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Maribel: W-Well, my name is Maribel Hearn. I... actually have little idea of how I ended up here. And I just appeared in here and the monster decided to chase me, so...


Argento's Battle BGM: Night Walker


Then, a black flash went directly into the Shadow Stalker, pushing it a little away from the others. When that black flash returned to the ground, it was Argento, pointing his Keyblade to the giant Heartless standing in front of him.



Argento: Ridiculous... foolish being...


Seeing his Keyblade, the Shadow Stalker let out a high-pitched scream and then sent his chains after Argento. The latter didn't made any effort, he just turned his head and body to evade without leaving the place.



Argento: Is this all you can do?


Then, all chains were sent at once. With a swift movement, he evaded all of them and managed to pin them on the ground. Then, he jumped on them, ran to the Shadow Stalker and dealt a quick combination of thrusts.



Maribel: He is dealing so easily with that thing.

Renko: Merry!!


Then, Renko came to Maribel and hugged her. After a while, she let go of her friend.



Renko: Oh, thank the Gods!! I was so worried!!


Maribel: Me too... I wasn't able to know what I should do...


Renko: But now we should leave this to the pros. Right, Magio?


Maribel: Did you say... Magio?

Magio's Battle BGM: Crimson Blitz


Then, a white flash assaulted the Shadow Stalker. It passed so fast through it that it looked like many lasers being shot at it. On the last slash, the flash descended and revealed itself to be Magio.



Argento: You are late.


Magio: And you're stubborn for not waiting me.


Argento: It is not my fault.


Magio; Whatever.


And then, the Shadow Stalker let out a high-pitched scream once again. But now, a giant horde of other Heartless went towards Yamazaki and the others, preventing them to reach Magio, Argento and the Shadow Stalker.



Argento: So, you wish a duel with us. Do not go getting so confident!


Magio: Let's finish this thing and this Distortion!!


Both Keybladers started to fly in the air and charged at the Shadow Stalker. Magio was the first one to attack and used a Spell Card, the way he unleashed his power.



Magio: To begin wild!! Comet "Galaxy Locus!!


Lasers from many colors of the known spectrum raised from the ground, surrounding the Shadow Stalker, as multi-colored big stars attacked it from many directions. Even if it is a beautiful image, the power behind those colors was big.

Argento: I will do the encore! Assassination "Terre Promise"!!


Charged with dark energy, Argento dashed at the Shadow Stalker and stbbed it with his Keyblade. From inside, bursts of darkness exploded, as the Stalker kept screaming at the assault both were doing.


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After Maribel is reunited with her friend, a horde of more Heartless are unleashed, and Malin finally decides to take matters into her own hands........



"You gonna try to pull a fast one on us, huh, freak?! Well........."





Malin surprised the next wave of creatures by pulling out a gargantuan hammer from out of nowhere. She slammed her hammer against several of the Heartless, a multitude of times, demolishing most of the incoming horde in the process, leaving an unlucky few to be slashed to pieces by Yamazaki.



"Oh, I'm really feeling it now! Don't take up most of the monsters, Malin, I'm still itching for a battle!"


Peko could do nothing but watch in stunned silence after the Heartless were defeated in one swift blow, not realizing that Magio and Argento needed help finishing off the Shadow Stalker.





Little did they know that someone from afar was watching the events unfold.........




"Huh. Didn't think anyone else noticed the portal. Good thing no one else followed me. The Legion Corps would kill me if they found out that I snuck off without them! But anyways, enough of that, let's see what I can do to help these guys.........oh, yeah.....Command Magic, First Movement!"


Suddenly, the Shadow Stalker' darte away from Magio and Argento and attacked the remainder of the Heartless.......with Fuyuhiko and Peko being the first ones to notice.......



"What the hell?! Now that thing's attacking those creatures it sent out!"



"Wait a minute! Magio! Argento! Finish the Shadow Stalker off while its distracted! Something's up with it!"



OOC: Bonus points given to the first person to send me a PM guessing who the mystery character is. :)


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(as the gang fights, one member can't avoid but notice Malin's hammer)

latest?cb=20151201091453  (snaps a Metal Primid's neck) Whoaaa! a cool hammer! where can I afford one?

latest?cb=20150830061835 What are you doing!? don't get distracted (using a rubber chicken to beat a Primid) altough I do have to admit that's a cool hammer


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It took just a few moments prior to the Shadow Stalker's possession for Malin to notice the other team that had arrived........



"Hey, you asking about my hammer? It's custom-made! I'd give you more details, but my crew's in the middle of destroying these creatures!"



"Wait a minute........Didn't I see the red guy over at Geese's HQ? What are you up to........"

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While repelling the Heartless, suddenly a huge, black tentacle grabbed Dusk and pulled him far away from the group.

oie_transparent__2__by_duckmann18-d9p082"WHAT THE F***? AAAAAHH"

The giant tentacle then proceeds to drain his dark power. Dusk was unable to do anything as he has lost his power. As he was struggling to break free from these tentacles, he starts to lose conciousness. He then tried to identify the source of the tentacle before fainting, but the only thing he could see was a silhouette of a young girl.

images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQcfPiAtOYGBnj0z-3WQiz"Tee-hee... you will be my servant!"


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11 hours ago, TotalDramaXtremist said:

It took just a few moments prior to the Shadow Stalker's possession for Malin to notice the other team that had arrived........



"Hey, you asking about my hammer? It's custom-made! I'd give you more details, but my crew's in the middle of destroying these creatures!"



"Wait a minute........Didn't I see the red guy over at Geese's HQ? What are you up to........"

latest?cb=20150830061835 what? I don't know you at all....and if you ask what I and my buds Yang, Vezon, Mirror Knight, Trap-Jaw and....this guy


latest?cb=20140106220431 My name's Wizrock! the Wizard Rock!



okay thanks, I, Yang, Vezon, Mirror Knight, Trap-Jaw and Wizrock have joined the Unlimited Force and we're helping them, now if you excuse me (drives a dagger down a Fire Primid's throat)

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It took even less time for Yamazaki to notice more enemies had arrived in the form of Fire Primids, though they've appeared to come from another portal not too far off.......



"Hey, blondie! Nutcracker at 3'o clock!"



"Gotcha covered, Yamazaki! Hey, Yang, are you and Deadpool willing to help out?"


While the next wave of enemies get bludgeoned by the KOF duo, the stranger from afar moved towards the Shadow Stalker and continued to control the creature without being spotted.



"This is great! Now to keep this thing from attacking the others......they look like they could still use my help....."


The Shadow Stalker was then instructed to stay still while the others went ahead to finish it off.

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2 hours ago, Captain Papyrus said:

OOC: No idea, but I know that YokuMan can play a sad melody on the world's smallest violin.
...don't ask me where he got that from. I don't know either.

OOC (even thought I'm not RPing): You got that from Resevoir Dogs.

Image result for howard dean yell gif





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*Ooc, hope this thred is still alive, it sounds fun. On that note. I've been reading up a lot on this thing I can't do pictures, but I can do descriptions, please tell me if my character is to god like, don't want to step on anyone's toes.


In the middle of no where, a figure materializes, a sword casually at his side, a pocket demention strapped to his back.

"Hmm, what is this place? How did I end up here? hee looks around to find himself being rapidly swarmed by ant looking creatures... And another thing, why the hell does this kind of thing happen to me? He thought.

Leaping away from one of the ant things attacks, he made a snap disision. Whatever these things are, I don't think my swords will be enough to take them out, but perhaps my necromancers setup might be enough. Just one clay man...

As he completed the leap attack, his blade killed off a weeker ant looking creature.

He nitted his brows in consentration, forming the clay man from the dust that lingered around the current place. and it was a good thing he had did it in time for a neo shadow almost had him. The creature was deflected by the forming clay man at the last second as the lowly minion took the damage.

*thought bubble* Hmm, let's hope the clay man can hold... long enough... he begins to swop... the clay man falls, and the ant things rush him. Before they can close the gap, he completes the swop and fires a barrage of blue darts.

excellent, the darts seem to be holding them, now let's see. He began summoning minions. Soon he had a wood woad, 1 skeleton warrior, a vampire, and a ebany scaled demon. Behind his wall of minions, he smiled. Let's party, suckers!

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Magio: I'll end this now!!


Argento: (Time for the final blow.)


Magio flew towards the Shadow Stalker, the Keyblade emanating a brilliant light. Once reaching it, he hit it straight with a kick and then many faint and narrow spotlights covered the being.



Magio: Ars Arcanum!!


The entire world went black, leaving them to watch the Shadow Stalker floating in space. Suddenly, a white flash passed by it. And another one came. And soon, the monster was assaulted by the flashes many times to count. One could say that, by the speed of the flash, it was hitting the mark of 999 hits. On the 999th, the flash passed once again and revealed itself to be Magio.



Magio: Dweller of the darkness... I will drown you in the eternal light that comes from my blade!!


A final slash and then a giant pillar of light rose under the Shadow Stalker, engulfing it in its brilliance. The monster roared loudly as it started to disintegrate and disappear.





Maribel: Such light.... it's so powerful... did he became some kind of god?!


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Looking over his minions, the warrior necromancer smiled.

These ant looking creatures look easy! I just wish I knew more about them... and another thing... where are there hearts? Oh, and if they don't have hearts, than why is it possible to do a soulsteel? Granted I love me some soulstones... but still! This is a bit... weird... The best I can come up with would be demons, but how?

Even if there dark, demons do have hearts, they're black... but still hearts.

As the last ant looking creature was offed by a fireball, he looked to find a tentacle headed towards him.

Ah no you don't!

He prepared to cast a fireball spell and releace it when the tentacle thrust a captive human in the way of the spell.

Okay... didn't see that coming, okay... time for plan B.

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Dusk wakes up and finds himself in some kind of cage. He tries to move but the tentacles is still wrapping around him. Then, he sees a little girl, walking towards him. Even though she looked innocent, Dusk just had a bad feeling about this by looking at her malicious eyes.

oie_transparent__2__by_duckmann18-d9p082"...Where am I...? Who are you...?"

nemesis__to_love_ru_darkness__by_newgame*giggles* "My name is Nemesis...I am your master..."

Nemesis then proceeds to cast some kind of charm spell on him. Subsequently, Dusk's eyes turned gold, as the result of being charmed by Nemesis.

oie_transparent__2__by_duckmann18-d9p082"...My master... What is it that you desire most?"

nemesis__to_love_ru_darkness__by_newgame"Bring your friends here. We are going to have alot of fun..." *giggles*


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All the group could do was stare in awe as the Shadow Stalker disappeared, taking the Fire Primids with it.


"Holy crap! That was amazing Magio!"



"Well, you showed that freak what's for! Though I would have preferred to finish it off myself! Say, did anyone find that talking Hedgehog yet?"


"I'm afraid while Maribel had her reunion with Renko, the rest of us couldn't locate him, unfortunately."


"All we saw was his staff, and even then there was no sign of Dusk. I don't think he's even here in the portal anymore!"



"That's not the only strange thing. Did you see how the Shadow Stalker was behaving before Magio destroyed it? It was attacking the Heartless! It seemed bit off if you ask me."


"Yeah, what the heck was going on?"


????: "Maybe I could answer that question for you guys."



"Wha?! Who said that?!"


The group turned around to see another person move out of the shadows.....



"It was a lot easier than I thought to take control of that thing. I almost didn't think my Command Magic would work properly. The Holy Tact never fails!"



"Excuse me, but who are you?"



"The name's Mary Hughes, member of the Legion Corps!" 

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Brace yourselves team, we got a fight, you ready Wade? (spins his staff, before aiming the blade portion at the enemies)



You bet'cha! (prepares a katana and a shotgun, fully loaded) come at me, you up for rumble Yangs?



You know I am! (bangs her Ember Celica) I bet Weiss would love this, are you ready Mirror Man?




Bring it on! Trap-Jaw! you and Wizrock locate Dusk, we'll get rid of this pests (goes into battle stance)



OKAY! (grabs Wizrock and starts searching) REMEMBER, IF YOU SEE SOMETHING SUSPICIOUS, KILL IT


latest?cb=20140106220431 understood!

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Meanwhile, in Pandora's trap

N8qxJqv.pngDarn, we're taking too much time.

PFMhrL1.pngNever thought a pixelated mess could give us so much trouble.

RAj8kpF.pngWHO DO YOU CALL A MESS?! *rushes towards NailMan*


9qylvbJ.pngDarn. C'mon, you lazies. Let us finally do something that gives us the advantage for once.

urfx8xx.pngWHO THE HECK DO YOU CALL LAZY?! *prepares to swing the head hammer*

9qylvbJ.pngOh, you gotta be kidding me!

Just when HammerMan was about to slam NailMan, NailMan got hit by Pandora's tackle. However, Pandora ended up right under HammerMan's hammer, and in the blink of an eye, the only thing left of Pandora is what looks like as if someone destroyed a blocky vase.
With Pandora's defeat, the trap then vanished, with the Unlimited Force members ending up on the place, where Hewdra was defeated.

u4EsOao.pngAnd another job well done, guys. But are you okay, NailMan?

HrlMGDR.pngYeah, I'm fine. Was only a tackle, after all. Getting hit by the flames would have causes more trouble due to having contact with fire for a longer time than a quick hit from a tackle...

8ar9neR.pngWell then, now to find the source of all the trouble.

Unknown voice: If you mean the one who has sent Hewdra, Pandora and Thanatos, then you have already found the culprit.

Suddenly, right in front of the Unlimited Force appeared a purple-skinned woman with robes reaking out of darkness and snakes growing out of her head as if they're hair.

cV7CjoP.pngI do have to admit. I'm surprised that you puny human-created robots managed two of my three commanders.

u4EsOao.pngWell, just what I thought, if Hewdra and Pandora are revived, then Thanatos and Medusa are revived as well. Now only to find out how.

tOe0O9E.pngNot even I am fully familiar with the method, but it has something to do with "Time Rifts". But I can confirm that my commanders revived me this time around.

u4EsOao.pngWell, at least Hades is to dead to be revived at this point.

tOe0O9E.pngEven I'm glad that he's dead. He was getting on my nerves.

OOC: No, I will not bring back Hades from the death. Deal with it.

o6onG2J.pngToo bad I cannot just let you robots alive. Enjoy Distortion!

Suddenly, YokuMan and the rest were teleported into the Distortion. Thankfully, they teleport to their friends just in time!


LG1wLF4.pngHehe, thanks. But sadly, Medusa was revived as well. Oh, and Thanatos is back, but unlike Medusa, we haven't met Thanatos yet.

OOC: I will reveal Thanatos eventually, so please wait.

P4yIXrv.pngUhm...guys, look at that hedgehog dude.

Just in time, the Unlimited Force noticed Dusk, who tried to lure the group into a place. And they noticed that something was suspicious in Dusk's eyes. As if they are not his own.
TrinitroMan then proceeds to shoot a warning blast at the yellow-eyed Dusk.

pi5Wlrr.pngStop right here, Dusker! I have no idea where you are trying to lure us into, but I'm sure the place you want to lure us into is some kind of trap!

bX7E6Ba.pngMagio, Argento, Deadpool, and everyone else who are our allies, watch out for Dusk! I get the feeling he's being brainwashed by some evil.

Will Magio and his friends as well as the Unlimited Force manage to solve the mystery case of the yellow-eyed Dusk? What is it with the Time Rifts that Medusa was talking about? And why did the President grab Raiden's crotch? Stay tuned!

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The group collectively seemed confused at this revelation, though Mary didn't seem very fazed by it........



"Brainwashed you say, let's put that theory to the test then........."



"Whoa, whoa, whoa! I almost forgot to ask, but that was you controlling that monster earlier?"



"Yup, that was me! It was nothing my Holy Tact couldn't handle, so I helped you guys out. Now......Command Magic! First Movement!"


As Mary tried to take control of Dusk, she suddenly felt a power struggle with some other entity. The Legion Corps member was quick to withdraw from Dusk's subconscious......



"Okay, your hedgehog friend is definitely brainwashed. Anyone have any ideas?"

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7 hours ago, DuckMannnn said:

Dusk suddenly appears from nowhere. Following Nemesis' orders, he attempts to lure the group into her place.

oie_transparent__2__by_duckmann18_d9p082"Guys... I found something cool... Follow me..."




latest?cb=20140106220431 (hops into Dusk's arms) hey! cool! we found it, now what's the cool thing?

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4 hours ago, TotalDramaXtremist said:

The group collectively seemed confused at this revelation, though Mary didn't seem very fazed by it........



"Brainwashed you say, let's put that theory to the test then........."



"Whoa, whoa, whoa! I almost forgot to ask, but that was you controlling that monster earlier?"



"Yup, that was me! It was nothing my Holy Tact couldn't handle, so I helped you guys out. Now......Command Magic! First Movement!"


As Mary tried to take control of Dusk, she suddenly felt a power struggle with some other entity. The Legion Corps member was quick to withdraw from Dusk's subconscious......



"Okay, your hedgehog friend is definitely brainwashed. Anyone have any ideas?"

latest?cb=20150830061835 Hmmmm........nah........maybe........it's still dangerous.......Yang! what do you think?


latest?cb=20151201091453 Uhhh....just to clarify, what's the big idea?


latest?cb=20150830061835 Use my magic satchel of neverending weaponry to knock Dusk out, then de-brainwash him


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P4yIXrv.png*quickly takes Wizrock away from Dusk* Not so fast, cha-hnng, I can't believe that you are a literal rock. And quite heavy for your size! But seriously, Wizrock. Dusk is brainwashed and whoever his temporary master is wants to lure us into a trap.

u4EsOao.pngRegarding the de-brainwashing part, I think we know someone who can do just that, but I need to run through our database first in order to be sure. *proceeds to browse through the database*

LG1wLF4.pngI wonder...shall we do the first move or wait for Dusk's move so we can counter-attack?

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