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[GR Style] Ten characters updated (11/25/21, Thanksgiving Update)


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And another gureito addition to my MUGEN coming from you (and for realz this time...). And that leaves us with the question on who you will be doing next, either Mima or Mamizou... Have you ever actually attempted working on two characters at the same time? I mean not literally simultaneously, but working towards the same progress for both... you know what I mean.

As for Chen herself, you naturally did a great job with the moves and all, but I have one entirely personal complaint: What the hell is it with you guys and the "Charge DB,DF,DB,UF,x/y/z" input? Like, where the hell did it come from? This seems like a ridiculously arbitrary input combination to me... I mean I'm in no position to whine about this, but I really think it's not that great of an idea to have the player fight much more with his own keyboard than the opponent he's/she's supposed to be fighting.


Oh well, at least I'm able to execute this combination when it comes down to it... as opposed to the fucking 360... fuck 360, it's a strain on analog sticks and downright impossible to properly execute on the keyboard. I know someone of you is gonna tell me to just change the respective character's command inputs if it bothers me so much... but doing exactly that has caused a lot of characters to behave unnaturally, like the AI suddenly taking over for no reason, and the moves I changed not working at all anyways.


Speaking of which, although your Yuuka has 360 moves as well, for some reason they're really easy to execute. Really, for her 720 moves for example all I had to do was do two half circles and press up one time along with the attack button, and the moves happened as I wanted... Kudos to you for having done... that. Why am I saying this? Because no other characters with this direction input had this benefit. 

I do realize I went off-topic by a lot, but... just wanted to let that out. If anyone else happens to be a 360 hater... know that you're not alone.

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1 hour ago, Xiristatos said:

What the hell is it with you guys and the "Charge DB,DF,DB,UF,x/y/z" input? Like, where the hell did it come from?

It's a common motion for charge Hypers, at least in Street Fighter. That doesn't mean people like the motion, mind you.

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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Stealth update for Chen. Fixed a few day 1 issues that slipped by.


  • First release.
  • Four additional palettes added.
  • Corrected oversight where 2 existing palettes were not used.
  • Extended directional charge requirement by 8f (total: 50f).
  • Adjusted buffer leniency for charge inputs on Spellcard attacks.
  • Throw can now be mash extended using B or C.
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17 hours ago, GarchompMatt said:

It's a common motion for charge Hypers, at least in Street Fighter. That doesn't mean people like the motion, mind you.

Truly, what a bizarre input... while it seems to be executable on an analog stick, it really shouldn't be this cryptic. Speaking of bizarre, I'm playing a lot of BlazBlue Central Fiction recently, and I very clearly noticed its occasional tendency for odd inputs as well. The one that comes off the top of my head is the one used for Hazama's and Izanami's Astrals: DB, HCB, DF. It's another one of those inputs that might be obnoxious on a keyboard but quite doable on an analog stick... and it's only for Astrals anyway, so that's no issue. 

However, the game also contains quite a few of the goddamn 360 and 720 (and in a few cases even 1080!), and they alone are the reason I ended up not liking playing as Tager that much (however, I can handle Bullet well enough though).


I do realize I'm bringing up my hatred for the 360 input once again at such an unwarranted place, but I didn't even mention what I hate the absolute most about them: It's not so much that it's the most obnoxious motion to ever execute (which it really is), but how a lot of moves that require this input are ground-only, meaning it's very likely for a player to fail executing it entirely. Given that your character will automatically jump once you reach the upper part with your stick or keyboard when doing a 360, one has to time the last input key almost perfectly to execute it on the ground without the character jumping again instead... but then again, it may be just me sucking at fighting games too much to understand it...

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Chen updated


  • Fixed additional minor sprite errors.
  • Corrected bug in charge inputs where hold direction didn't need to be released.
  • Immortal Sage's Rumbling [Z Followup]: Hitstun increased by 3f, Blockstun increased by 1f.
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Yuyuko & Yukari updated


  • Fixed misalignment on portrait.
  • Removed unused sounds.
  • Illusionary Rift [X Version]: Damage increased (75->100).
  • Illusionary Rift [Y Version]: Damage increased (70->90).
  • Illusionary Rift [Z Version]: Damage increased (80->105).
  • "Quadruple Border": Chip damage per hit increased (1->2 for first 9 hits, 1->32 on final hit).
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Sanae updated


  • Fixed Wind Gauge not displaying as proper color in IKEMEN.
  • "Charm of Good Commerce": Fixed potential bug where not all hits would register properly.
  • "Forgotten Ritual": Fixed improper damage scaling in IKEMEN.
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Sanae, Patchouli, & Meiling updated


  • Adjusted minor issue in select screen portrait.
  • Removed unused sounds.
  • Fixed misalignment in select portrait.
  • Fixed bug where damage proration would not apply correctly in IKEMEN.
  • "Royal Flare": Hit velocity increased.
  • Minor code optimization.
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Marisa & Remilia updated


  • Fixed bug where damage proration would not apply correctly in IKEMEN.
  • "Sungrazer": Startup invincibility increased by 1f.
  • Fixed bug where damage proration would not apply correctly in IKEMEN.
  • Chain Gang [Z version]: Startup increased by 2f.
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Flandre, Mokou, & Koishi updated


  • Fixed bug in IKEMEN where damage proration was being applied incorrectly.
  • "South Wind, Clear Sky -Mt. Fuji Volcano-": Fixed bug in IKEMEN where damage proration was being applied incorrectly.
  • Fixed bug in IKEMEN where damage proration was being applied incorrectly.
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Chen updated


  • Fixed error on super portrait.
  • 2z: Fixed voice clip not playing.
  • 3z: Fixed voice clip not playing.
  • j.5x: Damage reduced (40->35).
  • Immortal Sage's Rumbling [Z followup]: P1 power gain per hit decreased (60->30).
  • Immortal Sage's Rumbling [Z followup]: P2 power gain per hit decreased (30->15).
  • Immortal Sage's Rumbling [Z followup]: Now causes Knockdown.
  • Jumping Crossing Scales [Z followup]: P1 power gain per hit decreased (60->30).
  • Jumping Crossing Scales [Z followup]: P2 power gain per hit decreased (30->15).
  • Jumping Crossing Scales [Z followup]: Now causes Knockdown.
  • Nekomata Feral Movement: Velocity increased. Chen now turns to face opponent when getting up.
  • Nekomata Feral Movement: Can no longer be cancelled into from Normals.
  • Soaring Bishamonten: Chip damage increased (12->50).
  • Soaring Bishamonten: Fixed minor errors.
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Koishi updated


  • 4y: Startup increased by 1f, recovery increased by 2f.
  • 4y: Hitstun increased by 1f.
  • 4y: Now has a 1f gap between projectiles.
  • Fidgety Snatcher: Now only automatically activates when the opponent is airborne.
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Meiling updated


  • j3x/y/z: Startup increased by 1f, landing recovery decreased by 2f.
  • j3x/y/z: Fixed error where landing could not be cancelled into Specials.
  • j3x/y/z: Power gains doubled.
  • j3x/y/z: Hitstun increased by 1f.
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Marisa Kirisame updated


  • 5x: P1 power gains increased (30->40), P2 power gains decreased (30->20).
  • 5y: P1 power gains decreased (80->60), P2 power gains decreased (40->30).
  • 5z: P1 power gains decreased (120->90), P2 power gains decreased (60->45).
  • 2x: P1 power gains increased (30->40), P2 power gains decreased (30->20).
  • 2y: P1 power gains decreased (80->60), P2 power gains decreased (40->30).
  • 2z: P1 power gains decreased (120->90), P2 power gains decreased (60->45).
  • j5x: P1 power gains increased (30->40), P2 power gains decreased (30->20).
  • j5y: P1 power gains decreased (80->60), P2 power gains decreased (40->30).
  • j5z: P1 power gains decreased (120->90), P2 power gains decreased (60->45).
  • Throw: P2 power gains reduced (60->40).
  • EX Witching Blaster: Proration per hit increased (0.85->0.92).
  • Miasma Sweep [Y version]: 2nd hit proration increased (0.75->0.87).
  • EX Miasma Sweep: 2nd hit proration increased (0.75->0.87).
  • Narrow Spark [X version]: Proration decreased (0.93->0.8).
  • Narrow Spark [Y version]: Damage per hit increased (37->39).
  • Narrow Spark [Y version]: Proration per hit decreased (0.93->0.89).
  • "Final Spark": Projectile hitbox positioning adjusted.
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Double whammy: Remilia updated.


  • Voice added.
  • Chain Gang [Z version]: Can now be destroyed by projectiles.
  • "Spear the Gungnir": Fixed minor bug that may occur during combos.
  • "Spear the Gungnir": Proration decreased (0.75->0.55).
  • "Spear the Gungnir": Now has a small internal cooldown after use.
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On 2017-6-3 at 2:50 AM, OxyontheWolf said:

so...no voice yet, drat, she really needs Mari's trademark spunk and wit

Not to derail this thread, but I did make a voicepack for Marisa a small while ago that I try to keep up to date with the latest version. I just posted it in the Touhou Project collections thread if you're interested.

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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