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Who Are You, Really?


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dude with your hand so close and big.

you look like Tao kaka.

Hehehe... Do you think you've disguised yourself as a cat? You may be able to fool everyone else, but nothing escapes the all-seeing eye of Bang Shishigami! http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//laugh.png



"I’m Cyan Garland, Captain of the Prairia Palace Guards." - Cyan Garland [Tail Concerto]

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is it just me or are most of our members black...?

also I remember when Hado first joined people (including myself) thought he was a chick because of his profile pic

That question actually reminded me of a question my friend asked me. he asked is it me or is everybody who is hella good at fighters is either black or asian. but anyway it appears so, but im not surprised.



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haha well im a Honkey... well ok kinda im alittle Dark because of the indian in my Fam, great Grandmother was 100% Cherokee indian so i cant say im 100% White lol


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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hahaha Nice see thats why i like this place u can say honkey nigga or whatever the hell u want to be called an no one gets all faggy sensative about it


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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well truth be told i think im the only reformed Racist on our board ... i mean i used to be a nazi skinhead i mean i hated everybody even other white people... and the thing is in some way i still do belive some of the things i used to except now i lump in all the Trash of every race including my own .... now i have freinds of every colour and every race, its called growing up http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//smile.png


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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After you said yesterday at the chat, you got the right to do any sort of race jokes revoked, Larry http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png

I was just trying to mess with alp lol, the joke i said wasn't me saying if had any black in me it was if i had any gangster in me I would kill myself. thank god i don't


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