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Why I've been MIA....


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So, not only has my health decreased (dont worry i'm fine) but I've also just had a lot of things catching up to me in life, I got tested for autism, I have asperger's, and just a bunch of other shit, so yknow, I kinda forgot about the world...and you guys oops.

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wb asshole I missed you.


aww did the homo miss me?


Its been awhile Man! Hope you get better. :-)


I will indeed try there :3


Stay strong man. life is much more important. Get well...


I will eventually, it's just gonna take sme time

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Well Damn if it isn't the ghost of Tohno past ab bud,I'm mia at the moment myself,but I feel pretty Damn sure I'll be back for good next month


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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