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Elsa (Frozen) vs. Letty Whiterock (Touhou)


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Who will win!?


As they both have powers of ice.


A clash of two woman who has the power of winter.


They both have Good friends on their sides. (Not Really Actrually LOL!)


This is a battle that can last all winter. (If not a very long one LOL! :=D: )


MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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Wait, how did Letty suddenly became relevant again? Am I missing something?

Info: http://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Letty_Whiterock


"General Info"

"Letty first appeared as the first stage boss of Perfect Cherry Blossom. In Perfect Memento in Strict Sense, it was written that she was a type of yuki-onna. According to ZUN, if she was to show her full power compared to her strength shown in Perfect Cherry Blossom, it would cause an incident."


"Ability: Manipulating of cold"

"She possesses an ability to manipulate chilliness. It's not an ability to create blizzards or make snow fall, but rather an ability to strengthen the "winter" that exists in the natural world. According to Perfect Memento in Strict Sense, since this is equivalent to an ability that manipulates the winter within nature, she possesses tremendous power according to the environment, but she is pretty much powerless outside of winter. In Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red, Letty herself said that outside of winter, she hides away in a place where not a ray of sunlight can reach. In Forbidden Scrollery, she is shown spreading snow over Gensokyo."


"By lowering the temperature, humans become less capable of activity, and lose their fighting spirit. Furthermore, since it's not a physical attack, it's impossible to completely avoid it, and it's not possible to take up any countermeasure except doing something to the extent of wearing thick clothing."



....And  some info about Elsa which alot of us know about already: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elsa_%28Disney%29




LOL! consider both are feared by many humans during winter-time they might as well. XD


MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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The only Touhou character that is canonically overpowered is Flandre Yorihime.

Like I said, canonically.




They both have Good friends on their sides.



Letty actually hates Cirno in canon (same with Patchouli's opinion of Marisa, even though fanon says otherwise)


That being said, Im not sure if this warrants its own thread.

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That being said, Im not sure if this warrants its own thread.

Well Rice this is just something I made up of two known characters with similar type of powers. (Why this topic is made in Random Chatter LOL! )


Of course one is powerful then the other which I think  Letty is stronger then Elsa considering Letty is older and more experience when come to  "Manipulating the cold" during winter time.


Elsa has an army made of mostly monster snowman.



And as you said Rice Letty hates Cirno just as Elsa puts a curse on her sister Anna Im guessing due to her jealousy.


Though both are powerless when winter ends. :-P


MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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Thats only because Letty needs to learn to "let it go"


I cant believe I just made a horrible joke like that

LOL! Its cool.


I can just imagine Letty singing that type of music If she not too shy about it that is.


MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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Again, how is Letty relevant again? And don't quote me that wiki page again, because I know very well who Letty is.

As I mentioned to Rice:



Well Rice this is just something I made up of two known characters with similar type of powers. (Why this topic is made in Random Chatter LOL! )



MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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Let's be honest.


They'd both lose to this guy: Frozone2.jpg

Doesn't matter what climate or  weather he in as long Frozone wear his "super suit". (unless his wife hides it from him then he just a normal person LOL!)


MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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Before anyone says it.... because we can make fun of who's going to say it when they really mean it.

Of course you always got those fuckers who throw Goku into everything.

"Goku could take em.... Goku this Goku that. Goku could be on the toilet and his stink could beat them, etc, etc....."

Killer Frost is who I'd say could take them.

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