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Dark Magician Girl by Tsubaki updated 2/6/2016


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Wow, I was kinda expecting D4 sprites, but they look better than I anticipated. They remind me of SANTAKI's works.

Everything close to me fades away. (Insert emoji here)


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Does anyone happen to have a link to the author's website(if there is one)? I think it would be best if it were possible to have it available since I would assume that would be the best place to watch for any updates.

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woooow she is really great, i play for alot of years at yugioh online, and this is a really cool dark magician girl, hope someday some creator made Dark Ruler Hades  :fuckyea:

I also wish some one would did an golden dragon of ra.

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Fuck U :D I Don't Have one Asshole.

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Updated 06/25/2015


Seems like he redid the sprites and added/changed up her moves a bit. I'll see if I can find out what exactly is different.


  • Both parts of 2y can now hit downed opponents.
  • 2x now hits downed opponents.
  • 236x now hits downed opponents.
  • 236y now causes the opponent to bounce off of the ground. This also applies to airborne opponents.
  • 214x now hits downed opponents.
  • 236236x/y's projectile now knocks over the opponent upon hitting

Not sure if there's any other moves, but otherwise, the damage and hitflags are the same on everything else.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here are the differences from the previous version that I've noticed so far in the 7/12 version:

  • She has an actual voice, and it appears to come from Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 3. She also has two KO voices, KFM's and her own, both of which play at the same time.
  • 236236x/y now deals slightly less damage when the entire combo hits, from 351 to 284(including the first hit; it deals 247 instead of 284 if the first hit does not land but the rest do. In the previous versions, it did 314 w/o the first hit.)
  • 236y now has a new sparkle effect at the start of the swing.
  • 2y now deals 106 damage with the magic ring and 153 damage total. 
  • 2y no longer knocks back with the second hit and now launches the opponent.
  • Only the first hit of 2y will push you away from your opponent if it is used while the opponent is against the wall.
  • A grab can be done with 6y, not 6x as stated in the readme.
  • She has a new Lv. 3 special, done with 236236z as opposed to 236236x/y(which would overwrite the Lv. 1 special already linked to that command). It must be used up close, but out of all of her attacks, this deals the most damage (400). It is unblockable.

This is about it on what I've seen so far. I'll edit this post if I find anything else.

EDIT: It appears that both KO voices don't play at the same time because KFM's KO voice is registered to group 11, index 0, and hers is also registered to group 11, index 0. The voice that DOES play after a KO is group 5020, index 1. I should also note that KFM's voice might not even play on KO. In order to get the proper voice to play, move sound 7 to any group and index other than the following:

  • 0,(0-4)
  • 1,1
  • 3,(0-9)
  • 4,(0-8)
  • 5,(0-10)
  • 6,(0-2)
  • 7,(0-3)
  • 11,0
  • 40,0
  • 100,0
  • 190,(0-2)
  • 191,(0-3)
  • 192,(0-1)
  • 200,0
  • 201,(0-4)
  • 210,(0-2)
  • 211,(0-2)
  • 212,(0-2)
  • 213,(0-3)
  • 215,(0-2)
  • 5000,(0-1)
  • 5002,(0-2)
  • 5003,0
  • 5010,(1,10)
  • 5020,(1,20)
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Updated 7/12.

Link: http://www1.axfc.net/u/3499275

Pass: bmG

I haven't really noticed any differences between this version and the 7/10 version. The error with the KO voice is still there.

EDIT: Updated 7/28.

Link: http://www1.axfc.net/u/3508073

Pass: bmG

New stuff:

  • The KFM KO voice has been removed(finally!).
  • New voices added.
  • AI no longer seems to dance anymore. It used to, at random moments, rapidly crouch and stand up or rapidly turn around. It would still block most of the time, but it was quite common to see it happen in a normal fight. It also seems to put up more of a fight than before, and seems to be somewhat smarter about using its specials.
  • 236236x now deals a grand total of 400 damage if all hits land. This is the same amount that 236236z does, and that costs three bars!
  • 236236x's shot no longer causes the opponent to bounce.

That's about all I've noticed at the moment; I'll edit this post if I find anything else.

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