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2 minutes ago, TotalDramaXtremist said:

OOC: My bad......


Yamazaki made various attempts to avoid being attacked by Rudra and Agni while Tommy and E.T. fought. He was started to get very irritated.......



"Shut up and die!"


With all his might, Yamazaki tossed a knife and lodged it into Rudra's eye.....

OOC: (You're fine, just me being silly.)


The dagger would lodge itself into Rudra's barrier. Agni would proceed to throw Yamazaki at the group, and would take the hits from the meteors, the flames now a bright white. 



Agni: Yes, yes...hahaha! It's time, Rudra! But first...


Agni proceeded to grab the atomic barrier, laughing as he proceeded to bite a rather sizeable hole into the side of it. Afterwards, Rudra proceeded to fly down to Agni's side. Rudra shot a ball of ice into the air, while Agni shot a ball of fire into the air, the two balls combining into a Celsius fireball.


1d7033588a.pnga20702a7e1.png Cold Flare!


COLD FLARE: A skill requiring the combination of fire and ice, the user(s) of this skill will shoot an ice ball and a fireball into the air. The two balls will combine to form a Celsius fireball. This fireball will send smaller fireballs in all directions, these fireballs freezing anything they touch as well as causing severe burns. After doing this for several seconds, the fireball will slam into the ground, causing a massive Celsius fire explosion along with sending out a wave of Celsius fire in all directions, causing massive damage to anyone caught in it. The chance of survival for this ability is very low.


The fireball would begin to send smaller Celsius fireballs in all directions. After using the ability, Agni's flames would return to normal, and Rudra seemed somewhat exhausted.



Agni: If there are any survivors, I will devour them!



Rudra: I need some time to recover, Agni. 



Agni: Very well, none shall cause harm to you, Rudra.


Rudra proceeded to fly high into the air, staying out of reach of normal attacks.


OOC: (Keep in mind that this is a two-part attack, so my next post will have the next part of it. Also, if the barrier doesn't work like that, I will modify the post accordingly.)

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3 minutes ago, A person said:

OOC: (You're fine, just me being silly.)


The dagger would lodge itself into Rudra's barrier. Agni would proceed to throw Yamazaki at the group, and would take the hits from the meteors, the flames now a bright white. 



Agni: Yes, yes...hahaha! It's time, Rudra! But first...


Agni proceeded to grab the atomic barrier, laughing as he proceeded to bite a rather sizeable hole into the side of it. Afterwards, Rudra proceeded to fly down to Agni's side. Rudra shot a ball of ice into the air, while Agni shot a ball of fire into the air, the two balls combining into a Celsius fireball.


1d7033588a.pnga20702a7e1.png Cold Flare!


COLD FLARE: A skill requiring the combination of fire and ice, the user(s) of this skill will shoot an ice ball and a fireball into the air. The two balls will combine to form a Celsius fireball. This fireball will send smaller fireballs in all directions, these fireballs freezing anything they touch as well as causing severe burns. After doing this for several seconds, the fireball will slam into the ground, causing a massive Celsius fire explosion along with sending out a wave of Celsius fire in all directions, causing massive damage to anyone caught in it. The chance of survival for this ability is very low.


The fireball would begin to send smaller Celsius fireballs in all directions. After using the ability, Agni's flames would return to normal, and Rudra seemed somewhat exhausted.



Agni: If there are any survivors, I will devour them!



Rudra: I need some time to recover, Agni. 



Agni: Very well, none shall cause harm to you, Rudra.


Rudra proceeded to fly high into the air, staying out of reach of normal attacks.

Yamazaki looked on ahead as his attack failed to even connect, and as soon as the Cold Flare activated, he had to move fast. Unfortunately, one of the fireballs struck him in the leg, causing the Southtown maniac to slow down signifucantly.......even if it didn't look like it did much......



"Come on.....is that.....all ya got?! E.T.! Whaddya say we......kill them?"

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E.T: Oh, this'll be fun...


E.T grabbed a lead pipe and threw it right at Agni, before sending five Gaster Blasters right at Rudra.


E.T: These guys aren't as tough as we think they are, so everybody, contribute to the fight as well! We'll need all the help we can get!

Image result for howard dean yell gif





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2 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

E.T: Oh, this'll be fun...


E.T grabbed a lead pipe and threw it right at Agni, before sending five Gaster Blasters right at Rudra.


E.T: These guys aren't as tough as we think they are, so everybody, contribute to the fight as well! We'll need all the help we can get!

Elias overheard this and looked at Fiona......



"Ms. Mayfield......are you ready to assist them?"


@A person, your move!

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26 minutes ago, TotalDramaXtremist said:

Yamazaki looked on ahead as his attack failed to even connect, and as soon as the Cold Flare activated, he had to move fast. Unfortunately, one of the fireballs struck him in the leg, causing the Southtown maniac to slow down signifucantly.......even if it didn't look like it did much......



"Come on.....is that.....all ya got?! E.T.! Whaddya say we......kill them?"


23 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

E.T: Oh, this'll be fun...


E.T grabbed a lead pipe and threw it right at Agni, before sending five Gaster Blasters right at Rudra.


E.T: These guys aren't as tough as we think they are, so everybody, contribute to the fight as well! We'll need all the help we can get!


The two were protected by the barriers placed upon them by Rudra, though Rudra's barrier appeared to be close to breaking. The lead pipe fell to the ground. Agni proceeded to pick it up, and threw it right back at E.T.



Agni: Grr...I'll deal with you both personally!


He proceeded to charge at the two, intent on grabbing them both. He was prepared for some kind of preventive measure, however.


20 minutes ago, TotalDramaXtremist said:

Elias overheard this and looked at Fiona......



"Ms. Mayfield......are you ready to assist them?"


@A person, your move!

"Fiona" looked at Elias with surprise.



"Fiona": A-are you sure? I am not sure if I can reach the flying one, and the fire one might be too fast for me...


OOC: (Pay attention to everything!)


While Tommy was distracted, the water spat out by Rudra finally surrounded him at a moment's notice, beginning to slowly drown him. The fireball eventually stopped shooting fireballs in all directions, and hit the ground, causing a massive celsius fire explosion and sending out a wave of celsius fire. With the hole in the barrier, it would do nothing to stop the explosion from reaching everyone. Sacrifices had to be made. "Fiona" stepped in.



"Fiona": Elias, watch out!


"She" pushed Elias down, and used "her" body to cover him from the explosion...for the most part.


OOC: (I'm hoping this post isn't the mess that I think it is...but all eyes on you two, @NijikakuFan61 and @TotalDramaXtremist.)


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6 minutes ago, A person said:

While Tommy was distracted, the water spat out by Rudra finally surrounded him at a moment's notice, beginning to slowly drown him. The fireball eventually stopped shooting fireballs in all directions, and hit the ground, causing a massive celsius fire explosion and sending out a wave of celsius fire. With the hole in the barrier, it would do nothing to stop the explosion from reaching everyone. Sacrifices had to be made. "Fiona" stepped in.



"Fiona": Elias, watch out!


"She" pushed Elias down, and used "her" body to cover him from the explosion...for the most part.


OOC: (I'm hoping this post isn't the mess that I think it is...but all eyes on you two, @NijikakuFan61 and @TotalDramaXtremist.)


OOC: It's not. You're good. :)


Elias had no idea as to what had just happened as a result of the fire exploding. After the flames passed by, he looked over to see that Fiona was injured as a result of her protecting Elias......



"Fiona! Can you hear me!"

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1 minute ago, TotalDramaXtremist said:

OOC: It's not. You're good. :)


Elias had no idea as to what had just happened as a result of the fire exploding. After the flames passed by, he looked over to see that Fiona was injured as a result of her protecting Elias......



"Fiona! Can you hear me!"

"Fiona" had opened "her" eyes, looking at Elias. "She" winced as she tried to get up, but managed to smile.



"Fiona": I-I am fine...but do not worry about me! Are you hurt? What about the others?



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3 minutes ago, A person said:

"Fiona" had opened "her" eyes, looking at Elias. "She" winced as she tried to get up, but managed to smile.



"Fiona": I-I am fine...but do not worry about me! Are you hurt? What about the others?



Elias was relieved to know that Fiona survived the attack.



"I am fine. Thank you for you help. As for the others....."


Yamazaki had been busy preventing Tommy from drowning when the celsius explosion attempted to engulf everyone. Ryuji pulled a fast one and stood in front of his ally, taking the full blow from the flames. When the smoke cleared, Yamazaki was barely standing, being injured by the celsius flames......


"You think....that will stop me?....."



"Ha ha ha ha ha.........HA HA HA HA HA.....HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!"

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3 minutes ago, TotalDramaXtremist said:

Elias was relieved to know that Fiona survived the attack.



"I am fine. Thank you for you help. As for the others....."


"Fiona": I am glad you are doing well. I am hoping the others are fine as well...


4 minutes ago, TotalDramaXtremist said:

Yamazaki had been busy preventing Tommy from drowning when the celsius explosion attempted to engulf everyone. Ryuji pulled a fast one and stood in front of his ally, taking the full blow from the flames. When the smoke cleared, Yamazaki was barely standing, being injured by the celsius flames......


"You think....that will stop me?....."



"Ha ha ha ha ha.........HA HA HA HA HA.....HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!"

Agni was surprised by this. He didn't think that this man would survive such a powerful attack, but it seemed as though he was not just a psychotic human. He stopped in front of him.



Agni: You...you are no mere human...no human could survive an attack of that scale!


He started to reconsider fighting him as the fact that he survived that attack was respectable to him, even if it was barely.



Agni: ...are you sure you want to defend these fools? This would be an embarrassing way for you to die...

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5 minutes ago, A person said:

Agni was surprised by this. He didn't think that this man would survive such a powerful attack, but it seemed as though he was not just a psychotic human. He stopped in front of him.



Agni: You...you are no mere human...no human could survive an attack of that scale!


He started to reconsider fighting him as the fact that he survived that attack was respectable to him, even if it was barely.



Agni: ...are you sure you want to defend these fools? This would be an embarrassing way for you to die...


"You....don't get it do you?.....I control the Orochi power of Death....Even if I loathe these people with all my being....who's to say they should die?"

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1 minute ago, TotalDramaXtremist said:


"You....don't get it do you?.....I control the Orochi power of Death....Even if I loathe these people with all my being....who's to say they should die?"


Agni: I can't believe this...


Agni thought to himself for a moment before coming up with something.



Agni: Fine...we won't kill you.


Rudra was caught off-guard by this.



Rudra: We won't?!



Agni: We won't. IF...



Rudra: Iiiiiif...?



Agni: ...they leave immediately. We will spare your lives if you leave the Underworld.



Rudra: But-



Agni: If they try anything before leaving, well, they will all die. If not, they will be able to live another day. What do you say, huma- no, demon. Will you agree to those terms?

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1 minute ago, A person said:


Agni: I can't believe this...


Agni thought to himself for a moment before coming up with something.



Agni: Fine...we won't kill you.


Rudra was caught off-guard by this.



Rudra: We won't?!



Agni: We won't. IF...



Rudra: Iiiiiif...?



Agni: ...they leave immediately. We will spare your lives if you leave the Underworld.



Rudra: But-



Agni: If they try anything before leaving, well, they will all die. If not, they will be able to live another day. What do you say, huma- no, demon. Will you agree to those terms?

While Yamazaki was slightly disappointed at Agni's reluctance to fight him, he turned to the dragon and said......



"Okay. But in turn......you will leave us alone. If you try anything......I'll be waiting....."


Yamazaki turned and walked towards Elias and Fiona as they stared in awe.



"Yamazaki.....do you really think they'll honor their words?"



"They better........or else....."

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1 minute ago, TotalDramaXtremist said:

While Yamazaki was slightly disappointed at Agni's reluctance to fight him, he turned to the dragon and said......



"Okay. But in turn......you will leave us alone. If you try anything......I'll be waiting....."


Yamazaki turned and walked towards Elias and Fiona as they stared in awe.



"Yamazaki.....do you really think they'll honor their words?"



"They better........or else....."


Agni: Fair enough. We'll be waiting...



OOC:(Quotes will now officially be dropped.)


Fiona looked over at Yamazaki...then at the dragons...then back at Yamazaki.



Fiona: So we have to leave? What about Medusa?


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1 minute ago, TotalDramaXtremist said:


"It appears we'll have to find Magio and the others and catch up."


Fiona: I see...I hope we can find them in this labyrinth of a world...


She proceeded to pick up her sword, revealing that her back was badly burned from the blast earlier. She also winced as she picked up the sword, but was otherwise not bothered.



Fiona: Shall we go?

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23 minutes ago, A person said:

Fiona looked over at Yamazaki...then at the dragons...then back at Yamazaki.



Fiona: So we have to leave? What about Medusa?


"Try not to strain yourself too much, Fiona. I'll need to tend to your wounds before we do anything drastic......"



"Let's go."

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1 minute ago, TotalDramaXtremist said:


"Try not to strain yourself too much, Fiona. I'll need to tend to your wounds before we do anything drastic......"



"Let's go."


Fiona: There is no need to worry about me! I will be fine! We should focus on finding the others!

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  • World: Multiversal Netherworld
  • Location: The Scarlet Border that Divides the World

As Agni and Rudra finally backed off, everyone were ready to leave.



Kogorou: I am glad that this has ended. Fighting those two for more longer than usual would be a problem.


Nero: Aww, I didn't even fought!


Kogorou: Save your energy for the upcoming battle. Now, let us move on.




With the batlle over, No. 367 lied down. Magio and Necrox agreed with Ralf and were about to go ahead after Ichigo, but Malin and the rest appeared into the last second, with the idea of convincing the artificial angel to join them.


Magio: That isn't a bad idea. What do you say?

No. 367: ...


Necrox: C'mon, don't be mute. We don't have much time, so just decide between living as an ally our dying as an enemy!

No. 367: ... Why don't you just finish things already... our goals are different. I wish revenge on Heaven, your task will protect it.


Renko: You...


BGM: Wingless Angel


Then, she felt her body going up. Giovanni helped her to stand and then looked directly at her.



Giovanni: Hey, No. 367.

No. 367: Y-You're... the fallen angel!


Giovanni: Well... not anymore. I've became an angel. Rank II Grim Angel, to be exact.

No. 367: So, you joined their ranks, just like you wished...


Giovanni: Yeah. And hey, maybe if you want, you can join it too. Right now, you would be a normal soldier of the army, but who knows?

No. 367: Never... they all consider me a failure. I would never join the Grim Angels, even if I wanted to...


Giovanni: Things have changed. Hector, the one who created you, no longer commands the Grim Angels. All of the Seven Magi fell and we saw a new era of the angel army. Thing is, I've been looking to past soldiers to see if they wished to join us again.

No. 367: Ah... a new era...?


Giovanni: Yeah. That... allowed many angels to change their vision about Heaven. We no longer live in an era of chaos, in which we caused even more chaos to other worlds.


Mauriet: (Even Heaven could have internal problems? I... never thought that it would be...)

No. 367: D-Do you think that I-I could rejoin them?


Giovanni: Absolutely. If you want, I can take you under my wing. How does that sound?


Giovanni extended his hand at her, waiting for her answer. No. 367 looked down for a moment and a tear dropped down from her eye.


No. 367: I suppose that now I know why every fallen angel that has the desire to return home always pray for you to appear...


Magio: Ehehe. Giovanni, I didn't knew you were some sort of idol around them.


Giovanni: H-Hey, don't play around.


Necrox: I can already imagine him sitting at a table, giving autographs while being heavily guarded at Victoria's request.


Giovanni: I-I said don't joke around!

No. 367: If... this is the chance, I'll take it.


She responded with the completion of the handshake. For her, it marked a new beginning. And a light atmosphere was created around them to relax a little.


BGM: Crisis Approaching


But it didn't last long. The border started to crack even more. It wouldn't take too long for it to be destroyed.



Mauriet: T-The border!


Maribel: It's really cracked... it could fall apart at any second!


Necrox: Oh, when I put my hands at Medusa...!! I'm gonna strangle every single ounce of life she has!!


Giovanni: No. 367, can you show us the way to Medusa?

No. 367: Y-Yes, I can. Follow me.




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8 hours ago, TotalDramaXtremist said:

Elias simply nodded and the group waited for Tommy and E.T. to catch up......

Tommy and E.T finally caught up with the others.


Tommy: Oh, I do hope that we didn't keep you guys waiting for too long... guess you could say that - .


E.T covered Tommy's mouth.


E.T: NO.

Image result for howard dean yell gif





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5 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:
  • World: Multiversal Netherworld
  • Location: The Scarlet Border that Divides the World

As Agni and Rudra finally backed off, everyone were ready to leave.



Kogorou: I am glad that this has ended. Fighting those two for more longer than usual would be a problem.


Nero: Aww, I didn't even fought!


Kogorou: Save your energy for the upcoming battle. Now, let us move on.




With the batlle over, No. 367 lied down. Magio and Necrox agreed with Ralf and were about to go ahead after Ichigo, but Malin and the rest appeared into the last second, with the idea of convincing the artificial angel to join them.


Magio: That isn't a bad idea. What do you say?

No. 367: ...


Necrox: C'mon, don't be mute. We don't have much time, so just decide between living as an ally our dying as an enemy!

No. 367: ... Why don't you just finish things already... our goals are different. I wish revenge on Heaven, your task will protect it.


Renko: You...


BGM: Wingless Angel


Then, she felt her body going up. Giovanni helped her to stand and then looked directly at her.



Giovanni: Hey, No. 367.

No. 367: Y-You're... the fallen angel!


Giovanni: Well... not anymore. I've became an angel. Rank II Grim Angel, to be exact.

No. 367: So, you joined their ranks, just like you wished...


Giovanni: Yeah. And hey, maybe if you want, you can join it too. Right now, you would be a normal soldier of the army, but who knows?

No. 367: Never... they all consider me a failure. I would never join the Grim Angels, even if I wanted to...


Giovanni: Things have changed. Hector, the one who created you, no longer commands the Grim Angels. All of the Seven Magi fell and we saw a new era of the angel army. Thing is, I've been looking to past soldiers to see if they wished to join us again.

No. 367: Ah... a new era...?


Giovanni: Yeah. That... allowed many angels to change their vision about Heaven. We no longer live in an era of chaos, in which we caused even more chaos to other worlds.


Mauriet: (Even Heaven could have internal problems? I... never thought that it would be...)

No. 367: D-Do you think that I-I could rejoin them?


Giovanni: Absolutely. If you want, I can take you under my wing. How does that sound?


Giovanni extended his hand at her, waiting for her answer. No. 367 looked down for a moment and a tear dropped down from her eye.


No. 367: I suppose that now I know why every fallen angel that has the desire to return home always pray for you to appear...


Magio: Ehehe. Giovanni, I didn't knew you were some sort of idol around them.


Giovanni: H-Hey, don't play around.


Necrox: I can already imagine him sitting at a table, giving autographs while being heavily guarded at Victoria's request.


Giovanni: I-I said don't joke around!

No. 367: If... this is the chance, I'll take it.


She responded with the completion of the handshake. For her, it marked a new beginning. And a light atmosphere was created around them to relax a little.


BGM: Crisis Approaching


But it didn't last long. The border started to crack even more. It wouldn't take too long for it to be destroyed.



Mauriet: T-The border!


Maribel: It's really cracked... it could fall apart at any second!


Necrox: Oh, when I put my hands at Medusa...!! I'm gonna strangle every single ounce of life she has!!


Giovanni: No. 367, can you show us the way to Medusa?

No. 367: Y-Yes, I can. Follow me.



Agni and Rudra were still observing the group's movements from a distance. Noticing the conversation, Agni decided to speak up.



Agni: I said to leave the Underworld. If it weren't for your friend, you all would not have this chance for your lives to be spared. Go now, before I change my mind.


OOC: (All eyes on you guys, @TotalDramaXtremist, @NijikakuFan61, @Mister Fael, @OxyontheWolf, and @Agni Blackheart.)

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7 hours ago, A person said:

Agni and Rudra were still observing the group's movements from a distance. Noticing the conversation, Agni decided to speak up.



Agni: I said to leave the Underworld. If it weren't for your friend, you all would not have this chance for your lives to be spared. Go now, before I change my mind.




"We were getting to that. Don't make us change our minds. Besides, shouldn't you two be leaving as well, seeing as the border is about be obliterated?""

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4 minutes ago, TotalDramaXtremist said:




"We were getting to that. Don't make us change our minds. Besides, shouldn't you two be leaving as well, seeing as the border is about be obliterated?""


Agni: I would rather stay down here than go up there. There is no challenge for us up there. If Medusa is doing this, then that's a shame for you. If not, then I'm certain you humans could deal with it yourselves. It's more than likely some mischievous demon thinking they're doing some good for us.



Rudra: The same goes for me. Though it would seem that I belong up there than down here, this is my home. Also, if the border is going to be broken soon, I doubt there will be a massive impact. Most of us prefer staying down here simply for the never ending battle and the occasional unwelcome visitor. If we were to go up there, I have no doubt in my mind that many would return to the Underworld. There are a certain few who would want to cause as much chaos as possible, however...

8 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

Tommy: Actually, we were just talking to somebody, nothing else.


Tommy: Besides, we don't want this fight to get any worse now, do we?

Agni let out a hearty laugh.



Agni: I actually wouldn't mind if this moment of peace turned into a blood bath! I already know how it would go, anyway!



Rudra: I'm with Agni on this. I wouldn't mind it even slightly, heh heh!



Agni: But my deal still stands. As long as you respect our side of it, we will respect your side of it.



Rudra: And don't even think about trying to fool us...you've only seen the surface of what we're capable of. 

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