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    Distortion World


  Tokio was just a freaked out as everyone.



Tokio: And there goes my relief about not falling on the ground after entering a portal...


   Void between Worlds


Music: Thunder Blade Flash


    The beam of spiritual pressure had vanished, only two of the hooded people were there.



Ichigo: Well...I didn't get all of you at once...

???2: No way...

???1: Don't falter, we can still win this...


???2: Right...We won't lower our guard anymore.


Ichigo: Lyna, go somewhere safe.


Lyna: Y-yeah...


Ichigo: (Damn...Ralf...)


???1: You're next, Kurosaki Ichigo!!!


Ichigo: (Seriously, why everyone has to say my full name everytime...)


    Ichigo then, had to block a barrage of Air Render attacks, followed by dodging close hand slashes with a Flash-Step.



Ichigo: A sword huh?


???1: Close Range is my speciality, and this is not restricted to my fists.


    Ichigo clashes blades with the hooded man, the repels him away in time to avoid another barrage of air blasts.



Ichigo: I have to take that one down first!


    He flew at the second hooded man.



???2: Tch! Air Shockwave!


     With a clap, Ichigo was forced into a defensive stance.



Ichigo: (Urgh...)


???1: Nice job! Leave the rest to me.


Ichigo: Getsuga...


???1: Too slow!


    The man appeared at Ichigo's left side.



???1: Asterisk Blade!!!


    With a single slash, Ichigo was hit three times at once.



Ichigo: Argh!


???2: And to finish...STORM PUNCH!!!


    He release a powerful fist shaped wind, hitting Ichigo and sent him flying to an asteroid, which broke with the impact.



???1: You're nothing against the Darklight's Elite.


Ichigo: Heh! So you guys are elite.


    Ichigo had endured well the attacks.



Ichigo: (But still, these guys are no joke. They won't get caught by surprise anymore.)


???1: I admit that you're struggling well, but you see...


???2: We won't let you use your most powerful moves.


Ichigo: (So attempting Bankai in front of them is out of question...They didn't even let me use Getsuga...much less fight one of them for too long. So i just have to find an opening.)


???1: Now...it's time to end this.


Ichigo: I won't lose either.


   The hooded people once again, starts assaulting Ichigo. They didn't lower their guard once, always taking care to let Ichigo do many attacks.



???1: Double Drop Kick!


    He was kicked into another asteroid.



???2: Air Perfuration.


    A thyphoon formed in his right fist while the other one kept Ichigo busy.



???2: FALL DOWN!!!


Ichigo: !!!


    When he launched the attack, it grew into a massive hurricane.



???1: Have fun being teared apart by this.


Ichigo: Tch!


    The hooded man kept pushing Ichigo to the hurricane.



Ichigo: You're persistent...


???1: Same for you for being alive. (Just a little more and it will be too late for a Flash-Step.)


    Ichigo couldn't repel the hooded man too far before clashing blades with him again.



???1: Three, two, one....NOW!


    Then he loosened his grip, making Ichigo lose his balance.



Ichigo: Ack!


???1: Good-bye!


Ichigo: Damn, i'll have to defend this.


???2: It's useless, once you touch the tornado, it will drag you inside of it...and then, you'll be tore apart.


Ichigo: Tch...Getsu-


    But the hurricane was way too close.



Ichigo: (It's all or nothing then...)


    However, the hurricane stopped.



Ichigo: What?


   Then, it started spinning in its opposite direction.



???1: Don't tell me...the presence that i felt a while ago is doing this?


???2: Another one?


???: C'mon Ichigo, it's been a while since we last me and see you getting kicked by two random people.


Ichigo: Y-you're...


     The hurricane converged into a single, small spiral sphere.

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4 hours ago, A person said:

The young girl was soon broken out of her trance-like state after hearing a familiar voice not too far away from her location.



Kahrelimi: Wait a minute...that voice sounds familiar! But I met him in the other world, how could he be...


She turned towards the source of the voice only to be given a delightful surprise. She was shocked by who she saw.


BGM: Airship Brigade



Kahrelimi: Oro, is that really you?! Oh my goodness, you've changed so much since we last met! 


(OOC: Feels so weird posting the same picture for different expressions, but eh...only so much I can do with one picture!)


Is it really you? You've grown so much. Such a beautiful young lady. Judging by the aura I'm sensing, I would say you've been training in the elemental arts. Your family is well known for their mastery of magic. How did you end up here might I ask?

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Void Between Worlds



???2: This bastard absorbed my attack.

???: Absorbed? I'm just sending it back at you.

???1: You!

Ichigo: Hey! You're not going anywhere. No more tag-teaming tards.

???1: Tch!

Ichigo: Now show it to him, Naruto.


Music: Heaven Shaking Event


Naruto: I got this buddy!

???2: That name...so you're Uzumaki Naruto...

Naruto: You saved me the trouble to use Wind Chakra, so i used yours instead. And look at that, it made a perfect Rasenshuiken. You might be able to conjure a massive attack in a short time, but it makes your techiniques easier to manipulate.

   The newcomer charged at the hooded man with the sphere in his hand, with two Shadow Clones following him.



???2: Don't mock me! AIR RENDER BARRAGE!


   He starts lauching many air blasts at high speeds in order to disrupt the techinique.



Naruto: Whoa!

???2: I won't let you get close to me.

Naruto's Clone: Then what is this?

???2: What? When did he-


   The man got kicked by a clone, cancelling his air render barrage. He striked the clone with his elbow, then prepared to use the Air Shockwave.



Naruto: What he's doing next?


   Suddenly, the first hooded man came flying and hit an asteroid.



Ichigo: He's going to blast you with wind then punch you from afar.

???1: Urgh...

Naruto: Got it!

???2: Even if you know this, there's no way you'll avoid it.

Naruto: I don't need to avoid it.


   The second clone grabs the original by the arm and throws him at the hooded man.



???2: Air Shockwave!!!


   But then, Naruto is blasted by a powerful wind stream.



???2: Nice try, but you have to be better than this to...

Naruto: I'm not done yet!!! (I know it will get unstable if i'm not on Sage Mode, but time to try something out.)


   Before he was thrown far away, he launched the Rasenshuriken at the man's direction.  He dodges the attack, but then, it goes unstable and explodes behind him, launching him foward.



???2: What the-


   And then, what he saw was Naruto being thrown by two clones.



???2: Wins who strike first!

Naruto: Ha!


   They both throw a punch, with Naruto managing to hit the hooded man.



Naruto: Kage Bunshin no Jutsu.


   Then, four more clones throws the man to an asteroid.



???2: Argh...STORM PUNCH!!!

Naruto: Oodama Rasengan!!!


   Both attacks collide, creating a ferocious energy storm.

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2 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Is it really you? You've grown so much. Such a beautiful young lady. Judging by the aura I'm sensing, I would say you've been training in the elemental arts. Your family is well known for their mastery of magic. How did you end up here might I ask?


Kahrelimi: Yes, it really is me! And yes, I have been training in the elemental arts. I think I've surpassed even my...mother...and father...and older siblings...


She seemed to get choked up on those words. She still remembered what had happened that day in the city, almost as if it had happened yesterday.



Kahrelimi: Uhh...anyway, I got here through the help of someone I know. I was actually hoping to land somewhere I was more familiar with, but I can't complain, especially since you're here! There's so much we need to talk about, like what you've been doing since we last saw each other!

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  • World: World of Distortions
  • Location: Crisis City (?)

BGM: Battle Field "City Eater"


Upon the destruction of the "machine", the Distortion took the image of Crisis City. It seemed to be exactly the same thing, but soon was noticed an irregularity.



Argento: Now it has become Crisis City? That is abnormal...

Mephilia: I do happen to know the circumstances already. Unless Crisis City has been absorbed whole by a Distortion, it could never take a form of a city.


Argento: And those Horograms are not supposed to exist. If not created with a "certain" care, it will never work into a Distortion.


Victoria: Which means that... this place is the illusion and the blurry space back then was real?

Argento: ... It could be, it could be now. Do your own discovery from this point.


Victoria: OK. Never wanted you to give me an answer.


Argento: I would never. May I remind you?


Victoria: Yeah, I know, you're not my ally, we don't trust each other and all that shit. Look, can we just move on?

Mephilia: Good suggestion. Iblis matters more to me than the secret behind this Distortion.


Argento: ...


Argento and Mephilia went down into the "streets" below them and kept walking, already waiting for any surprise they would encounter. Then, Anna, who was together with the rest, saw someone familiar.



Anna: (Wait... that person... he is...!!)


She moved forward and decided to confirm her suspicions. But she was entirely sure she knew him. She just didn't knew if he remembered her...



Anna: E-Excuse me, but... are you Mr. LightFlare, perhaps?!

  • World: Multiversal Netherworld
  • Location: Scarlet Megalopolis Ruins

BGM: Bore ral





When they stepped out of the portal, they were immediately at a destroyed landscape. There once stood the Scarlet Megalopolis, a big city for the demons in hell.



Magio: The Scarlet Megalopolis?! What did it happen here?!


Maribel: T-This is rather creepy...


Renko: R-R-Rather?! How can you compliment something like this?! This is CREEPY!!


Magio: This isn't how things were back then. This used to be a big city in the Multiversal Netherworld. What's going on?


Renko: D-Do we have to keep going?


Magio: We have to find Necrox and see what's going on. Maybe this will lead us to our target here... let's go!


Magio went alone to the town. He was worried with his brother. Naturally, devastating wars for the throne of Tyrant Overlord always happen, but they never led the city to destruction. Maribel soon noticed the others.



Maribel: Oh, everyone! I suppose you waited a little too much for us. We took our time because Renko kept pulling us back so...


Renko: Can we go home now?! I wanna go home!!


Maribel: Stop being a crybaby and come! We have to go after Magio, since he went all alone inside the city!

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Rumors had quickly spread about the latest "visitors" to the Netherworld. The trio of monsters had once again gathered together to discuss the latest and to plot out what they would do from here.


BGM: Meta Knight's Scheme



???1: So, I'm certain you've both heard about what's going on, right?



???2: Real live humans here, meow!



???3: Wow, my hunch was actually correct. I honestly did NOT see that one coming.



???1: Don't let it get to your head, Jebediah. Anyway, I'm guessing that they're going to want us to deal with them, soooo...anyone have any ideas on what to do?



???2: We could always let them come to us, meow.



???1: And what, just sit here and let them wreak havoc?! Can't you do anything other than sit around and be lazy?!



???2: Mmm...nope, meow.



???1: -It lets out an exasperated sigh.- The strongest and fastest of us, yet also the laziest. Figures...



Jebediah: I do have somewhat of an idea. Did anyone say where they were last seen?



???1: I heard that they were seen around the Scarlet Megalopolis Ruins....



Jebediah: Perfect, I should be able to spot them out from the air, then. I'll scout ahead to find out specifically where they are in the ruins. If they spot me, I'll be able to retreat fast enough and let you two know. In the meantime, I'll see if I can gather as much information about them as I possibly can. I want to figure out exactly just what they're capable of before we go in with our guns blazing.



???1: Hey, what about us? This is our chance to do something other than sit around and be useless!



Jebediah: I want you two to also scout around the outskirts of the ruins. If they manage to escape my sight somehow, they more than likely won't escape you two. I also believe there will be others searching for them as well, so if you two manage to get yourselves in a dangerous situation, you should have plenty of assistance. The same goes for me, of course, though I will most likely be able to escape unscathed if things do somehow become dangerous. 



???1: Sounds good to me. Let's go, Harupia.



Harupia: I don't feel like it, meow.



???1: Too bad, you're going, so come on!



Harupia: Whyyyyy am I ALWAYS stuck with Doukas, meow?!



Doukas: Quit your crying and come on!


The larger of the two monsters, Doukas, had proceeded to grab Harupia by the scruff and started to drag him to the Scarlet Megalopolis Ruins, the monster hissing and struggling the entire way. Jebediah thought to himself for a moment.



Jebediah: Hmm...if this hunch was correct, then that might mean that these aren't just some run-of-the-mill humans that had the misfortune of stumbling upon the Netherworld. I think we'll have to be careful with them...which should mean that, if things do get dangerous, we're going to have quite a bit of fun. Heh...maybe I'll be able to learn something from them.


With that, the Winged Warrior proceeded to fly off towards the Scarlet Megalopolis Ruins, preparing himself for what may come during the scouting mission.

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The Underworld group followed Magio and company into the portal, and what they saw was quite disturbing.......


BGM: The King Of Fighters 2002 - Deserted Town (Cambodia Stage Theme)



"Good god! This place is a hellhole!"



"Well, what did you expect, Malin? This is the Underworld, after all!"



"No need for that language......we must follow Magio and find Medusa."



"We.......we better hurry, then......"



"Magio's gonna need all the help he can get if we're gonna get rid of Medusa. If we keep our focus on the mission, there shouldn't be anything in our way."


What they didn't know was that they were being watched.........




BGM: The King Of Fighters Music Pills : Fanatic Waltz (004's Remix)


The group in Crisis City had finally caught up to Argento and company, though it was clear that not every member wanted to be near the guy......



"Okay, we're here........So what do we do now?"



"I think we wait for Victoria to finish her conversation with that man in the Karate gi over there......."



"While we wait, why don't you tell us what happened between you and Argento, Lapis?"


Lapis was surprised that Mary would even bother to ask about the incident......nevertheless, she decided to tell the group, though they moved a bit from Argento so he couldn't overhear anything.......


BGM: SDR2 OST: Re_ Despair Syndrome



"Okay.......but I need to warn you......don't mention this to Argento or Magio......especially you, Fuyuhiko."


"Fine! Fine!.......Go ahead....."



"Okay...........I tried to reason with Argento earlier about trusting the rest of us. He wouldn't listen to reason, so I had to use force. Unfortunately, he retailiated against me............"





At a response to Lapis' grab, Argento hit her with a backhand punch and used the opportunity to point his Keyblade right at her face. He then charged dark energy at the empty hand and looked at her.



Argento: ... I do not remember having to explain myself to anyone. You even had the courage to come and hold my arm and my collar. I decided to even ignore you before I could change my mind and hurt you. But since you decided to play the forceful, I have no choice.


With the hand filled with darkness, Argento grabbed Lapis' face and exploded her away from him. He turned his back once again to her.



Argento: The one who I owe any explanation is Magio and only him. All of you are just intruders who came in just to peek at the affairs of others. Lapis Lazuli... if I were you, I would never even think about myself. If you decide to play the forceful again, I will erase your existence in a painful manner that you will never forget. And I will repeat the answer, so you can actually listen. The only one who I will listen, follow and trust is Magio. But even if he orders me to, I will never... NEVER become an ally of any of you. If I had the chance, you all would be corpses, rusting in my blade. And just to make sure... Mephilia!!


Mephilia appeared right next to him. She looked at Lapis with her cold, emotionless stare and looked back at Argento.


Mephilia: Yes.


Argento: Since you are a known authority throughout the worlds, I will have you watching all of them. If it is necessary and if I decide, you will judge them. Am I making myself clear?

Mephilia: I am not one to take orders from anyone. I will make my own judgement based on what I see.


Argento: That will suffice.


She disappeared. Argento made his Keyblade vanish and started to walk away.



Argento: Welcome to your new hell. You have the chance to leave, so just speak with Magio and the rest of the affair will be taken care by those who really should be doing it.




"I talked to Magio about the situation as well with Alice. He gave us some explanation for his behaviour........."





Magio: There was a time that... someone we know led us to a dangerous dungeon under the guise of being a place where our world and another world called the Subspace were merging. We went there to actually solve it, since we agreed that it would be dangerous to let both worlds cross it.


Magio: But she wanted the two worlds to merge. And she showed that when she attacked us out of nowhere. This sort of betrayal was expected already... but that's not what made Argento become what he is. I was actually injured. Pretty badly. And in the end, the place we were merged with the Subspace after all. Many people who lived there lost their lives.


Magio: But Argento was actually worried with me. On that time. I always got easily broken when things went wrong and when I failed to do it. Not only that, but I kept blaming myself too much. All of that made probably made him lose his confidence on others. Maybe that was why he told me that the worlds would be a better place if only I and he existed...


Magio did realized that it was partly his fault that Argento got violent towards others. But he knew that right now, little were the things he could do.



Magio: I'm sorry that I can't be more of a help when it comes to him. He has to grow that trust back, I don't know how. But I do say, he's not evil... he's just... unsure



"It's been bugging me ever since.......and I've been trying to figure out what to do........"


The group was stunned by the revelation told by Lapis. It was no surprise that Argento had hated everyone's guts from the get-go, but the fact that he actually attacked one of themwas what set them off............



"That bastard.........Argento's gonna pay!"


"Who does that guy think he is?"



"He'll get more than a simple beating once we're done with him!"


It got to the point where everyone was so focused on beating up Argento, they only stopped once Lapis raised her voice..........



"NO! No one will deal with Argento until we finish off Iblis! Once we deal with the bigger threat, then we go after Argento and try to reason with him once more.........GOT IT?!"


Peko, Fuyuhiko, and Mary understood, and they all agreed to deal with Argento later...........

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2bLqPRG.png Argento...that filthy dog.....I knew something bad was surrounding him, but THIS is the LAST STRAW!

9xAAf7u.png We're finally going after him? COUNT ME IN!

(Mirror Knight and Deadpool agreed to help the gang to make Argento a reasonable being, or kill him, whatever came first)

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profile_picture_by_duckmann18-d9p4163.pn"That blurry scene earlier just literally gave me eye cancer. I need to rest my eyes..."

Dusk pulls out a piece of cloth from his pocket and starts blindfolding himself with it. Haruna, seeing this perfect opportunity to troll him, tries to pull his pants down.

3b9ca927e7bddee117a887663a4abcfb1f124768"(hee hee hee hee hee)"

However, before she could reach his pants, Dusk grabbed her hands.


OOC : Too lazy to make a blindfolded Dusk's portrait

profile_picture_by_duckmann18-d9p4163.pn"Did I mention you that I can detect any movement around me as long as their shadow is present?"

270?cb=20110426031350"Oh, I saw a bug on your pants earlier, I only wanted to chase it away~ (F*CK NO)"

profile_picture_by_duckmann18-d9p4163.pn "...What was that weird cute tone...? You're freaking me out"

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fkmBYO9.pngUhm, sorry to crash your party, but...

Suddenly, fiery dogs appeared out of nowhere.

pi5Wlrr.pngIblis Biters!

fkmBYO9.pngSome of Iblis...ahem, let's say "minions". That means we're getting close.

u4EsOao.pngThese creatures are specialized in close-range combat, but are also willing to leap into whatever they see as intruders. So better keep your distance and finish them off afar.

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2 hours ago, TotalDramaXtremist said:

The Underworld group followed Magio and company into the portal, and what they saw was quite disturbing.......


BGM: The King Of Fighters 2002 - Deserted Town (Cambodia Stage Theme)



"Good god! This place is a hellhole!"



"Well, what did you expect, Malin? This is the Underworld, after all!"



"No need for that language......we must follow Magio and find Medusa."



"We.......we better hurry, then......"



"Magio's gonna need all the help he can get if we're gonna get rid of Medusa. If we keep our focus on the mission, there shouldn't be anything in our way."


What they didn't know was that they were being watched.........

Tommy heard Malin describing the place as a hellhole. This really made him disagree with her.


t5JNIVV7ZB7NwH1hxxlRheOXbSc6G36Z7VlARqMH Tommy: Oh, c'mon, all this place needs is a little bit of decor and it'll look perfectly fine! 


Tommy put a wreath down on the ground.


t5JNIVV7ZB7NwH1hxxlRheOXbSc6G36Z7VlARqMHTommy: See!? It looks as good as new!

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LightFlare goes into the Distortion. As he goes threw the world appears blurred and fragmented. Shortly after his arrival the world changes right before his eyes. Now he stands in front of what appears to be a city. Before he can process what's going on, he is approched by a familiar face. A warm feeling came over him as she approached him. He smiled...



You...I remember you. You came to Giovanni's aid when he was hurt during our battle with Igniz. It's good to see a familiar face. You must be Anna. The one Oro spoke of.

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The other two monsters were already at the outskirts of the ruined city, searching around for the latest visitors to see if they were trying to make their way out of the ruined city. Meanwhile, Jebediah was silently observing the group from atop a ruined building in the distance, taking note of how many there were, what they looked like, and what they seemed to be doing. He started to think aloud, albeit to himself quietly.


BGM: Underworld -equilibrium-



Jebediah: This is a good point to observe them from. Let's see...there appears to be ten of them, three of which look exactly the same. Interesting...if only I could get closer without the risk of making myself get noticed, maybe then I could figure out just what they're capable of.


The thought stuck in his mind for a while, but he had eventually decided against it as the potential risks were too great for him. Although, if he had seen some sort of display of power, he would've gladly gotten closer.

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Meanwhile back in Kalos...


Well "Kahri", I've been moving quite a bit. While looking for someone to impart my knowledge of the Mystical and Martial Arts i meet a young man named LightFlare. We trained together for some time but soon departed ways. I ended up here. Years passed and may events later he and i met yet again. But not under very good circumstances.

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6 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

Meanwhile back in Kalos...


Well "Kahri", I've been moving quite a bit. While looking for someone to impart my knowledge of the Mystical and Martial Arts i meet a young man named LightFlare. We trained together for some time but soon departed ways. I ended up here. Years passed and may events later he and i met yet again. But not under very good circumstances.

The girl nodded in acknowledgement.



Kahrelimi: Ah, I see. I guess this is actually a really good place to go. It's peaceful and quiet, and any unwelcome visitors can be seen from far away. I want to meet this LightFlare person, too; if he is worthy enough for you to pass down your knowledge to him, then he's got to be a very interesting person! But what do you mean by "not under very good circumstances"? Did something happen between you two?

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Not between us. But I came to him because something bad is in the atmosphere. I can feel it. It's not here yet...but it may soon be. Because of this LightFlare and I began training together again. But I became apparent that time was wearing thin. So with the help of our friend Giovanni, LightFlare traveled to another Realm. This was possible because Giovanni is a Grimm Angel, and he can open portals to other dimensions. I will be contacting him soon to discuss the situation thus far. With that said...meeting him might be a bit difficult...

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Kahrelimi: Mmm...so there's a possibility of some excitement, then? And to think I was going to have a bit more time to get adjusted to this world...oh well, I can't complain. Anyway...this Giovanni sounds very powerful...if he managed to assist LightFlare in traveling to another dimension, would it be possible for him to take me to him? Or are they...somewhat busy?


Judging from what Oro had said, she thought it was more than likely they were busy having all of the "fun" for themselves. Of course, considering this was another world entirely, the definition of "fun" here may have been wildly different than what it was at the previous world she was in. She smiled to herself as she thought about what they were possibly doing.

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20 hours ago, Captain Papyrus said:

fkmBYO9.pngUhm, sorry to crash your party, but...

Suddenly, fiery dogs appeared out of nowhere.

pi5Wlrr.pngIblis Biters!

fkmBYO9.pngSome of Iblis...ahem, let's say "minions". That means we're getting close.

u4EsOao.pngThese creatures are specialized in close-range combat, but are also willing to leap into whatever they see as intruders. So better keep your distance and finish them off afar.

Once they were alerted, the group put their focus on Iblis' creatures........




BGM: GlitchxCity - Sonic Generations Crisis City Remix





"MAN, are those things ugly! I can see why this Iblis guy wants to get rid of us!"



"We need to beat these things! Follow my lead!"


The four heroes fought valiantly against the Iblis Biters, destroying most of them in the process. Lapis, however, had the most trouble due to the landscape being mostly lava and fire, something the water gem just couldn't control........



"Ummm......guys? A little help here!"



"Gotcha covered, Lapis!

*Punches out several of the Biters with Fuyuhiko's help*



*Looks back at Lapis*

"I know you're still pissed at me, but give me some credit! At least I'm helping!"




"Okay.......I'll give you that, Fuyuhiko......but no funny business!"

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  • World: World of Distortions
  • Location: Crisis City (?)

BGM: Sound Stripped Bell


A considerable number of Iblis Eaters started to attack all of them. With a command, Victoria made Asterius send them a little away with a backhand swing. She seemed to enjoy the scene.



Victoria: Ahhhh... nothing beats the refreshing scent of a battle going wild! This is going to get truuuuuuuuly rough and it'll be for them!!


The Eaters were rushing more at the others than at her. But Victoria made sure that she wouldn't lose one of them. Asterius punched, shot flames out of its horns and even burned them with lasers. As for Anna, who had no fighting abilities, she could just make a shield to defend herself.



Anna: Y-Yes, it is good to meet you once again, Mr. LightFlare. But by all means, this is not a good time for reminiscing, unfortunately.


Mephilia and Argento, who were already rushing towards the streets of Crisis City, were being attacked by Eaters as well.



Argento: Foul, insolent beasts... they really do not fear death.

Mephilia: I suppose not.


Argento: Well then, I will give them a taste of my blade and I will make sure they will rust into it!


Both took their blades and started to attack. Argento had really fast movements, so if they tried to get him by surprise, he evaded and reacted at will. As for Mephilia, she used a Blue Truth to reduce her own damage by 30%. Even though it wasn't much, she couldn't exceed that limit.

  • World: Multiversal Netherworld
  • Location: Scarlet Megalopolis Ruins

BGM: Bore ral still playing



Magio: Necrox? Necrox! Damn, respond me already!


Magio walked through the ruins while calling for his brother, but he received no response. His worriness was growing, as he even feared that Necrox could have been killed.



Magio: (There are signs of battle- or rather, signs of war all around. The city is completely destroyed, probably inhabited by ghosts, vengeful spirits and what more along those lines...)


Magio: (Necrox... for everything that I believe, be alive.)


Renko, Maribel and the rest were a little far from Magio. But the scene was so catastrophic that the entire place looked like a maze.



Maribel: Magio? Magio? Where are you?


Renko: T-That car l-looks just like the other one we passed. A-And that building... i-it's the same!


Maribel: Oh no. How are we to find him now?

Giovanni: Just follow me.


Sitiing atop of a car, Giovanni looked at them. He spoke pretty sure, knowing what they wanted.



Maribel: Excuse me, but who are you?


Giovanni: My name is Giovanni. I'm a friend of Magio. I would love to introduce myself with more details, but we gotta go to him now.


Renko: A-A-Are you a... d-d-d-demon?!


Giovanni: Nope. Not anymore. Now let's hurry.


Maribel: Mr. Giovanni, is something going on?


He nodded and pointed behind him. A large, brute shadow was seen in the horizon, coming towards the ruins at a fast speed.





Maribel: W-What is that?!


Giovanni: No time to explain. Now, c'mon! This way!


He jumped off the car and ran towards the northeast. Maribel and Renko went right after him, as they needed to find Magio...

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Sound Stripped Bell continues playing...



During his conversation with Anna, Lightflare senses something approaching. He abrubtly stops the conversation.


Sorry, Anna but something is heading our way. We can  reminisce later.


LightFlare dashes off into the direction of the dark energy to find the other fighters were engaged in battle. He hadn't a chance to meet the others formally, but actions speak louder than words...



LightFlare tightens his headband. He remembers when an "old friend" gave it to him. It's a constant reminder that he must always do his best no matter what. To protect...the ones who depend on him...



For the ones...that that truly love him...



LightFlare charges up and prepares to engage!






LightFlare assults the Iblis hounds! 

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Suddenly, an helicopter came into view. WHY is was there and WHAT is was there for was a mystery.


???: Do you REALLY think it was such a good idea to make IT the pilot?


???: tOMmiE Is AlWAYS sURE! tOmmiE JUsT mAD ThA bEst DECiSHUn EVEr SINCE Tom FLAkeS were MAde!




???: duh... dont worry guys ive got this!

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