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What was your reaction when you found out about Mugen?


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I'm surprised there aren't any reaction videos to Mugen, so what was your reaction upon seeing it. I was speechless, this is the very 1st Mugen video I saw, in 2007.


Never knew how to work it until 2013 and after making a roster & downloading tons of stuff, I can play crazy fun matches like these today:


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When I found out about the concept, I was all like, OMG GUIZE THIS IS SO COOL!

Only for me to not know how to download and implement characters.

Later on, in late 2013, I learned how to download and implement characters, and I laughed like a mad scientist.

Youtube Channel: Here

Website: Here


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since I found in 2000, I saw only advance the project, and whether it was worth to follow mugen.


(but also in the same week I met touhou proyect,They are the first games I have played, and still play.)


"We always have a mask on and do not take off the mask for fear of rejection and Judge us by as we really are." -フクロウ (Fukurō)


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There cant be reaction videos to it, its super old. It predates stupid trends on youtube.

I found out about it in 2000, thru a spanish friend, who downloaded the full game "Dragon Ball Z Mugen Edition" the first one by Emuboarding, and the 2nd as well.

He explained how to find it, I got it, played it, loved it. (cause you know beginning of 2000's was the DBZ Hype Era)

I tried to make something in 2001, failed, tried again in 2005, failed, so then i was determined in 2006, made my own and made MFFA.

- Characters -  / - Stages - / - Screenpacks - / - Lifebars - / - Fonts - / - Full Games - / - Templates -


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I found out about Mugen 2005. I remember seeing Super Mario fighting Evil Ryu, and I was surprised such a thing was possible. I didn't look into it, though.

I downloaded Mugen for the first time in 2011 (strangely enough, it was the same day 1.0 was released). I don't know what caused me to remember that video I saw suddenly, but I thought maybe I should check it out.

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I was looking for news on a new Marvel vs Capcom since I had heard Capcom wouldn't be making any more games (Damn you Capcom!!!!!!!!!!) and I ran across Marvel vs Capcom EOH by the IMT crew and was blown away and confused. I was like why the fuck is spawn and green lantern in this game and did my research. I discovered Scruffy Dragon first, then Crusader Cast which was my first forum.............. for about a day. IMT was next until Crusader Cast decided to make a Noob there personally punching bag there and had really weak punches lol. Finally, I made it here and I wish I would have came here first. Mugen has been around for 15 years and discovered it around its 10th lol.


Your powerless against my genjutsu, The Reign of Kreation will consume you.........

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