealots


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1 hour ago, Jirobou said:


What I said is there is no 100% ad free "massive" hosting plan

"massive" is the key word

what you can do with a shared server, you can't with a hundreds bucks dedicated plan


how much were the hosting fees of mugencoder compared to mugenarchive? they basically host 40,000 files currently so I would imagine it costs the hell of a lot


in fact it comes down to : servers do cost money

if you have big servers, those which cost hundreds, then either you are very rich and can afford to pay from your own money, or you're a normal person and you need ads to pay the bill

If you don't even know how much they pay, how could you make such a statement? You're just assuming at this point. 40,000 files isn't that large given most mugen characters are about 2MB on average. That's 79GB of files which a shared host could handle. Even if we bumped the average to 4MB per character, the required space would only be 156GB or so. Shared hosts can also handle the bandwidth required. MugenCoder scaled with what it needed and was affordable for me. I'm not rich, nor very rich. Anyone with a decent job could have afforded it. We were looking at maybe $300 at the end of the year. My point remains that its the site admin's choice to make the user experience worse with ads or just deal with the costs. This doesn't come down to whether or not your rich or "normal," but how selfish you are. It seems MugenArchive is hosted by JustHost.com (according to their WHOIS), in which the plans are very cheap. Barring domain registration, that's $15/mo. for shared and $100~$200/mo. for dedicated. I have no way of telling what plan they pay for, but considering the best shared plan there is marked as "Unmetered" for both Bandwidth and Storage, I'd say they could have easily chosen that. If not, the dedicated plan isn't terribly bad either.



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you make some good points however i'm pretty sure mugenarchive file average is bigger than that because i've seen tons of large files up to 200M, if you browse the donald edits, they are 50-70M average per file


anyway according to mugenarchive they are on two dedicated servers, since a justhost ded is up to 250 per month, the fees could go up to 500 per month

this is a whole different story than paying a 15 per month shared hosting, even with a normal job paying that much would hurt a lot, especially if you have a family, children and all the stuff


mugenarchive used to be on a shared server for years, and at that time the site was totally ad free iirc, they only started adding ads when the site grew really big

i know because they made these info public, i can post the link if you want, but i don't want to be accused of spamming


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35 minutes ago, Алексей said:

most mugen characters are about 2MB on average. That's 79GB of files which a shared host could handle. Even if we bumped the average to 4MB per character, the required space would only be 156GB or so.


A bit off topic here, but from personal experience I've found most Mugen characters that were 2MB and under to be of suspect quality. I'd consider 5-20MB to be the average size of a standard res character to be of acceptable quality, but that's going off track since we're talking about data bandwidth and hosting costs, not character quality. However, for the sake of curiosity, what would be the overhead if we considered 15 MB to be the average size of a character?


2 hours ago, Jirobou said:


I would like to believe you but not once anyone provided a proof.

Not a single person stating adfly is dangerous was able to provide an online scan of an infected adfly page. Why is there no virus detected on adfly page? I think the only reasonable answer is : because there is no virus in adfly.



And you're right: online scanners like Virustotal aren't going to find anything on adfly itself. Its the ads that they display that contain security vulnerabilities, which are dynamic and change frequently between users, sometimes you'll get a perfectly safe ad and sometimes you'll get an ad that injects some nasty malware into your browser. Something like that can easily be missed by Virustotal due to it not being on adfly's site itself. However, if you knew the specific url of a specific ad that caused a security vulnerability, chances are much higher that it would detect something. The difficulty lies in retaining the url of each ad that you encountered and then identifying which specific ad caused the vulnerability, which is a chore in and of itself.

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1 hour ago, Ricepigeon said:

A bit off topic here, but from personal experience I've found most Mugen characters that were 2MB and under to be of suspect quality. I'd consider 5-20MB to be the average size of a standard res character to be of acceptable quality, but that's going off track since we're talking about data bandwidth and hosting costs, not character quality. However, for the sake of curiosity, what would be the overhead if we considered 15 MB to be the average size of a character?

Hey some of my characters were 2MB, lol XD. It would about 586 GB with 15 MB average.


1 hour ago, Jirobou said:

anyway according to mugenarchive they are on two dedicated servers, since a justhost ded is up to 250 per month, the fees could go up to 500 per month

this is a whole different story than paying a 15 per month shared hosting, even with a normal job paying that much would hurt a lot, especially if you have a family, children and all the stuff

It's a lot of space, but why would 2 dedicated servers be needed? If they're paying for too much, then there's nothing I can do about that. I'm pretty sure I could get a stable setup for less. Hell, I could pay for a CDN and pay less. There are other options. I can't see why they'd need two dedicated servers, but whatever, I'm not gonna be their financial advisor. That's all up to them. Still, they could have ads on the site and not use adfly. If I host a character for free, then see it on mugenarchive behind an adfly link, it would mean they're making profits off of my work. Now what if this work was completely original; my own IP? Now it just poses a moral dilemma.



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according to dizzy they do remove char if there is a complain from IP owner


and about the two servers i'm not sure but they seem to have an storage server and an app server

this is speculation but perhaps is because they do run both a forum and a file server, while most sites would only do one or the other


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59 minutes ago, Niitris said:

So, please tell me how this is fake.




interesting (and pretty funny) i've never had this shit in adfly personally though


we don't see what he clicked at the beginning though, it seems like he clicked the ad before clicking the skip button or something, which may be why he got redirected to another website


anyway there is no virus here, he just got redirected to some scam site with a scam message, which is entirely his fault if he clicked the ad, still not a proof that an adfly page can embed a virus


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13 minutes ago, Jirobou said:


we don't see what he clicked at the beginning though, it seems like he clicked the ad before clicking the skip button or something, which may be why he got redirected to another website


anyway there is no virus here, he just got redirected to some scam site with a scam message, which is entirely his fault if he clicked the ad, still not a proof that an adfly page can embed a virus


Can you show us a timestamp? We're gonna need some kind of evidence, aside from mere speculation, that suggests the video is intentionally misleading.

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at the beginning you can see the adfly page is already blackened and there is a highlighted message

this is a typical highslide and should only happen if you click somewhere on the page, which is why I think he clicked on the ad

never click on adfly ads, this is the rule of thumb, just skip it, always, or you'll be redirected to some shit site


and btw I scanned the url in his video ( q.gs/6s34J )


Detection ratio: 0/66



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The problem is that not everyone knows that, and isn't allowed to install some kind of AdBlocking service because they're not old enough. Or have administrator rights. If it were that easy and simple, no one would be arguing against adfly.


I don't care if you use the damn site or not, mediafire isn't a whole lot better. And there are many sites better than those 2. They don't hold the same level of storage, but they are less dangerous. Not having enough space (or the money to pay for the space) is not a good enough justification to use adfly.


The other issue is making money off other people's works through a third party. Why would anybody assist that over downloading the character from it's proper host?


The only thing MA has are characters that are no longer available, and those often suck so eh.

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there is a relevant discussion on minecraft forums




I think it was pretty much nailed at post #3



So modders should not put adfly links because some people are too dumb to click a big, yellow button that says "Skip Ad" ?


lmao xD


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10 hours ago, GarchompMatt said:

That's implying the virus ads only take effect if you click on them. Ever heard of javascript injection?


we all know that, but again, until now, nobody could provide a virus scan proof of an infected adfly page, so what does that tell you?

besides adfly claim they scan their pages 24/7, source : https://adf.ly


people who click on adfly ads, browse some shitty sites and install suspicious programs which probably contain adware can only blame themselves

as long as nothing malicious is done without you being aware of it, you must take responsibility for where you click and what you install on your computer


the proper way to use adfly is to just skip the ads, and anyone who isn't dumb would do just that, this way you'll never have any problem with adfly, and publishers can get some bucks


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