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MFFA's Ask a User Thread (Ask OxyontheWolf)


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Those who are also registered on MFG may be familiar with what this thread is. For those of you who aren't the premise is simple;

  • One person on the forum gets to have their day in the limelight, while everyone else gets to ask that person a question.
  • At the end of 4 days, that person must choose another person on the forum to be asked a bunch of questions.
  • If chosen, keep in mind that you are not obligated to answer any questions asked of you. You are free to answer as many (or as few) of the questions asked. You are also free to abstain and choose another user at any time before the 7 day deadline.
  • Once chosen, that person cannot be chosen again. Banned users are also blacklisted from being chosen for obvious reasons (unless their ban expires).

The following people have already been picked for the Ask thread and cannot be picked again;

Since this is the first post, the next user to post in this thread will have the opportunity to answer questions.

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1. Around the same time i was interested in playing Blazblue. I couldn't play it so i went for mugen (something i wasn't really interested) the rest is history.


2. Kamekaze's Shizuo


3. Watching videos and writing



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It really isn't a bad idea, but the only treads i see some activity are the shit thread, the pokemon and people not shutting up about Smash and Mortal Kombat.


So that's why i'm worried in this thread being dead by the end of the month.



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Q: could you post a vid of your most current "favorite" song?



That's a hard one...but there's a certain song that i listened recently and i liked it




Q: Do you like Vocaloids?

Q: Are you a bot?

Q: Paper or plastic?


A: Only the Vocaloids, not the music.


A: I am a Gundam


A: Styrofoam



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-Favorite fighting game?

-Favorite mugen char?

-What made you come up with your name?

-Another hard one, but i'll go with Guilty Gear

-I don't have a definitive favorite, but i'll go with AKOF Joker by 1% , this home boy bailed me out of some tough situations.

-I don't really remember, it's just one of my many names, and Mister Fael is like the evolution to Fael Chan



What does a Fael do when not doing mugen related things or on mugen related sites?


-Playing Games, ranging from GBA to PSP games (Nothing like PS3, Xbox or Wii stuff) , and some PC games, though i deleted most of the PC ones to make space.



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