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TOP 5 Fighting Game Characters!

Krypto 'SAM' saiyaN

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Hello guys, I don't know if this topic has already been made here or not.

So, just wanna know...who is your TOP 5 Fighting Game Characters (from OFFICIAL game ONLY) that you love? Who is your main character in a fighting games that you always pick, pretty much most of time without thinking want to use other characters XD. List below, share your top 5 here.


So, let me started first! My top 5 fighting game characters is :-


1. Liu Kang (Mortal Kombat)


2. Kazuya Mishima (Tekken)


3. K' (The King of Fighters)


4. Evil Ryu (Street Fighter)


5. Zato-1 (Guilty Gear)



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For me these are in no particular order

1. Johnny Cage (Mortal Kombat)

2. Chun-Li (Street Fighter)

3. Marshall Law (Tekken)

4. Yuri Sakazaki (The King of Fighters, don't really play her much in Art of Fighting)

5. Vergil (Marvel Vs. Capcom 3, I'm almost never without him on my team)

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Yo I was preparing one of these myself, but I will hold mine off and do another bro :omg:  heres my top 5

Ryu - street fighter

Scorpion - Injustice

Spinal - Killer instinct

Talim - Soul Calibur

Spider-man - X-men Mutant Academy 2


Your powerless against my genjutsu, The Reign of Kreation will consume you.........

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1. Captain Kit Kat (Rakuga Kids)


2. Bomberman (Dream Mix, which I guess counts, even though he didn't originate from it)


3. Sackboy (PSASBR, I guess this counts again, even though it's sorta in a Smash styled setting, and that his moveset sucked...)


4. Pac-Man (SFxTK)


5. Mario (World Heroes 2 NES/Kart Fighter which I guess also counts too)

Everything close to me fades away. (Insert emoji here)


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5. Bryan Fury (Tekken 3, because f*ck later versions)
4. Sagat (Street Fighter)
3. Johnny Cage (Mortal Kombat)
2. Sonork (Dark Rift)
1. Mutilator (Bio-FREAKS)

List explains itself. Number 2 because he's badass and number 1 because he can f*ck you up. Period. Also, he's the biggest fighter I've ever scene in a fighting game. EVER. And I've played a lot of fighting games.


Sack Tapping is Bad News, kids.

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1. Mutilator (Bio-FREAKS)

Oh that Bio-FREAKS game was kinda cool man. I was hoping to see that game return back since Netherrealm studio (the previous Midway studio) now knows how to make a badass fighting game. Imagine new Bio-FREAKS game with graphic like Mortal Kombat X, that will be cool!


5. Mario (World Heroes 2 NES/Kart Fighter which I guess also counts too)

If i'm not wrong, both are pirate game right? That World Heroes game even have Goku from DBZ isn't it? Well it's fine, but if can, I want this thread for official fighting game only, doesn't matter what type of it, general or anime game as long as it was official fighting genre game :)


Maybe I need to edit the title about this thread XD.


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If that's the case:

1. Ken Masters (Street Fighter)

2. Jago (Killer Instinct)

3. The Flash (Injustice)

4. Ky Kiske (Guilty Gear)

5. Riesbyfe Stridberg (Melty Blood)

Edit: Changed my #5, cause played her a lot more often.

Edit #2: Just noticed that I wrongly categorizes Ky from "Killer Instinct" When it should have been Guilty Gear. Whoops



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Do non-fighting game origin char count, riiiiiight?

Yup! Characters from other genre and anime/cartoon are count as long as they appear in official fighting game.


I love seeing all of these not so common games up here in the top 5.

way to much mainstream fighting games.

Yea, some of the game they mentioned here I don't even know it was exist.


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Since they are so awesome, there'll be two per position.


1. Ragna the Bloodedge and Sol Badguy (Knowing me, they would be here.) [blazblue and Guilty Gear]

2. Relius Clover and Hazama (Knowing me, they would be here as well) [blazblue]

3. Jin Kisaragi and Ky Kiske (Do i need to say more?) [blazblue and Guilty Gear]

4. Iori Yagami and Yashiro (Mortal enemies in the same position.) [KOF and Garou]

5. Ash Crimson and Oswald (Shen Woo when i feel like it. [KOF]



If this was a Top 10 (Or an alternate TOP 5 list.)


6. Sagat and Rolento (Because, Tigers and Military Officers.)  [street Fighter]

7. Willard H Wright and Hibiki Takane (Swordmasters.) [Ougon Musou Kyoku and Last Blade]

8. Kaede and Gundam Epyon (Do i need to say awesome?) [Last Blade and GW Endless Duel]

9. Tallgeese and Rock Howard (Zechs and Rock would be here!) (GW Endless Duel and Garou)

10. Jean Pierre Polnareff and Dio Brando (Because i play with them as more as Jotaro.) [Jojo's Bizarre Adventure]



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Since they are so awesome, there'll be two per position.


1. Ragna the Bloodedge and Sol Badguy (Knowing me, they would be here.) [blazblue and Guilty Gear]

2. Relius Clover and Hazama (Knowing me, they would be here as well) [blazblue]

3. Jin Kisaragi and Ky Kiske (Do i need to say more?) [blazblue and Guilty Gear]

4. Iori Yagami and Yashiro (Mortal enemies in the same position.) [KOF and Garou]

5. Ash Crimson and Oswald (Shen Woo when i feel like it. [KOF]



If this was a Top 10 (Or an alternate TOP 5 list.)


6. Sagat and Rolento (Because, Tigers and Military Officers.)  [street Fighter]

7. Willard H Wright and Hibiki Takane (Swordmasters.) [Ougon Musou Kyoku and Last Blade]

8. Kaede and Gundam Epyon (Do i need to say awesome?) [Last Blade and GW Endless Duel]

9. Tallgeese and Rock Howard (Zechs and Rock would be here!) (GW Endless Duel and Garou)

10. Jean Pierre Polnareff and Dio Brando (Because i play with them as more as Jotaro.) [Jojo's Bizarre Adventure]

LOL! Well, that is not a top 5 nor top 10 anymore..that was a top 20 XD


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1) K' Dash (King of Fighters '99) k-stance1.gif

2) Tie: Lee Chalon/Violet and Kagura Mutsuki (Tekken/Blazblue: CP)

26578.png kagura545_6750.png


3) Tie: Ken Masters, Karin Kanzuki, and Cody Travers (Street Figher Zero/Alpha 3)ken-cvs-time.gif karin-diz.gifcody-start.gif

4) Arcueid Brunestud (Melty Blood) mb_arcueid_anim.gif

5) Amy Sorel (Soul Calibur 3) amy-soulcalibur-broken-destiny-gauntlet-


i wanna do some Honorable Mentions soon as well.... 


The Power Of Excellence <3  ReigiOzora18's YouTube Channel

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2. Stone Cold Steve Austion ( WWE Games WWE2k14)

Hell yeah! I've been waiting for someone to mentioned WWE games!  :awesome


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