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Shen Xiii By Ahuron Released 11/13/11

Phantom Blood

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The link works fine for me, if you scroll down on his homepage click on the link called MUGEN and ShenXIII should be on the top of the list of links. Hope this is helpful http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//smile.png .



"I’m Cyan Garland, Captain of the Prairia Palace Guards." - Cyan Garland [Tail Concerto]

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Ahuron is an amazing creator so shut up Zio seriously, I have all his KOF characters in my roster they are the best ive played, and lets not forget his awesome weird creations as well, like BRIAAAAAAAAAN and d-rugal. hes a great creator. now about your attitude it sucks you have the worst attitude I have seen even worse than some on guild which is saying alot so straighten your shit out its pissing me and a bunch of other people off I am sure many would agree you need to shape up or SHIP OUT.


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Ahuron often is a bit off when he tries to shoot for accuracy. Not that this Shen Woo is bad though. It may have minor issues, but I enjoy it. I just find his humorous characters like Briaaaaaaaaan, D-Rugal, Mukuro (when holding start while selecting) and Yabuki to some extent is where he shines the most.


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