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Sceptile by Jetgoshi and Dylanius9000


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You do realize of course that many places, including here, don't enforce restrictions such as this anymore, correct?

That being said, OP needs a screenshot or vid as per our rules on releases. But since I'm generous, I'll give you 24 hours to do so.


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You do realize of course that many places, including here, don't enforce restrictions such as this anymore, correct?

That being said, OP needs a screenshot or vid as per our rules on releases. But since I'm generous, I'll give you 24 hours to do so.


1: That was Jetgoshi's idea, but still. I am deeply concerned about the safety of this character.
2: Eh...it might take a while.

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+The Hyper effect is pretty cool.

+Gameplay is solid. Reminds me of Aperson98's Luigi.

-The Sceptile cry sound is a little too repetitive.

-The grab attempt animation is a little choppy.

Overall, possibly the only decent Sceptile in M.U.G.E.N.

Youtube Channel: Here

Website: Here


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Because you went and locked the thread at MFG....

Head and mid pos are wrong



Debug Error during intro, check the code


Massive Debug Flood on the LV3


This is more preference so it doesn't need to be changed i guess but IMO the EX Bullet seed(?) attack's explosions could be scaled down a bit.

If you want my released works, go here.

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he's afraid of vore edits

Afraid? I'm not afraid of vore edits, to be honest. I'm actually indifferent to the matter myself
It's just that my partner, Jetgoshi, isn't okay with them, unlike me, and I'm trying my best to respect his wishes.



-The Sceptile cry sound is a little too repetitive.

-The grab attempt animation is a little choppy.

1: Neither me or Jetgoshi could be bothered with getting clips from the anime, sadly, so that was all I had to work with.
2: Eh, at least I tried.

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Well he doesn't have to acknowledge them. He chooses to give them attention, nobody with a right mind is going to choose a vore edit over the original version he's the only one making a big deal out of it while places like MFFA and MFG could careless about those edits







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Because you went and locked the thread at MFG....

Head and mid pos are wrong



Debug Error during intro, check the code


Massive Debug Flood on the LV3


This is more preference so it doesn't need to be changed i guess but IMO the EX Bullet seed(?) attack's explosions could be scaled down a bit.

1: I locked the thread because of rudeness.
2: oshi-i forgot that the x pos existed didn't i

3: I must have forgotten that as well.
4: Funny. I thought I fixed the debug flood problem. Eh, you can't always be perfect.
5: I don't seem to find Seed Bomb's explosions THAT big.

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Did some testing;

  • QCB A+B gives power back on hit.
  • Animation on QCB+A looks awkward as it looks like he's sliding foward and then sliding backward
  • Throw sends P2 below the ground:
  • Bullet Seed Y Version whiffs in the corner:
  • Aerial Iron Tail is an infinite if done immediately from the ground:
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Did some testing;

  • QCB A+B gives power back on hit.
  • Animation on QCB+A looks awkward as it looks like he's sliding foward and then sliding backward
  • Throw sends P2 below the ground:
  • Bullet Seed Y Version whiffs in the corner:
  • Aerial Iron Tail is an infinite if done immediately from the ground:

1: Wait that's not supposed to happen.
It, John. Not "him", "it".
3: Huh. I didn't see that.
4: Matt pointed that out already, didn't he? No need to repeat stuff.
It's as if I can predict a "Rice N Pals use an UU Pokémon" video coming right around the corner...

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5: It's as if I can predict a "Rice N Pals use an UU Pokémon" video coming right around the corner...

I know you are being sarcastic about it Dylanius but Rice is just helping out what you and Jetgoshi need to do to make the character more better.  :-P

I admit this Sceptile is awesome you just need to fix some bugs that Rice and Genesis mentioned.

I'm glad to see more better pokemon characters made for mugen like this. :goodmood:


MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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My Turn.

-Mis-aligned hitsparks here and there on his standing/crouching normals.


-Iron tail is recoverable (manually, or it if you turn training's recovery "on").

-Quick attack is also recoverable (same conditions).

-Iron tail has both a mis-aligned hitspark/blockspark.


-"Acrobatics" has a mis-aligned blockspark.


-Dragon Breath has a mis-aligned blockspark.


-And speaking of blockspark, why is it in his mouth during Solar Leaf Storm?


-Mega Sceptile has a mis-aligned hitbox in that "rocket tail" of his.


-Just for an added bonus: When I 1st looked inside his files to check out his readme, I noticed it's all empty except for a def, a pic, and a readme.


I was getting confused to why, until I realized this: They're all hidden.


Mind if I ask why you (or Jetgoshi) did this?




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