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[Stage] Women's Shower Room (NSFW) by Abubu Nounanka released (02/03/2015)


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Okay for some reason I got error when using the 1.1 version, even though I use mugen 1.1, then I use 1.0 version, it work fine. What is wrong with the 1.1 version?


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spr = stages/w_shower/w_shower.sff
change it to spr = w_shower.sff


Oh, that why it's error. Alright thanks!


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Try to keep the posts on topic guys. Posts with nothing but image macros serving as a subtle method of telling people the stage gave you an erection is NOT considered on-topic. Keep that stuff in your pants and to yourself.


Well, it IS related to the stage, so technically it counts.

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Yea, I agree with TAW. The title for this thread itself is clear it contain NSFW, so it is on-topic if people post a pervert comment here. Plus, all of this comment here so far, sound pervert or not, are directly about the stage, not for other things. So yea it is on-topic.


Nevermind that, so guys I've adding zoom for this stage, but only for mugen 720 resolution. Click the spoiler to see how it look like. If you guys want it, just PM me, I'll give the link. Sharing is caring  :awesome



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